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/ MACD 5 / MACD 5.bin / spisy / amiga_format_cd / af12.lha / afcd12
Text File  |  1997-09-16  |  1MB  |  15,807 lines

  1.      -coverdisks- (dir)
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  105.        subsdisk.info                    
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  165.                       l04p28.tle                       
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  1084.                          pccd (dir)
  1085.                            cdreadme.txt                     mscdex.exe
  1086.                            vide-cdd.sys                     
  1087.                          reversi (dir)
  1088.                            cactus.rev                       details.rev
  1089.                            hall.rev                         introduc.rev
  1090.                            letters.rev                      numbers.rev
  1091.                            reversi.com                      reversi.rev
  1092.                            scores.rev                       scores1.rev
  1093.                            scores2.rev                      
  1094.                       amiga_windoze_blank.lha          connect4.com
  1095.                       invaders.exe                     
  1096.                     ibem120 (dir)
  1097.                       demoversion.doc                  demoversion.doc.info
  1098.                       ibem                             ibem000
  1099.                       update.txt                       update.txt.info
  1100.                     pc-task4_demo (dir)
  1101.                       pc-taskdemo_dynamic              pc-taskdemo_dynamic.info
  1102.                       pc-taskdemo_interpretive         pc-taskdemo_interpretive.info
  1103.                       readme.demo                      readme.demo.info
  1104.                     pc-taskdemo2 (dir)
  1105.                       leaveslowfast                    leaveslowfast.doc
  1106.                       leaveslowfast.doc.info           leaveslowfast.info
  1107.                       pc-task.history                  pc-taskdemo
  1108.                       pc-taskdemo.info                 readme
  1109.                       readme.info                      register
  1110.                       register.info                    tdpatch1213
  1111.                       tdpatch1213.doc                  tdpatch1213.doc.info
  1112.                       tdpatch1213.info                 
  1113.                     pc-taskdemo3.1 (dir)
  1114.                       leaveslowfast                    leaveslowfast.doc
  1115.                       leaveslowfast.doc.info           leaveslowfast.info
  1116.                       pc-taskdemo                      pc-taskdemo.info
  1117.                       readme.demo                      readme.demo.info
  1118.                       readme.demo_deu                  readme.demo_deu.info
  1119.                       tdpatch1213                      tdpatch1213.doc
  1120.                       tdpatch1213.doc.info             tdpatch1213.info
  1121.                     pcx_demo (dir)
  1122.                          pc_emu (dir)
  1123.                               bios (dir)
  1124.                                 pcxbios                          
  1125.                               devs (dir)
  1126.                                 devs.lha                         
  1127.                               displaydrivers (dir)
  1128.                                 displaydrivers.lha               
  1129.                               documentation (dir)
  1130.                                 docs.lha                         pcx.guide
  1131.                                 pcx.guide.info                   pcx_advanced
  1132.                                 pcx_bios                         pcx_configuration
  1133.                                 pcx_devices                      pcx_devinfo
  1134.                                 pcx_floppy                       pcx_memory
  1135.                                 pcx_peripherals                  pcx_ports
  1136.                                 pcx_setuphf                      pcx_setvmode
  1137.                                 pcx_sound                        pcx_video
  1138.                                 pcx_vidinfo                      show
  1139.                               hardfiles (dir)
  1140.                                 readme.txt                       
  1141.                               libs (dir)
  1142.                                 libs.lha                         
  1143.                            documentation.info               pcsx.lha
  1144.                            pcsx_demo.info                   pcx.lha
  1145.                            pcx_demo.info                    
  1146.                          pc_utils (dir)
  1147.                            drvrinfo.txt                     drvrinfo.txt.info
  1148.                            drvrs.lha                        pcxafs.com
  1149.                            pcxansi.sys                      readme_first!.txt
  1150.                            readme_first!.txt.info           
  1151.                       changes.txt                      changes.txt.info
  1152.                       demo_readme!.txt                 demo_readme!.txt.info
  1153.                       disk.info                        harddisk_installer
  1154.                       harddisk_installer.info          iconx
  1155.                       installer                        installerscript
  1156.                       lhex                             lhex.doc
  1157.                       ordering!!                       ordering!!.info
  1158.                       pc_emu.info                      pc_utils.info
  1159.                       readme.first!                    readme.first!.info
  1160.                     pc_programs (dir)
  1161.                          arj (dir)
  1162.                            arj.exe                          
  1163.                          drilldemo (dir)
  1164.                            d1                               d2
  1165.                            drilldem.com                     
  1166.                          platformdemo (dir)
  1167.                            escahead.exe                     escmcga.exe
  1168.                            escmono.exe                      esctrid.exe
  1169.                            esctseng.exe                     readme.bat
  1170.                            register.me                      
  1171.                          wolfie (dir)
  1172.                            audiohed.wl1                     audiot.wl1
  1173.                            config.wl1                       maphead.wl1
  1174.                            maptemp.wl1                      readme.wl1
  1175.                            savegam0.wl1                     vgadict.wl1
  1176.                            vgagraph.wl1                     vgahead.wl1
  1177.                            vswap.wl1                        wolf3d.exe
  1178.                       arj.info                         drilldemo.info
  1179.                       platformdemo.info                wolfie.info
  1180.                  bridgeboards.info                convert.info
  1181.                  for_msdos.info                   ibem120.info
  1182.                  pc-task4_demo.info               pc-taskdemo2.info
  1183.                  pc-taskdemo3.1.info              pcx_demo.info
  1184.                  pc_programs.info                 
  1185.                spectrum (dir)
  1186.                     betadisk (dir)
  1187.                       betadisk                         betadisk_de.txt
  1188.                       betadisk_engl.txt                betadisk_engl.txt.info
  1189.                       getfreezer                       getfreezer_de.txt
  1190.                       getfreezer_eng.txt               getfreezer_eng.txt.info
  1191.                       readme.first                     readme.first.info
  1192.                       zuerst.lesen                     
  1193.                     emu_97 (dir)
  1194.                          spec (dir)
  1195.                            asm.a                            asm.o
  1196.                            copper.c                         c_stubs.o
  1197.                            defs.h                           dmakefile
  1198.                            envdata.i                        gfx.c
  1199.                            init.c                           intuiloop.c
  1200.                            keys.a                           main.c
  1201.                            screen.a                         utility.o
  1202.                            z80.h                            z80.i
  1203.                            z80.o.full.00                    z80.o.full.30
  1204.                            z80.o.nobcd.00                   z80.o.nobcd.30
  1205.                            z80_struct.i                     
  1206.                          z80 (dir)
  1207.                            cache.txt                        c_stubs.a
  1208.                            diffs.txt                        distant.a
  1209.                            dmakefile                        envdata.i
  1210.                            extern_instr.a                   files
  1211.                            generic_macs.i                   impldept.a
  1212.                            machine_macs.i                   notes.txt
  1213.                            poster                           prefix_decode.a
  1214.                            readme                           std_instr.a
  1215.                            std_offsets.a                    tables.a
  1216.                            todo                             undoc_instr.a
  1217.                            user.i                           utility.a
  1218.                            z80.a                            z80.doc
  1219.                            z80.h                            z80.i
  1220.                            z80_coding.i                     z80_signals.txt
  1221.                            z80_struct.i                     
  1222.                       readme                           readme.info
  1223.                       spec.full.00                     spec.full.30
  1224.                       spec.nobcd.00                    spec.nobcd.30
  1225.                       spectrum.rom                     
  1226.                     games (dir)
  1227.                       dictator.z80                     gamenote.doc
  1228.                       gregory.z80                      jumbly.z80
  1229.                       maziacs.z80                      meteoroi.z80
  1230.                       popeye.z80                       spawn.z80
  1231.                       tanx.z80                         trap2.z80
  1232.                       trapdoor.z80                     z80let1.txt
  1233.                     readplus (dir)
  1234.                       readplusd                        readplusd.doc
  1235.                       readplusd.doc.info               readplusd.mod
  1236.                     sinclair (dir)
  1237.                          designdesign (dir)
  1238.                            2112.snapshot                    2112.text
  1239.                            2112.text.info                   bodysnatchas.z80
  1240.                            darkstar.snapshot                darkstar.text
  1241.                            darkstar.text.info               hallsofthethings.z80
  1242.                            returnofthethings.z80            
  1243.                          netted_snaps (dir)
  1244.                            booty.z80                        goldmine.txt
  1245.                            goldmine.txt.info                goldmine.z80
  1246.                            spectacle.z80                    spectacle2.z80
  1247.                       designdesign.info                netted_snaps.info
  1248.                     speccylator (dir)
  1249.                          docs (dir)
  1250.                            speccylator.doc                  speccylator.dvi
  1251.                            speccylator.guide                speccylator.guide.info
  1252.                          icons (dir)
  1253.                            4_colour_icon.info               8_colour_icon.info
  1254.                            magicwb_icon.info                
  1255.                       bugs                             distribution_notes
  1256.                       docs.info                        icons.info
  1257.                       snapshot_demo.sna                snapshot_demo.sna.info
  1258.                       speccylator                      speccylator-00
  1259.                       speccylator-00.info              speccylator-00q
  1260.                       speccylator-00q.info             speccylator.info
  1261.                       spectrum.rom                     
  1262.                     spectrum2iff (dir)
  1263.                       spectrum2iff                     spectrum2iff.c
  1264.                       spectrum2iff.doc                 spectrum2iff.doc.info
  1265.                     spectrumfaq (dir)
  1266.                       copyrightfaq.html                permits.html
  1267.                       spec_3_0.faq                     spec_3_0.faq.info
  1268.                     spectrum_programs (dir)
  1269.                          vortex (dir)
  1270.                            alienh.sna                       and1intr.sna
  1271.                            android1.sna                     android2.sna
  1272.                            cyclone.sna                      deflekt.sna
  1273.                            hate.sna                         highway.sna
  1274.                            history.txt                      history.txt.info
  1275.                            rev.sna                          titles.txt
  1276.                            titles.txt.info                  tll.sna
  1277.                            vortex.txt                       vortex.txt.info
  1278.                          zxtools (dir)
  1279.                               grab (dir)
  1280.                                 gb                               gbs
  1281.                                 merlinzxtoamigacode.if1          merlinzxtoamigaprog.if1
  1282.                               killdevs (dir)
  1283.                                 kill                             remdev
  1284.                               merlin (dir)
  1285.                                 merlin                           merlinprog.if1
  1286.                               merlinorig (dir)
  1287.                                 merlin.000                       merlin.001
  1288.                               pikasm (dir)
  1289.                                 pikasm                           pikasmcode.if1
  1290.                                 pikasmprog.if1                   
  1291.                               pikasmmanczech (dir)
  1292.                                    topazkoi8cs (dir)
  1293.                                      8                                
  1294.                                 pikasmmanual                     topazkoi8cs.font
  1295.                               readsend (dir)
  1296.                                 brutal.device                    rs.brutal
  1297.                                 rs.system                        
  1298.                               src (dir)
  1299.                                 grabber.s                        remdev.s
  1300.                                 zxcomm.s                         
  1301.                               vast (dir)
  1302.                                 vast                             vastcode.if1
  1303.                                 vastprog.if1                     
  1304.                               vat (dir)
  1305.                                 vat                              vatcode.if1
  1306.                                 vatprog.if1                      
  1307.                            zxtools.readme                   zxtools.readme.info
  1308.                       macspeccy1.1.sit.hqx             
  1309.                     speculator (dir)
  1310.                          basicfiles (dir)
  1311.                            charset                          drum ed
  1312.                            runaway                          runaway c
  1313.                            set loader                       speedtest
  1314.                            testtime.z80                     wall
  1315.                            wall0                            wall1
  1316.                            wall2                            wallc
  1317.                            wallg                            
  1318.                          docs (dir)
  1319.                            betabasic.doc                    betabasic.doc.info
  1320.                            db25.iff                         db25.iff.info
  1321.                            db9.iff                          db9.iff.info
  1322.                            serial.doc                       serial.doc.info
  1323.                            spec97.guide                     spec97.guide.info
  1324.                            spectrum128.iff                  spectrum128.iff.info
  1325.                            za80.doc                         za80.doc.info
  1326.                            zxinterface1.iff                 zxinterface1.iff.info
  1327.                            zxmit.doc                        zxmit.doc.info
  1328.                          fonts (dir)
  1329.                               zx8 (dir)
  1330.                                 8                                zx8
  1331.                            zx8.font                         
  1332.                          mgt-handler (dir)
  1333.                               l (dir)
  1334.                                 spfilesystem                     
  1335.                               storage (dir)
  1336.                                    dosdrivers (dir)
  1337.                                      sp0                              sp0.info
  1338.                                      sp1                              sp1.info
  1339.                                 dosdrivers.info                  
  1340.                            storage.info                     
  1341.                          prefs (dir)
  1342.                               env-archive (dir)
  1343.                                    speculator (dir)
  1344.                                      def_zx82.info                    
  1345.                                 speculator.info                  
  1346.                            env-archive.info                 
  1347.                          snapshots (dir)
  1348.                            astroball                        astroball.info
  1349.                            battleadventure                  battleadventure.info
  1350.                            betabasic3+demo                  betabasic3+demo.info
  1351.                            bomber                           bomber.info
  1352.                            escape_quill                     escape_quill.info
  1353.                            kolumns                          kolumns.info
  1354.                            matt lucas p.i.                  matt lucas p.i..info
  1355.                            runawayrobot                     runawayrobot.info
  1356.                            smashout                         smashout.info
  1357.                            starbase5                        starbase5.info
  1358.                            tycoon                           tycoon.info
  1359.                            ultimatewarrior                  ultimatewarrior.info
  1360.                          utilities (dir)
  1361.                            za80                             za80.info
  1362.                            zxmit                            zxmit.info
  1363.                            zxscreen                         zxscreen.info
  1364.                          za80 (dir)
  1365.                            circle.asm                       circle.asm.info
  1366.                            explo.asm                        explo.asm.info
  1367.                            fastfill.asm                     fastfill.asm.info
  1368.                            file.asm                         file.asm.info
  1369.                            file.zx                          file.zx.info
  1370.                            fill$                            fill$.info
  1371.                            intclock.asm                     intclock.asm.info
  1372.                            zxsearch.asm                     zxsearch.asm.info
  1373.                            zxsearch.list                    zxsearch.list.info
  1374.                            zxsearch.zx                      zxsearch.zx.info
  1375.                          zx_datatype (dir)
  1376.                               arexx (dir)
  1377.                                 savescreen$.zxam                 
  1378.                               classes (dir)
  1379.                                    datatypes (dir)
  1380.                                      zx.datatype                      
  1381.                               devs (dir)
  1382.                                    datatypes (dir)
  1383.                                      zx                               zx.info
  1384.                               pictures (dir)
  1385.                                 artist.zx                        bombjack.zx
  1386.                                 commando86.zx                    empire.zx
  1387.                                 explodingfist.zx                 girl.zx
  1388.                                 skatecrazy.zx                    
  1389.                            install zx datatype              install zx datatype.info
  1390.                            pictures.info                    zx_datatype.guide
  1391.                            zx_datatype.guide.info           
  1392.                       basicfiles.info                  disk.info
  1393.                       docs.info                        install
  1394.                       install.info                     makeassign
  1395.                       makeassign.info                  mgt-handler.info
  1396.                       prefs.info                       snapshots.info
  1397.                       speculator                       speculator.info
  1398.                       utilities.info                   za80.info
  1399.                       zx_datatype.info                 
  1400.                     zx+3_manual (dir)
  1401.                       chapter1                         chapter10
  1402.                       chapter2                         chapter3
  1403.                       chapter4                         chapter5
  1404.                       chapter6                         chapter7
  1405.                       chapter8.part1                   chapter8.part10
  1406.                       chapter8.part11                  chapter8.part12
  1407.                       chapter8.part13                  chapter8.part14
  1408.                       chapter8.part15                  chapter8.part16
  1409.                       chapter8.part17                  chapter8.part18
  1410.                       chapter8.part19                  chapter8.part2
  1411.                       chapter8.part20                  chapter8.part21
  1412.                       chapter8.part22                  chapter8.part23
  1413.                       chapter8.part24                  chapter8.part25
  1414.                       chapter8.part26                  chapter8.part27
  1415.                       chapter8.part28                  chapter8.part29
  1416.                       chapter8.part3                   chapter8.part30
  1417.                       chapter8.part31                  chapter8.part32
  1418.                       chapter8.part33                  chapter8.part4
  1419.                       chapter8.part5                   chapter8.part6
  1420.                       chapter8.part7                   chapter8.part8
  1421.                       chapter8.part9                   chapter9
  1422.                       contents                         how.to.use
  1423.                       introduction                     original.contents
  1424.                       readme                           transcription.guide
  1425.                       transcription.guide.info         
  1426.                     zxam_newint (dir)
  1427.                       interface.iff                    interface.iff.info
  1428.                       zxam_newint.doc                  zxam_newint.doc.info
  1429.                     zxspectrum (dir)
  1430.                       keys.bru                         overlay.bru
  1431.                       readme                           readme.info
  1432.                       speccy.iob                       spectrum.bru
  1433.                  betadisk.info                    emu_97.info
  1434.                  games.info                       pikasmmanczech.lha
  1435.                  readplus.info                    sinclair.info
  1436.                  speccylator.info                 spectrum2iff.info
  1437.                  spectrumfaq.info                 spectrum_programs.info
  1438.                  speculator.info                  zx+3_manual.info
  1439.                  zxam_newint.info                 zxspectrum.info
  1440.                ss-complistv1.2 (dir)
  1441.                  action                           adventure
  1442.                  child                            clones
  1443.                  compatibility                    compatibility.info
  1444.                  manager                          misc
  1445.                  readme                           role
  1446.                  simulation                       sport
  1447.                  sscomplist.readme                strategy
  1448.                wzonkalad (dir)
  1449.                     cartridges (dir)
  1450.                       tictac.gb                        
  1451.                     fonts (dir)
  1452.                          wzonka (dir)
  1453.                            8                                
  1454.                       wzonka.font                      
  1455.                     icons (dir)
  1456.                       wzonkalad_i.info                 wzonkalad_ii.info
  1457.                     libs (dir)
  1458.                       lowlevel.library                 
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  1856.                  ibsupport.library                readme.html
  1857.                voyager (dir)
  1858.                     cache (dir)
  1859.                       url-history.1                    
  1860.                     plugins (dir)
  1861.                       search.vplug                     
  1862.                     register-voyager (dir)
  1863.                       registrationutility              registrationutility.info
  1864.                       reg_english.doc                  reg_english.doc.info
  1865.                       reg_english.guide                reg_english.guide.info
  1866.                     rexx (dir)
  1867.                     submissions (dir)
  1868.                     voyager_home (dir)
  1869.                          images (dir)
  1870.                            barmui.gif                       bookmarks.gif
  1871.                            buttonback.gif                   buttonfind.gif
  1872.                            buttonforward.gif                buttonhome.gif
  1873.                            buttonimages.gif                 buttonlogo.gif
  1874.                            buttonprint.gif                  buttonreload.gif
  1875.                            buttons.gif                      buttonstop.gif
  1876.                            cache.gif                        colors.gif
  1877.                            fast.gif                         fastlinks.gif
  1878.                            fonts.gif                        general.gif
  1879.                            logo_mui.gif                     mailnews.gif
  1880.                            menuprefs.gif                    muiopt.gif
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  1884.                            psimain.gif                      rmbmenu1.gif
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  1886.                            rmbmenu4.gif                     vanim.gif
  1887.                            vaportx.gif                      vauth.gif
  1888.                            vbhome.gif                       vbimages.gif
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  1890.                            vbookmk.gif                      vbprint.gif
  1891.                            vbright.gif                      vbsearch.gif
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  1893.                            vcache.gif                       vemail1.gif
  1894.                            vfastlnk.gif                     vftp1.gif
  1895.                            vftp2.gif                        vftp3.gif
  1896.                            vftpath.gif                      vftpurl.gif
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  1898.                            vinstal3.gif                     vinstal4.gif
  1899.                            vinstal5.gif                     vinstal6.gif
  1900.                            vleds.gif                        vline1.gif
  1901.                            vline2.gif                       vlist.gif
  1902.                            vmain.gif                        vmenu1.gif
  1903.                            vmenu2.gif                       vmenu3.gif
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  1905.                            vnews2.gif                       vnews3.gif
  1906.                            vnews4.gif                       vnews5.gif
  1907.                            vnews6.gif                       vnewsurl.gif
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  1909.                            vprefs3.gif                      vprefs4.gif
  1910.                            vprefs5.gif                      vprefs6.gif
  1911.                            vprefs7.gif                      vprefs8.gif
  1912.                            vprefs9.gif                      vreg1.gif
  1913.                            vreg2.gif                        vreg3.gif
  1914.                            vreg4.gif                        vsearch.gif
  1915.                            vsource.gif                      vstatus.gif
  1916.                            vurl.gif                         v_anim.gif
  1917.                            v_logo.gif                       
  1918.                       before.html                      bookmarks.html
  1919.                       email.html                       ftp.html
  1920.                       images.info                      install.html
  1921.                       interf.html                      intro.html
  1922.                       main.html                        menus.html
  1923.                       muiref1.html                     muiref2.html
  1924.                       news.html                        prefs1.html
  1925.                       prefs2.html                      register.html
  1926.                       rmbmenus.html                    startup.html
  1927.                       startup2.html                    support.html
  1928.                       using.html                       
  1929.                  bookmarks.html                   cachebrowser
  1930.                  cachebrowser.info                plugins.info
  1931.                  register-voyager.info            rexx.info
  1932.                  submissions.info                 transferanim
  1933.                  transferanim.info                v
  1934.                  v.info                           v.readme
  1935.                  v.readme.info                    voyager.prefs
  1936.                  voyager.prefs.bak                voyager.prefs.orig
  1937.                  voyager_home.info                
  1938.                voyager10 (dir)
  1939.                     cache (dir)
  1940.                       url-history.1                    
  1941.                     mui (dir)
  1942.                       bookmarks.mcc                    listtree.mcc
  1943.                       textfield.mcc                    textfield.mcp
  1944.                       toolbar.mcc                      toolbutton.mcc
  1945.                     rexx (dir)
  1946.                       mailsmtppost                     mailto-thor.vrx
  1947.                       mailto-yam.vrx                   
  1948.                     tools (dir)
  1949.                       clearcachedir                    clearcachedir.info
  1950.                       uninstall                        uninstall.info
  1951.                     voyager_home (dir)
  1952.                          vpics (dir)
  1953.                            bookmarks.gif                    buttonback.gif
  1954.                            buttonfind.gif                   buttonforward.gif
  1955.                            buttonhome.gif                   buttonimages.gif
  1956.                            buttonlogo.gif                   buttonprint.gif
  1957.                            buttonreload.gif                 buttonstop.gif
  1958.                            cache.gif                        colors.gif
  1959.                            fastlinks.gif                    fonts.gif
  1960.                            layout.gif                       links.gif
  1961.                            location.gif                     news.gif
  1962.                            other.gif                        proxies.gif
  1963.                            source.gif                       voyager.gif
  1964.                       home.html                        
  1965.                  bookmarks.html                   cachebrowser
  1966.                  cachebrowser.info                installer
  1967.                  installer.info                   mui.info
  1968.                  rexx.info                        tools.info
  1969.                  v                                v.info
  1970.                  v.readme                         v.readme.info
  1971.                  v020                             v020.info
  1972.                  voyager.prefs                    voyager_home.info
  1973.             afcdindex.html                   afcdindex2.html
  1974.             aweb21demo.info                  ibrowsedemo.info
  1975.             voyager.info                     voyager10.info
  1976.           cinema4d (dir)
  1977.                fonts (dir)
  1978.                     diamond (dir)
  1979.                       100                              101
  1980.                       102                              103
  1981.                       104                              105
  1982.                       106                              107
  1983.                       108                              109
  1984.                       110                              111
  1985.                       112                              113
  1986.                       114                              115
  1987.                       116                              117
  1988.                       118                              119
  1989.                       120                              121
  1990.                       122                              196
  1991.                       214                              220
  1992.                       223                              228
  1993.                       246                              252
  1994.                       33                               34
  1995.                       35                               37
  1996.                       38                               39
  1997.                       40                               41
  1998.                       42                               43
  1999.                       44                               45
  2000.                       46                               47
  2001.                       48                               49
  2002.                       50                               51
  2003.                       52                               53
  2004.                       54                               55
  2005.                       56                               57
  2006.                       58                               59
  2007.                       60                               61
  2008.                       62                               63
  2009.                       65                               66
  2010.                       67                               68
  2011.                       69                               70
  2012.                       71                               72
  2013.                       73                               74
  2014.                       75                               76
  2015.                       77                               78
  2016.                       79                               80
  2017.                       81                               82
  2018.                       83                               84
  2019.                       85                               86
  2020.                       87                               88
  2021.                       89                               90
  2022.                       91                               93
  2023.                       94                               95
  2024.                       97                               98
  2025.                       99                               
  2026.                     helvetica (dir)
  2027.                       100                              101
  2028.                       102                              103
  2029.                       104                              105
  2030.                       106                              107
  2031.                       108                              109
  2032.                       110                              111
  2033.                       112                              113
  2034.                       114                              115
  2035.                       116                              117
  2036.                       118                              119
  2037.                       120                              121
  2038.                       122                              169
  2039.                       196                              214
  2040.                       220                              223
  2041.                       228                              246
  2042.                       252                              33
  2043.                       34                               35
  2044.                       36                               37
  2045.                       40                               41
  2046.                       42                               43
  2047.                       44                               45
  2048.                       46                               47
  2049.                       48                               49
  2050.                       50                               51
  2051.                       52                               53
  2052.                       54                               55
  2053.                       56                               57
  2054.                       58                               59
  2055.                       61                               63
  2056.                       65                               66
  2057.                       67                               68
  2058.                       69                               70
  2059.                       71                               72
  2060.                       73                               74
  2061.                       75                               76
  2062.                       77                               78
  2063.                       79                               80
  2064.                       81                               82
  2065.                       83                               84
  2066.                       85                               86
  2067.                       87                               88
  2068.                       89                               90
  2069.                       97                               98
  2070.                       99                               
  2071.                  diamond.info                     helvetica.info
  2072.                helvetica (dir)
  2073.                     helvetica (dir)
  2074.                       11                               13
  2075.                       15                               18
  2076.                       24                               9
  2077.                  helvetica.font                   
  2078.                jpeg-textures (dir)
  2079.                  1.jpeg                           10.jpeg
  2080.                  11.jpeg                          12.jpeg
  2081.                  13.jpeg                          14.jpeg
  2082.                  15.jpeg                          16.jpeg
  2083.                  17.jpeg                          18.jpeg
  2084.                  19.jpeg                          2.jpeg
  2085.                  20.jpeg                          3.jpeg
  2086.                  4.jpeg                           5.jpeg
  2087.                  6.jpeg                           7.jpeg
  2088.                  8.jpeg                           9.jpeg
  2089.                materials (dir)
  2090.                  brick-wall                       brick-wall.info
  2091.                  checks                           checks.info
  2092.                  clouds                           clouds.info
  2093.                  earth                            earth.info
  2094.                  fog                              fog.info
  2095.                  glass                            glass-brown
  2096.                  glass-brown.info                 glass-green
  2097.                  glass-green.info                 glass.info
  2098.                  gold                             gold.info
  2099.                  granite                          granite.info
  2100.                  grid                             grid.info
  2101.                  marble                           marble.info
  2102.                  moon                             moon.info
  2103.                  multicolour                      multicolour.info
  2104.                  natural-wall                     natural-wall.info
  2105.                  orange-peel                      orange-peel.info
  2106.                  plastic-blue                     plastic-blue.info
  2107.                  plastic-green                    plastic-green.info
  2108.                  plastic-grey                     plastic-grey.info
  2109.                  plastic-light-blue               plastic-light-blue.info
  2110.                  plastic-red                      plastic-red.info
  2111.                  plastic-yellow                   plastic-yellow.info
  2112.                  roofing-tile                     roofing-tile.info
  2113.                  silver                           silver.info
  2114.                  sky                              sky-stars
  2115.                  sky-stars.info                   sky.info
  2116.                  water                            water.info
  2117.                  wood-knot                        wood-knot.info
  2118.                  wood-mahogany                    wood-mahogany.info
  2119.                  wood-oak                         wood-oak.info
  2120.                  wood-parquet                     wood-parquet.info
  2121.                  wood-pine                        wood-pine.info
  2122.                monitorlibs (dir)
  2123.                     egs (dir)
  2124.                       cinemaausgabe.library            
  2125.                     merlin (dir)
  2126.                       cinemaausgabe.library            
  2127.                     picasso (dir)
  2128.                       cinemaausgabe.library            
  2129.                     retina (dir)
  2130.                       cinemaausgabe.library            
  2131.                overview (dir)
  2132.                  overview.iff                     overview.iff.info
  2133.                scenes (dir)
  2134.                  butterfly                        butterfly.info
  2135.                  chess                            chess.info
  2136.                  cokecan                          cokecan.info
  2137.                  colourtext                       colourtext.info
  2138.                  diamond-lowercase                diamond-lowercase.info
  2139.                  diamond-otherchars               diamond-otherchars.info
  2140.                  diamond-uppercase                diamond-uppercase.info
  2141.                  earth-moon                       earth-moon.info
  2142.                  glassletters                     glassletters.info
  2143.                  stairway                         stairway.info
  2144.                  tutorial1                        tutorial1.info
  2145.                  tutorial2                        tutorial2.info
  2146.                  tutorial3                        tutorial3.info
  2147.                  tutorial4                        tutorial4.info
  2148.                  tutorial5                        tutorial5.info
  2149.                  tutorial6                        tutorial6.info
  2150.                  tutorial7                        tutorial7.info
  2151.                  twocones                         twocones.info
  2152.                  vasecontour                      vasecontour.info
  2153.                textures (dir)
  2154.                  1                                2
  2155.                  3                                4
  2156.                  5                                6
  2157.                  brick-wall                       cantop
  2158.                  checks                           child-drawing
  2159.                  clouds                           coca-cola
  2160.                  colourspot                       earth
  2161.                  earthrelief                      evening
  2162.                  granite                          grid
  2163.                  knot                             lagoon
  2164.                  mahogany                         marble
  2165.                  marble2                          moon
  2166.                  natural-wall                     oak
  2167.                  orange                           parquet
  2168.                  pebble                           pine
  2169.                  relief1                          relief10
  2170.                  relief11                         relief12
  2171.                  relief13                         relief14
  2172.                  relief15                         relief16
  2173.                  relief17                         relief18
  2174.                  relief2                          relief3
  2175.                  relief4                          relief5
  2176.                  relief6                          relief7
  2177.                  relief8                          relief9
  2178.                  roofing-tile                     rough-surface
  2179.                  stars                            stone-floor
  2180.                  stone-ground                     sun
  2181.                  sunset                           waves
  2182.                  wing                             wing-transparency
  2183.                tools (dir)
  2184.                     cycletomenu-2.1 (dir)
  2185.                          deutsch (dir)
  2186.                            cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2187.                            cycletomenu.doc.info             installiere
  2188.                            installiere.info                 änderungen
  2189.                            änderungen.info                  
  2190.                          english (dir)
  2191.                            changes                          changes.info
  2192.                            cycletomenu.doc                  cycletomenu.doc.info
  2193.                            install                          install.info
  2194.                          français (dir)
  2195.                            changes                          changes.info
  2196.                            cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2197.                            cycletomenu.doc.info             installation
  2198.                            installation.info                
  2199.                          italiano (dir)
  2200.                            cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2201.                            cycletomenu.doc.info             installa
  2202.                            installa.info                    modifiche
  2203.                            modifiche.info                   
  2204.                          magicwb icon (dir)
  2205.                            cycletomenu.info                 
  2206.                          nederlands (dir)
  2207.                            cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2208.                            cycletomenu.doc.info             install
  2209.                            install.info                     veranderingen
  2210.                            veranderingen.info               
  2211.                       cycletomenu                      cycletomenu.info
  2212.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  2213.                       français.info                    italiano.info
  2214.                       killctm                          magicwb icon.info
  2215.                       nederlands.info                  
  2216.                     viewtek (dir)
  2217.                       anim7.doc                        anim7.doc.info
  2218.                       changes.doc                      changes.doc.info
  2219.                       makeanim7                        makeanim7.guide
  2220.                       makeanim7.guide.info             makeanim7.info
  2221.                       readme                           readme.info
  2222.                       viewtek.guide                    viewtek.guide.info
  2223.                       vt                               vt.defaults
  2224.                       vt.info                          vt_dctv
  2225.                       vt_dctv.info                     vt_egs
  2226.                       vt_egs.info                      vt_fc24
  2227.                       vt_fc24.info                     vt_iv24
  2228.                       vt_iv24.info                     vt_opal
  2229.                       vt_opal.info                     vt_picasso
  2230.                       vt_picasso.info                  vt_retina
  2231.                       vt_retina.info                   
  2232.                  animgen                          animgen.info
  2233.                  buildanim                        buildanim.man
  2234.                  clouds                           clouds.info
  2235.                  cycletomenu-2.1.info             viewtek.info
  2236.             animation.info                   cinema4d
  2237.             cinema4d.020                     cinema4d.020.info
  2238.             cinema4d.info                    extensions.info
  2239.             fonts.info                       helvetica.info
  2240.             jpeg-textures.info               materials.info
  2241.             menu.prefs                       monitorlibs.info
  2242.             overview.info                    pictures.info
  2243.             raytracer                        raytracer.020
  2244.             raytracer.020.info               raytracer.info
  2245.             readme                           readme.info
  2246.             rexx.info                        scanline
  2247.             scanline.020                     scanline.020.info
  2248.             scanline.info                    scenes.info
  2249.             textures.info                    tools.info
  2250.           handy_tools (dir)
  2251.                amicdfs2 (dir)
  2252.                     c (dir)
  2253.                       mount                            mount.info
  2254.                       setcdfs                          setcdfs.info
  2255.                       setpatch                         setpatch.info
  2256.                       setpatchmc702                    setpatchmc702.info
  2257.                       setpatchmc702.txt                setpatchmc702.txt.info
  2258.                     icons (dir)
  2259.                       def_cddadisk.info                
  2260.                     l (dir)
  2261.                       amicdfs                          amicdfs.030
  2262.                       amicdfs.030.info                 amicdfs.info
  2263.                       wbstart-handler                  wbstart-handler.info
  2264.                     libs (dir)
  2265.                       wbstart.library                  wbstart.library.info
  2266.                     newicons (dir)
  2267.                       def_cd0disk.info                 def_cddadisk.info
  2268.                     sound (dir)
  2269.                          disks (dir)
  2270.                            id02034074034074                 id0302b57f03258f
  2271.                            id040292d203419b                 id0501f4b7036f74
  2272.                            id0502c29503c172                 id05038aae0454f2
  2273.                            id0600b64e02f7ec                 id0701cc26034f44
  2274.                            id080096ed02d6e7                 id0800c5050296b2
  2275.                            id0900f34302bcc8                 id1400b6da04074a
  2276.                            id18009ebe045abd                 
  2277.                          fonts (dir)
  2278.                               mcdp_dot (dir)
  2279.                                 10                               
  2280.                               mcdp_lcd (dir)
  2281.                                 10                               
  2282.                               mcdp_std (dir)
  2283.                                 10                               
  2284.                            mcdp_dot.font                    mcdp_dot.font.info
  2285.                            mcdp_dot.info                    mcdp_lcd.font
  2286.                            mcdp_lcd.font.info               mcdp_lcd.info
  2287.                            mcdp_std.font                    mcdp_std.font.info
  2288.                            mcdp_std.info                    
  2289.                       disks.info                       fonts.info
  2290.                       mcdplayer                        mcdplayer.info
  2291.                       mcdplayer.txt                    mcdplayer.txt.info
  2292.                  amicdfs.guide                    amicdfs.guide.info
  2293.                  amicdrom.guide                   c.info
  2294.                  cd0                              cd0.info
  2295.                  icons.info                       l.info
  2296.                  libs.info                        mac0
  2297.                  mac0.info                        newicons.info
  2298.                  sound.info                       
  2299.                arq (dir)
  2300.                  arq                              arq.doc
  2301.                  arq.doc.info                     arq.h
  2302.                  arq.info                         upd
  2303.                  upd.doc                          upd.doc.info
  2304.                artm (dir)
  2305.                     english.doc (dir)
  2306.                       artm.doc                         artm.doc.info
  2307.                       artm.guide                       artm.guide.index
  2308.                       artm.guide.info                  artm.history
  2309.                       artm.history.info                
  2310.                     german.doc (dir)
  2311.                       artm.dok                         artm.dok.info
  2312.                       artm.guide                       artm.guide.index
  2313.                       artm.guide.info                  artm.history
  2314.                       artm.history.info                
  2315.                  artm                             artm.info
  2316.                  english.doc.info                 german.doc.info
  2317.                  install_artm                     install_artm.info
  2318.                cycletomenu-2.1 (dir)
  2319.                     deutsch (dir)
  2320.                       cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2321.                       cycletomenu.doc.info             installiere
  2322.                       installiere.info                 änderungen
  2323.                       änderungen.info                  
  2324.                     english (dir)
  2325.                       changes                          changes.info
  2326.                       cycletomenu.doc                  cycletomenu.doc.info
  2327.                       install                          install.info
  2328.                     français (dir)
  2329.                       changes                          changes.info
  2330.                       cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2331.                       cycletomenu.doc.info             installation
  2332.                       installation.info                
  2333.                     italiano (dir)
  2334.                       cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2335.                       cycletomenu.doc.info             installa
  2336.                       installa.info                    modifiche
  2337.                       modifiche.info                   
  2338.                     magicwb icon (dir)
  2339.                       cycletomenu.info                 
  2340.                     nederlands (dir)
  2341.                       cycletomenu.catalog              cycletomenu.doc
  2342.                       cycletomenu.doc.info             install
  2343.                       install.info                     veranderingen
  2344.                       veranderingen.info               
  2345.                  cycletomenu                      cycletomenu.info
  2346.                  deutsch.info                     english.info
  2347.                  français.info                    italiano.info
  2348.                  killctm                          magicwb icon.info
  2349.                  nederlands.info                  
  2350.                kingcon1.3 (dir)
  2351.                     docs (dir)
  2352.                       history                          history.info
  2353.                       kingcon.doc                      kingcon.doc.info
  2354.                       kingcon.guide                    kingcon.guide.info
  2355.                     handler (dir)
  2356.                       kingcon-handler                  kingcon-handler.020
  2357.                       kingcon-mountlist                
  2358.                  docs.info                        handler.info
  2359.                  installation                     installation.info
  2360.                  readme                           readme.info
  2361.                magicmenu (dir)
  2362.                     8coloricons (dir)
  2363.                          magicmenu (dir)
  2364.                            magicmenu.info                   
  2365.                       clickmeforcolors                 clickmeforcolors.info
  2366.                       magicmenu.info                   
  2367.                     deutsch (dir)
  2368.                       benchmark                        benchmark.info
  2369.                       history                          history.info
  2370.                       magicmenu.guide                  magicmenu.guide.info
  2371.                     english (dir)
  2372.                       benchmark                        benchmark.info
  2373.                       history                          history.info
  2374.                       magicmenu.guide                  magicmenu.guide.info
  2375.                     forcenewlook (dir)
  2376.                       forcenewlook                     readme
  2377.                       readme.info                      
  2378.                  8coloricons.info                 deutsch.info
  2379.                  english.info                     forcenewlook.info
  2380.                  magicmenu                        magicmenu.info
  2381.                mcxp325 (dir)
  2382.                     cat (dir)
  2383.                       mcxp.cd                          mcxp.ct_deutsch
  2384.                       mcxp.ct_español                  
  2385.                     l (dir)
  2386.                       wbstart-handler                  
  2387.                     libs (dir)
  2388.                       dospath.library                  wbstart.library
  2389.                     locale (dir)
  2390.                       deutsch.catalog                  español.catalog
  2391.                  file_id.diz                      install_mui_mcx_prefs
  2392.                  install_mui_mcx_prefs.info       mcxp.guide
  2393.                  mcxp.guide.info                  mcxp325.readme
  2394.                  mcxp_deutsch.guide               mcxp_deutsch.guide.info
  2395.                  mcxp_español.guide               mcxp_español.guide.info
  2396.                  mui_mcx_prefs                    mui_mcx_prefs.info
  2397.                  readme.mui                       readme.mui.info
  2398.                multicx2 (dir)
  2399.                  file_id.diz                      handlecx
  2400.                  mcx263.readme                    mcx_install
  2401.                  multicx                          multicx.guide
  2402.                  multicx.guide.info               multicx.info
  2403.                  multicx_deutsch.guide            multicx_deutsch.guide.info
  2404.                  multicx_os3                      multicx_os3.info
  2405.                  rebootoff                        
  2406.                powersnap (dir)
  2407.                     catalogs (dir)
  2408.                          dansk (dir)
  2409.                            powersnap.catalog                
  2410.                          deutsch (dir)
  2411.                            powersnap.catalog                
  2412.                          français (dir)
  2413.                            powersnap.catalog                
  2414.                          nederlands (dir)
  2415.                            powersnap.catalog                
  2416.                          svenska (dir)
  2417.                            powersnap.catalog                
  2418.                       dansk.ct                         deutsch.ct
  2419.                       français.ct                      nederlands.ct
  2420.                       powersnap.cd                     svenska.ct
  2421.                  install                          install.info
  2422.                  powersnap                        powersnap-handler
  2423.                  powersnap.doc                    powersnap.doc.info
  2424.                  powersnap.info                   
  2425.                rekeyit (dir)
  2426.                     catalogs (dir)
  2427.                          deutsch (dir)
  2428.                            deutsch.ct                       rekeyit.catalog
  2429.                          español (dir)
  2430.                            español.ct                       rekeyit.catalog
  2431.                          français (dir)
  2432.                            français.ct                      rekeyit.catalog
  2433.                          suomi (dir)
  2434.                            rekeyit.catalog                  suomi.ct
  2435.                          svenska (dir)
  2436.                            rekeyit.catalog                  svenska.ct
  2437.                       rekeyit.cd                       rekeyit.ct
  2438.                     libs (dir)
  2439.                       gtlayout.library                 
  2440.                  bgui_menuprefs                   bgui_menuprefs.info
  2441.                  catalogs.info                    install_rekeyit
  2442.                  install_rekeyit.info             lt_menuprefs
  2443.                  lt_menuprefs.info                mui_menuprefs
  2444.                  mui_menuprefs.info               readme
  2445.                  readme.info                      rekeyit
  2446.                  rekeyit.guide                    rekeyit.guide.info
  2447.                  rekeyit.info                     
  2448.                snoopdos (dir)
  2449.                     snoopdos_source (dir)
  2450.                       buffer.c                         gui.h
  2451.                       hotkey.c                         icon.h
  2452.                       language.c                       mainwin.c
  2453.                       makefile                         miscwin.c
  2454.                       patchcode.s                      patches.c
  2455.                       patches.h                        scoptions
  2456.                       settings.c                       snoopdos.c
  2457.                       snoopdos.h                       snoopdos.roadmap
  2458.                       snooptext.cd                     snooptext.ct
  2459.                       snooptext.h                      subwin.c
  2460.                       system.c                         system.h
  2461.                       testcalls.c                      
  2462.                  readme.first                     readme.first.info
  2463.                  readme.source                    snoopdos
  2464.                  snoopdos.guide                   snoopdos.guide.info
  2465.                  snoopdos.info                    
  2466.                swazinfo (dir)
  2467.                     docs (dir)
  2468.                       swazinfo.guide                   swazinfo.guide.info
  2469.                     locale (dir)
  2470.                       dansk.catalog                    deutsch.catalog
  2471.                       français.catalog                 
  2472.                     magicicons (dir)
  2473.                       swazinfoapp.info                 swazinfox.info
  2474.                       swazinfoy.info                   
  2475.                  docs.info                        install
  2476.                  install.info                     matrix.library
  2477.                  swazinfo                         swazinfo.cd
  2478.                  swazinfo.info                    
  2479.                tinymeter (dir)
  2480.                     artwork (dir)
  2481.                          fonts (dir)
  2482.                               tinymeter_digital (dir)
  2483.                                 11                               17
  2484.                               tinymeter_digital_med (dir)
  2485.                                 11                               7
  2486.                               xhelvetica (dir)
  2487.                                 11                               13
  2488.                                 9                                
  2489.                            tinymeter_digital.font           tinymeter_digital_med.font
  2490.                            xhelvetica.font                  
  2491.                          newicons (dir)
  2492.                            tinymeter.info                   tinymeterprefs.info
  2493.                          patterns (dir)
  2494.                            blue_leather                     leather
  2495.                            sand                             
  2496.                          pictogram (dir)
  2497.                            3d.small                         addicon.small
  2498.                            all.small                        amosaic.small
  2499.                            askdel.small                     askget.small
  2500.                            askrename.small                  assign.small
  2501.                            balls.small                      brush.small
  2502.                            c.small                          cache.small
  2503.                            calculator.small                 car.small
  2504.                            catalog.small                    cd.small
  2505.                            cli.small                        clip.small
  2506.                            clipboard.small                  clock.small
  2507.                            clone.small                      comment.small
  2508.                            compare.small                    computer.small
  2509.                            copy.small                       copyas.small
  2510.                            copywin.small                    cut.small
  2511.                            daemon.small                     datestamp.small
  2512.                            delete.small                     device.small
  2513.                            diavlo.small                     dice.small
  2514.                            digital.small                    dir.small
  2515.                            dir2dest.small                   disk.small
  2516.                            diskcopy.small                   diskcopy2.small
  2517.                            docs.small                       dopus.small
  2518.                            draw.small                       drawer.small
  2519.                            driver.small                     duck.small
  2520.                            edit.small                       edit2.small
  2521.                            editnew.small                    editss.small
  2522.                            envelope.small                   exclaimation.small
  2523.                            eyes.small                       feather.small
  2524.                            feather2.small                   feet.small
  2525.                            female.small                     filecopy.small
  2526.                            filesdir.small                   film.small
  2527.                            firstaid.small                   fonts.small
  2528.                            fonts2.small                     ftp.small
  2529.                            ftpget.small                     ftpput.small
  2530.                            function.small                   fx.small
  2531.                            gadget.small                     game.small
  2532.                            garbage.small                    gears.small
  2533.                            getsizes.small                   globe.small
  2534.                            grapevine.small                  gun.small
  2535.                            gunship.small                    ham.small
  2536.                            hammer.small                     hardcopy.small
  2537.                            hd.small                         help.small
  2538.                            hippo.small                      hunt.small
  2539.                            hunt2.small                      hunt3.small
  2540.                            ibm.small                        info.small
  2541.                            ink.small                        jessica.small
  2542.                            jet.small                        joystick.small
  2543.                            lemming.small                    lhaadd.small
  2544.                            lhaext.small                     library.small
  2545.                            love.small                       lzxadd.small
  2546.                            lzxext.small                     mail.small
  2547.                            makedir.small                    male.small
  2548.                            mandelbrot.small                 map.small
  2549.                            menu.small                       mines.small
  2550.                            mk.small                         modem.small
  2551.                            monalisa.small                   monitor.small
  2552.                            mosaic.small                     mouse.small
  2553.                            move.small                       moveas.small
  2554.                            movie.small                      mui.small
  2555.                            multiview.small                  music.small
  2556.                            news.small                       none.small
  2557.                            none2.small                      none3.small
  2558.                            optdisk.small                    opthd.small
  2559.                            opus.small                       outlet.small
  2560.                            pack.small                       parent.small
  2561.                            parent2.small                    parent2dest.small
  2562.                            pattern.small                    pc.small
  2563.                            pen&ink.small                    penguin.small
  2564.                            people.small                     piggy.small
  2565.                            pinkpanther.small                print.small
  2566.                            private.small                    protect.small
  2567.                            protect2.small                   puppy.small
  2568.                            purge.small                      puzzle.small
  2569.                            question.small                   ram.small
  2570.                            ramdir.small                     relabel.small
  2571.                            removesizes.small                rename.small
  2572.                            render.small                     roach.small
  2573.                            root.small                       root2.small
  2574.                            run.small                        sample.small
  2575.                            scales.small                     scan.small
  2576.                            search.small                     select.small
  2577.                            select2.small                    sheep.small
  2578.                            show.small                       snoopy.small
  2579.                            sparks.small                     speakers.small
  2580.                            star.small                       stats.small
  2581.                            stopftp.small                    swapwin.small
  2582.                            system.small                     test.small
  2583.                            toggle.small                     tut.small
  2584.                            unpack.small                     uuadd.small
  2585.                            uuext.small                      version.small
  2586.                            version2.small                   view.small
  2587.                            view2.small                      wand.small
  2588.                            yield.small                      zzz.small
  2589.                       pictogram.readme                 
  2590.                     catalogs (dir)
  2591.                          deutsch (dir)
  2592.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  2593.                          français (dir)
  2594.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  2595.                          italiano (dir)
  2596.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  2597.                          polski (dir)
  2598.                            tinymeterprefs.catalog           
  2599.                       simplecat                        tinymeterprefs.cs
  2600.                     examples (dir)
  2601.                       magicwb.tm                       magicwb.tmgauge
  2602.                       magicwb_cpu.tmgauge              mwb_mem&date.tm
  2603.                       preview_amiwb.tm                 
  2604.                     libs (dir)
  2605.                       screennotify.library             wbstart.library
  2606.                     nostalgic (dir)
  2607.                       tinymeter 1.0                    tinymeter 1.0.doc
  2608.                       tinymeter 1.0.doc.info           tinymeter 1.0.info
  2609.                     prefs (dir)
  2610.                       tinymeter                        tinymeter.info
  2611.                     source (dir)
  2612.                          tinymeter_main (dir)
  2613.                            display.c                        gaugeclass.c
  2614.                            gaugeclass.h                     handler.c
  2615.                            idle.c                           initclean.c
  2616.                            launchclass.c                    launchclass.h
  2617.                            main.c                           misc.c
  2618.                            smakefile                        tinymeter.h
  2619.                            volumes.c                        
  2620.                          tinymeter_prefs (dir)
  2621.                            about.c                          dmakefile
  2622.                            header_logo.c                    logo.c
  2623.                            main.c                           question.c
  2624.                            tinymeter.h                      tinymeterprefs.cs
  2625.                            tinymeterprefs.lh                
  2626.                  artwork.info                     examples.info
  2627.                  install                          install_deutsch.info
  2628.                  install_english.info             install_français.info
  2629.                  nostalgic.info                   prefs.info
  2630.                  preview                          preview.info
  2631.                  readme_translations              source.info
  2632.                  tinymeter                        tinymeter.020
  2633.                  tinymeter.guide                  tinymeter.guide.info
  2634.                  tinymeter.info                   tinymeter_logo.png24
  2635.                toolalias (dir)
  2636.                     source (dir)
  2637.                       file.c                           file.h
  2638.                       icon.c                           icon.h
  2639.                       list.c                           list.h
  2640.                       lmkfile                          talias.c
  2641.                       toolalias.g                      toolalias.g.info
  2642.                       toolalias_gfx.c                  toolalias_gfx.h
  2643.                       window.c                         window.h
  2644.                  toolalias                        toolalias.doc
  2645.                  toolalias.doc.info               toolalias.info
  2646.                toolsdaemon (dir)
  2647.                     catalogs (dir)
  2648.                          dansk (dir)
  2649.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  2650.                          deutsch (dir)
  2651.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  2652.                          français (dir)
  2653.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  2654.                          italiano (dir)
  2655.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  2656.                          nederlands (dir)
  2657.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  2658.                          svenska (dir)
  2659.                            toolsdaemon.catalog              toolsprefs.catalog
  2660.                       dansk.ct                         deutsch.ct
  2661.                       français.ct                      italiano.ct
  2662.                       nederlands.ct                    svenska.ct
  2663.                       tddansk.ct                       tddeutsch.ct
  2664.                       tdfrançais.ct                    tditaliano.ct
  2665.                       tdnederlands.ct                  tdsvenska.ct
  2666.                       toolsdaemon.cd                   toolsprefs.cd
  2667.                     libs (dir)
  2668.                       reqtools.library                 
  2669.                  convert                          convert.info
  2670.                  install                          install.info
  2671.                  toolsdaemon                      toolsdaemon-handler
  2672.                  toolsdaemon.doc                  toolsdaemon.doc.info
  2673.                  toolsdaemon.info                 toolsprefs
  2674.                  toolsprefs.info                  
  2675.                xtruder (dir)
  2676.                     catalogs (dir)
  2677.                          dansk (dir)
  2678.                            xtruder.catalog                  
  2679.                          svenska (dir)
  2680.                            xtruder.catalog                  
  2681.                       dansk.ct                         empty.ct
  2682.                       readme                           readme.info
  2683.                       svenska.ct                       xtruder.cd
  2684.                     documentation (dir)
  2685.                       xtruder.guide                    xtruder.guide.info
  2686.                       xtruder.guide.sig                
  2687.                     l (dir)
  2688.                       bootblock.brainfile              bootblock.brainfile.sig
  2689.                     libs (dir)
  2690.                          xfd (dir)
  2691.                            .readme.first                    1am
  2692.                            4vx                              89a8
  2693.                            =sb=                             ace?
  2694.                            alc0                             amos
  2695.                            arcd                             arcr
  2696.                            atom                             axis
  2697.                            bond                             chryseis
  2698.                            cmp1                             cp
  2699.                            crnd                             crun
  2700.                            decloner                         dhp2
  2701.                            dpra                             dtpk
  2702.                            fire                             fuck
  2703.                            gp                               graftgold
  2704.                            huf                              huff
  2705.                            ice_tsm                          ift?
  2706.                            jr                               kdub
  2707.                            lob                              lzwh
  2708.                            magneticfields                   masm
  2709.                            mass                             pack
  2710.                            pak0                             propackexe
  2711.                            rle                              sf
  2712.                            spv3                             ssur
  2713.                            tpwm                             tsm
  2714.                            vdco                             vic2
  2715.                            vol1                             xp10
  2716.                            xpac                             xvdg
  2717.                       bootblock.library                bootblock.library.sig
  2718.                       fileid.library                   fileid.library.sig
  2719.                       filevirus.library                filevirus.library.sig
  2720.                       reqtools.library                 reqtools.library.sig
  2721.                       unpack.library                   unpack.library.sig
  2722.                       xfdmaster.library                xfdmaster.library.sig
  2723.                       xtruder.library                  xtruder.library.sig
  2724.                     registration (dir)
  2725.                       xtruder.regform                  xtruder.regform.info
  2726.                       xtruder.regform.sig              
  2727.                     rexx (dir)
  2728.                          dlg (dir)
  2729.                            xtrudercheck.rexx                
  2730.                          e!xi (dir)
  2731.                            e!xi-fv                          e!xi-fv.sig
  2732.                            e!xi.doc                         e!xi.doc.sig
  2733.                            e!xi.rexx                        
  2734.                          examples (dir)
  2735.                            xtrudercheckall.rexx             xtruderlistall.rexx
  2736.                            xtruder_checkfiles.rexx          xtruder_getfile.rexx
  2737.                            xtruder_getpath.rexx             xtruder_requestuser.rexx
  2738.                          transamiga (dir)
  2739.                            checkfiles.rexx                  
  2740.                          zeus (dir)
  2741.                            viruscheck.zeus                  
  2742.                  catalogs.info                    documentation.info
  2743.                  install                          install.info
  2744.                  install.sig                      registration.info
  2745.                  rexx.info                        xtruder
  2746.                  xtruder.info                     xtruder.sig
  2747.                  xtruder32.readme                 
  2748.             amicdfs2.info                    arq.info
  2749.             artm.info                        cycletomenu-2.1.info
  2750.             docs                             docs.info
  2751.             fontprefs                        fontprefs.info
  2752.             kingcon1.3.info                  magicmenu.info
  2753.             mcxp325.info                     multicx2.info
  2754.             powersnap.info                   rekeyit.info
  2755.             snoopdos.info                    swazinfo.info
  2756.             tinymeter.info                   tm.config
  2757.             toolalias.info                   toolmanager
  2758.             toolmanager.info                 toolsdaemon.info
  2759.             xtruder.info                     
  2760.           ppaint (dir)
  2761.                animations (dir)
  2762.                  123.anim                         123.anim.info
  2763.                  marble.anim                      marble.anim.info
  2764.                  ppaint.anim                      ppaint.anim.info
  2765.                  ppview                           
  2766.                animbrushes (dir)
  2767.                  123.anbr                         123.anbr.info
  2768.                brushes (dir)
  2769.                  balls_pat.bsh                    balls_pat.bsh.info
  2770.                  lead_pat.bsh                     lead_pat.bsh.info
  2771.                  marble_pat.bsh                   marble_pat.bsh.info
  2772.                  ppview                           sand_pat.bsh
  2773.                  sand_pat.bsh.info                
  2774.                c (dir)
  2775.                  deplode                          more
  2776.                  preserve                         print
  2777.                  runicon                          
  2778.                colors (dir)
  2779.                  plasma.col                       plasma.col.info
  2780.                  rgbcmy8.col                      rgbcmy8.col.info
  2781.                  spectrum256.col                  spectrum256.col.info
  2782.                  web216.col                       webgray6.col
  2783.                fonts (dir)
  2784.                     karachiselserif (dir)
  2785.                       55c                              
  2786.                     karagranite (dir)
  2787.                       55c                              
  2788.                     personal (dir)
  2789.                       8                                
  2790.                  karachiselserif.font             karagranite.font
  2791.                  personal.font                    
  2792.                libs (dir)
  2793.                  personal_ascii_io.library        personal_csrc_io.library
  2794.                  personal_datatypes_io.library    personal_ilbm_io.library
  2795.                  personal_pbm_io.library          personal_pcx_io.library
  2796.                  personal_plasma_io.library       personal_png_io.library
  2797.                  personal_raw_io.library          personal_req.library
  2798.                pictures (dir)
  2799.                  clown.pic                        karacd.pic
  2800.                  karacd.pic.info                  newppaint.pic
  2801.                  newppaint.pic.info               ppview
  2802.                  psuite.pic                       psuite.pic.info
  2803.                ppaint_icons (dir)
  2804.                  def_animation.info               def_animbrush.info
  2805.                  def_appicon.info                 def_brush.info
  2806.                  def_drawer.info                  def_palette.info
  2807.                  def_picture.info                 def_settings.info
  2808.                  def_stencil.info                 
  2809.                ppaint_prefs (dir)
  2810.                  hp_deskjet.set                   hp_deskjet_c.set
  2811.                  ppview                           startup_1.set
  2812.                  startup_1.set.info               startup_2.set
  2813.                  startup_2.set.info               startup_a.set
  2814.                  startup_a.set.info               uicolors.12
  2815.                  uicolors.12.info                 uicolors.6
  2816.                  uicolors.6.info                  uigraphics.pic
  2817.                  uigraphics.pic.info              uitext.custom
  2818.                  uitext.dan                       uitext.deu
  2819.                  uitext.deu.info                  uitext.eng
  2820.                  uitext.eng.info                  uitext.fra
  2821.                  uitext.fra.info                  uitext.hol
  2822.                  uitext.ita                       uitext.ita.info
  2823.                  uitext.swe                       
  2824.                rexx (dir)
  2825.                     adpro (dir)
  2826.                          loaders2 (dir)
  2827.                            _loadppaint                      
  2828.                          savers2 (dir)
  2829.                            _saveppaint                      
  2830.                       loaders2.info                    savers2.info
  2831.                  adpro.info                       animbrushtoanim.pprx
  2832.                  animbrushtoanim.pprx.info        animtoanimbrush.pprx
  2833.                  animtoanimbrush.pprx.info        animtoframes.pprx
  2834.                  animtoframes.pprx.info           embossanim.pprx
  2835.                  embossanim.pprx.info             framestoanim.pprx
  2836.                  framestoanim.pprx.info           giftopng.pprx
  2837.                  giftopng.pprx.info               help.pprx
  2838.                  help.pprx.info                   slideshow.pprx
  2839.                  slideshow.pprx.info              
  2840.                stencils (dir)
  2841.                  circle.stn                       circle.stn.info
  2842.                t (dir)
  2843.             .cd-rom                          animations.info
  2844.             animbrushes.info                 brushes.info
  2845.             cloantoaudio                     colors.info
  2846.             deplode                          more
  2847.             pictures.info                    ppaint
  2848.             ppaint.info                      ppaint_icons.info
  2849.             ppaint_prefs.info                ppaint_ps
  2850.             ppview                           readme.txt
  2851.             readme.txt.info                  rexx.info
  2852.             stencils.info                    
  2853.        +start_me+                       +start_me+.info
  2854.        +stop_me+                        +stop_me+.info
  2855.        afcd_survey                      afcd_survey.info
  2856.        af_on_the_web.info               cinema4d.info
  2857.        clickforcolours                  clickforcolours.info
  2858.        handy_tools.info                 magiccolors
  2859.        magiccolors.info                 ppaint.info
  2860.        reader_warrant                   reader_warrant.info
  2861.        submission_advice                submission_advice.info
  2862.      -pd_select- (dir)
  2863.           the_party_96 (dir)
  2864.                artwork (dir)
  2865.                     arena (dir)
  2866.                       arena                            arena.info
  2867.                       arena^t0f                        arena^t0f.info
  2868.                       readme                           readme.info
  2869.                     balance (dir)
  2870.                       kugler8.jpg                      kugler8.jpg.info
  2871.                       readme                           readme.info
  2872.                     bluesfish (dir)
  2873.                       bluesfish.iff24                  bluesfish.iff24.info
  2874.                       readme                           readme.info
  2875.                     bodtwijf (dir)
  2876.                       bodtwijf.jpg                     bodtwijf.jpg.info
  2877.                       readme                           readme.info
  2878.                     bodypainting (dir)
  2879.                       body_paint.jpg                   body_paint.jpg.info
  2880.                       readme                           readme.info
  2881.                     breathe (dir)
  2882.                       breathe.iff                      breathe.iff.info
  2883.                       readme                           readme.info
  2884.                     cancharodoncar (dir)
  2885.                       java-haj.gif                     java-haj.gif.info
  2886.                       readme                           readme.info
  2887.                     casualinsane (dir)
  2888.                       infect-casualinsane.iff          infect-casualinsane.iff.info
  2889.                       readme                           readme.info
  2890.                     cdream (dir)
  2891.                       cdream                           cdream.info
  2892.                       readme                           readme.info
  2893.                     colony (dir)
  2894.                       colony.jpg                       colony.jpg.info
  2895.                       readme                           readme.info
  2896.                     colourfuldream (dir)
  2897.                       readme                           readme.info
  2898.                       zack-colourful_dreams.iff        zack-colourful_dreams.iff.info
  2899.                     dreamjpg (dir)
  2900.                       dream.jpg                        dream.jpg.info
  2901.                       readme                           readme.info
  2902.                     dreamland (dir)
  2903.                       readme                           readme.info
  2904.                       vain-dro.gif                     vain-dro.gif.info
  2905.                     eyeon (dir)
  2906.                       eyeon6.iff                       eyeon6.iff.info
  2907.                       readme                           readme.info
  2908.                     geilemuschis (dir)
  2909.                       complex2.jpg                     complex2.jpg.info
  2910.                       readme                           readme.info
  2911.                     gsicht (dir)
  2912.                       g´sicht_by_odin                  g´sicht_by_odin.info
  2913.                       readme                           readme.info
  2914.                     hesitation (dir)
  2915.                       hesitation3.signed               hesitation3.signed.info
  2916.                       readme                           readme.info
  2917.                     ikkegodihodet (dir)
  2918.                       ikkegod.iff                      ikkegod.iff.info
  2919.                       readme                           readme.info
  2920.                     indian (dir)
  2921.                       indian.jpg                       indian.jpg.info
  2922.                       readme                           readme.info
  2923.                     ir97 (dir)
  2924.                       happyman.jpg                     happyman.jpg.info
  2925.                       readme                           readme.info
  2926.                     kummer (dir)
  2927.                       kummerunderdu                    kummerunderdu.info
  2928.                       readme                           readme.info
  2929.                     lavagirl (dir)
  2930.                       jcs_lava_girl.iff                jcs_lava_girl.iff.info
  2931.                       readme                           readme.info
  2932.                     midnightshadow (dir)
  2933.                       readme                           readme.info
  2934.                       shadow.jpg                       shadow.jpg.info
  2935.                     mother (dir)
  2936.                       mother.iff                       mother.iff.info
  2937.                       readme                           readme.info
  2938.                     neasuispohjois (dir)
  2939.                       hmmspkko.jpg                     hmmspkko.jpg.info
  2940.                       readme                           readme.info
  2941.                     rideon (dir)
  2942.                       readme                           readme.info
  2943.                       rideon.iff                       rideon.iff.info
  2944.                     robbed (dir)
  2945.                       readme                           readme.info
  2946.                       robbed_by_rodriguez              robbed_by_rodriguez.info
  2947.                     santaclaus (dir)
  2948.                       compo.jpg                        compo.jpg.info
  2949.                       readme                           readme.info
  2950.                     sneeder (dir)
  2951.                       readme                           readme.info
  2952.                       sneeder.jpg                      sneeder.jpg.info
  2953.                     surfnbird (dir)
  2954.                       bird_info.txt                    bird_info.txt.info
  2955.                       readme                           readme.info
  2956.                       surf'nbird.iff                   surf'nbird.iff.info
  2957.                     thebirth (dir)
  2958.                       readme                           readme.info
  2959.                       the_birth.256iff                 the_birth.256iff.info
  2960.                     theeaglesnest (dir)
  2961.                       readme                           readme.info
  2962.                       wolf-en.iff                      wolf-en.iff.info
  2963.                     theonlyposs (dir)
  2964.                       readme                           readme.info
  2965.                       theonlypossibility.iff           theonlypossibility.iff.info
  2966.                     wired (dir)
  2967.                       louies5.jpg                      louies5.jpg.info
  2968.                       readme                           readme.info
  2969.                  arena.info                       balance.info
  2970.                  bluesfish.info                   bodtwijf.info
  2971.                  bodypainting.info                breathe.info
  2972.                  cancharodoncar.info              casualinsane.info
  2973.                  cdream.info                      colony.info
  2974.                  colourfuldream.info              dreamjpg.info
  2975.                  dreamland.info                   eyeon.info
  2976.                  geilemuschis.info                gsicht.info
  2977.                  hesitation.info                  ikkegodihodet.info
  2978.                  indian.info                      ir97.info
  2979.                  kummer.info                      lavagirl.info
  2980.                  midnightshadow.info              mother.info
  2981.                  neasuispohjois.info              rideon.info
  2982.                  robbed.info                      santaclaus.info
  2983.                  sneeder.info                     surfnbird.info
  2984.                  thebirth.info                    theeaglesnest.info
  2985.                  theonlyposs.info                 wired.info
  2986.                demos&anims (dir)
  2987.                     atlantica (dir)
  2988.                          libs (dir)
  2989.                            stc.library                      stc020.library
  2990.                       atlantica.exe                    atlantica.exe.info
  2991.                       nukleus.clickme                  nukleus.clickme.info
  2992.                       readme                           readme.info
  2993.                     deathgreedy (dir)
  2994.                       deathgreedy.exe                  deathgreedy.exe.info
  2995.                       readme                           readme.info
  2996.                     everywhere (dir)
  2997.                          c (dir)
  2998.                            echo                             
  2999.                          libs (dir)
  3000.                            mathtrans.library                
  3001.                          s (dir)
  3002.                            startup-sequence                 
  3003.                       cdl-every.exe                    cdl-every.exe.info
  3004.                       dat                              readme
  3005.                       readme.info                      
  3006.                     genemmelvand (dir)
  3007.                       bank.abk                         font.bak
  3008.                       hvodden_man_installer.readme     mel.exe
  3009.                       mel.exe.info                     readme
  3010.                       readme.info                      
  3011.                     hc_reality-inb (dir)
  3012.                          cyberyafa (dir)
  3013.                            cyberyafa                        cyberyafa.readme
  3014.                            cyberyafa.readme.info            
  3015.                          yp (dir)
  3016.                            yp                               yp.guide
  3017.                            yp.guide.info                    yp.readme
  3018.                            yp.readme.info                   
  3019.                       afdocs                           afdocs.info
  3020.                       ball.yafa                        balls.yafa
  3021.                       blob.yafa                        boxtv.yafa
  3022.                       crazyfaces.yafa                  cyberyafa.info
  3023.                       fire.yafa                        fire2.yafa
  3024.                       fire3.yafa                       fire4.yafa
  3025.                       fire5.yafa                       fodbold.yafa
  3026.                       fodmus                           fucker.yafa
  3027.                       gfxby.yafa                       greetz.yafa
  3028.                       hardcore_reality                 intro01.yafa
  3029.                       intro02.yafa                     intro03.yafa
  3030.                       introtxt.yafa                    kontrol.yafa
  3031.                       letterman.yafa                   members.yafa
  3032.                       mosaic.yafa                      movie.yafa
  3033.                       musicby.yafa                     musik
  3034.                       nuclear.yafa                     roundsex.yafa
  3035.                       rutche.yafa                      skywalk.yafa
  3036.                       sniper.yafa                      softhard.yafa
  3037.                       soundfx.yafa                     spike.yafa
  3038.                       start                            start2
  3039.                       surprise.yafa                    table.yafa
  3040.                       tempel01.yafa                    tempel02.yafa
  3041.                       tempel03.yafa                    tempel04.yafa
  3042.                       tempel05.yafa                    tempel06.yafa
  3043.                       tempel07.yafa                    tempel08.yafa
  3044.                       tempel09.yafa                    tempel10.yafa
  3045.                       tempel11.yafa                    tempel12.yafa
  3046.                       tempel13.yafa                    tempel14.yafa
  3047.                       tempel15.yafa                    tempel16.yafa
  3048.                       tempel17.yafa                    tempel18.yafa
  3049.                       tempel19.yafa                    tempel20.yafa
  3050.                       theend.yafa                      trees.yafa
  3051.                       venedi01.yafa                    venedi02.yafa
  3052.                       venedi03.yafa                    vinflaske.yafa
  3053.                       yp.info                          
  3054.                     makaveli (dir)
  3055.                       makaveli.exe                     makaveli.exe.info
  3056.                       readme                           readme.info
  3057.                     mimosa (dir)
  3058.                       ---mimosa.exe                    ---mimosa.exe.info
  3059.                       bump                             cyberflash
  3060.                       delme                            glenzphong
  3061.                       greets                           kyoko
  3062.                       lunettes                         mimosalogo
  3063.                       part2                            pikpok
  3064.                       readme                           readme.info
  3065.                       readme1st                        readme1st.info
  3066.                     puppets (dir)
  3067.                          compressors (dir)
  3068.                            xpknuke.library                  
  3069.                       .anm.cheetah.xpk                 .anm.cyberstarr.xpk
  3070.                       .anm.frequent.xpk                .anm.loaderror.xpk
  3071.                       .anm.stoney.xpk                  .backg.chk.xpk
  3072.                       .backg.chkpal.xpk                .backg.chkpal.xpk2
  3073.                       .black.pal.xpk                   .cbs.chk.xpk
  3074.                       .cbs.chkpal.xpk                  .cbstext.chk.xpk
  3075.                       .epcot.3d.xpk                    .epcotbak.chk.xpk
  3076.                       .ephpres.chk.xpk                 .ephpres.pal.xpk
  3077.                       .face1.3d.xpk                    .face2.3d.xpk
  3078.                       .fake.epcot.3d.xpk               .fakebak.chk.xpk
  3079.                       .fakephong.chk.xpk               .fakephong.pal.xpk
  3080.                       .font.chk.xpk                    .font.chkpal.xpk
  3081.                       .freqtext.chk.xpk                .freqtext.pal.xpk
  3082.                       .freqtextback.chk.xpk            .hand1.chk.xpk
  3083.                       .hand2.chk.xpk                   .hand3.chk.xpk
  3084.                       .m3dbackg.chk.xpk                .morph11.3d.xpk
  3085.                       .morph12.3d.xpk                  .netlink.pal.xpk
  3086.                       .netlink.raw.xpk                 .netlink1.pal.xpk
  3087.                       .netlink2.pal.xpk                .netlink3.pal.xpk
  3088.                       .obj1.3d.xpk                     .obj2.3d.xpk
  3089.                       .p61.puppets.xpk                 .pup_back.chk.xpk
  3090.                       .pup_logo.chk.xpk                .pup_logo.pal.xpk
  3091.                       .pup_red.chk.xpk                 .touch.chk.xpk
  3092.                       .touch.pal.xpk                   .touch.raw.xpk
  3093.                       .touch.rawpal.xpk                .vann.pal.xpk
  3094.                       .vanndesign.chk.xpk              .vanntexture.chk.xpk
  3095.                       .voxback.chk.xpk                 .voxel.pal.xpk
  3096.                       .voxelbump.chk.xpk               .voxeldata.dat.xpk
  3097.                       .voxeltexture.chk.xpk            .white.pal.xpk
  3098.                       eph-puppets1.lha                 eph-puppets2.lha
  3099.                       how2install                      how2install.info
  3100.                       puppets.exe                      puppets.exe.info
  3101.                       puppets.readme                   puppets.readme.info
  3102.                       readme                           readme.info
  3103.                       xpkmaster.library                
  3104.                     puremotion (dir)
  3105.                       cp!-lsd                          pm1.dat
  3106.                       pm10.dat                         pm11.dat
  3107.                       pm12.dat                         pm13.dat
  3108.                       pm14.dat                         pm15.dat
  3109.                       pm16.dat                         pm17.dat
  3110.                       pm18.dat                         pm2.dat
  3111.                       pm3.dat                          pm4.dat
  3112.                       pm5.dat                          pm6.dat
  3113.                       pm7.dat                          pm8.dat
  3114.                       pm9.dat                          pure-motion
  3115.                       pure-motion.info                 pure_motion.exe
  3116.                       readme                           readme.info
  3117.                       readme1st                        readme1st.info
  3118.                       ros.library                      ros.prefs
  3119.                     realfd (dir)
  3120.                          s (dir)
  3121.                            startup-sequence                 
  3122.                       readme                           readme.info
  3123.                       realfd.exe                       realfd.exe.info
  3124.                     skaft7 (dir)
  3125.                       bomb.mtp!                        bombbump.mtp!
  3126.                       carottes.mtp!                    credits.mtp!
  3127.                       envbump.mtp!                     fishbump.mtp!
  3128.                       inside.mtp!                      inspace.mtp!
  3129.                       makingvyper.mtp!                 milkabump.mtp!
  3130.                       openeye.mtp!                     phongmapping.mtp!
  3131.                       prayer.mtp!                      readme
  3132.                       readme.info                      readme1st
  3133.                       readme1st.info                   shaft7.exe
  3134.                       shaft7.exe.info                  shaft7.mtp!
  3135.                       shaft7_1.lha                     shaft7_2.lha
  3136.                       shaft7_3.lha                     shaft7_4.lha
  3137.                       temple.mtp!                      theprayer.mtp!
  3138.                     soprano (dir)
  3139.                       readme                           readme.info
  3140.                       soprano                          soprano.info
  3141.                     subzero (dir)
  3142.                          datas (dir)
  3143.                            back01.chunky                    back02.chunky
  3144.                            back03.chunky                    back04.chunky
  3145.                            back05.chunky                    back06.chunky
  3146.                            back07.chunky                    back08.chunky
  3147.                            back09.chunky                    back10.chunky
  3148.                            back11.chunky                    back12.chunky
  3149.                            back13.chunky                    back14.chunky
  3150.                            back15.chunky                    back16.chunky
  3151.                            back17.chunky                    back18.chunky
  3152.                            bumptexture.chunky               credits1.chunky
  3153.                            credits2.chunky                  credits3.chunky
  3154.                            credits4.chunky                  credits5.chunky
  3155.                            dope.raw                         field.bin
  3156.                            head1.chunky                     head2.chunky
  3157.                            intro.raw                        logo.raw
  3158.                            masque.chunky                    megahighfield.bin
  3159.                            morph_texture.chunky             pinchx.chunky
  3160.                            pinchy.chunky                    polarx2.chunky
  3161.                            polary2.chunky                   spinchx.chunky
  3162.                            spinchy.chunky                   tenshupinch.chunky
  3163.                            tenshupinch.raw                  tete1.chunky
  3164.                            tete2.chunky                     texture11.chunky
  3165.                            texture14.chunky                 texture20.chunky
  3166.                            texture4.chunky                  texture8.chunky
  3167.                            twirlx.chunky                    twirly.chunky
  3168.                            zigx.chunky                      zigy.chunky
  3169.                          tunes (dir)
  3170.                            mod.0                            
  3171.                       readme                           readme.info
  3172.                       setpatch                         subzero.exe
  3173.                       subzero.exe.info                 subzero.txt
  3174.                       subzero.txt.info                 
  3175.                     sustain (dir)
  3176.                       acryl.224.nor                    acryl.224.obj
  3177.                       blaze.396.nor                    blaze.396.obj
  3178.                       blaze.obj                        cpu
  3179.                       credsenv_256_256.pal             e-moon.340.nor
  3180.                       e-moon.340.obj                   emn.obj
  3181.                       glas.obj                         install.txt
  3182.                       install.txt.info                 p61.amazed.stc
  3183.                       psycho.424.nor                   psycho.424.obj
  3184.                       runme                            runme.info
  3185.                       session.456.nor                  session.456.obj
  3186.                       sustain.420.nor                  sustain.420.obj
  3187.                       sustain.exe                      sustain.nfo
  3188.                       _tp6.inf                         
  3189.                     twinpeaks (dir)
  3190.                          libs (dir)
  3191.                            powerpacker.library              
  3192.                       bumpmapping.exe                  end.exe
  3193.                       install                          movingbump.exe
  3194.                       readme                           readme.info
  3195.                       readme1st                        readme1st.info
  3196.                       textphong.exe                    tp.exe
  3197.                       transball.exe                    twinpeaks
  3198.                       twinpeaks.info                   voxel.1
  3199.                       voxel.2                          
  3200.                  atlantica.info                   deathgreedy.info
  3201.                  everywhere.info                  genemmelvand.info
  3202.                  hc_reality-inb.info              makaveli.info
  3203.                  mimosa.info                      puppets.info
  3204.                  puremotion.info                  realfd.info
  3205.                  skaft7.info                      soprano.info
  3206.                  subzero.info                     sustain.info
  3207.                  twinpeaks.info                   
  3208.             artwork.info                     demos&anims.info
  3209.        the_party_96.info                
  3210.      -readerstuff- (dir)
  3211.           -gallery- (dir)
  3212.                andy_watkinson (dir)
  3213.                  modern_titans.aga.iff            modern_titans.aga.iff.info
  3214.                  readme.iff                       readme.iff.info
  3215.                don_aiken (dir)
  3216.                  amichurch.hi                     amichurch.hi.info
  3217.                  claineschurch.hilce              claineschurch.hilce.info
  3218.                  hereford.hilce                   hereford.hilce.info
  3219.                  herstmonceuxcastle.hi            herstmonceuxcastle.hi.info
  3220.                  herstmonceuxcastle.jpeg          herstmonceuxcastle.jpeg.info
  3221.                  packethouse.hi                   packethouse.hi.info
  3222.                  readme                           readme.info
  3223.                  thutmoseiii.hi                   thutmoseiii.hi.info
  3224.                  zeewolf.lo                       zeewolf.lo.info
  3225.                gareth_murfin (dir)
  3226.                  bbsadvert-readme                 bbsadvert-readme.info
  3227.                  bbsadvert.iff                    bbsadvert.iff.info
  3228.                  viking-readme                    viking-readme.info
  3229.                  viking.iff                       viking.iff.info
  3230.                joel_nicklasson (dir)
  3231.                  1a.jpg                           1a.jpg.info
  3232.                  1b.jpg                           1b.jpg.info
  3233.                  1c.jpg                           1c.jpg.info
  3234.                  1e.jpg                           1e.jpg.info
  3235.                  1f.jpg                           1f.jpg.info
  3236.                  1h.jpg                           1h.jpg.info
  3237.                  2a.jpg                           2a.jpg.info
  3238.                  2b.jpg                           2b.jpg.info
  3239.                  2c.jpg                           2c.jpg.info
  3240.                  a001.jpg                         a001.jpg.info
  3241.                  a002.jpg                         a002.jpg.info
  3242.                  a003.jpg                         a003.jpg.info
  3243.                  a004.jpg                         a004.jpg.info
  3244.                  poster1.jpg                      poster1.jpg.info
  3245.                  poster3.jpg                      poster3.jpg.info
  3246.                  readme                           readme.info
  3247.                  smartie.jpg                      smartie.jpg.info
  3248.                les_corns (dir)
  3249.                     clipart (dir)
  3250.                          borders (dir)
  3251.                            01                               01.info
  3252.                            02                               02.info
  3253.                            03                               03.info
  3254.                            04                               04.info
  3255.                            deco                             deco.info
  3256.                            delicate                         delicate.info
  3257.                            fleur de lis                     fleur de lis.info
  3258.                            lrg. scroll                      lrg. scroll.info
  3259.                            meander                          meander.info
  3260.                            new borders1.4                   new borders1.4.info
  3261.                        hms hypernion                    hms hypernion.info
  3262.                       borders.info                     gpracerbike.pic
  3263.                       gpracerbike.pic.info             naval1
  3264.                       naval1.info                      road bike.pic
  3265.                       road bike.pic.info               soldiers and tanks
  3266.                       soldiers and tanks.info          trials bike.pic
  3267.                       trials bike.pic.info             
  3268.                     pics (dir)
  3269.                       incompany                        incompany.info
  3270.                       inshore_squadron2                inshore_squadron2.info
  3271.                       ship                             ship.info
  3272.                       soldiers_and_tanks               soldiers_and_tanks.info
  3273.                  clipart.info                     pics.info
  3274.                  readme                           readme.info
  3275.                o_e_patterson (dir)
  3276.                  afdocs                           afdocs.info
  3277.                  by_the_wall.jpg                  by_the_wall.jpg.info
  3278.                  in_the_hall.jpg                  in_the_hall.jpg.info
  3279.                  in_the_sewer.jpg                 in_the_sewer.jpg.info
  3280.                  in_the_tunnel.jpg                in_the_tunnel.jpg.info
  3281.                  nature_morte.jpg                 nature_morte.jpg.info
  3282.                  on_the_scene_no.1.jpeg           on_the_scene_no.1.jpeg.info
  3283.                  readme                           readme.info
  3284.                richard_munn (dir)
  3285.                  discworld.iff                    discworld.iff.info
  3286.                  pictures.readme                  pictures.readme.info
  3287.                  ufo.iff                          ufo.iff.info
  3288.             andy_watkinson.info              don_aiken.info
  3289.             gareth_murfin.info               joel_nicklasson.info
  3290.             les_corns.info                   o_e_patterson.info
  3291.             richard_munn.info                
  3292.           anthony_sherratt (dir)
  3293.                ams (dir)
  3294.                     libs (dir)
  3295.                       amos.library                     
  3296.                  ams                              ams.cfg
  3297.                  ams.doc                          ams.doc.info
  3298.                  ams.mod                          ams.pic
  3299.                  ams_2.pic                        install
  3300.                  install.info                     libs.info
  3301.                  startup-sequence                 
  3302.                monty (dir)
  3303.                     fonts (dir)
  3304.                          monty (dir)
  3305.                            14                               9
  3306.                       monty.font                       
  3307.                     gfx (dir)
  3308.                       0.anm                            1.anm
  3309.                       1.pak                            1.til
  3310.                       10.pak                           11.anm
  3311.                       12.anm                           2.anm
  3312.                       2.pak                            2.til
  3313.                       20.pak                           22.anm
  3314.                       3.pak                            5.pak
  3315.                       6.pak                            7.pak
  3316.                       8.pak                            9.pak
  3317.                     maps (dir)
  3318.                       1.map                            2.map
  3319.                       3.map                            4.map
  3320.                     rbows (dir)
  3321.                       1.bck                            2.bck
  3322.                     sfx (dir)
  3323.                       0.snd                            1.snd
  3324.                       1.trk                            1.wrd
  3325.                       2.snd                            2.wrd
  3326.                  highs.monty                      monty
  3327.                  monty.guide                      monty.guide.info
  3328.                  monty.info                       ppshow
  3329.             ams.info                         monty.info
  3330.           dan_wood (dir)
  3331.                letters (dir)
  3332.                  page-letters1                    page-letters1.info
  3333.                  page-letters2                    page-letters2.info
  3334.                  page-letters3                    page-letters3.info
  3335.                  page-letters4                    page-letters4.info
  3336.                  page-letters5                    page-letters5.info
  3337.                  q&a1                             q&a1.info
  3338.                  q&a2                             q&a2.info
  3339.                  q&a3                             q&a3.info
  3340.                  q&a4                             q&a4.info
  3341.                opinions (dir)
  3342.                  dan's-bit                        dan's-bit.info
  3343.                  dan-wood                         dan-wood.info
  3344.                  dan-wood2                        dan-wood2.info
  3345.                  dan-wood3                        dan-wood3.info
  3346.                  steve-metcalfe                   steve-metcalfe.info
  3347.                  the-last-issue                   the-last-issue.info
  3348.                others (dir)
  3349.                  amiga                            amiga-choice
  3350.                  amiga-choice.info                amiga-history
  3351.                  amiga-history.info               amiga-lorraine
  3352.                  amiga-lorraine.info              amiga.info
  3353.                  arse-head                        arse-head.info
  3354.                  arse-head2                       arse-head2.info
  3355.                  arse-head3                       arse-head3.info
  3356.                  arse-head4                       arse-head4.info
  3357.                  cbm-schools                      cbm-schools.info
  3358.                  gamer                            gamer.info
  3359.                  gamer1                           gamer1.info
  3360.                  games-castle                     games-castle.info
  3361.                  games-castle1                    games-castle1.info
  3362.                  games-castle2                    games-castle2.info
  3363.                  geek-lines                       geek-lines.info
  3364.                  globe-hopping                    globe-hopping.info
  3365.                  hints                            hints.info
  3366.                  hints1                           hints1.info
  3367.                  jokes                            jokes.info
  3368.                  jokes2                           jokes2.info
  3369.                  pc-or-amiga                      pc-or-amiga.info
  3370.                  xmas.info                        
  3371.                talks (dir)
  3372.                  baz+arnie                        baz+arnie.info
  3373.                  baz+arnie1994                    baz+arnie1994.info
  3374.                  conference2                      conference2.info
  3375.                  conference3                      conference3.info
  3376.                  conference4                      conference4.info
  3377.                  conference5                      conference5.info
  3378.             information                      information.info
  3379.             letters.info                     opinions.info
  3380.             others.info                      talks.info
  3381.           david_cruickshank (dir)
  3382.                xtr-skullcuptracks3 (dir)
  3383.                     layouts (dir)
  3384.                       skull_army_11.raw                skull_army_12.raw
  3385.                       skull_army_13.raw                skull_army_14.raw
  3386.                       skull_army_15.raw                
  3387.                     misc (dir)
  3388.                       .laptimes                        season
  3389.                     objects (dir)
  3390.                       killerbat.obj                    megacupend1.obj
  3391.                       megacupend2.obj                  
  3392.                     tracks (dir)
  3393.                       mega_finish_1.trk                skull_army_11.trk
  3394.                       skull_army_12.trk                skull_army_13.trk
  3395.                       skull_army_14.trk                skull_army_15.trk
  3396.                     worlds (dir)
  3397.                       mega_finish.raw                  skull_army.raw
  3398.                  affpicture                       layouts.info
  3399.                  misc.info                        objects.info
  3400.                  ppshow                           tracks.info
  3401.                  worlds.info                      xtr-skullcup3.guide
  3402.                  xtr-skullcup3.guide.info         
  3403.             xtr-skullcuptracks3.info         
  3404.           duncan_scorgie (dir)
  3405.                organiser_supplements (dir)
  3406.                  amigas                           amigas.info
  3407.                  hall_of_fame                     hall_of_fame.info
  3408.                xen (dir)
  3409.                  11                               8
  3410.                  9                                
  3411.             bg.iff                           bghi.iff
  3412.             doc.guide                        doc.guide.info
  3413.             organiser_supplements.info       propass_unreg
  3414.             propass_unreg.info               propass_unreg_hires
  3415.             propass_unreg_hires.info         ww6test.html
  3416.             ww6test.html.info                xen.font
  3417.           femi_hasani (dir)
  3418.                fullscreen.anim (dir)
  3419.                  3dshow.anim7                     3dshow.anim7.info
  3420.                  afworld.anim7                    afworld.anim7.info
  3421.                  globe.anim7                      globe.anim7.info
  3422.                  motorola.anim7                   motorola.anim7.info
  3423.                  vsfcrystal1.anim7                vsfcrystal1.anim7.info
  3424.                  vsfeu.anim7                      vsfeu.anim7.info
  3425.                  vsfgoldworld.anim7               vsfgoldworld.anim7.info
  3426.                  vsfimpl.big.anim7                vsfimpl.big.anim7.info
  3427.                  vsfrot.anim7                     vsfrot.anim7.info
  3428.             3dshow.anim7                     3dshow.anim7.info
  3429.             af.anim7                         af.anim7.info
  3430.             afworld.anim7                    afworld.anim7.info
  3431.             box.anim7                        box.anim7.info
  3432.             fullscreen.anim.info             globe.anim7
  3433.             globe.anim7.info                 motorola.anim7
  3434.             motorola.anim7.info              read me!
  3435.             read me!.info                    torus.anim7
  3436.             torus.anim7.info                 tvsh.test.anim7
  3437.             tvsh.test.anim7.info             ufotest.anim7
  3438.             ufotest.anim7.info               vsf.3d.anim7
  3439.             vsf.3d.anim7.info                vsf.anim7
  3440.             vsf.anim7.info                   vsf2.anim7
  3441.             vsf2.anim7.info                  vsf3.anim7
  3442.             vsf3.anim7.info                  vsfcrystal.anim7
  3443.             vsfcrystal.anim7.info            vsfcrystal1.anim7
  3444.             vsfcrystal1.anim7.info           vsfeu.anim7
  3445.             vsfeu.anim7.info                 vsfgold.1anim7
  3446.             vsfgold.1anim7.info              vsfgold.anim7
  3447.             vsfgold.anim7.info               vsfgoldworld.anim7
  3448.             vsfgoldworld.anim7.info          vsfimpl.anim7
  3449.             vsfimpl.anim7.info               vsfimpl.big.anim7
  3450.             vsfimpl.big.anim7.info           vsfimpl2.anim7
  3451.             vsfimpl2.anim7.info              vsfrot.anim7
  3452.             vsfrot.anim7.info                vsftest.anim7
  3453.             vsftest.anim7.info               vsfw2.anim7
  3454.             vsfw2.anim7.info                 vsfworld.anim7
  3455.             vsfworld.anim7.info              
  3456.           ian_baxter (dir)
  3457.             assign_beat                      assign_beat.info
  3458.             beat docs                        beat docs.info
  3459.             beat master                      beat master .info
  3460.             beat1.abk                        beat10.abk
  3461.             beat2.abk                        beat3.abk
  3462.             beat4.abk                        beat5.abk
  3463.             beat6.abk                        beat7.abk
  3464.             beat8.abk                        beat9.abk
  3465.             pic                              pic.info
  3466.           knut_olav_løite (dir)
  3467.                spacefarming (dir)
  3468.                     bobs (dir)
  3469.                       alpha c sys.abk                  barnards sys.abk
  3470.                       buyfield.abk                     computersabotage.abk
  3471.                       computersystems.abk              degradeos.abk
  3472.                       demoversion.abk                  epsilon e sys.abk
  3473.                       erst.abk                         field security.abk
  3474.                       fieldcat.abk                     fieldinfo.abk
  3475.                       fieldinfo2.abk                   fields.abk
  3476.                       fieldsabotage.abk                fomalhault sys.abk
  3477.                       getoffer.abk                     hch.abk
  3478.                       help.abk                         hfd.abk
  3479.                       hfs.abk                          htd.abk
  3480.                       hts.abk                          konsesjon.abk
  3481.                       logos.abk                        nem.abk
  3482.                       nfs.abk                          numbers.abk
  3483.                       offerfield.abk                   offermade.abk
  3484.                       os.abk                           outoftime.abk
  3485.                       pwpm.abk                         quit.abk
  3486.                       restart.abk                      sabotage.abk
  3487.                       sabplayer.abk                    security.abk
  3488.                       sellfield.abk                    sellgrain.abk
  3489.                       sirius sys.abk                   sol sys.abk
  3490.                       solgt.abk                        supplycontract.abk
  3491.                       supplypen.abk                    tank security.abk
  3492.                       tankcat.abk                      tanks.abk
  3493.                       tanksabotage.abk                 tau ceti sys.abk
  3494.                       v maanen's sys.abk               wolf 359 sys.abk
  3495.                     graphics (dir)
  3496.                       abel.pic                         alexandria.pic
  3497.                       alpha c sys.pic                  alpha centauri a.pic
  3498.                       alpha centauri b.pic             arcana.pic
  3499.                       babylon.pic                      bach.pic
  3500.                       bank.pic                         bankrupcy.pic
  3501.                       barnards star.pic                barnards sys.pic
  3502.                       bell's wreck.pic                 bigate.pic
  3503.                       birminghamworld.pic              bysants.pic
  3504.                       camp donalds.pic                 campbell's claim.pic
  3505.                       change.pic                       conversion.pic
  3506.                       cooke.pic                        demoversionover.pic
  3507.                       earth.pic                        eden.pic
  3508.                       elvis.pic                        endofseason.pic
  3509.                       epsilon e sys.pic                epsilon eradani.pic
  3510.                       fermi.pic                        fomalhault sys.pic
  3511.                       fomalhault.pic                   frøy.pic
  3512.                       galilei.pic                      goldstein's rock.pic
  3513.                       grainfields.pic                  graintanks.pic
  3514.                       grieg.pic                        grojen.pic
  3515.                       heimdall.pic                     hel.pic
  3516.                       help.pic                         horus.pic
  3517.                       hoyle.pic                        intro.pic
  3518.                       jupiter.pic                      jwt.pic
  3519.                       k-world.pic                      lagrange.pic
  3520.                       lennon.pic                       loke.pic
  3521.                       luxor.pic                        løite's mine.pic
  3522.                       majors mine.pic                  mars.pic
  3523.                       meeri.pic                        mercury.pic
  3524.                       moneystolen.pic                  mozart.pic
  3525.                       nemesis.pic                      neptune.pic
  3526.                       new california.pic               new world.pic
  3527.                       newton.pic                       norway high.pic
  3528.                       odin.pic                         office.pic
  3529.                       pluto.pic                        proxima centauri.pic
  3530.                       proximum.pic                     saihano.pic
  3531.                       saturn.pic                       saunders claim.pic
  3532.                       sellgrain.pic                    sirius b.pic
  3533.                       sirius sys.pic                   sirius.pic
  3534.                       sol sys.pic                      sol.pic
  3535.                       stargate.pic                     stats.pic
  3536.                       styx.pic                         svennie.pic
  3537.                       systems.pic                      tau ceti sys.pic
  3538.                       tau ceti.pic                     taylor colony.pic
  3539.                       tenochtitlan.pic                 tor.pic
  3540.                       uranus.pic                       v maanen's sys.pic
  3541.                       van maanen's star.pic            venus.pic
  3542.                       wolf 359 sys.pic                 wolf 359.pic
  3543.                     help (dir)
  3544.                       bank.help                        bank.help.info
  3545.                       bankgen.help                     buyfield.help
  3546.                       buyos.help                       buyspacestation.help
  3547.                       bytte.help                       cancelsell.help
  3548.                       cancelspace.help                 comphack.help
  3549.                       comphackstrikes.help             concession.help
  3550.                       demoversion.help                 endofturn.help
  3551.                       entername.help                   enterpricesector.help
  3552.                       erst.help                        fieldsab.help
  3553.                       goback.help                      hch.help
  3554.                       hfd.help                         hfs.help
  3555.                       htd.help                         hts.help
  3556.                       info.help                        info2.help
  3557.                       initgame.help                    inputsale.help
  3558.                       konk.help                        lessplayers.help
  3559.                       load.help                        mindre.help
  3560.                       minus.help                       moreplayers.help
  3561.                       nem.help                         nemos.help
  3562.                       nemsab.help                      nemsto.help
  3563.                       nemtd.help                       nfsale.help
  3564.                       obtaincredit.help                obtaincredithm.help
  3565.                       offerfield.help                  office.help
  3566.                       okat.help                        oot.help
  3567.                       oschange.help                    planet.help
  3568.                       playerslogo.help                 pluss.help
  3569.                       quit.help                        repaycredit.help
  3570.                       repaycredithm.help               restart.help
  3571.                       rquit.help                       rrestart.help
  3572.                       sabotage.help                    sabotagebob.help
  3573.                       sabotagesys.help                 sabotagetank.help
  3574.                       sabpl.help                       save.help
  3575.                       securefield.help                 security.help
  3576.                       securitybob.help                 securitysys.help
  3577.                       sellbutton.help                  sellgen.help
  3578.                       sellgrain.help                   sellgrainsys.help
  3579.                       sellhm.help                      sellsector.help
  3580.                       setoffer.help                    spacestation.help
  3581.                       spen.help                        star.help
  3582.                       starsys.help                     startgame.help
  3583.                       statistics.help                  stats.help
  3584.                       statssys.help                    storage.help
  3585.                       storre.help                      supply.help
  3586.                       systems.help                     tanks.help
  3587.                       tanksecurity.help                tanksys.help
  3588.                       telephone.help                   tilbud.help
  3589.                       tkat.help                        toobig.help
  3590.                     icons (dir)
  3591.                       game.info                        spacefarming.info
  3592.                     stuff (dir)
  3593.                       abel                             alexandria
  3594.                       alpha c sys.pic.planets          alpha c sys.pic.zones
  3595.                       alpha centauri a                 alpha centauri b
  3596.                       arcana                           babylon
  3597.                       bach                             barnards star
  3598.                       barnards sys.pic.planets         barnards sys.pic.zones
  3599.                       bell's wreck                     bigate
  3600.                       birminghamworld                  bysants
  3601.                       camp donalds                     campbell's claim
  3602.                       conversion                       cooke
  3603.                       earth                            eden
  3604.                       elvis                            epsilon e sys.pic.planets
  3605.                       epsilon e sys.pic.zones          epsilon eradani
  3606.                       fermi                            fomalhault
  3607.                       fomalhault sys.pic.planets       fomalhault sys.pic.zones
  3608.                       frøy                             galilei
  3609.                       goldstein's rock                 grieg
  3610.                       grojen                           heimdall
  3611.                       hel                              helpnames
  3612.                       horus                            hoyle
  3613.                       jupiter                          jwt
  3614.                       k-world                          lagrange
  3615.                       lennon                           loke
  3616.                       luxor                            løite's mine
  3617.                       majors mine                      mars
  3618.                       meeri                            mercury
  3619.                       mozart                           nemesis
  3620.                       neptune                          new california
  3621.                       new world                        newton
  3622.                       norway high                      odin
  3623.                       pluto                            proxima centauri
  3624.                       proximum                         saihano
  3625.                       saturn                           saunders claim
  3626.                       sirius                           sirius b
  3627.                       sirius sys.pic.planets           sirius sys.pic.zones
  3628.                       sol                              sol sys.pic.planets
  3629.                       sol sys.pic.zones                stargate
  3630.                       styx                             svennie
  3631.                       tau ceti                         tau ceti sys.pic.planets
  3632.                       tau ceti sys.pic.zones           taylor colony
  3633.                       telefon.abk                      tenochtitlan
  3634.                       tor                              uranus
  3635.                       v maanen's sys.pic.planets       v maanen's sys.pic.zones
  3636.                       van maanen's star                van maanen's sys.pic.planets
  3637.                       van maanen's sys.pic.zones       venus
  3638.                       wolf 359                         wolf 359 sys.pic.planets
  3639.                       wolf 359 sys.pic.zones           
  3640.                  how_to_register                  how_to_register.info
  3641.                  spacefarming.info                spacefarming.readme
  3642.                  spacefarming.readme.info         
  3643.             afdocs                           afdocs.info
  3644.             disk1.dms                        disk2.dms
  3645.             disk3.dms                        extract_disk1
  3646.             extract_disk1.info               extract_disk2
  3647.             extract_disk2.info               extract_disk3
  3648.             extract_disk3.info               spacefarming.info
  3649.           mads_randstoft (dir)
  3650.             login.doc                        login.doc.info
  3651.             login2.0                         login2.0.info
  3652.             logout2.0                        logout2.0.info
  3653.             logout2.0mr                      
  3654.           manolis_pappas (dir)
  3655.                amystp (dir)
  3656.                  amystp.guide                     amystp.guide.info
  3657.                  amystpdecoder                    amystpencoder
  3658.                  readme                           readme.info
  3659.                hideit_workbench (dir)
  3660.                     docs (dir)
  3661.                       hideitwb.guide                   hideitwb.guide.info
  3662.                       manolis.iff                      
  3663.                  disclamer                        disclamer.info
  3664.                  docs.info                        hideitwb.000
  3665.                  hideitwb.000.info                hideitwb.020
  3666.                  hideitwb.020.info                hideitwb.030881
  3667.                  hideitwb.030881.info             hideitwb.040
  3668.                  hideitwb.040.info                hideitwb.060
  3669.                  hideitwb.060.info                readme
  3670.                  readmefirst                      readmefirst.info
  3671.                lzhutils (dir)
  3672.                  fixlzh                           joinlzh
  3673.                  lzhutils.guide                   lzhutils.guide.info
  3674.                  readme                           readme.info
  3675.                  scanlzh                          splitlzh
  3676.                mathfx (dir)
  3677.                     docs (dir)
  3678.                       lastnote                         lastnote.info
  3679.                       mathfx.guide                     mathfx.guide.info
  3680.                       mathfx.readme                    mathfx.readme.info
  3681.                       register.txt                     register.txt.info
  3682.                     examples (dir)
  3683.                       3d                               3d.c
  3684.                       contour.c                        demo
  3685.                       demo.c                           histogram.c
  3686.                       logarithmic.c                    polar.c
  3687.                       position.c                       scoptions
  3688.                       symbols1.c                       symbols2.c
  3689.                       windows.c                        
  3690.                     lib (dir)
  3691.                       mathfx000.lib                    mathfx020.lib
  3692.                       mathfx030.lib                    mathfx030882.lib
  3693.                       mathfx040.lib                    mathfx0600.lib
  3694.                  docs.info                        examples.info
  3695.                  lib.info                         readme
  3696.                  readme.info                      
  3697.             amystp.info                      hideit_workbench.info
  3698.             lzhutils.info                    mathfx.info
  3699.           martyn_bampton (dir)
  3700.                martyn's_icons_1 (dir)
  3701.                     disk_icons (dir)
  3702.                          apps-drive (dir)
  3703.                          art-drive (dir)
  3704.                          blobz-disk (dir)
  3705.                          games-drive (dir)
  3706.                          icons-disk (dir)
  3707.                          prefs-disk (dir)
  3708.                          ram disk (dir)
  3709.                            disk.info                        
  3710.                          sound-disk (dir)
  3711.                          tools&utils-disk (dir)
  3712.                       apps-drive.info                  art-drive.info
  3713.                       blobz-disk.info                  games-drive.info
  3714.                       icons-disk.info                  mb disk.info
  3715.                       prefs-disk.info                  ram disk.info
  3716.                       sound-disk.info                  tools&utils-disk.info
  3717.                     martyn's_apps_icons (dir)
  3718.                          ed (dir)
  3719.                          gedapp (dir)
  3720.                            dpaint.info                      nofastmem
  3721.                            nofastmem.info                   toolmanager.info
  3722.                          golded (dir)
  3723.                          toolmanager (dir)
  3724.                            dpaint                           dynamicskies
  3725.                            dynamicskies.info                vistacpu_50÷35.info
  3726.                            vistafpu_50÷35.info              vistaviewer_50÷35.info
  3727.                       ed.info                          gedapp.info
  3728.                       golded.info                      q back
  3729.                       q back.info                      
  3730.                     martyn's_drawers (dir)
  3731.                          ab3dii (dir)
  3732.                          amiga info (dir)
  3733.                          animation (dir)
  3734.                          apache (dir)
  3735.                            apache.info                      
  3736.                          arkanoide (dir)
  3737.                          backup (dir)
  3738.                          blobz (dir)
  3739.                          c (dir)
  3740.                          cd32 (dir)
  3741.                          cpu_info (dir)
  3742.                          data (dir)
  3743.                          database (dir)
  3744.                          disks (dir)
  3745.                          disk_tools (dir)
  3746.                          dosdrivers (dir)
  3747.                          dpaint 4 (dir)
  3748.                          dskies (dir)
  3749.                            dskies.info                      
  3750.                          expansion (dir)
  3751.                          grenade (dir)
  3752.                          icons (dir)
  3753.                          keymaps (dir)
  3754.                          money_matters (dir)
  3755.                          monitors (dir)
  3756.                          notes (dir)
  3757.                          patterns (dir)
  3758.                          presets (dir)
  3759.                          printers (dir)
  3760.                          s (dir)
  3761.                          samples (dir)
  3762.                          snooker (dir)
  3763.                          squirrel (dir)
  3764.                          storage (dir)
  3765.                          t (dir)
  3766.                          templates (dir)
  3767.                          turbo calc (dir)
  3768.                          twcustom (dir)
  3769.                          vista (dir)
  3770.                          wbstartup (dir)
  3771.                          wordworth (dir)
  3772.                          workbench (dir)
  3773.                          worms (dir)
  3774.                          zeewolf (dir)
  3775.                       ab3dii.info                      amiga info.info
  3776.                       animation.info                   arkanoide.info
  3777.                       backup.info                      blobz.info
  3778.                       c.info                           cd32.info
  3779.                       cpu_info.info                    data.info
  3780.                       database.info                    disks.info
  3781.                       disk_tools.info                  dosdrivers.info
  3782.                       dpaint 4.info                    expansion.info
  3783.                       grenade.info                     icons.info
  3784.                       keymaps.info                     money_matters.info
  3785.                       monitors.info                    notes.info
  3786.                       patterns.info                    presets.info
  3787.                       printers.info                    s.info
  3788.                       samples.info                     snooker.info
  3789.                       squirrel.info                    storage.info
  3790.                       t.info                           templates.info
  3791.                       turbo calc.info                  twcustom.info
  3792.                       vista.info                       wbstartup.info
  3793.                       wordworth.info                   workbench.info
  3794.                       worms.info                       zeewolf.info
  3795.                     martyn's_game_icons (dir)
  3796.                          alienbreed_50÷50 (dir)
  3797.                          gunship_50÷35 (dir)
  3798.                            blobz_50÷50                      
  3799.                          gunship_50÷50 (dir)
  3800.                          snooker_45÷35 (dir)
  3801.                          snooker_50÷50 (dir)
  3802.                            alienbreed_3dii_50÷50.info       
  3803.                          zeewolf2_50÷35 (dir)
  3804.                            zeewolf2_50÷35.info              
  3805.                          zeewolf2_50÷50 (dir)
  3806.                            alienbreed_50÷50.info            blobz_45÷35.info
  3807.                            gunship_50÷35.info               gunship_50÷50.info
  3808.                            snooker_50÷50.info               zeewolf2_50÷50.info
  3809.                       blobz_50÷50.info                 snooker_45÷35.info
  3810.                     martyn's_misc_icons (dir)
  3811.                          backdrop (dir)
  3812.                            clipart                          dp4 leaveout
  3813.                            palette                          readme
  3814.                            show_other_amiga                 skidmarks leaveout
  3815.                            start parnet (0)                 
  3816.                          guide (dir)
  3817.                            guide.info                       
  3818.                          pattern (dir)
  3819.                          picture (dir)
  3820.                          readme2 (dir)
  3821.                            edit leaveout                    info icon
  3822.                            pattern.info                     readme2.info
  3823.                            sample-iff.info                  skid leaveout-30÷30.info
  3824.                            tkg leaveout-30÷30.info          worms leaveout
  3825.                            worms leaveout-30÷30.info        worms-sample-iff.info
  3826.                            ww5 leaveout                     
  3827.                          tkg leaveout-30÷30 (dir)
  3828.                          worms leaveout-30÷30 (dir)
  3829.                            skid leaveout-30÷30              
  3830.                          worms level (dir)
  3831.                       backdrop.info                    clipart.info
  3832.                       dp4 leaveout.info                edit leaveout.info
  3833.                       info icon.info                   palette.info
  3834.                       picture.info                     readme.info
  3835.                       show_other_amiga.info            skidmarks leaveout.info
  3836.                       start parnet (0).info            worms leaveout.info
  3837.                       worms level.info                 ww5 leaveout.info
  3838.                     templates (dir)
  3839.                          drawer-template (dir)
  3840.                            disk-2.info                      
  3841.                       30x30-noboader.info              brush.temp.info
  3842.                       disk-template.info               drawer-template.info
  3843.                       mui-template.info                prefs-template.info
  3844.                       readme-template                  readme-template.info
  3845.                       readmetemplate-45x35.info        sample-track-temp.info
  3846.                       template-30x30.info              template-40x40.info
  3847.                       template-45x35.info              template-50x35.info
  3848.                       template-50x50.info              tool-template.info
  3849.                  disk_icons.info                  install-mb-icons
  3850.                  install-mb-icons.info            martyn's_apps_icons.info
  3851.                  martyn's_drawers.info            martyn's_game_icons.info
  3852.                  martyn's_icons.guide             martyn's_icons.guide.info
  3853.                  martyn's_misc_icons.info         quick_readme
  3854.                  quick_readme.info                templates.info
  3855.                otherstuff (dir)
  3856.                  goldstarcd_readme                goldstarcd_readme.info
  3857.                  wormsong_words                   wormsong_words.info
  3858.             martyn's_icons_1.info            otherstuff.info
  3859.           richard_munn (dir)
  3860.                backdrops (dir)
  3861.                  amigalogo                        amigalogo.info
  3862.                  backdrops.readme                 backdrops.readme.info
  3863.                  circuits                         circuits.info
  3864.                  marblespacewalk                  marblespacewalk.info
  3865.                  moon                             moon.info
  3866.                  sky                              sky.info
  3867.                  wallace&gromit                   wallace&gromit.info
  3868.                deflekt (dir)
  3869.                  deflekt                          deflekt.info
  3870.                  deflekt.readme                   deflekt.readme.info
  3871.                liberator (dir)
  3872.                  liberator                        liberator.info
  3873.                  liberator.readme                 liberator.readme.info
  3874.                pic2text (dir)
  3875.                     examples (dir)
  3876.                       astron(1*1).pic                  astron(2*2).pic
  3877.                       astron(4*4).pic                  gorilla(1*1).pic
  3878.                       gorilla(2*2).pic                 gorilla(4*3).pic
  3879.                       kingtut(2*3).pic                 
  3880.                  examples.info                    pic2text
  3881.                  pic2text.info                    pic2text.readme
  3882.                  pic2text.readme.info             
  3883.                thought (dir)
  3884.                  thought                          thought.info
  3885.                  thought.readme                   thought.readme.info
  3886.             backdrops.info                   deflekt.info
  3887.             liberator.info                   pic2text.info
  3888.             thought.info                     
  3889.           steven_collison (dir)
  3890.             fastext.amos                     readme
  3891.             readme.info                      
  3892.           timm_rutland (dir)
  3893.                afcd (dir)
  3894.                     scripts (dir)
  3895.                       ben.start                        bograts.start
  3896.                       demo_aircombat                   demo_cirion.natural
  3897.                       demo_ctz-dom                     demo_eph-mnemonic
  3898.                       demo_extend.kiitos               demo_lurkingshadows
  3899.                       demo_mellowchips                 demo_nomorelies
  3900.                       demo_ssp_novemberlight           demo_timechaos
  3901.                       demo_yoj                         end
  3902.                       game_abacus.start                game_aerialracers.start
  3903.                       game_ampu101.start               game_beasties.start
  3904.                       game_brain.start                 game_checkers.start
  3905.                       game_custard.start               game_duell.start
  3906.                       game_marathon.start              game_speedracerfx.start
  3907.                       game_superballz.start            game_torque.start
  3908.                       game_uropa².start                game_yagg.start
  3909.                       jp-1.start                       serious_drawstudio.start
  3910.                       serious_makecd.start             serious_octamed.start
  3911.                       virtual_karting.start            
  3912.                     sounds (dir)
  3913.                       astalav.snd                      citizen.snd
  3914.                       depress.snd                      neg.snd
  3915.                       pos.snd                          rob10.snd
  3916.                       yeayea.iff                       
  3917.                  afcd main menu                   demos
  3918.                  games                            serious
  3919.                  sharewaregames                   
  3920.                fonts (dir)
  3921.                     baselcb (dir)
  3922.                       16                               
  3923.                     helvetica (dir)
  3924.                       13                               15
  3925.                  baselcb.font                     helvetica.font
  3926.                tower_diags (dir)
  3927.                  cd_&_hd.iff                      cd_&_hd.iff.info
  3928.                  towerpower.iff                   towerpower.iff.info
  3929.                  tower_diags_readme               tower_diags_readme.info
  3930.             afcd.mme                         afcd9_menu_system
  3931.             afcd9_menu_system.info           assign
  3932.             execute                          iconx
  3933.             loading.pic                      mmeplayer
  3934.             read_me                          read_me.info
  3935.             tower_diags.info                 
  3936.           tim_greenwood (dir)
  3937.                afcd_icons (dir)
  3938.                     3d (dir)
  3939.                       3d.info                          
  3940.                     3d_objects (dir)
  3941.                       3d_objects.info                  
  3942.                     aficons (dir)
  3943.                       aficons.info                     
  3944.                     af_on_the_web (dir)
  3945.                       af_on_the_web.info               
  3946.                     animations (dir)
  3947.                       animations.info                  
  3948.                     archivers (dir)
  3949.                       archivers.info                   
  3950.                     cd_rom (dir)
  3951.                       cd_rom.info                      coverdisk_a.info
  3952.                       coverdisk_b.info                 doc_file.info
  3953.                     commercial (dir)
  3954.                       commercial.info                  
  3955.                     coverdisks (dir)
  3956.                       coverdisks.info                  
  3957.                     demos (dir)
  3958.                       demos.info                       
  3959.                     drawer (dir)
  3960.                       drawer.info                      mod_file.info
  3961.                     gallery (dir)
  3962.                       gallery.info                     
  3963.                     graphics (dir)
  3964.                       graphics.info                    
  3965.                     handy_tools (dir)
  3966.                       handy_tools.info                 
  3967.                     have_a_look_here_1st! (dir)
  3968.                       have_a_look_here_1st!.info       
  3969.                     in_the_mag (dir)
  3970.                       hip_player.info                  in_the_mag.info
  3971.                     misc_program (dir)
  3972.                       misc_program.info                
  3973.                     mui (dir)
  3974.                       mui.info                         
  3975.                     music (dir)
  3976.                       music.info                       
  3977.                     pd_select (dir)
  3978.                       misc_project.info                pd_select.info
  3979.                     prizewinner (dir)
  3980.                       prizewinner.info                 
  3981.                     programming (dir)
  3982.                       programming.info                 
  3983.                     readerstuff (dir)
  3984.                       readerstuff.info                 
  3985.                     screenplay (dir)
  3986.                       animfile.info                    picturefile.info
  3987.                       screenplay.info                  
  3988.                     serious (dir)
  3989.                       serious.info                     
  3990.                     sharware (dir)
  3991.                       sharware.info                    
  3992.                     spare_drawer (dir)
  3993.                       spare_drawer.info                
  3994.                     subdisk (dir)
  3995.                       subdisk.info                     
  3996.                     workbench (dir)
  3997.                       workbench.info                   
  3998.                     worms_levels (dir)
  3999.                       worms_levels.info                
  4000.                  +start me+.info                  +stop me+.info
  4001.                bonus_drawer (dir)
  4002.                  sunset.jpeg                      sunset.jpeg.info
  4003.                more_icons (dir)
  4004.                  icon11.info                      icon13.info
  4005.                  icon14.info                      icon15.info
  4006.                  icon16.info                      icon18.info
  4007.                  icon2.info                       icon22.info
  4008.                  icon24.info                      icon28.info
  4009.                  icon3.info                       icon33.info
  4010.                  icon34.info                      icon39.info
  4011.                  icon42.info                      icon44.info
  4012.                  icon45.info                      icon51.info
  4013.                  icon52.info                      icon54.info
  4014.                  icon59.info                      icon6.info
  4015.                  icon63.info                      icon65.info
  4016.                  icon68.info                      icon69.info
  4017.                  icon73.info                      icon8.info
  4018.                  icon9.info                       
  4019.                my_workbench (dir)
  4020.                  snapshot                         snapshot.info
  4021.                pallete_for_icons (dir)
  4022.                  palette.ilbm                     palette.ilbm.info
  4023.             afcd_icons.info                  bonus_drawer.info
  4024.             more_icons.info                  my_workbench.info
  4025.             pallete_for_icons.info           
  4026.        -gallery-.info                   anthony_sherratt.info
  4027.        dan_wood.info                    david_cruickshank.info
  4028.        duncan_scorgie.info              femi_hasani.info
  4029.        ian_baxter.info                  knut_olav_løite.info
  4030.        mads_randstoft.info              manolis_pappas.info
  4031.        martyn_bampton.info              reader_warrant
  4032.        reader_warrant.info              richard_munn.info
  4033.        steven_collison.info             subad.html
  4034.        submission_advice                submission_advice.info
  4035.        timm_rutland.info                tim_greenwood.info
  4036.      -screenplay- (dir)
  4037.           commercial (dir)
  4038.                timewarrior (dir)
  4039.                     dark-1g (dir)
  4040.                          int (dir)
  4041.                            d                                ddd
  4042.                            int8                             int9
  4043.                            tav4                             text4
  4044.                          plt (dir)
  4045.                            an1a.plt                         be1.plt
  4046.                            be2.plt                          be3.plt
  4047.                            be4.plt                          be5.plt
  4048.                            ca1.plt                          daw...
  4049.                            di1.plt                          di2.plt
  4050.                            fl1.plt                          fl2.plt
  4051.                            fl3.plt                          fl4.plt
  4052.                            fl5.plt                          fl6.plt
  4053.                            la1.plt                          la2.plt
  4054.                            la3.plt                          la4.plt
  4055.                            la5.plt                          la5a.plt
  4056.                            mo1.plt                          mo2.plt
  4057.                            mo3.plt                          mo4.plt
  4058.                            mo5.plt                          mor...
  4059.                            mou1.plt                         mou2.plt
  4060.                            mou3.plt                         mou4.plt
  4061.                            mou5.plt                         nig...
  4062.                            nig.plt                          nig1.plt
  4063.                            nig2.plt                         noo...
  4064.                            scr.plt                          sk1.plt
  4065.                            sk2.plt                          sk3.plt
  4066.                            sk4.plt                          tm.plt
  4067.                            vi1.plt                          vi2.plt
  4068.                            vi3.plt                          vi4.plt
  4069.                            vi6.plt                          vil5.plt
  4070.                            wo1.plt                          zblue.plt
  4071.                            zgreen.plt                       zgrey.plt
  4072.                            zpurple.plt                      
  4073.                       c3d.lib                          disk.info
  4074.                       how to play                      how to play.info
  4075.                       instructions                     instructions.info
  4076.                       ordering                         ordering.info
  4077.                       readme.first                     readme.first.info
  4078.                       timewarrior                      timewarrior.info
  4079.                     dark-2g (dir)
  4080.                       dis                              earth5
  4081.                       for1                             for2
  4082.                       lan1                             lan2
  4083.                       pla                              vil1
  4084.                       vil2                             was1
  4085.                     dark-3g (dir)
  4086.                       bea1                             bea2
  4087.                       cas                              for3
  4088.                       m3d                              mou
  4089.                       pc9                              pc9aa
  4090.                       tav4                             vil3
  4091.                       was2                             
  4092.                     dark-4g (dir)
  4093.                          shades (dir)
  4094.                            book                             ctn
  4095.                            gdn                              gyn
  4096.                            jrm                              mni
  4097.                            mor                              tt
  4098.                       city                             citys
  4099.                       cityxzxx                         desertan8
  4100.                       door.iff                         earthe
  4101.                       g                                gbornc
  4102.                       moosm                            onboard
  4103.                       pilaaaa                          plane5
  4104.                       shagrey2                         spin3
  4105.                       zarr                             
  4106.                     dark-5g (dir)
  4107.                          beach (dir)
  4108.                            beach1                           beache
  4109.                            beache2                          
  4110.                          castle (dir)
  4111.                            castle1                          castle2
  4112.                            gali                             sun6.sm
  4113.                            towerdis                         
  4114.                          forest (dir)
  4115.                            clump                            dis
  4116.                            for1                             for3
  4117.                            forsnow                          
  4118.                          lanes (dir)
  4119.                            clane                            edge
  4120.                            lan2                             lan3
  4121.                            trailsm                          vist
  4122.                            viws                             wsdis
  4123.                          others (dir)
  4124.                            lake                             lakeb
  4125.                            moun2db                          moun2m
  4126.                            moun2n                           mounpassz1
  4127.                            mount                            mount2dis
  4128.                            pic9a                            rhouse
  4129.                            rhouse2                          str1
  4130.                            str2                             str3.rid
  4131.                            str3a.rid                        str4.shd
  4132.                            str5.eye                         str6.lay
  4133.                            str7.ari                         thu.cha
  4134.                            vico                             vicow
  4135.                            viff                             villaged
  4136.                            viwh                             viwhb
  4137.                          plain (dir)
  4138.                            plain1                           plain3
  4139.                            snow                             
  4140.                          village (dir)
  4141.                            disvil                           karn
  4142.                            lay                              money
  4143.                            tavern                           vg1
  4144.                            vg2                              vg3
  4145.                            vg4                              
  4146.                          waste (dir)
  4147.                            wasta                            wastb
  4148.                     dark-6g (dir)
  4149.                       cala                             edg
  4150.                       galianj                          intav1
  4151.                       nigplt.da                        nigplt.moo
  4152.                       nigplt.moz                       nigplt.tm
  4153.                       pss                              tav1
  4154.                       tow                              
  4155.                     dark-7g (dir)
  4156.                       lak                              sunh6
  4157.                       viff                             vist
  4158.                       viwh                             viwhb
  4159.                       viws                             wsdis64
  4160.                     dark-g (dir)
  4161.                          ani (dir)
  4162.                            an1b                             an1d
  4163.                            an2b                             an2d
  4164.                            an3b                             an3d
  4165.                            an4b                             an4d
  4166.                          cha (dir)
  4167.                            ari.cha                          bar.cha
  4168.                            blk                              camp
  4169.                            camp1                            camp2
  4170.                            fao.cha                          faod.cha
  4171.                            faom.cha                         faomult.cha
  4172.                            faon.cha                         faon1.cha
  4173.                            g                                gir.cha
  4174.                            imi.cha                          kar.cha
  4175.                            lay.cha                          mag.cha
  4176.                            rid.cha                          rya.cha
  4177.                            tav.cha                          tavb.cha
  4178.                            thu.cha                          trr5
  4179.                            trr5a                            wil.cha
  4180.                          ins (dir)
  4181.                            1ches                            1dag
  4182.                            1jug                             1man
  4183.                            1pic                             1rod
  4184.                            1scr                             1tcb
  4185.                            1vas                             orb
  4186.                            rin                              staff
  4187.                          obj (dir)
  4188.                            cube.3do                         cube12.3do
  4189.                            cube2.3do                        cube6.3do
  4190.                            f12.3dt                          f12a.3dt
  4191.                            m109s0.3ds                       m109s1.3ds
  4192.                            om12007.3ds                      om15000.3ds
  4193.                            om15001.3ds                      om15002.3ds
  4194.                            om15003.3ds                      om16002.3ds
  4195.                            om6000.3ds                       om6001.3ds
  4196.                            om6006.3ds                       p8.3dt
  4197.                            ship4.3do                        station2.3do
  4198.                          sgame (dir)
  4199.                            unit 1                           unit 10
  4200.                            unit 11                          unit 12
  4201.                            unit 13                          unit 14
  4202.                            unit 15                          unit 16
  4203.                            unit 17                          unit 18
  4204.                            unit 19                          unit 2
  4205.                            unit 20                          unit 21
  4206.                            unit 22                          unit 23
  4207.                            unit 24                          unit 25
  4208.                            unit 26                          unit 27
  4209.                            unit 28                          unit 29
  4210.                            unit 3                           unit 30
  4211.                            unit 31                          unit 32
  4212.                            unit 33                          unit 34
  4213.                            unit 35                          unit 36
  4214.                            unit 37                          unit 38
  4215.                            unit 39                          unit 4
  4216.                            unit 40                          unit 41
  4217.                            unit 42                          unit 43
  4218.                            unit 44                          unit 45
  4219.                            unit 46                          unit 47
  4220.                            unit 48                          unit 49
  4221.                            unit 5                           unit 50
  4222.                            unit 51                          unit 52
  4223.                            unit 53                          unit 54
  4224.                            unit 55                          unit 56
  4225.                            unit 57                          unit 58
  4226.                            unit 59                          unit 6
  4227.                            unit 60                          unit 61
  4228.                            unit 62                          unit 63
  4229.                            unit 64                          unit 65
  4230.                            unit 66                          unit 67
  4231.                            unit 68                          unit 69
  4232.                            unit 7                           unit 70
  4233.                            unit 71                          unit 72
  4234.                            unit 8                           unit 9
  4235.                          spr (dir)
  4236.                            ho.ab                            hoors2
  4237.                            sb.ab                            sc.ab
  4238.                     dark-s (dir)
  4239.                          smp (dir)
  4240.                            axe3.tu                          bre.tu
  4241.                            drm.tu                           fir.tu
  4242.                            jwa.tu                           sec.tu
  4243.                            short.tu                         swoscr.tu
  4244.                            tav.tun                          wind.tu
  4245.                     shades (dir)
  4246.                          cbs (dir)
  4247.                            cabs                             cabs2
  4248.                            cabw                             cabw2
  4249.                            cabw3                            
  4250.                          fao (dir)
  4251.                            faod2.cha                        faod3.cha
  4252.                            faof.cha                         faof2.cha
  4253.                          shadesofevil (dir)
  4254.                            00.preface                       00.prelude
  4255.                            ch01                             ch02
  4256.                            ch03                             ch04
  4257.                            ch05                             ch06
  4258.                            ch07                             ch08
  4259.                            ch09                             ch10
  4260.                            ch11                             ch12
  4261.                            ch13                             d14.axe
  4262.                            d14.axe.info                     
  4263.                       ack                              disk.info
  4264.                       hist                             inst
  4265.                       inst2                            inst3
  4266.                       inst4                            inst5
  4267.                       shadesofevil.info                
  4268.                  dark-1g.info                     
  4269.             timewarrior.info                 
  4270.           shareware (dir)
  4271.                adom (dir)
  4272.                     adom (dir)
  4273.                       adom                             adom-amiga.txt
  4274.                       adom-amiga.txt.info              adom.faq
  4275.                       adom.faq.info                    adom.info
  4276.                       bugs.doc                         bugs.doc.info
  4277.                       license.doc                      license.doc.info
  4278.                       manual.doc                       manual.doc.info
  4279.                       readme.1st                       readme.1st.info
  4280.                       techstat.doc                     techstat.doc.info
  4281.                       update.doc                       update.doc.info
  4282.                  adom-094.readme                  adom_install
  4283.                  installer                        install_adom.info
  4284.                battleships (dir)
  4285.                     anims (dir)
  4286.                       airpics                          airpics.nfo
  4287.                       kikare                           kikare.nfo
  4288.                       multishot                        multishot.nfo
  4289.                       onehit                           onehit.nfo
  4290.                       oneshotl                         oneshotl.nfo
  4291.                       oneshots                         oneshots.nfo
  4292.                       sinking                          sinking.nfo
  4293.                     backgrounds (dir)
  4294.                       moviebackgrunds.abk              
  4295.                     catalogs (dir)
  4296.                          español (dir)
  4297.                            battleshipsii.catalog            
  4298.                          français (dir)
  4299.                            battleshipsii.catalog            
  4300.                          suomi (dir)
  4301.                            battleshipsii.catalog            
  4302.                          svenska (dir)
  4303.                            battleshipsii.catalog            
  4304.                     music (dir)
  4305.                       mod.exp.bre                      mod.gigaboom
  4306.                       mod.megabooom                    mod.multishot
  4307.                       mod.onandonvb                    mod.ping
  4308.                  battleships.guide                battleships.guide.info
  4309.                  battleshipsii                    battleshipsii.cd
  4310.                  battleshipsii.info               bsii10_1.readme
  4311.                  bsii10_2.readme                  bsii10_3.readme
  4312.                  logo.iff                         new_sounds.abk
  4313.                  options.abk                      sprites.abk
  4314.                blockblank (dir)
  4315.                     archive (dir)
  4316.                          binary (dir)
  4317.                            area-end.scr                     clockwork
  4318.                            clockwork-music                  imagination
  4319.                            imagination-music                levend.scr
  4320.                            space                            space-music
  4321.                            survival                         survival-music
  4322.                            titlescr                         
  4323.                          demos (dir)
  4324.                            demolevel0.dat                   demolevel1.dat
  4325.                            demolevel2.dat                   demolevel3.dat
  4326.                            demolevel4.dat                   
  4327.                          devs (dir)
  4328.                            narrator.device                  ramdrive.device
  4329.                            system-configuration             
  4330.                          l (dir)
  4331.                            ram-handler                      
  4332.                          level0 (dir)
  4333.                               area0 (dir)
  4334.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4335.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4336.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4337.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4338.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4339.                               area1 (dir)
  4340.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4341.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4342.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4343.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4344.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4345.                               area2 (dir)
  4346.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4347.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4348.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4349.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4350.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4351.                               area3 (dir)
  4352.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4353.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4354.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4355.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4356.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4357.                          level1 (dir)
  4358.                               area0 (dir)
  4359.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4360.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4361.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4362.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4363.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4364.                               area1 (dir)
  4365.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4366.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4367.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4368.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4369.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4370.                               area2 (dir)
  4371.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4372.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4373.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4374.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4375.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4376.                               area3 (dir)
  4377.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4378.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4379.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4380.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4381.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4382.                          level2 (dir)
  4383.                               area0 (dir)
  4384.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4385.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4386.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4387.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4388.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4389.                               area1 (dir)
  4390.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4391.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4392.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4393.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4394.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4395.                               area2 (dir)
  4396.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4397.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4398.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4399.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4400.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4401.                               area3 (dir)
  4402.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4403.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4404.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4405.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4406.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4407.                          level3 (dir)
  4408.                               area0 (dir)
  4409.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4410.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4411.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4412.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4413.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4414.                               area1 (dir)
  4415.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4416.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4417.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4418.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4419.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4420.                               area2 (dir)
  4421.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4422.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4423.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4424.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4425.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4426.                               area3 (dir)
  4427.                                 s0.dat                           s1.dat
  4428.                                 s2.dat                           s3.dat
  4429.                                 s4.dat                           s5.dat
  4430.                                 s6.dat                           s7.dat
  4431.                                 s8.dat                           s9.dat
  4432.                          libs (dir)
  4433.                            diskfont.library                 
  4434.                          s (dir)
  4435.                            startup-sequence                 
  4436.                       blockblank                       blockblank.readme
  4437.                       disk.info                        instructions.doc
  4438.                       instructions.doc.info            must_readme_now!
  4439.                       must_readme_now!.info            ppmore
  4440.                  afdocs                           afdocs.info
  4441.                  archive.info                     blockblank.dms
  4442.                  extract_dms                      extract_dms.info
  4443.                frontalassault (dir)
  4444.                     levels (dir)
  4445.                       acdc.map                         african.map
  4446.                       alien land.map                   animal farm.map
  4447.                       apple.map                        booze.map
  4448.                       brickwork.map                    bridge.map
  4449.                       cartoon.map                      christmas.map
  4450.                       city sunset.map                  city.map
  4451.                       city2.map                        dark.map
  4452.                       desert rocks.map                 donkey.map
  4453.                       doobs.map                        factory.map
  4454.                       fastfood.map                     firewall.map
  4455.                       fish.map                         flight.map
  4456.                       fruity.map                       garden.map
  4457.                       greece.map                       gridlock.map
  4458.                       islands.map                      keep.map
  4459.                       lasagna.map                      mario.map
  4460.                       mexican.map                      moon.map
  4461.                       moon2.map                        moon3.map
  4462.                       music.map                        nessie.map
  4463.                       nypd purple.map                  ocean.map
  4464.                       pencils.map                      pilars.map
  4465.                       pinnacle.map                     rainbow.map
  4466.                       shadow.map                       site.map
  4467.                       space.map                        statue.map
  4468.                       teddy.map                        the disc.map
  4469.                       tooms.map                        underground.map
  4470.                       underwater.map                   vista.map
  4471.                       volcano.map                      wb.map
  4472.                       wood.map                         x-files.map
  4473.                       xmas.map                         
  4474.                     music (dir)
  4475.                       acid jazz                        atmospheric
  4476.                       blues                            bouncy
  4477.                       dance                            dramatic
  4478.                       funk                             guitar
  4479.                       jammin'                          trance
  4480.                       vocal                            
  4481.                     talk (dir)
  4482.                       die.txt                          shoot.txt
  4483.                  frontalassault                   frontalassault.info
  4484.                  frontalassault.readme            history.doc
  4485.                  history.doc.info                 readme.doc
  4486.                  readme.doc.info                  
  4487.                jumpman_deluxe (dir)
  4488.                     highscore (dir)
  4489.                       highscores                       
  4490.                     level (dir)
  4491.                       l1                               l11
  4492.                       l16                              l21
  4493.                       l6                               
  4494.                  .info                            jm1
  4495.                  jm2                              jm3
  4496.                  jm4                              jm5
  4497.                  jm6                              jm7
  4498.                  jm8                              jmkonf
  4499.                  jumpman.readme                   jumpman.readme.info
  4500.                  jumpmandeluxe.dok                jumpmandeluxe.dok.info
  4501.                  jumpman_deluxe                   jumpman_deluxe.info
  4502.                monopoly (dir)
  4503.                  afdocs                           afdocs.info
  4504.                  gtlayout.library                 hbmonopoly.readme
  4505.                  monopix.mask                     monopix.pic
  4506.                  monopoly                         monopoly.guide
  4507.                  monopoly.guide.info              monopoly.info
  4508.                  monopoly.pic                     
  4509.                soliton (dir)
  4510.                     catalogs (dir)
  4511.                          deutsch (dir)
  4512.                            soliton.catalog                  
  4513.                       deutsch.info                     soliton.cd
  4514.                       soliton.cd.info                  
  4515.                     docs (dir)
  4516.                          deutsch (dir)
  4517.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  4518.                          english (dir)
  4519.                            soliton.guide                    soliton.guide.info
  4520.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  4521.                     graphics (dir)
  4522.                       cards_default.iff                cards_default.readme
  4523.                       pattern_default.iff              
  4524.                     mwbicons (dir)
  4525.                       catalogs.info                    clickforcolors
  4526.                       clickforcolors.info              drawer.info
  4527.                       graphics.info                    soliton.guide.info
  4528.                       soliton.info                     
  4529.                  catalogs.info                    docs.info
  4530.                  graphics.info                    mwbicons.info
  4531.                  soliton                          soliton-install
  4532.                  soliton-install.info             soliton.info
  4533.                  soliton100.readme                
  4534.                splatt (dir)
  4535.                     libs (dir)
  4536.                       amos.library                     medplayer.library
  4537.                     s (dir)
  4538.                       startup-sequence                 
  4539.                  -hdinstall.txt                   -hdinstall.txt.info
  4540.                  -hdsplatt                        -hdsplatt.info
  4541.                  bane1.pic                        bane10.pic
  4542.                  bane11.pic                       bane12.pic
  4543.                  bane13.pic                       bane14.pic
  4544.                  bane15.pic                       bane16.pic
  4545.                  bane17.pic                       bane18.pic
  4546.                  bane2.pic                        bane3.pic
  4547.                  bane4.pic                        bane5.pic
  4548.                  bane6.pic                        bane7.pic
  4549.                  bane8.pic                        bane9.pic
  4550.                  final-info                       final-splatt
  4551.                  finalmeny                        finalsp.readme
  4552.                  kemoman2.abk                     med.powerbird
  4553.                  med.tower_of_techno              miouu
  4554.                  mod.spillmod                     sound.abk
  4555.                  voff                             
  4556.                tetras! (dir)
  4557.                     bobs (dir)
  4558.                       anim01.bob                       anim02.bob
  4559.                       anim03.bob                       anim04.bob
  4560.                       anim05.bob                       anim06.bob
  4561.                       anim07.bob                       anim08.bob
  4562.                       anim09.bob                       anim10.bob
  4563.                       anim11.bob                       anim12.bob
  4564.                       anim13.bob                       anim14.bob
  4565.                       anim15.bob                       anim16.bob
  4566.                       anim17.bob                       anim18.bob
  4567.                       anim19.bob                       anim20.bob
  4568.                       anim21.bob                       anim22.bob
  4569.                       anim23.bob                       anim24.bob
  4570.                       anim25.bob                       
  4571.                     source (dir)
  4572.                       tetras_v1.05.s                   
  4573.                  bobs.info                        disclaimer
  4574.                  disclaimer.info                  source.info
  4575.                  tetras!                          tetras.readme
  4576.                  tetras.readme.info               
  4577.                youngdefender (dir)
  4578.                     data (dir)
  4579.                       credits.pale                     credits.pale.info
  4580.                       eol1.iff                         eol1.iff.info
  4581.                       eol2.iff                         eol2.iff.info
  4582.                       eol4.iff                         eol4.iff.info
  4583.                       eol5.iff                         eol5.iff.info
  4584.                       level0.aw                        level0.fp
  4585.                       level0.map                       level0.pale
  4586.                       level0.pale.info                 level1.aw
  4587.                       level1.data                      level1.fp
  4588.                       level1.ilbm                      level1.ilbm.info
  4589.                       level1.map                       level1.pale
  4590.                       level1.pale.info                 level2.aw
  4591.                       level2.data                      level2.fp
  4592.                       level2.ilbm                      level2.ilbm.info
  4593.                       level2.map                       level2.pale
  4594.                       level2.pale.info                 level3.aw
  4595.                       level3.data                      level3.fp
  4596.                       level3.ilbm                      level3.ilbm.info
  4597.                       level3.map                       level3.pale
  4598.                       level3.pale.info                 level4.aw
  4599.                       level4.data                      level4.fp
  4600.                       level4.ilbm                      level4.ilbm.info
  4601.                       level4.map                       level4.pale
  4602.                       level4.pale.info                 level5.data
  4603.                       level5.ilbm                      levelcredit1.map
  4604.                       outro.data                       sound1.data
  4605.                       sound1.snd                       sound2.data
  4606.                       sound2.snd                       sound3.data
  4607.                       sound3.snd                       
  4608.                     intro (dir)
  4609.                       credits.pale                     credits.pale.info
  4610.                       eclipsegroup.pale                font.data
  4611.                       intro.pale                       intro.pale.info
  4612.                       intro1.data                      intro2.data
  4613.                       intro3.data                      intro4.data
  4614.                       levelcredit1.map                 outro.data
  4615.                  data.info                        intro.info
  4616.                  yd.guide                         yd.guide.info
  4617.                  yd3.exe                          youngdefender
  4618.                  youngdefender.info               youngdefender.readme
  4619.                ytzpro (dir)
  4620.                  ytz                              ytz.info
  4621.                  ytzp.readme                      ytzp.readme.info
  4622.             adom.info                        battleships.info
  4623.             blockblank.info                  frontalassault.info
  4624.             jumpman_deluxe.info              monopoly.info
  4625.             soliton.info                     splatt.info
  4626.             tetras!.info                     youngdefender.info
  4627.             ytzpro.info                      
  4628.           utilities (dir)
  4629.                cheater_v22 (dir)
  4630.                     catalogs (dir)
  4631.                          deutsch (dir)
  4632.                            cheater.catalog                  
  4633.                          italiano (dir)
  4634.                            cheater.catalog                  
  4635.                          nederlands (dir)
  4636.                            cheater.catalog                  
  4637.                       cheater.cd                       deutsch.ct
  4638.                       nederlands.ct                    
  4639.                     htmldok (dir)
  4640.                       addr.html                        address.iff
  4641.                       agent.iff                        anleitung.html
  4642.                       anleitung.html.info              credits.html
  4643.                       desc.html                        disclaimer.html
  4644.                       future.html                      gui.html
  4645.                       history.html                     how.html
  4646.                       logo.iff                         mainwindow.iff
  4647.                       mui.html                         progs.html
  4648.                       projects.html                    regi.html
  4649.                       tech.html                        tt.html
  4650.                     pics (dir)
  4651.                       mainwindow.iff                   
  4652.                  anleitung.guide                  anleitung.guide.info
  4653.                  cheater                          cheater.info
  4654.                  cheater22.readme                 htmldok.info
  4655.                  manual.guide                     manual.guide.info
  4656.                  regiform_deutsch                 regiform_english
  4657.                mtgpg (dir)
  4658.                  alliance.guide                   alliance.guide.info
  4659.                  killerdecks.guide                killerdecks.guide.info
  4660.                  master.guide                     master.guide.info
  4661.                  menu4.guide                      menu4.guide.info
  4662.                  menu5.guide                      menu5.guide.info
  4663.                  mirage.guide                     mirage.guide.info
  4664.                  mtgpg.guide                      mtgpg.guide.info
  4665.                  mtgpg.readme                     myths.guide
  4666.                  myths.guide.info                 rules.guide
  4667.                  rules.guide.info                 
  4668.                spyvsspy_hdinstall (dir)
  4669.                     install (dir)
  4670.                       data                             deutsch.info
  4671.                       english.info                     spy_vs_spy.install
  4672.                       spy_vs_spyinfo                   
  4673.                  install.info                     spyvsspyinstall.readme
  4674.                  spyvsspyinstall.readme.info      
  4675.                swos_hdinstall (dir)
  4676.                  readme                           readme.info
  4677.                  sensible world of soccer         sensible world of soccer.icon
  4678.                  ssboot10.hd                      ssboot11.hd
  4679.                  ssboot96.hd                      ssboot97.hd
  4680.                  ssbootec.hd                      swos install
  4681.                  swos install.info                swoshd.readme
  4682.             cheater_v22.info                 mtgpg.info
  4683.             spyvsspy_hdinstall.info          swos_hdinstall.info
  4684.        commercial.info                  shareware.info
  4685.        utilities.info                   
  4686.      -seriously_amiga- (dir)
  4687.           commercial (dir)
  4688.                5dsoftware (dir)
  4689.                     docs (dir)
  4690.                       5deducation                      5dgames
  4691.                       5dmags                           5dutils
  4692.                       hello                            pguide
  4693.                       psub                             ptype
  4694.                       review                           
  4695.                     fonts (dir)
  4696.                          goudyb (dir)
  4697.                            23                               
  4698.                          scala (dir)
  4699.                            11                               
  4700.                          siesta (dir)
  4701.                            11                               
  4702.                       goudyb.font                      scala.font
  4703.                       siesta.font                      
  4704.                     mods (dir)
  4705.                       tune.mod                         tune2.mod
  4706.                     pics (dir)
  4707.                       5dbg                             assist
  4708.                       beasties                         belle
  4709.                       bird                             bouncy
  4710.                       casino                           clippic
  4711.                       content                          conv
  4712.                       ds3                              h
  4713.                       hilt2                            history
  4714.                       intpic                           jump
  4715.                       mag                              mmback
  4716.                       modem                            pbg
  4717.                       phone                            physic
  4718.                       pleb                             prgbg
  4719.                       price                            rabbit
  4720.                       rem1                             rotator
  4721.                       splat                            ssm
  4722.                       swback                           tdawn
  4723.                       welcome                          
  4724.                  +runme_first+                    +runme_first+.info
  4725.                  bank.link                        menu system
  4726.                  menu system.info                 mshelp
  4727.                  page.dat                         
  4728.                bgsunlimited (dir)
  4729.                     blends (dir)
  4730.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4731.                       blends01.256                     blends01.256.info
  4732.                     boxpanel (dir)
  4733.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4734.                       boxpanel07.256                   boxpanel07.256.info
  4735.                     circles (dir)
  4736.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4737.                       circles04.256                    circles04.256.info
  4738.                     clouds (dir)
  4739.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4740.                       clouds01.256                     clouds01.256.info
  4741.                     col_ball (dir)
  4742.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4743.                       colball09.256                    colball09.256.info
  4744.                     cutout (dir)
  4745.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4746.                       cutout19.256                     cutout19.256.info
  4747.                     emc_phase4 (dir)
  4748.                          backgrounds (dir)
  4749.                               custom (dir)
  4750.                                 -index.1.256                     -index.1.256.info
  4751.                                 -index.2.256                     -index.2.256.info
  4752.                                 -index.3.256                     -index.3.256.info
  4753.                                 -index.4.256                     -index.4.256.info
  4754.                                 -index.5.256                     -index.5.256.info
  4755.                                 -index.6.256                     -index.6.256.info
  4756.                                 -index.7.256                     -index.7.256.info
  4757.                                 -index.8.256                     -index.8.256.info
  4758.                                 backdrop17.256                   backdrop17.256.info
  4759.                                 backdrop62.256                   backdrop62.256.info
  4760.                               scenic (dir)
  4761.                                 -index.1.256                     -index.1.256.info
  4762.                                 -index.2.256                     -index.2.256.info
  4763.                                 -index.3.256                     -index.3.256.info
  4764.                                 -index.4.256                     -index.4.256.info
  4765.                                 trees3.256                       trees3.256.info
  4766.                                 water06.256                      water06.256.info
  4767.                               textures (dir)
  4768.                                 -index.1.256                     -index.1.256.info
  4769.                                 -index.2.256                     -index.2.256.info
  4770.                                 -index.3.256                     -index.3.256.info
  4771.                                 -index.4.256                     -index.4.256.info
  4772.                                 bark2.256                        bark2.256.info
  4773.                                 stone15.256                      stone15.256.info
  4774.                            custom.info                      readme!
  4775.                            readme!.info                     scenic.info
  4776.                            textures.info                    
  4777.                          fonts (dir)
  4778.                               bitmap (dir)
  4779.                                    silicon (dir)
  4780.                                      108                              120
  4781.                                      132                              144
  4782.                                      156                              168
  4783.                                      18                               24
  4784.                                      30                               36
  4785.                                      42                               48
  4786.                                      54                               60
  4787.                                      66                               72
  4788.                                      78                               84
  4789.                                      90                               96
  4790.                                 silicon.font                     
  4791.                               intellifont (dir)
  4792.                                    silicon (dir)
  4793.                                      iconx                            installfont
  4794.                                      installfont.info                 silicon.font
  4795.                                      silicon.otag                     silicon.type
  4796.                                 silicon.info                     
  4797.                               previews (dir)
  4798.                                 silicon.iff                      silicon.iff.info
  4799.                               type1 (dir)
  4800.                                 silicon.afm                      silicon.pfb
  4801.                            bitmap.info                      intellifont.info
  4802.                            previews.info                    readme1st
  4803.                            readme1st.info                   type1.info
  4804.                          useful (dir)
  4805.                               anims (dir)
  4806.                                 counter7.anim                    counter7.anim.info
  4807.                                 vt                               
  4808.                               buttons (dir)
  4809.                                 low-purple.16                    low-purple.16.info
  4810.                                 norm-purple.16                   norm-purple.16.info
  4811.                                 raised-grey.16                   raised-grey.16.info
  4812.                                 readme!                          readme!.info
  4813.                            anims.info                       buttons.info
  4814.                       backgrounds.info                 emc_phase4.guide
  4815.                       emc_phase4.guide.info            fonts.info
  4816.                       useful.info                      
  4817.                     gradient (dir)
  4818.                       -index_1.256                     -index_1.256.info
  4819.                       -index_2.256                     -index_2.256.info
  4820.                       purple04.256                     purple04.256.info
  4821.                     haze (dir)
  4822.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4823.                       haze04.256                       haze04.256.info
  4824.                     metrock (dir)
  4825.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4826.                       metrock13.256                    metrock13.256.info
  4827.                     raised (dir)
  4828.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4829.                       raised20.256                     raised20.256.info
  4830.                     sand (dir)
  4831.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4832.                       sand01.256                       sand01.256.info
  4833.                     shapes (dir)
  4834.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4835.                       shapes11.256                     shapes11.256.info
  4836.                     spheres (dir)
  4837.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4838.                       sphere06.256                     sphere06.256.info
  4839.                     swirls (dir)
  4840.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4841.                       swirls14.256                     swirls14.256.info
  4842.                     tech (dir)
  4843.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4844.                       tech01.256                       tech01.256.info
  4845.                     textint (dir)
  4846.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4847.                       textint08.256                    textint08.256.info
  4848.                     tx_beige (dir)
  4849.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4850.                       beige06.256                      beige06.256.info
  4851.                     tx_blue (dir)
  4852.                       -index_1.256                     -index_1.256.info
  4853.                       -index_2.256                     -index_2.256.info
  4854.                       blue05.256                       blue05.256.info
  4855.                     tx_brown (dir)
  4856.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4857.                       brown04.256                      brown04.256.info
  4858.                     tx_green (dir)
  4859.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4860.                       green07.256                      green07.256.info
  4861.                     tx_grey (dir)
  4862.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4863.                       grey09.256                       grey09.256.info
  4864.                     tx_orange (dir)
  4865.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4866.                       orange06.256                     orange06.256.info
  4867.                     tx_purple (dir)
  4868.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4869.                       purple09.256                     purple09.256.info
  4870.                     tx_red (dir)
  4871.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4872.                       red08.256                        red08.256.info
  4873.                     tx_tellow (dir)
  4874.                       -index.256                       -index.256.info
  4875.                       yellow03.256                     yellow03.256.info
  4876.                  bgsunlimited.guide               bgsunlimited.guide.info
  4877.                  blends.info                      boxpanel.info
  4878.                  circles.info                     clouds.info
  4879.                  col_ball.info                    cutout.info
  4880.                  emc_phase4.info                  gradient.info
  4881.                  haze.info                        metrock.info
  4882.                  raised.info                      sand.info
  4883.                  shapes.info                      spheres.info
  4884.                  swirls.info                      tech.info
  4885.                  textint.info                     tx_beige.info
  4886.                  tx_blue.info                     tx_brown.info
  4887.                  tx_green.info                    tx_grey.info
  4888.                  tx_orange.info                   tx_purple.info
  4889.                  tx_red.info                      tx_tellow.info
  4890.                makecd_2.0 (dir)
  4891.                     catalogs (dir)
  4892.                          deutsch (dir)
  4893.                            makecd.catalog                   
  4894.                       deutsch.info                     
  4895.                     doc (dir)
  4896.                          deutsch (dir)
  4897.                            authors.hyper                    bastelkiste
  4898.                            credits.hyper                    faq
  4899.                            faq.hyper                        faq.info
  4900.                            features.hyper                   glossary.hyper
  4901.                            hardware.hyper                   header.hyper
  4902.                            index.hyper                      intro.hyper
  4903.                            mailinglists.hyper               makecd-reste
  4904.                            makecd-topnode.hyper             makecd.txt
  4905.                            makecd.txt.info                  registrierformular
  4906.                            registrierformular.info          support.hyper
  4907.                          development (dir)
  4908.                            ieee_p1281.ps                    ieee_p1281.ps.info
  4909.                            ieee_p1282.ps                    ieee_p1282.ps.info
  4910.                            rock_ridge_amiga_specific        rock_ridge_amiga_specific.info
  4911.                            rr_amiga_specific.readme         rr_amiga_specific.readme.info
  4912.                          english (dir)
  4913.                            authors.hyper                    bastelkiste
  4914.                            compatibility.hyper              credits.hyper
  4915.                            faq                              faq.hyper
  4916.                            faq.info                         features.hyper
  4917.                            glossary.hyper                   hardware.hyper
  4918.                            header.hyper                     index.hyper
  4919.                            intro.hyper                      mailinglists.hyper
  4920.                            makecd-reste                     makecd-topnode.hyper
  4921.                            makecd.txt                       makecd.txt.info
  4922.                            registerform                     registerform.info
  4923.                            support.hyper                    
  4924.                       compatibility                    compatibility.info
  4925.                       deutsch.info                     development.info
  4926.                       english.info                     history
  4927.                       history.info                     triton.readme
  4928.                       triton.readme.info               
  4929.                     goodies (dir)
  4930.                          amicdfs2 (dir)
  4931.                               c (dir)
  4932.                                 mount                            mount.info
  4933.                                 setcdfs                          setcdfs.info
  4934.                                 setpatch                         setpatch.info
  4935.                                 setpatchmc702                    setpatchmc702.info
  4936.                                 setpatchmc702.txt                setpatchmc702.txt.info
  4937.                               icons (dir)
  4938.                                 def_cddadisk.info                
  4939.                               l (dir)
  4940.                                 amicdfs                          amicdfs.030
  4941.                                 amicdfs.030.info                 amicdfs.info
  4942.                                 wbstart-handler                  wbstart-handler.info
  4943.                               libs (dir)
  4944.                                 dospath.library                  dospath.library.info
  4945.                                 wbstart.library                  wbstart.library.info
  4946.                               newicons (dir)
  4947.                                 def_cd0disk.info                 def_cddadisk.info
  4948.                               sound (dir)
  4949.                                    disks (dir)
  4950.                                      id02034074034074                 id0302b57f03258f
  4951.                                      id040292d203419b                 id0501f4b7036f74
  4952.                                      id0502c29503c172                 id05038aae0454f2
  4953.                                      id0600b64e02f7ec                 id0701cc26034f44
  4954.                                      id080096ed02d6e7                 id0800c5050296b2
  4955.                                      id0900f34302bcc8                 id1400b6da04074a
  4956.                                      id18009ebe045abd                 
  4957.                                    fonts (dir)
  4958.                                         mcdp_dot (dir)
  4959.                                           10                               
  4960.                                         mcdp_lcd (dir)
  4961.                                           10                               
  4962.                                         mcdp_std (dir)
  4963.                                           10                               
  4964.                                      mcdp_dot.font                    mcdp_dot.font.info
  4965.                                      mcdp_dot.info                    mcdp_lcd.font
  4966.                                      mcdp_lcd.font.info               mcdp_lcd.info
  4967.                                      mcdp_std.font                    mcdp_std.font.info
  4968.                                      mcdp_std.info                    
  4969.                                 disks.info                       fonts.info
  4970.                                 mcdplayer                        mcdplayer.info
  4971.                                 mcdplayer.txt                    mcdplayer.txt.info
  4972.                            amicdfs.guide                    amicdfs.guide.info
  4973.                            amicdrom.guide                   c.info
  4974.                            cd0                              cd0.info
  4975.                            icons.info                       l.info
  4976.                            libs.info                        mac0
  4977.                            mac0.info                        newicons.info
  4978.                            sound.info                       
  4979.                          cdromemu (dir)
  4980.                            cdromemu                         cdromemu.c
  4981.                            cdromemu.device                  cdromemu.doc
  4982.                            cdromemu.fd                      cdromemu.h
  4983.                            main.c                           smakefile
  4984.                          nsdpatch (dir)
  4985.                            nsdpatch                         nsdquery
  4986.                            readme.first                     v40.nsdpatchcfg
  4987.                          triton (dir)
  4988.                               catalogs (dir)
  4989.                                    deutsch (dir)
  4990.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  4991.                                    français (dir)
  4992.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  4993.                                    nederlands (dir)
  4994.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  4995.                                    svenska (dir)
  4996.                                      triton.catalog                   tritonprefs.catalog
  4997.                               demos (dir)
  4998.                                 demo                             demo.info
  4999.                                 envprint                         envprint.info
  5000.                                 progind                          progind.info
  5001.                                 readme                           readme.info
  5002.                                 toolmanager1                     toolmanager1.info
  5003.                                 toolmanager2                     toolmanager2.info
  5004.                                 toolmanager3                     toolmanager3.info
  5005.                                 trlogo                           trlogo.info
  5006.                               docs (dir)
  5007.                                 history                          history.info
  5008.                                 triton.dvi                       triton.dvi.info
  5009.                                 triton.guide                     triton.guide.info
  5010.                               icons (dir)
  5011.                                 dvi.info                         guide.info
  5012.                                 install.info                     installer.info
  5013.                                 manual.info                      prefs.info
  5014.                                 readme                           readme.info
  5015.                                 tex.info                         triton-demo.info
  5016.                                 triton-demos.info                triton-prefs.info
  5017.                               install (dir)
  5018.                                    workbench_2.1+ (dir)
  5019.                                      dansk.info                       deutsch.info
  5020.                                      english.info                     español.info
  5021.                                      français.info                    install triton
  5022.                                      italiano.info                    nederlands.info
  5023.                                      norsk.info                       português.info
  5024.                                      svenska.info                     
  5025.                                 install triton                   workbench_2.0.info
  5026.                                 workbench_2.1+.info              
  5027.                               libs37 (dir)
  5028.                                 triton.library                   
  5029.                               libs39 (dir)
  5030.                                 triton.library                   
  5031.                               prefs (dir)
  5032.                                 triton                           triton.info
  5033.                            demo                             demo.info
  5034.                            demos.info                       docs.info
  5035.                            icons.info                       install.info
  5036.                            prefs.info                       readme
  5037.                            readme.info                      trprefsupdate
  5038.                       amicdfs2.info                    cdromemu.info
  5039.                       nsdpatch.info                    readme
  5040.                       readme.info                      triton.info
  5041.                     modules (dir)
  5042.                          scsidrivers (dir)
  5043.                            atapicd.driver                   cdrom.driver
  5044.                            neccd.driver                     philipscdd2000.driver
  5045.                            philipscdd2600.driver            plextor.driver
  5046.                            plextorcd.driver                 sonycd.driver
  5047.                            toshibacd.driver                 yamaha.driver
  5048.                       makecdromfs.module               readwrite.module
  5049.                       scsidrivers.info                 scsisupport.module
  5050.                  catalogs.info                    doc.info
  5051.                  goodies.info                     install
  5052.                  install.info                     installer
  5053.                  makecd                           makecd.info
  5054.                  makecd.noinfo                    modules.info
  5055.                  readme                           readme.info
  5056.                  registerscript                   tracks.noinfo
  5057.                  triton.library                   
  5058.                rdb-salv (dir)
  5059.                     catalogs (dir)
  5060.                          deutsch (dir)
  5061.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5062.                          français (dir)
  5063.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5064.                          italiano (dir)
  5065.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5066.                          nederlands (dir)
  5067.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5068.                          norsk (dir)
  5069.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5070.                          suomi (dir)
  5071.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5072.                          svenska (dir)
  5073.                            rdbtools.catalog                 
  5074.                     deutsch (dir)
  5075.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5076.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5077.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5078.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5079.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5080.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5081.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5082.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5083.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5084.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5085.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5086.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5087.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5088.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5089.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5090.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5091.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5092.                       rdb-salv_4.html                  rdb-salv_5.html
  5093.                       rdb-salv_6.html                  rdb-salv_7.html
  5094.                       rdb-salv_8.html                  rdb-salv_9.html
  5095.                       rdb-salv_foot.html               rdb-salv_os3.guide
  5096.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide.info          rdb-salv_os3.txt
  5097.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt.info            rdb-salv_toc.html
  5098.                       registrierformular               registrierformular.info
  5099.                     english (dir)
  5100.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5101.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5102.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5103.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5104.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5105.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5106.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5107.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5108.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5109.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5110.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5111.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5112.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5113.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5114.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5115.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5116.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5117.                       rdb-salv_4.html                  rdb-salv_5.html
  5118.                       rdb-salv_6.html                  rdb-salv_7.html
  5119.                       rdb-salv_8.html                  rdb-salv_9.html
  5120.                       rdb-salv_foot.html               rdb-salv_os3.guide
  5121.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide.info          rdb-salv_os3.txt
  5122.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt.info            rdb-salv_toc.html
  5123.                       registerform                     registerform.info
  5124.                     français (dir)
  5125.                       fiched'enregistrement            fiched'enregistrement.info
  5126.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5127.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5128.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5129.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5130.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5131.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5132.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5133.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5134.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5135.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5136.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5137.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5138.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5139.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5140.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5141.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5142.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5143.                       rdb-salv_4.html                  rdb-salv_5.html
  5144.                       rdb-salv_6.html                  rdb-salv_7.html
  5145.                       rdb-salv_8.html                  rdb-salv_9.html
  5146.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide               rdb-salv_os3.guide.info
  5147.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt                 rdb-salv_os3.txt.info
  5148.                       rdb-salv_toc.html                
  5149.                     icons (dir)
  5150.                       rdb-salv.info                    
  5151.                     italiano (dir)
  5152.                       moduloregistrazione              moduloregistrazione.info
  5153.                     nederlands (dir)
  5154.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5155.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5156.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5157.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5158.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5159.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5160.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5161.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5162.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5163.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5164.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5165.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5166.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5167.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5168.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5169.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5170.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5171.                       rdb-salv_4.html                  rdb-salv_5.html
  5172.                       rdb-salv_6.html                  rdb-salv_7.html
  5173.                       rdb-salv_8.html                  rdb-salv_9.html
  5174.                       rdb-salv_foot.html               rdb-salv_os3.guide
  5175.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide.info          rdb-salv_os3.txt
  5176.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt.info            rdb-salv_toc.html
  5177.                       registratieformulier             registratieformulier.info
  5178.                     norsk (dir)
  5179.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5180.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5181.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5182.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5183.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5184.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5185.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5186.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5187.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5188.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5189.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5190.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5191.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5192.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5193.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5194.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5195.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5196.                       rdb-salv_32.html                 rdb-salv_4.html
  5197.                       rdb-salv_5.html                  rdb-salv_6.html
  5198.                       rdb-salv_7.html                  rdb-salv_8.html
  5199.                       rdb-salv_9.html                  rdb-salv_foot.html
  5200.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide               rdb-salv_os3.guide.info
  5201.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt                 rdb-salv_os3.txt.info
  5202.                       rdb-salv_toc.html                registrerings-skjema
  5203.                       registrerings-skjema.info        
  5204.                     postscript (dir)
  5205.                          deutsch (dir)
  5206.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5207.                          english (dir)
  5208.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5209.                          français (dir)
  5210.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5211.                          nederlands (dir)
  5212.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5213.                          norsk (dir)
  5214.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5215.                          suomi (dir)
  5216.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5217.                          svenska (dir)
  5218.                            rdb-salv.ps                      rdb-salv.ps.info
  5219.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  5220.                       français.info                    nederlands.info
  5221.                       norsk.info                       suomi.info
  5222.                       svenska.info                     
  5223.                     suomi (dir)
  5224.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5225.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5226.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5227.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5228.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5229.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5230.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5231.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5232.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5233.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5234.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5235.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5236.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5237.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5238.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5239.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5240.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5241.                       rdb-salv_4.html                  rdb-salv_5.html
  5242.                       rdb-salv_6.html                  rdb-salv_7.html
  5243.                       rdb-salv_8.html                  rdb-salv_9.html
  5244.                       rdb-salv_foot.html               rdb-salv_os3.guide
  5245.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide.info          rdb-salv_os3.txt
  5246.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt.info            rdb-salv_toc.html
  5247.                       registerform                     registerform.info
  5248.                     svenska (dir)
  5249.                       rdb-salv.dvi                     rdb-salv.dvi.info
  5250.                       rdb-salv.guide                   rdb-salv.guide.info
  5251.                       rdb-salv.html                    rdb-salv.html.info
  5252.                       rdb-salv.texi                    rdb-salv.txt
  5253.                       rdb-salv.txt.info                rdb-salv_1.html
  5254.                       rdb-salv_10.html                 rdb-salv_11.html
  5255.                       rdb-salv_12.html                 rdb-salv_13.html
  5256.                       rdb-salv_14.html                 rdb-salv_15.html
  5257.                       rdb-salv_16.html                 rdb-salv_17.html
  5258.                       rdb-salv_18.html                 rdb-salv_19.html
  5259.                       rdb-salv_2.html                  rdb-salv_20.html
  5260.                       rdb-salv_21.html                 rdb-salv_22.html
  5261.                       rdb-salv_23.html                 rdb-salv_24.html
  5262.                       rdb-salv_25.html                 rdb-salv_26.html
  5263.                       rdb-salv_27.html                 rdb-salv_28.html
  5264.                       rdb-salv_29.html                 rdb-salv_3.html
  5265.                       rdb-salv_30.html                 rdb-salv_31.html
  5266.                       rdb-salv_4.html                  rdb-salv_5.html
  5267.                       rdb-salv_6.html                  rdb-salv_7.html
  5268.                       rdb-salv_8.html                  rdb-salv_9.html
  5269.                       rdb-salv_foot.html               rdb-salv_os3.guide
  5270.                       rdb-salv_os3.guide.info          rdb-salv_os3.txt
  5271.                       rdb-salv_os3.txt.info            rdb-salv_toc.html
  5272.                       registreringsformulär            registreringsformulär.info
  5273.                  deutsch.info                     english.info
  5274.                  français.info                    history
  5275.                  icons.info                       install
  5276.                  install.info                     italiano.info
  5277.                  lhex                             nederlands.info
  5278.                  norsk.info                       postscript.info
  5279.                  rdb-salv                         rdb-salv.info
  5280.                  rdbtools-debug                   registerscript
  5281.                  suomi.info                       svenska.info
  5282.                safarigold (dir)
  5283.                     demo_fonts (dir)
  5284.                          bitmapfonts (dir)
  5285.                               cappiona (dir)
  5286.                                 108                              120
  5287.                                 132                              144
  5288.                                 156                              168
  5289.                                 180                              192
  5290.                                 36                               42
  5291.                                 48                               54
  5292.                                 60                               66
  5293.                                 72                               78
  5294.                                 84                               90
  5295.                                 96                               
  5296.                               college (dir)
  5297.                                 108                              120
  5298.                                 132                              144
  5299.                                 156                              168
  5300.                                 180                              192
  5301.                                 36                               42
  5302.                                 48                               54
  5303.                                 60                               66
  5304.                                 72                               78
  5305.                                 84                               90
  5306.                                 96                               
  5307.                               leroyfont (dir)
  5308.                                 108                              120
  5309.                                 132                              144
  5310.                                 156                              168
  5311.                                 180                              192
  5312.                                 36                               42
  5313.                                 48                               54
  5314.                                 60                               66
  5315.                                 72                               78
  5316.                                 84                               90
  5317.                                 96                               
  5318.                               motorcity (dir)
  5319.                                 108                              120
  5320.                                 132                              144
  5321.                                 156                              168
  5322.                                 180                              192
  5323.                                 36                               42
  5324.                                 48                               54
  5325.                                 60                               66
  5326.                                 72                               78
  5327.                                 84                               90
  5328.                                 96                               
  5329.                               quadrant (dir)
  5330.                                 108                              120
  5331.                                 132                              144
  5332.                                 156                              168
  5333.                                 180                              192
  5334.                                 36                               42
  5335.                                 48                               54
  5336.                                 60                               66
  5337.                                 72                               78
  5338.                                 84                               90
  5339.                                 96                               
  5340.                            assignbitmaps                    assignbitmaps.info
  5341.                            cappiona.font                    college.font
  5342.                            leroyfont.font                   motorcity.font
  5343.                            quadrant.font                    
  5344.                          cg_fonts (dir)
  5345.                            cappiona.atc                     cappiona.dat
  5346.                            cappiona.lib                     cappiona.metric
  5347.                            cappiona.psfont                  college.atc
  5348.                            college.dat                      college.lib
  5349.                            college.metric                   college.psfont
  5350.                            leroyfont.atc                    leroyfont.dat
  5351.                            leroyfont.lib                    leroyfont.metric
  5352.                            leroyfont.psfont                 motorcity.atc
  5353.                            motorcity.dat                    motorcity.lib
  5354.                            motorcity.metric                 motorcity.psfont
  5355.                            quadrant.atc                     quadrant.dat
  5356.                            quadrant.lib                     quadrant.metric
  5357.                            quadrant.psfont                  
  5358.                          t1_fonts (dir)
  5359.                            cappiona.afm                     cappiona.pfb
  5360.                            cappiona.pfm                     college.afm
  5361.                            college.pfb                      college.pfm
  5362.                            leroyfont.afm                    leroyfont.pfb
  5363.                            leroyfont.pfm                    motorcity.afm
  5364.                            motorcity.pfb                    motorcity.pfm
  5365.                            quadrant.afm                     quadrant.pfb
  5366.                            quadrant.pfm                     
  5367.                          tt_fonts (dir)
  5368.                            cappiona.ttf                     college.ttf
  5369.                            leroyfont.ttf                    motorcity.ttf
  5370.                            quadrant.ttf                     
  5371.                          wb_cg (dir)
  5372.                               cappiona (dir)
  5373.                                 cappiona.font                    cappiona.otag
  5374.                                 cappiona.type                    installfont
  5375.                                 installfont.info                 
  5376.                               college (dir)
  5377.                                 college.font                     college.otag
  5378.                                 college.type                     installfont
  5379.                                 installfont.info                 
  5380.                               leroyfont (dir)
  5381.                                 installfont                      installfont.info
  5382.                                 leroyfont.font                   leroyfont.otag
  5383.                                 leroyfont.type                   
  5384.                               motorcity (dir)
  5385.                                 installfont                      installfont.info
  5386.                                 motorcity.font                   motorcity.otag
  5387.                                 motorcity.type                   
  5388.                               quadrant (dir)
  5389.                                 installfont                      installfont.info
  5390.                                 quadrant.font                    quadrant.otag
  5391.                                 quadrant.type                    
  5392.                            cappiona.info                    college.info
  5393.                            leroyfont.info                   motorcity.info
  5394.                            quadrant.info                    
  5395.                       bitmapfonts.info                 cappiona
  5396.                       cappiona.info                    cg_fonts.info
  5397.                       college                          college.info
  5398.                       leroyfont                        leroyfont.info
  5399.                       motorcity                        motorcity.info
  5400.                       quadrant                         quadrant.info
  5401.                       t1_fonts.info                    tt_fonts.info
  5402.                       wb_cg.info                       
  5403.                     safarigold_previews (dir)
  5404.                       safgold1.iff                     safgold1.iff.info
  5405.                       safgold2.iff                     safgold2.iff.info
  5406.                       safgold3.iff                     safgold3.iff.info
  5407.                       safgold4.iff                     safgold4.iff.info
  5408.                       safgold5.iff                     safgold5.iff.info
  5409.                       safgold6.iff                     safgold6.iff.info
  5410.                  demo_fonts.info                  iconx
  5411.                  safarifonts.guide                safarifonts.guide.info
  5412.                  safarigold_previews.info         
  5413.                the_learning_curve (dir)
  5414.                     aircraft (dir)
  5415.                          *spitfires* (dir)
  5416.                               c (dir)
  5417.                                 sound                            
  5418.                               documents (dir)
  5419.                                 a1200_users_read_this!           a1200_users_read_this!.info
  5420.                                 harddisk_install_readme          harddisk_install_readme.info
  5421.                                 other_titles_readme              other_titles_readme.info
  5422.                                 shareware_readme                 shareware_readme.info
  5423.                               fonts (dir)
  5424.                                    notebook (dir)
  5425.                                      8                                9
  5426.                                    topaz (dir)
  5427.                                      11                               
  5428.                                 notebook.font                    topaz.font
  5429.                               ham-files (dir)
  5430.                                 achtung!                         desertspit
  5431.                                 r.j.mitchell                     spitfiremki
  5432.                                 spitfiremkix                     spitv
  5433.                                 twoseat                          
  5434.                               iff-files (dir)
  5435.                                 armgraph                         blueprint
  5436.                                 clipped                          extended
  5437.                                 floatplane                       innards
  5438.                                 latemark                         merlandgriff
  5439.                                 merlandgriffpic                  s6
  5440.                                 seafire47                        seafireiic
  5441.                                 sideviews                        sideviewsfive
  5442.                                 sideviewsfour                    sideviewssix
  5443.                                 sideviewsthree                   sideviewstwo
  5444.                                 spitfire-prototype               spitfiregraph
  5445.                                 spitfiremkxiv                    spitfiremkxix
  5446.                                 supermarine                      type224
  5447.                               pp-files (dir)
  5448.                                 sound                            spitanim.se
  5449.                                 spittitle.se                     
  5450.                               textfiles (dir)
  5451.                                 acknowledgment                   griffon
  5452.                                 logo                             markings
  5453.                                 merlin                           mitchell
  5454.                                 schneider                        seafire
  5455.                                 spit-chronology                  spitfire-gen
  5456.                                 spitfire-in-combat               spitfire-marks
  5457.                                 start                            textviewer
  5458.                                 to find out more..               
  5459.                            documents.info                   hbbrowser
  5460.                            hyperbook                        merlin-engine
  5461.                            sound                            spitfire!
  5462.                            spitfire!.info                   
  5463.                       *spitfires*.info                 air show.info
  5464.                       gulf_war.info                    messerschmitt.info
  5465.                       migcrash.info                    pilot_animation.info
  5466.                       raf-fastjets.info                
  5467.                     amos_system (dir)
  5468.                       3d.lib                           amos.env
  5469.                       amos.library                     amos1_3_ntsc.env
  5470.                       amos1_3_pal.env                  c3d.lib
  5471.                       compact                          compact.lib
  5472.                       compiler.lib                     compiler_configuration
  5473.                       default.font                     default.key
  5474.                       def_icon.info                    diskfont.library
  5475.                       mouse.abk                        music
  5476.                       music.lib                        ramos.env
  5477.                       ramos1_2.ena                     ramos1_2.env
  5478.                       ramos1_3.env                     ramos1_3_pal.env
  5479.                       request                          request.lib
  5480.                       rtome                            serial
  5481.                       serial.lib                       w.clib
  5482.                       w.lia                            w.lib
  5483.                     apsystem (dir)
  5484.                       amospro.lib                      amospro_compact.lib
  5485.                       amospro_compiler.lib             amospro_default_resource.abk
  5486.                       amospro_editor_config            amospro_editor_macros
  5487.                       amospro_ioports.lib              amospro_music.lib
  5488.                       amospro_request.lib              compiler.lib
  5489.                       def_compiled.info                def_icon.info
  5490.                       header_amos.amos                 header_backstart.lib
  5491.                       header_cli.lib                   
  5492.                     art (dir)
  5493.                          creative_art (dir)
  5494.                               *minimorph* (dir)
  5495.                                    imagesandgrids (dir)
  5496.                                      josie.10.12.grid                 josie.iff
  5497.                                      josie.iff001                     josie.iff002
  5498.                                      josie.iff003                     josie.iff004
  5499.                                      josie.iff005                     josie.iff006
  5500.                                      josie.iff007                     josie.iff008
  5501.                                      josie.iff009                     josie.iff010
  5502.                                      mike.10.12.grid                  mike.iff
  5503.                                      ugly.10.12.grid                  ugly.iff
  5504.                                    libs (dir)
  5505.                                      iff.library                      reqtools.library
  5506.                                 install_libraries                install_libraries.info
  5507.                                 install_libs                     minimorph
  5508.                                 minimorph.doc                    minimorph.doc.info
  5509.                                 minimorph.info                   
  5510.                            *minimorph*.info                 3d programs.info
  5511.                            fractal programs.info            multiscope.info
  5512.                          paint programs (dir)
  5513.                               *doodlepaint* (dir)
  5514.                                    pictures (dir)
  5515.                                      equestrianstable                 golfstream
  5516.                                      pic1.iff                         temperateforest
  5517.                                 documentation                    documentation.info
  5518.                                 doodlepaint_v2                   doodlepaint_v2.info
  5519.                            *doodlepaint*.info               bellespaint.info
  5520.                            buddy-paint.info                 dpaint_guide.info
  5521.                            freepaint.info                   gators_dpaint_tutor.info
  5522.                            shapedraw.info                   u_paint_aga.info
  5523.                       classical_artaga.info            creative_art.info
  5524.                       paint programs.info              
  5525.                     computers (dir)
  5526.                          *complete_dos_manual* (dir)
  5527.                               documentation (dir)
  5528.                                 dosman.txt                       dosman.txt.guide
  5529.                                 dosman.txt.guide.info            dosman.txt.info
  5530.                                 dosmancli.readme                 dosmancli.readme.info
  5531.                                 history.doc                      history.doc.info
  5532.                               man (dir)
  5533.                                 addbuffers                       adddatatypes
  5534.                                 alias                            ask
  5535.                                 assign                           asterix(*)
  5536.                                 avail                            backtick
  5537.                                 basename                         binddrivers
  5538.                                 break                            cd
  5539.                                 changetaskpri                    cmp
  5540.                                 conclip                          copy
  5541.                                 cpu                              date
  5542.                                 delete                           dir
  5543.                                 diskchange                       diskcopy
  5544.                                 diskdoctor                       echo
  5545.                                 ed                               edit
  5546.                                 else                             endcli
  5547.                                 endif                            endshell
  5548.                                 endskip                          eval
  5549.                                 execute                          failat
  5550.                                 fault                            ff
  5551.                                 filenote                         format
  5552.                                 get                              getenv
  5553.                                 if                               info
  5554.                                 install                          iprefs
  5555.                                 join                             lab
  5556.                                 list                             loadlib
  5557.                                 loadresource                     loadwb
  5558.                                 lock                             magtape
  5559.                                 makedir                          makelink
  5560.                                 mount                            newcli
  5561.                                 newshell                         path
  5562.                                 prompt                           protect
  5563.                                 quit                             read
  5564.                                 relabel                          remrad
  5565.                                 rename                           requestchoice
  5566.                                 requestfile                      resident
  5567.                                 run                              search
  5568.                                 semicolon                        set
  5569.                                 setclock                         setdate
  5570.                                 setenv                           setfont
  5571.                                 setkeyboard                      setmap
  5572.                                 setpatch                         skip
  5573.                                 sort                             stack
  5574.                                 status                           tackon
  5575.                                 type                             unalias
  5576.                                 unset                            unsetenv
  5577.                                 version                          wait
  5578.                                 which                            why
  5579.                            d.lv.scp                         documentation.info
  5580.                            dosman.def                       dosman.def.info
  5581.                            dosman.guide                     dosman.guide.info
  5582.                            dosman.install                   dosman.install.info
  5583.                            dosman.rx                        man.scp
  5584.                            muint                            
  5585.                       *complete_dos_manual*.info       a4000_explained.info
  5586.                       ados_guide_v1.5.info             amiga_faq.info
  5587.                       cd_roms_explained.info           files2
  5588.                       guru3.0.info                     helpful_guides.info
  5589.                       how_computers_work.info          inside_the_amiga.info
  5590.                       learn_amigaguide.info            monitors_explained.info
  5591.                       noahs.arc.info                   systemguide.info
  5592.                       wb2_tutorial.info                wb3_guide.info
  5593.                     desktop_utils (dir)
  5594.                          *easycalc2.0* (dir)
  5595.                               easyrexx (dir)
  5596.                                 bounce.erex                      setwidth.erex
  5597.                               examples (dir)
  5598.                                 example.calc                     example.calc.info
  5599.                                 expenses.calc                    familybudget.calc
  5600.                                 familybudget.calc.info           oldeasycalc.calc
  5601.                                 oldeasycalc.calc.info            postcodes.calc
  5602.                                 profit.calc                      read.me
  5603.                                 strings.calc                     strings.calc.info
  5604.                            amigaguide.library               arexxcommands.guide
  5605.                            arexxcommands.guide.info         easycalc.guide
  5606.                            easycalc.guide.info              easycalc.prefs
  5607.                            easycalc2.0                      easycalc2.0.info
  5608.                            easyrexx.info                    examples.info
  5609.                            moreinfo.doc                     moreinfo.doc.info
  5610.                            mybudget.calc                    orderform.doc
  5611.                            orderform.doc.info               palette.prefs
  5612.                            reqtools.library                 screen.prefs
  5613.                          extra_utils (dir)
  5614.                            address manager 2.0.info         calendar_factory.info
  5615.                            crsnap.info                      db2.8.info
  5616.                            dialing codes.info               labels.info
  5617.                            mailtime.info                    money program.info
  5618.                            phoneit.info                     printmanager_2.0.info
  5619.                            school_organiser.info            showfont.info
  5620.                            smallpalette.info                textweasel.info
  5621.                            tinyplayer.info                  typewriter.info
  5622.                       *easycalc2.0*.info               address keeper.info
  5623.                       birthdate.info                   extra_utils.info
  5624.                       huge.info                        ordering.info
  5625.                       textengine v5.01.info            
  5626.                     electronics (dir)
  5627.                          *mcad* (dir)
  5628.                               fonts (dir)
  5629.                                    diamond (dir)
  5630.                                      12                               
  5631.                                    emerald (dir)
  5632.                                      20                               
  5633.                                    garnet (dir)
  5634.                                      16                               9
  5635.                                    opal (dir)
  5636.                                      11                               
  5637.                                    ruby (dir)
  5638.                                      12                               8
  5639.                                    sapphire (dir)
  5640.                                      14                               15
  5641.                                      18                               19
  5642.                                 diamond.font                     emerald.font
  5643.                                 garnet.font                      opal.font
  5644.                                 ruby.font                        sapphire.font
  5645.                               part (dir)
  5646.                                 .info                            and
  5647.                                 capacitor                        d-flipflop
  5648.                                 edge-pin                         gnd1
  5649.                                 gnd2                             inductor
  5650.                                 lf411                            nand
  5651.                                 nor                              npn
  5652.                                 op-amp                           or
  5653.                                 pnp                              resistor
  5654.                                 textsize                         
  5655.                               prtdef (dir)
  5656.                                 .info                            eps_mx-80
  5657.                                 eps_mx-80.r                      readme
  5658.                                 s_g-10x                          s_g-10x.h
  5659.                                 s_g-10x.hr                       s_g-10x.r
  5660.                            mcad                             mcad.doc
  5661.                            mcad.doc.info                    mcad.info
  5662.                            mcad.prtdef                      mcad.rgb
  5663.                            mcad.txt                         m_cad
  5664.                            optodac.cad                      part.info
  5665.                            preferences                      preferences.info
  5666.                            prtdef.info                      read.me
  5667.                            read.me.info                     sendplt
  5668.                            stage.cad                        
  5669.                       *mcad*.info                      all_about_hi-fi.info
  5670.                       analog_emulator.info             basic_electrics.info
  5671.                       currents_slideshow.info          dbb.info
  5672.                       diagnosis.info                   electrics.info
  5673.                       electron.info                    files
  5674.                       firdesigner.info                 logicsim.info
  5675.                       logic_shop.info                  misctexts.info
  5676.                       oscillograph.info                proboard.info
  5677.                       scopeprint.info                  soldering_clipart.info
  5678.                       speakersim.info                  spectrogram.info
  5679.                       ttl.info                         
  5680.                     engineering (dir)
  5681.                          engine animations (dir)
  5682.                               *steam_engine* (dir)
  5683.                                 about                            fx0
  5684.                                 fx1                              i
  5685.                                 m                                picend
  5686.                                 picshow                          ppshow
  5687.                                 sesnd                            sesnd.audio
  5688.                                 steam_engine                     steam_engine.info
  5689.                                 view                             wait
  5690.                            *steam_engine*.info              engines.info
  5691.                            four_stroke_combustion.info      four_stroke_engine.info
  5692.                            gas_turbo_engine.info            jet_engine.info
  5693.                            stirling_engine.info             two_stroke_engine.info
  5694.                            two_stroke_petrol_engine.info    wankel_engine.info
  5695.                       airfoil.info                     autograf.info
  5696.                       beam_solver.info                 cycling.txt
  5697.                       engine animations.info           file_id.diz
  5698.                       gearcalc.info                    gears.info
  5699.                       motor kurve.info                 
  5700.                     fonts (dir)
  5701.                          2001 (dir)
  5702.                            8                                
  5703.                          a64 (dir)
  5704.                            6                                
  5705.                          am (dir)
  5706.                            18                               8
  5707.                          asd1 (dir)
  5708.                            11                               8
  5709.                          asd2 (dir)
  5710.                            11                               9
  5711.                          basic (dir)
  5712.                            32                               
  5713.                          beatles (dir)
  5714.                            8                                
  5715.                          broadway (dir)
  5716.                            16                               
  5717.                          ceres (dir)
  5718.                            9b                               
  5719.                          condensed60 (dir)
  5720.                            6                                9
  5721.                          coop (dir)
  5722.                            24                               
  5723.                          courier (dir)
  5724.                            11                               13
  5725.                            15                               18
  5726.                            24                               
  5727.                          dgsansserif (dir)
  5728.                            11                               13
  5729.                            7                                8
  5730.                            9                                
  5731.                          diamond (dir)
  5732.                            12                               20
  5733.                          div (dir)
  5734.                            14                               28
  5735.                          dpaint (dir)
  5736.                            5                                8
  5737.                          easyamos (dir)
  5738.                            8                                
  5739.                          emerald (dir)
  5740.                            17                               20
  5741.                          expanded (dir)
  5742.                            16                               
  5743.                          fixplain7 (dir)
  5744.                            12                               
  5745.                          fonts (dir)
  5746.                               ruby (dir)
  5747.                                 12                               15
  5748.                                 8                                
  5749.                            ruby.font                        
  5750.                          game (dir)
  5751.                            6                                
  5752.                          garnet (dir)
  5753.                            16                               9
  5754.                          gcse (dir)
  5755.                            12                               15
  5756.                            8                                
  5757.                          helvetica (dir)
  5758.                            10                               11
  5759.                            12                               13
  5760.                            14                               15
  5761.                            18                               24
  5762.                            7                                8
  5763.                            9                                
  5764.                          hires-5a (dir)
  5765.                            6                                7
  5766.                            8                                
  5767.                          hpcalc (dir)
  5768.                            18                               
  5769.                          iv (dir)
  5770.                            8                                
  5771.                          lines (dir)
  5772.                            21                               
  5773.                          mcdp_dot (dir)
  5774.                            10                               
  5775.                          mcdp_lcd (dir)
  5776.                            10                               
  5777.                          mcdp_std (dir)
  5778.                            10                               
  5779.                          megaball (dir)
  5780.                            8                                
  5781.                          mfast (dir)
  5782.                            20                               
  5783.                          model4d (dir)
  5784.                            8                                
  5785.                          news (dir)
  5786.                            23                               
  5787.                          newtopaz (dir)
  5788.                            8                                
  5789.                          nihongo (dir)
  5790.                            15                               
  5791.                          notebook (dir)
  5792.                            8                                9
  5793.                          opal (dir)
  5794.                            12                               9
  5795.                          pc_venus (dir)
  5796.                            15                               
  5797.                          peridot (dir)
  5798.                            7                                
  5799.                          pica (dir)
  5800.                            32                               
  5801.                          pixie (dir)
  5802.                            29                               
  5803.                          plain (dir)
  5804.                            12                               16
  5805.                            20                               32
  5806.                          puzle (dir)
  5807.                            8bt                              
  5808.                          qc (dir)
  5809.                            6                                8
  5810.                          quest (dir)
  5811.                            20                               
  5812.                          ruby (dir)
  5813.                            12                               15
  5814.                            8                                
  5815.                          sapphire (dir)
  5816.                            14                               19
  5817.                          skink (dir)
  5818.                            11                               
  5819.                          small (dir)
  5820.                            8                                
  5821.                          spellcheck (dir)
  5822.                            8e                               
  5823.                          swiss (dir)
  5824.                            36                               
  5825.                          system (dir)
  5826.                            11                               
  5827.                          tempo (dir)
  5828.                            29                               
  5829.                          times (dir)
  5830.                            11                               13
  5831.                            15                               18
  5832.                            24                               
  5833.                          tinytxt (dir)
  5834.                            8                                8b
  5835.                          topal (dir)
  5836.                            8                                
  5837.                          topaz (dir)
  5838.                            11                               
  5839.                          womblefont (dir)
  5840.                            8                                
  5841.                          xen (dir)
  5842.                            11                               8
  5843.                            9                                
  5844.                          xenpl (dir)
  5845.                            8                                
  5846.                          xhelveticapl (dir)
  5847.                            11                               
  5848.                          _bullet (dir)
  5849.                            if.fnt                           if.ss
  5850.                            plugin.types                     
  5851.                          _bullet_outlines (dir)
  5852.                            cgtimes.type                     cgtriumvirate.type
  5853.                            lettergothic.type                
  5854.                       2001.font                        a64.font
  5855.                       am.font                          asd1.font
  5856.                       asd2.font                        basic.font
  5857.                       beatles.font                     broadway.font
  5858.                       ceres.font                       cgtimes.font
  5859.                       cgtimes.otag                     cgtriumvirate.font
  5860.                       cgtriumvirate.otag               chklist.ms
  5861.                       condensed60.font                 coop.font
  5862.                       courier.font                     dgsansserif.font
  5863.                       diamond.font                     div.font
  5864.                       dpaint.font                      easyamos.font
  5865.                       emerald.font                     expanded.font
  5866.                       fixplain7.font                   game.font
  5867.                       garnet.font                      gcse.font
  5868.                       helvetica.font                   hires-5a.font
  5869.                       hpcalc.font                      iv.font
  5870.                       lettergothic.font                lettergothic.otag
  5871.                       lines.font                       mcdp_dot.font
  5872.                       mcdp_lcd.font                    mcdp_std.font
  5873.                       megaball.font                    mfast.font
  5874.                       model4d.font                     news.font
  5875.                       newtopaz.font                    nihongo.font
  5876.                       notebook.font                    opal.font
  5877.                       pc_venus.font                    peridot.font
  5878.                       pica.font                        pixie.font
  5879.                       plain.font                       puzle.font
  5880.                       qc.font                          quest.font
  5881.                       ruby.font                        sapphire.font
  5882.                       skink.font                       small.font
  5883.                       spellcheck.font                  swiss.font
  5884.                       system.font                      tempo.font
  5885.                       times.font                       tinytxt.font
  5886.                       topal.font                       topaz.font
  5887.                       womblefont.font                  ww_ps_palatino
  5888.                       ww_standard_pica                 xen.font
  5889.                       xenpl.font                       xhelveticapl.font
  5890.                     geography (dir)
  5891.                          *cia* (dir)
  5892.                            cia.guide                        cia.guide.info
  5893.                          *the_weather_guide* (dir)
  5894.                               fonts (dir)
  5895.                                    cgtimes (dir)
  5896.                                      30                               
  5897.                                    times (dir)
  5898.                                      11                               13
  5899.                                      15                               18
  5900.                                      24                               
  5901.                                 cgtimes.font                     times.font
  5902.                               hdinstall (dir)
  5903.                                 hdinstall                        hdinstall.info
  5904.                               utilities (dir)
  5905.                                 amigaguide                       amigaguide.info
  5906.                            bak                              bak.1
  5907.                            bak~                             bak~.1
  5908.                            cloud01.brush                    cloud02.brush
  5909.                            cloud03.brush                    cloud04.brush
  5910.                            cloud05.brush                    cloud06.brush
  5911.                            cloudburst.animbr                cloudplt
  5912.                            con01.brush                      con02.brush
  5913.                            cork                             depression.256
  5914.                            depression.anim                  depression01.br
  5915.                            depression02.br                  depression03.br
  5916.                            depression04.br                  depression05.br
  5917.                            elr01.brush                      elr02.brush
  5918.                            elr03.brush                      elr04.animbrush
  5919.                            elr05.animbrush                  elr06.brush
  5920.                            energy.animbr                    energy1.br
  5921.                            for                              for.1
  5922.                            for~                             for~.1
  5923.                            guide.br                         hdinstall.info
  5924.                            heatbeat                         hurri01.256
  5925.                            hurri02.256                      itcz01.256
  5926.                            itcz02.animbr                    knob.br
  5927.                            light01.br                       light02.animbr
  5928.                            mainplt.256                      masses01.brush
  5929.                            masses02.brush                   masses03.brush
  5930.                            masses04.brush                   masses05.brush
  5931.                            masses06.brush                   masses07.brush
  5932.                            masses08.brush                   monsoon1.256
  5933.                            pem                              ppguide
  5934.                            quitdeck                         readme
  5935.                            readme.info                      rew
  5936.                            rew.1                            rew~
  5937.                            rew~.1                           season.aminbr
  5938.                            sv                               thunder
  5939.                            utilities.info                   vane.anim
  5940.                            variations.plt                   variations01.br
  5941.                            variations02.br                  weatherguide
  5942.                            weather_guide                    weather_guide.info
  5943.                            winds01.brush                    winds02.pic
  5944.                            winds03.brush                    winds04.brush
  5945.                            winds05.brush                    winds06.brush
  5946.                       *cia*.info                       *the_weather_guide*.info
  5947.                       amigaworld.info                  discovering_america.info
  5948.                       drawmap.info                     g.b_almanac.info
  5949.                       geotime.info                     global_facts.info
  5950.                       plotmap.info                     sidereal.info
  5951.                       states_of_europe.info            sunclock.info
  5952.                       the_weather!.info                time_currency.info
  5953.                       travel_guide.info                usa_states.info
  5954.                       worlddatabank.info               worldtime.info
  5955.                       world_almanac.info               
  5956.                     health (dir)
  5957.                          *biorhythmprogs* (dir)
  5958.                               *biorhythms* (dir)
  5959.                                 .info                            bio
  5960.                                 bio.doc                          bio.doc.info
  5961.                                 bio.info                         
  5962.                            *biorhythms*.info                bio.info
  5963.                            biocalc.info                     bioii.info
  5964.                            biorhythm.info                   biorhythm2.info
  5965.                            biorhythms30.info                biorhythms_4.01.info
  5966.                          *health_guide* (dir)
  5967.                            alternative_care                 alternative_health.guide
  5968.                            alternative_health.guide.info    arthritis
  5969.                            attitude                         back
  5970.                            back_to_school                   computer_health
  5971.                            cramps                           dental
  5972.                            digestion                        eating_on_the_road
  5973.                            exercise.1                       eyestrain_and_sinus
  5974.                            fatigue                          food_trivia
  5975.                            headaches                        introduction
  5976.                            jrobbins.iff                     live_happier
  5977.                            loosen_up                        magnetic_therapy
  5978.                            massage                          mm.txt
  5979.                            nutrition                        posture.iff
  5980.                            reflexology                      relationships
  5981.                            shoulders                        sore_throat
  5982.                            stiff_neck                       stress_and_depression
  5983.                            world.iff                        
  5984.                          *herbs* (dir)
  5985.                               *laona_aga* (dir)
  5986.                                    pix (dir)
  5987.                                      artemisia_absinthicum            asparagus_stipularis
  5988.                                      calaminta_incana                 capparis_spinosa
  5989.                                      cistus_creticus                  cistus_salvifolius
  5990.                                      crithmum_maritium                cyprus
  5991.                                      foeniculum_vulgare               geranium_roseum
  5992.                                      glycyrrhiza_glabra               hedera_helix
  5993.                                      helichrysum_italicum             inula_viscosa
  5994.                                      juniperus_phoenicia              laurus_nobilis
  5995.                                      lavandula_angustifolia           lavandula_stoichas
  5996.                                      lonicera_etrusca                 marrubium_vulgare
  5997.                                      melissa_officinalis              mentha_longifolia
  5998.                                      mentha_pulegium                  micromeria_myrtifolia
  5999.                                      myrtus_communis                  nerium_oleander
  6000.                                      origanum_cordifolia              origanum_dubium
  6001.                                      origanum_majorana                phytolacca_pruinosa
  6002.                                      pistacia_lentiscus               pistacia_terebinthus
  6003.                                      rhus_coriaria                    rosa_damascena
  6004.                                      ruta_chalepensis                 salvia_fructicosa
  6005.                                      salvia_willeana                  sambucus_nigra
  6006.                                      sideritis_perfoliata             teucrium_micropoidoides
  6007.                                      thymus_capitatus                 thymus_integer
  6008.                                      vitex_angus_castus               
  6009.                                 laona herb garden.guide          laona herb garden.guide.info
  6010.                                 laona.readme                     laona.readme.info
  6011.                            *laona_aga*.info                 herbalist.info
  6012.                            herbbook.info                    
  6013.                       *biorhythmprogs*.info            *health_guide*.info
  6014.                       *herbs*.info                     alcoholism.info
  6015.                       cp101a.info                      ct.info
  6016.                       ddli.info                        first_aid.info
  6017.                       heart3d.info                     how_the_mind_works.info
  6018.                       killing_our_own.info             lucid_dreams.info
  6019.                       misc.info                        pathological_psychology.info
  6020.                     history (dir)
  6021.                          *conquest_of_mexico* (dir)
  6022.                            conquest_of_mexico.guide         conquest_of_mexico.guide.info
  6023.                            prescott                         
  6024.                          *titanic_ii* (dir)
  6025.                               data (dir)
  6026.                                 titanicii.data                   
  6027.                               fonts (dir)
  6028.                                    newtopaz (dir)
  6029.                                      8                                
  6030.                                    titanic (dir)
  6031.                                      11                               8
  6032.                                 newtopaz.font                    titanic.font
  6033.                               music (dir)
  6034.                                 laidback                         mellow
  6035.                                 pianosong                        sleep
  6036.                                 village                          
  6037.                               pics (dir)
  6038.                                 art1                             art2
  6039.                                 art3                             art4
  6040.                                 art5                             art6
  6041.                                 art7                             enter1
  6042.                                 enter2                           enter3
  6043.                                 enter4                           enter5
  6044.                                 interior1                        interior2
  6045.                                 interior3                        interior4
  6046.                                 interior5                        lifeboat1
  6047.                                 lifeboat2                        lifeboat3
  6048.                                 lifeboat4                        lifeboat5
  6049.                                 titanic1                         titanic2
  6050.                                 titanic3                         titanic4
  6051.                                 titanic5                         titanic6
  6052.                                 titanic7                         titanic8
  6053.                               s (dir)
  6054.                                 startup-sequence                 titanicii-backup.prefs
  6055.                                 titanicii.prefs                  
  6056.                            hdinstall                        hdinstall.info
  6057.                            readme.doc                       readme.doc.info
  6058.                            show                             societys.doc
  6059.                            societys.doc.info                titanic.iff
  6060.                            titanicii                        titanicii.info
  6061.                            titanic_ii                       
  6062.                          ancient_history (dir)
  6063.                            code_of_hammurab.info            herodotus.info
  6064.                            peloponnesian_war.info           plutarch.info
  6065.                            rome.info                        sun_tzu_art_of_war.info
  6066.                            tacitus.info                     treasures_tutankhamun_i.info
  6067.                            treasures_tutankhamun_ii.info    
  6068.                          world_wars (dir)
  6069.                            about_world_war.ii.info          battle_of_britain.info
  6070.                            d-day_landings_demo.info         road_to_worldwar.info
  6071.                            world_war_ii_docs.info           world_war_i_docs.info
  6072.                       *conquest_of_mexico*.info        *titanic_ii*.info
  6073.                       american_history.info            ancient_history.info
  6074.                       chronicles_of_cid.info           coromandel.info
  6075.                       desert_storm.info                english_history.info
  6076.                       enigmas.info                     franklin.info
  6077.                       historical_events.info           hubbard.info
  6078.                       illuminati_events.info           kings & queens.info
  6079.                       revolution_in_france.info        this_day_in_history.info
  6080.                       un.info                          utopia.info
  6081.                       world_history_timetable.info     world_wars.info
  6082.                     hobbies (dir)
  6083.                          *astrology* (dir)
  6084.                               *astro_22* (dir)
  6085.                                    birth.files (dir)
  6086.                                      art_lit                          dates
  6087.                                      entertainment                    family
  6088.                                      others                           political
  6089.                                      spiritual                        user
  6090.                                    fonts (dir)
  6091.                                         astro22r12 (dir)
  6092.                                           12                               
  6093.                                         astro22r8 (dir)
  6094.                                           8                                
  6095.                                         astro22t8 (dir)
  6096.                                           8                                
  6097.                                         topaz (dir)
  6098.                                           11                               
  6099.                                      astro22r12.font                  astro22r8.font
  6100.                                      astro22t8.font                   topaz.font
  6101.                                    lat_long (dir)
  6102.                                      a                                b
  6103.                                      c                                d
  6104.                                      e                                f
  6105.                                      g                                h
  6106.                                      i                                j
  6107.                                      k                                l
  6108.                                      m                                n
  6109.                                      o                                p
  6110.                                      q                                r
  6111.                                      s                                t
  6112.                                      u                                v
  6113.                                      w                                x
  6114.                                      y                                z
  6115.                                 ast2.dat                         ast5.dat
  6116.                                 ast6.def                         astro.22
  6117.                                 astro.22 v3.5                    astro.22 v3.5.info
  6118.                                 astro22.dat                      defaults
  6119.                                 defaults.info                    modules.txt
  6120.                                 program.info.txt                 read.me.now
  6121.                                 read.me.now.info                 read_me.txt
  6122.                                 read_me.txt.info                 summertime.txt
  6123.                                 timezone.s                       
  6124.                               *text* (dir)
  6125.                                    tarot (dir)
  6126.                                      chapter1                         chapter2
  6127.                                      chapter3                         chapter4
  6128.                                      chapter5                         chapter6
  6129.                                      chapter7                         chapter8
  6130.                                      preface                          tarot.guide
  6131.                                      tarot.guide.info                 
  6132.                                 arcana_acorarum                  arcana_acorarum.info
  6133.                                 nostradamus                      nostradamus.info
  6134.                                 tao                              tao.info
  6135.                                 tarot.info                       therunes
  6136.                                 therunes.info                    
  6137.                            *astro_22*.info                  *text*.info
  6138.                            astrology_demo.info              i-ching.info
  6139.                            m.o.r.c..info                    ming-shu.info
  6140.                            mysteries_of_runes.info          rune_master.info
  6141.                            the_human_aura.info              
  6142.                          *cookery* (dir)
  6143.                               *bar_tender* (dir)
  6144.                                 bartender                        bartender.db
  6145.                                 bartender.doc                    bartender.doc.info
  6146.                                 bartender.idx                    bartender.info
  6147.                                 bartender.readme                 bartender.readme.info
  6148.                                 littlebartender.txt              winetaster.info
  6149.                            *bar_tender*.info                bonappetit.info
  6150.                            calorie base.info                calorie_count_diary.info
  6151.                            dietaid.info                     donna's_recipes.info
  6152.                            foodconvert.info                 grandma's.info
  6153.                            grocery.info                     guide_to_baking.info
  6154.                            recipeboxsw_v2.2.info            recipes.info
  6155.                          *misc* (dir)
  6156.                               *anymonth* (dir)
  6157.                                 .info                            anymonth
  6158.                                 anymonth.doc                     anymonth.doc.info
  6159.                                 anymonth.info                    
  6160.                               *personality_analyser* (dir)
  6161.                                    pa_data (dir)
  6162.                                      example                          j.bloggs
  6163.                                 analyser                         analyser.info
  6164.                            *anymonth*.info                  *personality_analyser*.info
  6165.                            aliensahead.info                 aliens_multimedia.info
  6166.                          gardening (dir)
  6167.                            florida_vegetables.info          greenhouse_gardening.info
  6168.                            landscape_gardener.info          
  6169.                          genealogy (dir)
  6170.                               *scion409* (dir)
  6171.                                    mwb_icons (dir)
  6172.                                      readme                           readme.info
  6173.                                      scion.brush                      scion.brush.info
  6174.                                      scion.info                       sciondrawer.info
  6175.                                      scionprefs.brush                 scionprefs.brush.info
  6176.                                      scionprefs_1.info                scionprefs_2.info
  6177.                                      scion_data.info                  
  6178.                                 bugfixes                         bugfixes.info
  6179.                                 install                          install-deutsch.info
  6180.                                 install-nederlands.info          install.info
  6181.                                 installer                        leesmij
  6182.                                 leesmij.info                     leggimi
  6183.                                 leggimi.info                     lesmeg
  6184.                                 lesmeg.info                      liesmich
  6185.                                 liesmich.info                    lisez-moi
  6186.                                 lisez-moi.info                   lueminut
  6187.                                 lueminut.info                    lx
  6188.                                 läsmig                           läsmig.info
  6189.                                 mwb_icons.info                   readme
  6190.                                 readme.info                      scion
  6191.                                 scion.info                       scionarexx.lha
  6192.                                 scionarexx.lha.info              scionsupport.lha
  6193.                                 scionsupport.lha.info            translators.lha
  6194.                                 translators.lha.info             
  6195.                            *scion409*.info                  genealogical_docs.info
  6196.                            gentree.info                     
  6197.                          handicraft (dir)
  6198.                            handicraft.info                  knit.info
  6199.                            stitchery.info                   
  6200.                          learn photography (dir)
  6201.                            history_photography.info         photocd.info
  6202.                            photo_book.info                  photo_faq.info
  6203.                            the_darkroom.info                
  6204.                          pets (dir)
  6205.                            birdwatching.info                cats.info
  6206.                            dogs.info                        your_first_pony.info
  6207.                          tv_shows (dir)
  6208.                            cult_tv.info                     dr_who_volume.one.info
  6209.                            dr_who_volume.two.info           epi_guide.info
  6210.                            movieguide.info                  startrek_guides.info
  6211.                            x-files.info                     
  6212.                       *astrology*.info                 *cookery*.info
  6213.                       *misc*.info                      american_football.info
  6214.                       babybook.info                    fresh_water_fishing.info
  6215.                       gardening.info                   genealogy.info
  6216.                       handicraft.info                  history_of_worldcup.info
  6217.                       how_to_tie_dye.info              learn photography.info
  6218.                       pets.info                        print_a_card.info
  6219.                       tv_shows.info                    xmas labels.info
  6220.                     jnr_education (dir)
  6221.                          educational_games (dir)
  6222.                               *highway_code_quiz* (dir)
  6223.                                    signs (dir)
  6224.                                      s1                               s10
  6225.                                      s11                              s12
  6226.                                      s13                              s14
  6227.                                      s15                              s16
  6228.                                      s17                              s18
  6229.                                      s19                              s2
  6230.                                      s20                              s21
  6231.                                      s22                              s23
  6232.                                      s24                              s25
  6233.                                      s26                              s27
  6234.                                      s28                              s29
  6235.                                      s3                               s30
  6236.                                      s31                              s32
  6237.                                      s33                              s34
  6238.                                      s35                              s36
  6239.                                      s37                              s38
  6240.                                      s39                              s4
  6241.                                      s40                              s41
  6242.                                      s42                              s43
  6243.                                      s44                              s45
  6244.                                      s46                              s47
  6245.                                      s48                              s49
  6246.                                      s5                               s50
  6247.                                      s51                              s52
  6248.                                      s53                              s54
  6249.                                      s55                              s56
  6250.                                      s57                              s58
  6251.                                      s59                              s6
  6252.                                      s60                              s61
  6253.                                      s62                              s63
  6254.                                      s64                              s65
  6255.                                      s66                              s67
  6256.                                      s68                              s69
  6257.                                      s7                               s70
  6258.                                      s71                              s72
  6259.                                      s73                              s74
  6260.                                      s75                              s76
  6261.                                      s77                              s78
  6262.                                      s8                               s9
  6263.                                 anim                             code_mungus
  6264.                                 code_mungus.config               copy
  6265.                                 echo                             ff
  6266.                                 highway_quiz                     highway_quiz.info
  6267.                                 high_scores.lst                  makedir
  6268.                                 manual                           manual.info
  6269.                                 nil                              palette
  6270.                                 ppmore                           type
  6271.                                 winsize                          
  6272.                               chess (dir)
  6273.                                 chesmayne.info                   chess_demos.info
  6274.                                 uchess289.info                   vchess.info
  6275.                                 vchessopenings v1.0.info         
  6276.                               jigsaws (dir)
  6277.                                    *slider_ii* (dir)
  6278.                                         graphics (dir)
  6279.                                           arches_32.iff                    bardowl_32.iff
  6280.                                           bardowl_8.iff                    beeflower_32.iff
  6281.                                           beeflower_8.iff                  display_aga.ilbm
  6282.                                           display_ecs.ilbm                 dolphin_32.iff
  6283.                                           dolphin_8.iff                    money_8.iff
  6284.                                           numberedtiles_32.iff             numberedtiles_8.iff
  6285.                                           summer7_32.iff                   summer_8.iff
  6286.                                           teddies_32.iff                   
  6287.                                         sounds (dir)
  6288.                                           beep.8svx                        click1.8svx
  6289.                                           click2.8svx                      crump.8svx
  6290.                                           solved.8svx                      
  6291.                                      slider                           slider.guide
  6292.                                      slider.guide.info                slider.info
  6293.                                 *slider_ii*.info                 iff2pcs.info
  6294.                                 picture_puzzle.info              puzle.info
  6295.                                 puzzle_pictures.info             
  6296.                               memory_games (dir)
  6297.                                    *match_with_humpty* (dir)
  6298.                                      ambulence.iff                    hummus
  6299.                                      humpty.iff                       humpty2.iff
  6300.                                      humpty3.iff                      humrimus
  6301.                                      humwrmus                         main.iff
  6302.                                      match_game                       match_with_humpty
  6303.                                      match_with_humpty.info           objects.iff
  6304.                                      tiles.abk                        titlepage
  6305.                                 *match_with_humpty*.info         amemory.info
  6306.                                 simons_colours.info              style.info
  6307.                                 thinkamania.info                 treasure_search.info
  6308.                               misc_games (dir)
  6309.                                    *deluxe_galaga_2.6* (dir)
  6310.                                      aliens.gfx                       galaga
  6311.                                      galaga.gfx                       galaga.guide
  6312.                                      galaga.guide.info                galaga.hiscore.32
  6313.                                      galaga.info                      galaga.jingle1
  6314.                                      galaga.jingle2                   galaga.modules_res
  6315.                                      galaga.music1                    galaga.preferences
  6316.                                      galaga.sfx                       galaga.sfx_small
  6317.                                      galagasecrets.txt                pack
  6318.                                      read_me_first                    read_me_first.info
  6319.                                      setpatch21                       setpatch30
  6320.                                      shareware.text                   shareware.text.info
  6321.                                      smore                            smore.info
  6322.                                 *deluxe_galaga_2.6*.info         amigoids.info
  6323.                                 centipede.info                   deluxe_pacman_aga.info
  6324.                                 deluxe_pacman_ecs.info           donkey_kong.info
  6325.                                 dragontiles.info                 elevators.info
  6326.                                 kid_dots.info                    mastermind.info
  6327.                                 megaball3.info                   missilecommand.info
  6328.                                 popeye.info                      pub_darts.info
  6329.                                 tetrispro.info                   tetriz.info
  6330.                                 type_or_die.info                 vic_blitz.info
  6331.                               quiz_games (dir)
  6332.                                    *dinowarp* (dir)
  6333.                                      c                                dinosaurs
  6334.                                      dinowarp.doc                     dinowarp.doc.info
  6335.                                      liams intro1.iff                 liams intro2.iff
  6336.                                      liams intro3.iff                 liams intro4.iff
  6337.                                      liams losescreen.iff             liams main.iff
  6338.                                      liams winscreen.iff              quiz
  6339.                                      quiz.info                        type
  6340.                                 *dinowarp*.info                  capitals_quiz.info
  6341.                                 challenger_quiz.info             cryptoking.info
  6342.                                 hollywood_trivia.info            kids_word_puzzle.info
  6343.                                 lexess.info                      numberfumbler.info
  6344.                                 popquiz.info                     quiz.info
  6345.                                 shapes.info                      soccer_quiz.info
  6346.                                 spelltris.info                   the_gallows.info
  6347.                                 the_word_game.info               trek-trivia.info
  6348.                                 wheel_of_fortune.info            word-search.info
  6349.                                 wordhai.info                     word_play.info
  6350.                                 word_seeker.info                 word_square.info
  6351.                            *highway_code_quiz*.info         chess.info
  6352.                            jigsaws.info                     kids_games.no8.info
  6353.                            kids_only.info                   lateral_quizs.info
  6354.                            memory_games.info                misc_games.info
  6355.                            quiz_games.info                  
  6356.                          fairy_tales (dir)
  6357.                               *andersen* (dir)
  6358.                                    stories (dir)
  6359.                                      almshous                         angel
  6360.                                      anne_lisbeth                     a_cheerful_temper
  6361.                                      a_great_grief                    a_rose_from_homer's_grave
  6362.                                      a_story                          a_story_from_the_sandhills
  6363.                                      beauty_of_form_&_beauty_o        beauty_of_form_&_mind
  6364.                                      bird_of_popular_song             bishop_of_borglum
  6365.                                      children's_prattle               delaying_is_not_forgetting
  6366.                                      emperors_new_suit                everything_in_the_right_place
  6367.                                      farmyard_&_weathercock           fir_tree
  6368.                                      flax                             flying_trunk
  6369.                                      girl_who_trod_on_a_loaf          goblin_&_the_huckster
  6370.                                      golden_treasure                  goloshes_of_fortune
  6371.                                      grandmother                      happy_family
  6372.                                      holger_danske                    ib_and_little_christina
  6373.                                      ice_maiden                       in_a_thousand_years
  6374.                                      in_the_nursery                   in_the_uttermost_parts_of_sea
  6375.                                      jack_the_dullard                 jewish_maiden
  6376.                                      jumper                           last_dream_of_the_old_oak
  6377.                                      last_pearl                       leaf_from_heaven
  6378.                                      little_claus_&_big_claus         little_match_seller
  6379.                                      little_tuk                       li_elder_tree_mother
  6380.                                      li_ida's_flowers                 loveliest_rose_in_the_world
  6381.                                      mailcoach_passengers             marsh_king's_daughter
  6382.                                      metal_pig                        moneybox
  6383.                                      neighbouring_families            nightingale
  6384.                                      old_bachelor's_nightcap          old_gravestone
  6385.                                      old_street_lamp                  ole_luk_oie_the_dream_god
  6386.                                      ole_the_towerkeeper              our_aunt
  6387.                                      pea_blossom                      pen_and_the_inkstand
  6388.                                      phoenix_bird                     portuguese_duck
  6389.                                      poultry_meg's_family             princess_&_the_pea
  6390.                                      psyche                           puppet_showman
  6391.                                      races                            shepherds_friendship
  6392.                                      she_was_good_for_nothing         something
  6393.                                      soup_from_a_sausage_skewer       there_is_no_doubt_about_it
  6394.                                      the_beetle_who_travelled         the_bell
  6395.                                      the_belldeep                     the_bottle_neck
  6396.                                      the_brave_tin_soldier            the_buckwheat
  6397.                                      the_butterfly                    the_child_in_the_grave
  6398.                                      the_conceited_apple_branch       the_daisy
  6399.                                      the_darning_needle               the_drop_of_water
  6400.                                      the_dryad                        the_dumbbook
  6401.                                      the_elfin_hill                   the_elf_of_the_rose
  6402.                                      the_garden_of_paradise           the_little_mermaid
  6403.                                      the_old_church_bell              the_old_house
  6404.                                      the_philosopher's_stone          the_porters_son
  6405.                                      the_red_shoes                    the_saucy_boy
  6406.                                      the_shadow                       the_shepherdess_&_the_sheep
  6407.                                      the_shirtcollar                  the_silver_shilling
  6408.                                      the_snail_&_the_rosetree         the_snowdrop
  6409.                                      the_snowman                      the_snow_queen
  6410.                                      the_storks                       the_storm_shakes_the_shield
  6411.                                      the_story_of_a_mother            the_story_of_the_wind
  6412.                                      the_story_of_the_year            the_sunbeam_&_the_captive
  6413.                                      the_swans_nest                   the_swineherd
  6414.                                      the_thistles_experience          the_thorny_road_of_honor
  6415.                                      the_tinderbox                    the_toad
  6416.                                      the_top_and_ball                 the_travelling_companion
  6417.                                      the_ugly_duckling                the_wicked_prince
  6418.                                      the_wild_swans                   the_windmill
  6419.                                      thumbelina                       two_brothers
  6420.                                      two_maidens                      under_the_willow_tree
  6421.                                      what_one_can_invent              what_the_moon_saw
  6422.                                      what_the_old_man_does            will_o_the_wisp
  6423.                                 andersen.iff                     cybershow.8svx
  6424.                                 dsound                           hans.christian.guide
  6425.                                 hans_christian.guide             hans_christian.guide.info
  6426.                            *andersen*.info                  grimms.info
  6427.                            grimms_ii.info                   
  6428.                          junior maths (dir)
  6429.                               *animal_land_numbers* (dir)
  6430.                                    animal-land (dir)
  6431.                                         pics (dir)
  6432.                                           farm.iff                         farmland.iff
  6433.                                           woodland.iff                     
  6434.                                      storm logo                       
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  6437.                                           8                                
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  6439.                                           16                               
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  6441.                                           21                               
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  6443.                                           20                               
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  6445.                                           23                               
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  6447.                                           7                                
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  6449.                                           32                               
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  6452.                                      news.font                        peridot.font
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  6455.                                 animalland.info                  animalland1
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  6460.                               *math_mountain* (dir)
  6461.                                 0                                math.doc
  6462.                                 math.doc.info                    math_mountain
  6463.                                 math_mountain.info               
  6464.                            *animal_land_numbers*.info       *math_mountain*.info
  6465.                            amiflash.info                    blackboard_maths.info
  6466.                            cal_maths.info                   care_bears_sums.info
  6467.                            counting.info                    cube.info
  6468.                            division.info                    imps_maths.info
  6469.                            lcdcalc.info                     mathsadv.info
  6470.                            maths_match.info                 night_math_attack.info
  6471.                            picture_maths.info               pumping_dude.info
  6472.                            reflex_test.info                 simple_maths.info
  6473.                            times_table.info                 
  6474.                          junior painting (dir)
  6475.                               *artistix* (dir)
  6476.                                    example-pics (dir)
  6477.                                      bambi1.pic                       fantasy_scape
  6478.                                      nightmare                        
  6479.                                    fonts (dir)
  6480.                                         2001 (dir)
  6481.                                           8                                
  6482.                                         broadway (dir)
  6483.                                           16                               
  6484.                                         lines (dir)
  6485.                                           21                               
  6486.                                         mfast (dir)
  6487.                                           20                               
  6488.                                         news (dir)
  6489.                                           23                               
  6490.                                         peridot (dir)
  6491.                                           7                                
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  6493.                                           32                               
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  6495.                                      lines.font                       mfast.font
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  6497.                                      pica.font                        
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  6500.                                      newspaper.iff                    sinepic.iff
  6501.                                 andy's-art-package               andy's_art_package
  6502.                                 andy's_art_package.info          bobs.abk
  6503.                                 control.messy                    icons.abk
  6504.                                 message                          mod.titlepop
  6505.                                 samples.abk                      shareware
  6506.                                 type                             
  6507.                            *artistix*.info                  amikiss.info
  6508.                            artistix2.info                   colour_it.info
  6509.                            colour_the_alphabet.info         kids_paint.info
  6510.                            paint_it.info                    spirodraw06.info
  6511.                            tesselator.info                  
  6512.                          junior spelling (dir)
  6513.                               *learn_the_alphabet* (dir)
  6514.                                 aa                               alphabet
  6515.                                 alphabet.exe                     alphabet.exe.info
  6516.                                 autoexec.amos                    bb
  6517.                                 cc                               closure
  6518.                                 dd                               ee
  6519.                                 ff                               gg
  6520.                                 hh                               ii
  6521.                                 jj                               kk
  6522.                                 ll                               mm
  6523.                                 nn                               oo
  6524.                                 pp                               presskey
  6525.                                 qq                               ramos1.2
  6526.                                 rr                               ss
  6527.                                 terminate                        tt
  6528.                                 uu                               viewtime
  6529.                                 vv                               world
  6530.                                 ww                               xx
  6531.                                 yy                               zz
  6532.                            *learn_the_alphabet*.info        abcs.info
  6533.                            aero_speller.info                espell.info
  6534.                            firework_alphabet.info           pictures_letters.info
  6535.                            spell_master.info                word_factory.info
  6536.                          stories_and_nursery_rhyme (dir)
  6537.                               *childrens_favourites_1* (dir)
  6538.                                 i_had_a_little_nut_tree          i_had_a_little_nut_tree.info
  6539.                                 jack_and_jill                    jack_and_jill.info
  6540.                                 old_king_cole                    old_king_cole.info
  6541.                                 oranges_and_lemons               oranges_and_lemons.info
  6542.                                 pussy_down_the_well              pussy_down_the_well.info
  6543.                                 pussy_where_have_you_been        pussy_where_have_you_been.info
  6544.                                 readme!                          readme!.info
  6545.                                 sing_a_song_of_sixpence          sing_a_song_of_sixpence.info
  6546.                                 sslogo                           sslogo.info
  6547.                                 the_grand_duke_of_york           the_grand_duke_of_york.info
  6548.                                 tom_the_piper's_son              tom_the_piper's_son.info
  6549.                            *childrens_favourites_1*.info    childrens_favourites_2.info
  6550.                            mr_greedy.info                   nursery_rhymes.info
  6551.                            old_mac.donald.info              read_&_learn.info
  6552.                            tom's_storybook.info             
  6553.                       educational_games.info           fairy_tales.info
  6554.                       junior maths.info                junior painting.info
  6555.                       junior spelling.info             stories_and_nursery_rhyme.info
  6556.                     languages (dir)
  6557.                          languages (dir)
  6558.                               *sign languages* (dir)
  6559.                                    *communicate* (dir)
  6560.                                         abks (dir)
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  6563.                                           morse.abk                        samples.abk
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  6566.                                           sign3.abk                        sprites.abk
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  6569.                                                13                               
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  6573.                                      communicate                      communicate.default
  6574.                                      communicate.doc                  communicate.doc.info
  6575.                                      communicate_startup              communicate_startup.info
  6576.                                      hd-installer                     hd-installer.info
  6577.                                      naughts & crosses key            naughts & crosses key.info
  6578.                                      read_me_first                    read_me_first.info
  6579.                                 *communicate*.info               deaflab.info
  6580.                               french_verb_tester (dir)
  6581.                                 beginners.doc                    beginners.doc.info
  6582.                                 ppshow                           tester
  6583.                                 tester.doc                       tester.doc.info
  6584.                                 tester.info                      title.iff
  6585.                            *sign languages*.info            alphaspell.info
  6586.                            flm2.16.info                     french_verb_tester.info
  6587.                            german.info                      japanese_hiragana.info
  6588.                            japanese_vocabulary.info         japanese_wordaday.info
  6589.                            latinum.info                     learn_japanese.info
  6590.                            mtrainer 1.3.info                multi_language_tutor.info
  6591.                            spellcheck.info                  verbes.info
  6592.                            wreadfiles.info                  
  6593.                          revision_programs (dir)
  6594.                               *revision_master* (dir)
  6595.                                    examples (dir)
  6596.                                      computer_questions.rm            computer_questions.rm.info
  6597.                                      german_voc_education.rm          german_voc_education.rm.info
  6598.                                      german_voc_weather.rm            german_voc_weather.rm.info
  6599.                                      maths_questions.rm               maths_questions.rm.info
  6600.                                      science_questions.rm             science_questions.rm.info
  6601.                                      wave.iff                         
  6602.                                 examples.info                    revision_master
  6603.                                 revision_master.doc              revision_master.doc.info
  6604.                                 revision_master.info             
  6605.                            *revision_master*.info           power_teacher.info
  6606.                            questionatort.info               staid2.info
  6607.                            testmaker.info                   
  6608.                          spelling programs (dir)
  6609.                               *word_utils* (dir)
  6610.                                    dics (dir)
  6611.                                      new-dic                          new-dic.data
  6612.                                    libs (dir)
  6613.                                      extend.library                   mathieeedoubbas.library
  6614.                                    pics (dir)
  6615.                                      wordutils.pic                    
  6616.                                 wordutils                        word_utils
  6617.                                 word_utils.info                  
  6618.                            *word_utils*.info                azspell.info
  6619.                            beginners_typing_tutor.info      key_quick.ii.info
  6620.                            typing_demon.info                word_power.info
  6621.                       grammar_course.info              languages.info
  6622.                       revision_programs.info           spelling programs.info
  6623.                     libs (dir)
  6624.                          gadgets (dir)
  6625.                            colorwheel.gadget                gradientslider.gadget
  6626.                          images (dir)
  6627.                            mui-kmelarrowdown.image          mui-kmelarrowdown2.image
  6628.                            mui-kmelarrowleft.image          mui-kmelarrowleft2.image
  6629.                            mui-kmelarrowright.image         mui-kmelarrowright2.image
  6630.                            mui-kmelarrowup.image            mui-kmelarrowup2.image
  6631.                            mui-kmelcheckmark.image          mui-kmelcycle.image
  6632.                            mui-kmelknob.image               mui-kmelknob2.image
  6633.                            mui-kmelpopdrawer.image          mui-kmelpopfile.image
  6634.                            mui-kmelpopup.image              mui-kmeltapepause.image
  6635.                            mui-kmeltaperecord.image         mui-kmeltaperecord2.image
  6636.                            mui-kmeltapestop.image           mui-newlookknob.image
  6637.                            mui-oldstyleknob.image           mui-stdcycle.image
  6638.                            mui-xenknob.image                mui-xenknob2.image
  6639.                       6581sid.library                  68040.library
  6640.                       amigaguide.library               amigaguide.library1
  6641.                       amos.library                     apig.library
  6642.                       arp.library                      asl-old.library
  6643.                       asl.library                      avdb.library
  6644.                       avop.library                     avtextgad.library
  6645.                       backstab.library                 backstab.s
  6646.                       backstab.txt                     backstab_lib.i
  6647.                       bas_runtime.library              bootblock.library
  6648.                       bullet.library                   camd.library
  6649.                       cando.library                    color.library
  6650.                       commodities.library              crm.library
  6651.                       datatypes.library                dctv.library
  6652.                       decrunch.library                 destracker.library
  6653.                       diskfont.library                 dither.library
  6654.                       dres.library                     easylife.library
  6655.                       epu0.library                     epu1.library
  6656.                       evaluate.table                   explode.library
  6657.                       extend.library                   fastsincos.doc
  6658.                       fastsincos.library               freeanim.library
  6659.                       garbagecollector.library         hisoftbasic.library
  6660.                       hothelp.library                  icon.library
  6661.                       idx.library                      iff.library
  6662.                       iffparse.library                 ilbm.library
  6663.                       info.library                     inovamusic.library
  6664.                       intuisupport.library             ixemul.library
  6665.                       lh.library                       locale.library
  6666.                       losapr.library                   lowlevel.library
  6667.                       mathieeedoubbas.library          mathieeedoubtrans.library
  6668.                       mathieeesingtrans.library        mathtrans.library
  6669.                       medplayer.library                midi.library
  6670.                       mtool.library                    noflag.library
  6671.                       nonvolatile.library              objectivegadtools.library
  6672.                       octaplayer.library               owndevunit.library
  6673.                       post.library                     powerpacker.library
  6674.                       powervisor.library               ppipc.library
  6675.                       provision.library                ptool.library
  6676.                       ptreplay.library                 realtime.library
  6677.                       req.library                      req.librarynew
  6678.                       reqtools.library                 requester.library
  6679.                       review.library                   rexxarplib.library
  6680.                       rexxhost.library                 rexxhost.m
  6681.                       rexxreqtools.library             rexxserdev.library
  6682.                       rexxsupport.library              rexxsyslib.library
  6683.                       rexxtools.library                screenshare.library
  6684.                       shadow.library                   simplify.table
  6685.                       superplay.library                superview.library
  6686.                       superviewsupport.library         teddi.library
  6687.                       toolmanager.library              tower.library
  6688.                       translator.library               tridee.library
  6689.                       triton.library                   triton.txt
  6690.                       unpack.library                   version.library
  6691.                       voice.library                    whatis.library
  6692.                       xfdmaster.library                xpkmaster.library
  6693.                       xprascii.library                 xprbplus.library
  6694.                       xprkermit.library                xprxmodem.library
  6695.                       xprzmodem.library                
  6696.                     literature (dir)
  6697.                          drama (dir)
  6698.                               *shakespeare* (dir)
  6699.                                    books (dir)
  6700.                                         all's_well_that_ends_well (dir)
  6701.                                           act1                             act2
  6702.                                           act3                             act4
  6703.                                           act5                             alls_well.guide
  6704.                                           intro                            
  6705.                                 about_shakespeare                about_shakespeare.info
  6706.                                 help.guide                       shakespeare.guide
  6707.                                 shakespeare.guide.info           shakespeare.iff
  6708.                                 shakespeare_dictionary           shakespeare_glossary
  6709.                                 william_shakespeare              
  6710.                               aeschylus (dir)
  6711.                                 about_aeschylus                  about_aeschylus.info
  6712.                                 aeschylus.guide                  aeschylus.guide.info
  6713.                                 aeschylus.iff                    aeschylus_guide
  6714.                               aristophanes (dir)
  6715.                                 about_aristophanes               about_aristophanes.info
  6716.                                 aristophanes.guide               aristophanes.guide.info
  6717.                                 aristophanes.iff                 aristophanes_guide
  6718.                               behn (dir)
  6719.                                    rover_play (dir)
  6720.                                      the_rover.guide                  the_rover.guide.info
  6721.                                 behn.iff                         memoirs_of_mrs_behn
  6722.                                 memoirs_of_mrs_behn.info         oroonoko
  6723.                                 oroonoko.info                    rover_play.info
  6724.                               euripides (dir)
  6725.                                 about_euripides                  about_euripides.info
  6726.                                 euripides.guide                  euripides.guide.info
  6727.                                 euripides.iff                    euripides_guide
  6728.                               goethe (dir)
  6729.                                 about_goethe                     about_goethe.info
  6730.                                 faust                            faust.guide
  6731.                                 faust.guide.info                 goethe.iff
  6732.                               goldsmith (dir)
  6733.                                 about_goldsmith                  about_goldsmith.info
  6734.                                 goldsmith.guide                  goldsmith.iff
  6735.                                 she_stoops_to_conquer.           she_stoops_to_conquer..info
  6736.                               ibsen (dir)
  6737.                                    peer_gynt (dir)
  6738.                                      about_ibsen                      about_ibsen.info
  6739.                                      ibsen.iff                        peer.gynt.guide
  6740.                                      peer_gynt.guide                  peer_gynt.guide.info
  6741.                                 peer_gynt.info                   
  6742.                               sophocles (dir)
  6743.                                 about_sophocles                  about_sophocles.info
  6744.                                 sophocles.guide                  sophocles.guide.info
  6745.                                 sophocles.iff                    sophocles_guide
  6746.                            *shakespeare*.info               aeschylus.info
  6747.                            aristophanes.info                behn.info
  6748.                            euripides.info                   goethe.info
  6749.                            goldsmith.info                   ibsen.info
  6750.                            shaw_george_bernard              sophocles.info
  6751.                          novels (dir)
  6752.                               novels1 (dir)
  6753.                                    *alcott* (dir)
  6754.                                         flower_fables (dir)
  6755.                                           flower_fables.guide              flower_fables.guide.info
  6756.                                         little_women (dir)
  6757.                                           chapter1                         chapter10
  6758.                                           chapter11                        chapter12
  6759.                                           chapter13                        chapter14
  6760.                                           chapter15                        chapter16
  6761.                                           chapter17                        chapter18
  6762.                                           chapter19                        chapter2
  6763.                                           chapter20                        chapter21
  6764.                                           chapter22                        chapter23
  6765.                                           chapter24                        chapter25
  6766.                                           chapter26                        chapter27
  6767.                                           chapter28                        chapter29
  6768.                                           chapter3                         chapter30
  6769.                                           chapter31                        chapter32
  6770.                                           chapter33                        chapter34
  6771.                                           chapter35                        chapter36
  6772.                                           chapter37                        chapter38
  6773.                                           chapter39                        chapter4
  6774.                                           chapter40                        chapter41
  6775.                                           chapter42                        chapter43
  6776.                                           chapter44                        chapter45
  6777.                                           chapter46                        chapter47
  6778.                                           chapter5                         chapter6
  6779.                                           chapter7                         chapter8
  6780.                                           chapter9                         little_women.guide
  6781.                                           little_women.guide.info          preface
  6782.                                      flower_fables.info               little_women.info
  6783.                                    alger (dir)
  6784.                                         cast_upon_the_breakers (dir)
  6785.                                           cast_upon_breakers.guide         cast_upon_breakers.guide.info
  6786.                                         paul_prescotts_charge (dir)
  6787.                                           prescotts_charge.guide           prescotts_charge.guide.info
  6788.                                         the_cash_boy (dir)
  6789.                                           the_cash_boy.guide               the_cash_boy.guide.info
  6790.                                      cast_upon_the_breakers.info      paul_prescotts_charge.info
  6791.                                      the_cash_boy.info                
  6792.                                    austen (dir)
  6793.                                         emma (dir)
  6794.                                           emma.guide                       emma.guide.info
  6795.                                         mansfield_park (dir)
  6796.                                           mansfield_park.guide             mansfield_park.guide.info
  6797.                                         northanger_abbey (dir)
  6798.                                           northanger_abbey.guide           northanger_abbey.guide.info
  6799.                                         persuasion (dir)
  6800.                                           persuasion.guide                 persuasion.guide.info
  6801.                                         pride_and_prejudice (dir)
  6802.                                           pride.guide                      pride.guide.info
  6803.                                         sense_and_sensibility (dir)
  6804.                                           sensibility.guide                sensibility.guide.info
  6805.                                      emma.info                        mansfield_park.info
  6806.                                      northanger_abbey.info            persuasion.info
  6807.                                      pride_and_prejudice.info         sense_and_sensibility.info
  6808.                                    barrie (dir)
  6809.                                         peter_pan (dir)
  6810.                                           peter_pan.guide.info             
  6811.                                      peter_pan.info                   
  6812.                                    baum (dir)
  6813.                                         land_of_oz (dir)
  6814.                                           land_of_oz.guide.info            
  6815.                                         magic_of_oz (dir)
  6816.                                           magic_of_oz.guide                magic_of_oz.guide.info
  6817.                                         the_master_key (dir)
  6818.                                           the_master_key.guide             the_master_key.guide.info
  6819.                                         wizard_of_oz (dir)
  6820.                                           wizard_of_oz.guide.info          
  6821.                                      land_of_oz.info                  magic_of_oz.info
  6822.                                      the_master_key.info              wizard_of_oz.info
  6823.                                    bronte (dir)
  6824.                                         charlotte (dir)
  6825.                                              jane_eyre (dir)
  6826.                                                jane_eyre.guide                  jane_eyre.guide.info
  6827.                                           jane_eyre.info                   
  6828.                                         emily (dir)
  6829.                                              wuthering_heights (dir)
  6830.                                                wuthering_heights.guide          wuthering_heights.guide.info
  6831.                                           wuthering_heights.info           
  6832.                                      charlotte.info                   emily.info
  6833.                                    bunyan (dir)
  6834.                                         pilgrims_progress (dir)
  6835.                                           pilgrims_progress                pilgrims_progress.info
  6836.                                      pilgrims_progress.info           
  6837.                                    burnett (dir)
  6838.                                         a_little_princess (dir)
  6839.                                           little_princess.guide            little_princess.guide.info
  6840.                                         saracrewe (dir)
  6841.                                           saracrewe.guide.info             
  6842.                                         secret_garden (dir)
  6843.                                           secret_garden.guide              secret_garden.guide.info
  6844.                                      a_little_princess.info           saracrewe.info
  6845.                                      secret_garden.info               
  6846.                                    burroughs (dir)
  6847.                                         1tarzan_of_the_apes (dir)
  6848.                                           tarzan_of_apes.guide             tarzan_of_apes.guide.info
  6849.                                         2the_return_of_tarzan (dir)
  6850.                                           return_of_tarzan.guide           return_of_tarzan.guide.info
  6851.                                         3the_beasts_of_tarzan (dir)
  6852.                                           beasts_of_tarzan.guide           beasts_of_tarzan.guide.info
  6853.                                         4the_son_of_tarzan (dir)
  6854.                                           son_of_tarzan.guide              son_of_tarzan.guide.info
  6855.                                         5tarzan_and_jewels_of_oza (dir)
  6856.                                           jewels_of_oza.guide              jewels_of_oza.guide.info
  6857.                                         6jungle_tales_of_tarzan (dir)
  6858.                                           jungle_tales.guide               jungle_tales.guide.info
  6859.                                         at_the_earths_core (dir)
  6860.                                           earths_core.guide                earths_core.guide.info
  6861.                                         princess_of_mars (dir)
  6862.                                           princess_of_mars.guide           princess_of_mars.guide.info
  6863.                                         the_gods_of_mars (dir)
  6864.                                           gods_of_mars.guide               gods_of_mars.guide.info
  6865.                                         the_lost_continent (dir)
  6866.                                           lost_continent.guide             lost_continent.guide.info
  6867.                                         the_warlords_of_mars (dir)
  6868.                                           warlord_of_mars.guide            warlord_of_mars.guide.info
  6869.                                         thuvia (dir)
  6870.                                           thuvia.guide                     thuvia.guide.info
  6871.                                      1tarzan_of_the_apes.info         2the_return_of_tarzan.info
  6872.                                      3the_beasts_of_tarzan.info       4the_son_of_tarzan.info
  6873.                                      5tarzan_and_jewels_of_oza.info   6jungle_tales_of_tarzan.info
  6874.                                      at_the_earths_core.info          princess_of_mars.info
  6875.                                      the_gods_of_mars.info            the_lost_continent.info
  6876.                                      the_warlords_of_mars.info        thuvia.info
  6877.                                    butler (dir)
  6878.                                         way_of_all_flesh (dir)
  6879.                                           way_of_all_flesh.guide           way_of_all_flesh.guide.info
  6880.                                      way_of_all_flesh.info            
  6881.                                    cabell (dir)
  6882.                                         certain_hour (dir)
  6883.                                           certain_hour.guide               certain_hour.guide.info
  6884.                                      certain_hour.info                
  6885.                                    carroll (dir)
  6886.                                         alice_in_wonderland (dir)
  6887.                                           wonderland.guide                 wonderland.guide.info
  6888.                                         through_the_looking_glass (dir)
  6889.                                           looking_glass.guide              looking_glass.guide.info
  6890.                                      alice_in_wonderland.info         through_the_looking_glass.info
  6891.                                    cather (dir)
  6892.                                         alexanders_bridge (dir)
  6893.                                           alexanders_bridge.guide.info     
  6894.                                         my_antonia (dir)
  6895.                                           my_antonia.guide.info            
  6896.                                         o_pioneers (dir)
  6897.                                           o_pioneers.guide                 o_pioneers.guide.info
  6898.                                         song_of_the_lark (dir)
  6899.                                           song_of_lark.guide               song_of_lark.guide.info
  6900.                                      alexanders_bridge.info           my_antonia.info
  6901.                                      o_pioneers.info                  song_of_the_lark.info
  6902.                                    cervantes (dir)
  6903.                                         don_quixote (dir)
  6904.                                           don_quixote.guide                don_quixote.guide.info
  6905.                                      don_quixote.info                 
  6906.                                    chesterton (dir)
  6907.                                         innocence_f_fatherbrown (dir)
  6908.                                           innocence_f_brown.guide          innocence_f_brown.guide.info
  6909.                                         orthodoxy (dir)
  6910.                                           orthodoxy.guide                  orthodoxy.guide.info
  6911.                                         wisdom_of_fatherbrown (dir)
  6912.                                           wisdom_of_f_brown.guide          wisdom_of_f_brown.guide.info
  6913.                                      innocence_f_fatherbrown.info     orthodoxy.info
  6914.                                      wisdom_of_fatherbrown.info       
  6915.                                    chopin (dir)
  6916.                                         short_stories (dir)
  6917.                                           short_stories.guide.info         
  6918.                                         the_awakening (dir)
  6919.                                           the_awakening.guide              the_awakening.guide.info
  6920.                                      short_stories.info               the_awakening.info
  6921.                                    collins (dir)
  6922.                                         the_haunted_hotel (dir)
  6923.                                           the_haunted_hotel.guide          the_haunted_hotel.guide.info
  6924.                                         the_moonstone (dir)
  6925.                                           the_moonstone.guide              the_moonstone.guide.info
  6926.                                      the_haunted_hotel.info           the_moonstone.info
  6927.                                    conrad (dir)
  6928.                                         heart_of_darkness (dir)
  6929.                                           heart_of_darkness.guide          heart_of_darkness.guide.info
  6930.                                         lord_jim (dir)
  6931.                                           lord_jim.guide                   lord_jim.guide.info
  6932.                                         the_secret_sharer (dir)
  6933.                                           the_secret_sharer.guide          the_secret_sharer.guide.info
  6934.                                      heart_of_darkness.info           lord_jim.info
  6935.                                      the_secret_sharer.info           
  6936.                                    crane (dir)
  6937.                                         blue_hotel (dir)
  6938.                                           blue_hotel.guide.info            
  6939.                                         red_badge (dir)
  6940.                                           red_badge.guide                  red_badge.guide.info
  6941.                                      blue_hotel.info                  red_badge.info
  6942.                                 *alcott*.info                    alger.info
  6943.                                 austen.info                      barrie.info
  6944.                                 baum.info                        bronte.info
  6945.                                 bunyan.info                      burnett.info
  6946.                                 burroughs.info                   butler.info
  6947.                                 cabell.info                      carroll.info
  6948.                                 cather.info                      cervantes.info
  6949.                                 chesterton.info                  chopin.info
  6950.                                 collins.info                     conrad.info
  6951.                                 crane.info                       
  6952.                               novels2 (dir)
  6953.                                    *dickens* (dir)
  6954.                                         *christmas_carol* (dir)
  6955.                                           christmas_carol.guide            christmas_carol.guide.info
  6956.                                         cricket_on_the_hearth (dir)
  6957.                                           cricket.guide                    cricket.guide.info
  6958.                                         great_expectations (dir)
  6959.                                           expectations.guide               expectations.guide.info
  6960.                                         hard_times (dir)
  6961.                                           hard_times.guide                 hard_times.guide.info
  6962.                                         oliver_twist (dir)
  6963.                                           oliver_twist.guide               oliver_twist.guide.info
  6964.                                         tale_of_two_cities (dir)
  6965.                                           tale_of_2_cities.guide           tale_of_2_cities.guide.info
  6966.                                         the_chimes (dir)
  6967.                                           the_chimes.guide                 the_chimes.guide.info
  6968.                                      *christmas_carol*.info           cricket_on_the_hearth.info
  6969.                                      great_expectations.info          hard_times.info
  6970.                                      oliver_twist.info                tale_of_two_cities.info
  6971.                                      the_chimes.info                  
  6972.                                    dana (dir)
  6973.                                         two_years_before_mast (dir)
  6974.                                           two_years_before.guide           two_years_before.guide.info
  6975.                                      two_years_before_mast.info       
  6976.                                    defoe (dir)
  6977.                                         journal_of_the_plague (dir)
  6978.                                           journal_of_the_plague.info       
  6979.                                         moll_flanders (dir)
  6980.                                           moll_flanders.guide              moll_flanders.guide.info
  6981.                                         robinson_crusoe (dir)
  6982.                                           robinson.guide                   robinson.guide.info
  6983.                                      journal_of_the_plague.info       moll_flanders.info
  6984.                                      robinson_crusoe.info             
  6985.                                    dostoyevsky (dir)
  6986.                                         the_brothers_karamazov (dir)
  6987.                                           brothers_karamazov.guide         brothers_karamazov.guide.info
  6988.                                      the_brothers_karamazov.info      
  6989.                                    douglass (dir)
  6990.                                         escape_from_slavery (dir)
  6991.                                           escape_slavery.info              
  6992.                                         life_of_douglass (dir)
  6993.                                           life_of_douglass.info            
  6994.                                      escape_from_slavery.info         life_of_douglass.info
  6995.                                    doyle (dir)
  6996.                                         captain_of_the_polestar (dir)
  6997.                                           captain_of_polestar.guide        captain_of_polestar.guide.info
  6998.                                         sherlock_holmes (dir)
  6999.                                              books (dir)
  7000.                                                   baskervilles (dir)
  7001.                                                     baskervilles.guide               
  7002.                                                   sign_of_four (dir)
  7003.                                                     sign_of_four.guide               
  7004.                                                   study_in_scarlet (dir)
  7005.                                                     scarlet.guide                    
  7006.                                                   valley_of_fear (dir)
  7007.                                                     valley_of_fear.guide             
  7008.                                           sherlock_holmes.guide            sherlock_holmes.guide.info
  7009.                                         the_lost_world (dir)
  7010.                                           the_lost_world.guide             the_lost_world.guide.info
  7011.                                         the_poison_belt (dir)
  7012.                                           the_poison_belt.guide            the_poison_belt.guide.info
  7013.                                      captain_of_the_polestar.info     sherlock_holmes.info
  7014.                                      the_lost_world.info              the_poison_belt.info
  7015.                                    dreiser (dir)
  7016.                                         sister_carrie (dir)
  7017.                                           sister_carrie.guide              sister_carrie.guide.info
  7018.                                      sister_carrie.info               
  7019.                                    dumas (dir)
  7020.                                         man_in_the_iron_mask (dir)
  7021.                                           iron_mask.guide                  iron_mask.guide.info
  7022.                                      man_in_the_iron_mask.info        
  7023.                                    eliot (dir)
  7024.                                         middlemarch (dir)
  7025.                                           middlemarch.guide                middlemarch.guide.info
  7026.                                         silas_marner (dir)
  7027.                                           silas_marner.guide               silas_marner.guide.info
  7028.                                      middlemarch.info                 silas_marner.info
  7029.                                    fielding (dir)
  7030.                                         tom_jones (dir)
  7031.                                           tom_jones.guide                  tom_jones.guide.info
  7032.                                      tom_jones.info                   
  7033.                                    france (dir)
  7034.                                         penquin_island (dir)
  7035.                                           penquin_island.guide             penquin_island.guide.info
  7036.                                      penquin_island.info              
  7037.                                    frederic (dir)
  7038.                                         damnation_of_theronware (dir)
  7039.                                           damnation.guide                  damnation.guide.info
  7040.                                      damnation_of_theronware.info     
  7041.                                    gilman (dir)
  7042.                                         herland (dir)
  7043.                                           herland.guide                    herland.guide.info
  7044.                                      herland.info                     
  7045.                                    grahame (dir)
  7046.                                         the_golden_age (dir)
  7047.                                           golden_age.guide                 golden_age.guide.info
  7048.                                         the_wind_in_the_willows (dir)
  7049.                                           wind_willows.guide               wind_willows.guide.info
  7050.                                      the_golden_age.info              the_wind_in_the_willows.info
  7051.                                    hardy (dir)
  7052.                                         a_pair_of_blue_eyes (dir)
  7053.                                           a_pair_of_blue_eyes.guide        a_pair_of_blue_eyes.guide.info
  7054.                                         far_from_madding_crowd (dir)
  7055.                                           far_madding_crowd.guide          far_madding_crowd.guide.info
  7056.                                         jude_the_obscure (dir)
  7057.                                           jude_of_obscure.guide            jude_of_obscure.guide.info
  7058.                                         mayor_of_casterbridge (dir)
  7059.                                           mayor_casterbridge.guide         mayor_casterbridge.guide.info
  7060.                                         return_of_the_native (dir)
  7061.                                           return_of_native.guide           return_of_native.guide.info
  7062.                                         tess_of_the_durbervilles (dir)
  7063.                                           tess.guide                       tess.guide.info
  7064.                                      a_pair_of_blue_eyes.info         far_from_madding_crowd.info
  7065.                                      jude_the_obscure.info            mayor_of_casterbridge.info
  7066.                                      return_of_the_native.info        tess_of_the_durbervilles.info
  7067.                                    hawthorne (dir)
  7068.                                         house_seven_gables (dir)
  7069.                                           seven_gables.guide               seven_gables.guide.info
  7070.                                         the_scarlet_letter (dir)
  7071.                                           scarlet_letter.guide             scarlet_letter.guide.info
  7072.                                         twice_told_tales (dir)
  7073.                                           twice_told_tales.guide           twice_told_tales.guide.info
  7074.                                      house_seven_gables.info          the_scarlet_letter.info
  7075.                                      twice_told_tales.info            
  7076.                                    hope (dir)
  7077.                                         zenda (dir)
  7078.                                           zenda.guide                      zenda.guide.info
  7079.                                      zenda.info                       
  7080.                                    howells (dir)
  7081.                                         silas_lapham (dir)
  7082.                                           silas_lapham.guide               silas_lapham.guide.info
  7083.                                      silas_lapham.info                
  7084.                                    hugo (dir)
  7085.                                         les_miserables (dir)
  7086.                                           les_miserables.guide             les_miserables.guide.info
  7087.                                      les_miserables.info              
  7088.                                    hyne (dir)
  7089.                                         the_lost_continent (dir)
  7090.                                           lost_continent.guide             lost_continent.guide.info
  7091.                                      the_lost_continent.info          
  7092.                                    irving (dir)
  7093.                                         alhambra (dir)
  7094.                                           the_alhambra                     the_alhambra.info
  7095.                                         the_sketch_book (dir)
  7096.                                           sketch_book.guide                sketch_book.guide.info
  7097.                                      alhambra.info                    the_sketch_book.info
  7098.                                 *dickens*.info                   dana.info
  7099.                                 defoe.info                       dostoyevsky.info
  7100.                                 douglass.info                    doyle.info
  7101.                                 dreiser.info                     dumas.info
  7102.                                 eliot.info                       fielding.info
  7103.                                 france.info                      frederic.info
  7104.                                 gilman.info                      grahame.info
  7105.                                 hardy.info                       hawthorne.info
  7106.                                 hope.info                        howells.info
  7107.                                 hugo.info                        hyne.info
  7108.                                 irving.info                      
  7109.                               novels3 (dir)
  7110.                                    james (dir)
  7111.                                         confidence (dir)
  7112.                                           confidence.guide                 confidence.guide.info
  7113.                                         daisy_miller (dir)
  7114.                                           daisy_miller.guide.info          
  7115.                                         international_episode (dir)
  7116.                                           episode.info                     
  7117.                                         roderick_hudson (dir)
  7118.                                           roderick_hudson.guide            roderick_hudson.guide.info
  7119.                                         the_american (dir)
  7120.                                           the_american.guide               the_american.guide.info
  7121.                                         the_europeans (dir)
  7122.                                           the_europeans.guide              the_europeans.guide.info
  7123.                                         the_turn_of_the_screw (dir)
  7124.                                           turn_of_screw.guide              turn_of_screw.guide.info
  7125.                                         washington_square (dir)
  7126.                                           washington.guide                 washington.guide.info
  7127.                                      confidence.info                  daisy_miller.info
  7128.                                      international_episode.info       roderick_hudson.info
  7129.                                      the_american.info                the_europeans.info
  7130.                                      the_turn_of_the_screw.info       washington_square.info
  7131.                                    kingslake (dir)
  7132.                                         eothen (dir)
  7133.                                           eothen.guide                     eothen.guide.info
  7134.                                      eothen.info                      
  7135.                                    kipling (dir)
  7136.                                         jungle_book (dir)
  7137.                                           jungle_book.guide                jungle_book.guide.info
  7138.                                         kim (dir)
  7139.                                           kim.guide                        kim.guide.info
  7140.                                      jungle_book.info                 kim.info
  7141.                                    lawrence (dir)
  7142.                                         sons_and_lovers (dir)
  7143.                                           sons_and_lovers.guide            sons_and_lovers.guide.info
  7144.                                      sons_and_lovers.info             
  7145.                                    leroux (dir)
  7146.                                         phantom_of_the_opera (dir)
  7147.                                           phantom_of_opera.guide           phantom_of_opera.guide.info
  7148.                                      phantom_of_the_opera.info        
  7149.                                    london (dir)
  7150.                                         call_of_the_wild (dir)
  7151.                                           call_of_the_wild.guide.info      
  7152.                                         john_barleycorn (dir)
  7153.                                           john_barleycorn.guide            john_barleycorn.guide.info
  7154.                                         people_of_the_abyss (dir)
  7155.                                           people_of_abyss.guide            people_of_abyss.guide.info
  7156.                                         son_of_the_wolf (dir)
  7157.                                           son_of_the_wolf.guide            son_of_the_wolf.guide.info
  7158.                                         the_iron_heel (dir)
  7159.                                           the_iron_heel.guide              the_iron_heel.guide.info
  7160.                                         the_sea_wolf (dir)
  7161.                                           sea_wolf.guide                   sea_wolf.guide.info
  7162.                                         to_build_a_fire (dir)
  7163.                                           to_build_a_fire.guide.info       
  7164.                                         white_fang (dir)
  7165.                                           white_fang.guide                 white_fang.guide.info
  7166.                                      call_of_the_wild.info            john_barleycorn.info
  7167.                                      people_of_the_abyss.info         son_of_the_wolf.info
  7168.                                      the_iron_heel.info               the_sea_wolf.info
  7169.                                      to_build_a_fire.info             white_fang.info
  7170.                                    lytton (dir)
  7171.                                         last_days_of_pompeii (dir)
  7172.                                           days_of_pompeii.guide            days_of_pompeii.guide.info
  7173.                                      last_days_of_pompeii.info        
  7174.                                    mansfield (dir)
  7175.                                         short_stories (dir)
  7176.                                           short_stories.guide              short_stories.guide.info
  7177.                                      short_stories.info               
  7178.                                    maugham (dir)
  7179.                                         of_human_bondage (dir)
  7180.                                           bondage.guide                    bondage.guide.info
  7181.                                         the_moon_and_sixpence (dir)
  7182.                                           sixpence.guide                   sixpence.guide.info
  7183.                                      of_human_bondage.info            the_moon_and_sixpence.info
  7184.                                    mcdonald (dir)
  7185.                                         back_of_the_northwind (dir)
  7186.                                           back_of_northwind.guide          back_of_northwind.guide.info
  7187.                                      back_of_the_northwind.info       
  7188.                                    melville (dir)
  7189.                                         beneto_cereno (dir)
  7190.                                           beneto_cereno.guide.info         
  7191.                                         billy_budd (dir)
  7192.                                           billy_budd.guide                 billy_budd.guide.info
  7193.                                         moby_dick (dir)
  7194.                                           moby_dick.guide                  moby_dick.guide.info
  7195.                                         typee (dir)
  7196.                                           typee.guide                      typee.guide.info
  7197.                                      beneto_cereno.info               billy_budd.info
  7198.                                      moby_dick.info                   typee.info
  7199.                                    montgomery (dir)
  7200.                                         anne_of_avonlea (dir)
  7201.                                           anne_of_avonlea.guide            anne_of_avonlea.guide.info
  7202.                                         anne_of_green_gables (dir)
  7203.                                           anne_green_gables.guide          anne_green_gables.guide.info
  7204.                                         anne_of_the_island (dir)
  7205.                                           anne_of_the_island.guide         anne_of_the_island.guide.info
  7206.                                      anne_of_avonlea.info             anne_of_green_gables.info
  7207.                                      anne_of_the_island.info          
  7208.                                    morley (dir)
  7209.                                         haunted_bookshop (dir)
  7210.                                           haunted_bookshop.guide           haunted_bookshop.guide.info
  7211.                                         parnassus_on_wheels (dir)
  7212.                                           parnassus.guide                  parnassus.guide.info
  7213.                                      haunted_bookshop.info            parnassus_on_wheels.info
  7214.                                    morris (dir)
  7215.                                         a_dream_of_john_ball (dir)
  7216.                                           dream_of_john_ball.guide         dream_of_john_ball.guide.info
  7217.                                         child_christopher (dir)
  7218.                                           child_christopher.guide          child_christopher.guide.info
  7219.                                         news_from_nowhere (dir)
  7220.                                           news_from_nowhere.guide          news_from_nowhere.guide.info
  7221.                                         well_at_the_worlds_end (dir)
  7222.                                           worlds_end.guide                 worlds_end.guide.info
  7223.                                      a_dream_of_john_ball.info        child_christopher.info
  7224.                                      news_from_nowhere.info           well_at_the_worlds_end.info
  7225.                                    munro (dir)
  7226.                                         beasts_and_superbeasts (dir)
  7227.                                           beasts_superbeasts.guide         beasts_superbeasts.guide.info
  7228.                                         reginald (dir)
  7229.                                           reginald.guide                   reginald.guide.info
  7230.                                         reginald_in_russia (dir)
  7231.                                           reginald_in_russia.guide         reginald_in_russia.guide.info
  7232.                                         the_chronicles_of_clovis (dir)
  7233.                                           chronicles.guide                 chronicles.guide.info
  7234.                                      beasts_and_superbeasts.info      reginald.info
  7235.                                      reginald_in_russia.info          the_chronicles_of_clovis.info
  7236.                                    norris (dir)
  7237.                                         mcteague (dir)
  7238.                                           mcteague.guide                   mcteague.guide.info
  7239.                                      mcteague.info                    
  7240.                                    orczy (dir)
  7241.                                         scarlet_pimpernel (dir)
  7242.                                           scarlet_pimp.guide               scarlet_pimp.guide.info
  7243.                                      scarlet_pimpernel.info           
  7244.                                    poe (dir)
  7245.                                         arthur_gordon_pym (dir)
  7246.                                           arthur_gordon_pym.guide          arthur_gordon_pym.guide.info
  7247.                                         poe_stories (dir)
  7248.                                           files.txt                        short_stories.guide
  7249.                                           short_stories.guide.info         
  7250.                                      arthur_gordon_pym.info           criticism.info
  7251.                                      poe_stories.info                 
  7252.                                    rowson (dir)
  7253.                                         charlotte_temple (dir)
  7254.                                           charlotte_temple.guide           charlotte_temple.guide.info
  7255.                                      charlotte_temple.info            
  7256.                                    scott (dir)
  7257.                                         chronicles_of_canongate (dir)
  7258.                                           canongate.guide                  canongate.guide.info
  7259.                                         ivanhoe (dir)
  7260.                                           ivanhoe.guide                    ivanhoe.guide.info
  7261.                                         keepsake_stories (dir)
  7262.                                           keepsake_stories.guide           keepsake_stories.guide.info
  7263.                                         the_highland_widow (dir)
  7264.                                           highland_widow.guide             highland_widow.guide.info
  7265.                                         the_surgeons_daughter (dir)
  7266.                                           surgeons_daughter.guide          surgeons_daughter.guide.info
  7267.                                         the_two_drovers (dir)
  7268.                                           the_two_drovers.info             
  7269.                                         waverley_introduction (dir)
  7270.                                           waverley_introduction.info       
  7271.                                      chronicles_of_canongate.info     ivanhoe.info
  7272.                                      keepsake_stories.info            the_highland_widow.info
  7273.                                      the_surgeons_daughter.info       the_two_drovers.info
  7274.                                      waverley_introduction.info       
  7275.                                    sewell (dir)
  7276.                                         black_beauty (dir)
  7277.                                           black_beauty.guide               black_beauty.guide.info
  7278.                                      black_beauty.info                
  7279.                                 james.info                       kingslake.info
  7280.                                 kipling.info                     lawrence.info
  7281.                                 leroux.info                      london.info
  7282.                                 lytton.info                      mansfield.info
  7283.                                 maugham.info                     mcdonald.info
  7284.                                 melville.info                    montgomery.info
  7285.                                 morley.info                      morris.info
  7286.                                 munro.info                       norris.info
  7287.                                 orczy.info                       poe.info
  7288.                                 rowson.info                      scott.info
  7289.                                 sewell.info                      
  7290.                               novels4 (dir)
  7291.                                    shelley (dir)
  7292.                                         frankenstein (dir)
  7293.                                           frankenstein.guide               frankenstein.guide.info
  7294.                                         maria (dir)
  7295.                                           maria.guide                      maria.guide.info
  7296.                                      frankenstein.info                maria.info
  7297.                                    stacpoole (dir)
  7298.                                      blue_lagoon.guide                blue_lagoon.guide.info
  7299.                                    stevenson (dir)
  7300.                                         drjekyll_and_mrhyde (dir)
  7301.                                           dr_jekyll.guide.info             
  7302.                                         fables (dir)
  7303.                                           fables                           fables.info
  7304.                                         family (dir)
  7305.                                           family.guide                     family.guide.info
  7306.                                         father_damien (dir)
  7307.                                           father_damien.guide.info         
  7308.                                         kidnapped (dir)
  7309.                                           kidnapped.guide                  kidnapped.guide.info
  7310.                                         treasure_island (dir)
  7311.                                           treasure_island.guide            treasure_island.guide.info
  7312.                                      drjekyll_and_mrhyde.info         fables.info
  7313.                                      family.info                      father_damien.info
  7314.                                      kidnapped.info                   treasure_island.info
  7315.                                    stoker (dir)
  7316.                                         dracula (dir)
  7317.                                           dracula.guide                    dracula.guide.info
  7318.                                      dracula.info                     
  7319.                                    stowe (dir)
  7320.                                         uncle_toms_cabin (dir)
  7321.                                           uncle_tom.guide                  uncle_tom.guide.info
  7322.                                      uncle_toms_cabin.info            
  7323.                                    stratton_porter (dir)
  7324.                                         freckles (dir)
  7325.                                           freckles.guide                   freckles.guide.info
  7326.                                         girl_of_the_limber_lost (dir)
  7327.                                           limberlost.guide                 limberlost.guide.info
  7328.                                         laddie (dir)
  7329.                                           laddie.guide                     laddie.guide.info
  7330.                                         song_of_cardinal (dir)
  7331.                                           song_of_cardinal                 song_of_cardinal.info
  7332.                                         the_foot_of_the_rainbow (dir)
  7333.                                           foot_of_rainbow.guide            foot_of_rainbow.guide.info
  7334.                                      freckles.info                    girl_of_the_limber_lost.info
  7335.                                      laddie.info                      song_of_cardinal.info
  7336.                                      the_foot_of_the_rainbow.info     
  7337.                                    swift (dir)
  7338.                                         gullivers_travels (dir)
  7339.                                           gullivers_travels.guide          gullivers_travels.guide.info
  7340.                                         modest_proposal (dir)
  7341.                                           modest_proposal                  modest_proposal.info
  7342.                                      gullivers_travels.info           modest_proposal.info
  7343.                                    tarkington (dir)
  7344.                                         the_flirt (dir)
  7345.                                           the_flirt.guide                  the_flirt.guide.info
  7346.                                      the_flirt.info                   
  7347.                                    taylor (dir)
  7348.                                         short_stories (dir)
  7349.                                           short_stories.guide              short_stories.guide.info
  7350.                                      short_stories.info               
  7351.                                    tolstoy (dir)
  7352.                                         anna_karenina (dir)
  7353.                                           anna_book.guide                  anna_book.guide.info
  7354.                                         short_stories (dir)
  7355.                                           short_stories.guide              short_stories.guide.info
  7356.                                         three_questions (dir)
  7357.                                           three_questions                  three_questions.info
  7358.                                         war_and_peace (dir)
  7359.                                           war_and_peace.books.guide        war_and_peace.books.guide.info
  7360.                                      anna_karenina.info               short_stories.info
  7361.                                      three_questions.info             war_and_peace.info
  7362.                                    trollope (dir)
  7363.                                         eustace_diamonds (dir)
  7364.                                           eustace_diamonds.guide           eustace_diamonds.guide.info
  7365.                                         phileas_finn (dir)
  7366.                                           phileas_finn.guide               phileas_finn.guide.info
  7367.                                      eustace_diamonds.info            phileas_finn.info
  7368.                                    twain (dir)
  7369.                                         a_tramp_abroad (dir)
  7370.                                           tramp_abroad.guide               tramp_abroad.guide.info
  7371.                                         connecticut_yankee (dir)
  7372.                                           yankee.guide                     yankee.guide.info
  7373.                                         essays (dir)
  7374.                                           essays.guide                     essays.guide.info
  7375.                                         huckleberry_finn (dir)
  7376.                                           huckleberry_finn.guide           huckleberry_finn.guide.info
  7377.                                         life_on_the_mississipi (dir)
  7378.                                           mississipi.guide                 mississipi.guide.info
  7379.                                         prince_and_pauper (dir)
  7380.                                           prince_and_pauper.guide          prince_and_pauper.guide.info
  7381.                                         puddnhead_wilson (dir)
  7382.                                           puddnhead_wilson.guide           puddnhead_wilson.guide.info
  7383.                                         short_stories (dir)
  7384.                                           short_stories.guide              short_stories.guide.info
  7385.                                         sketches_stories (dir)
  7386.                                           sketches.guide                   sketches.guide.info
  7387.                                         speeches (dir)
  7388.                                           speeches.guide                   speeches.guide.info
  7389.                                         tom_sawyer (dir)
  7390.                                           tom_sawyer.guide                 tom_sawyer.guide.info
  7391.                                         tom_sawyer_aboard (dir)
  7392.                                           tom_abroad.guide                 tom_abroad.guide.info
  7393.                                         tom_sawyer_detective (dir)
  7394.                                           tom_detective.guide.info         
  7395.                                      a_tramp_abroad.info              connecticut_yankee.info
  7396.                                      essays.info                      huckleberry_finn.info
  7397.                                      life_on_the_mississipi.info      prince_and_pauper.info
  7398.                                      puddnhead_wilson.info            short_stories.info
  7399.                                      sketches_stories.info            speeches.info
  7400.                                      tom_sawyer.info                  tom_sawyer_aboard.info
  7401.                                      tom_sawyer_detective.info        
  7402.                                    verne (dir)
  7403.                                         20000_leagues (dir)
  7404.                                           20000_leagues.guide              20000_leagues.guide.info
  7405.                                         around_the_world (dir)
  7406.                                           around_the_world.guide           around_the_world.guide.info
  7407.                                         earth_to_the_moon (dir)
  7408.                                           earth_to_the_moon.guide          earth_to_the_moon.guide.info
  7409.                                         journey_to_centre (dir)
  7410.                                           journey_to_centre.guide          journey_to_centre.guide.info
  7411.                                         round_the_moon (dir)
  7412.                                           round_the_moon.guide             round_the_moon.guide.info
  7413.                                      20000_leagues.info               around_the_world.info
  7414.                                      earth_to_the_moon.info           journey_to_centre.info
  7415.                                      round_the_moon.info              
  7416.                                    wallace (dir)
  7417.                                         ben_hur (dir)
  7418.                                           ben_hur.guide                    ben_hur.guide.info
  7419.                                      ben_hur.info                     
  7420.                                    webster (dir)
  7421.                                         daddy_long_legs (dir)
  7422.                                           daddy_long_legs.info             
  7423.                                      daddy_long_legs.info             
  7424.                                    wells (dir)
  7425.                                         dr_moreau (dir)
  7426.                                           dr_moreau.guide                  dr_moreau.guide.info
  7427.                                         invisible_man (dir)
  7428.                                           invisible_man.guide              invisible_man.guide.info
  7429.                                         the_grisly_folk (dir)
  7430.                                           the_grisly_folk.info             
  7431.                                         time_machine (dir)
  7432.                                           time_machine.guide               time_machine.guide.info
  7433.                                         war_of_the_worlds (dir)
  7434.                                           war_of_the_worlds.guide          war_of_the_worlds.guide.info
  7435.                                      dr_moreau.info                   invisible_man.info
  7436.                                      the_grisly_folk.info             time_machine.info
  7437.                                      war_of_the_worlds.info           
  7438.                                    wharton (dir)
  7439.                                         early_short_fiction (dir)
  7440.                                           short_fiction.guide              short_fiction.guide.info
  7441.                                         house_of_mirth (dir)
  7442.                                           house_of_mirth.guide             house_of_mirth.guide.info
  7443.                                         summer (dir)
  7444.                                           summer.guide                     summer.guide.info
  7445.                                         the_reef (dir)
  7446.                                           the_reef.guide                   the_reef.guide.info
  7447.                                      early_short_fiction.info         house_of_mirth.info
  7448.                                      summer.info                      the_reef.info
  7449.                                    wilde (dir)
  7450.                                         dorian_gray (dir)
  7451.                                           dorian_gray.guide                dorian_gray.guide.info
  7452.                                         selfish_giant (dir)
  7453.                                           the_selfish_giant.info           
  7454.                                      dorian_gray.info                 selfish_giant.info
  7455.                                    woolf (dir)
  7456.                                         the_voyage_out (dir)
  7457.                                           the_voyage.guide                 the_voyage.guide.info
  7458.                                      the_voyage_out.info              
  7459.                                 shelley.info                     stacpoole.info
  7460.                                 stevenson.info                   stoker.info
  7461.                                 stowe.info                       stratton_porter.info
  7462.                                 swift.info                       tarkington.info
  7463.                                 taylor.info                      tolstoy.info
  7464.                                 trollope.info                    twain.info
  7465.                                 verne.info                       wallace.info
  7466.                                 webster.info                     wells.info
  7467.                                 wharton.info                     wilde.info
  7468.                                 woolf.info                       
  7469.                               screens.iff (dir)
  7470.                                 alcott.iff                       alger.iff
  7471.                                 austeniff                        barrie.iff
  7472.                                 baum.iff                         bronte.iff
  7473.                                 bunyan.iff                       burnett.iff
  7474.                                 burroughs.iff                    butler.iff
  7475.                                 cabell.iff                       carroll.iff
  7476.                                 cather.iff                       cervantes.iff
  7477.                                 chesterton.iff                   chopin.iff
  7478.                                 collins.iff                      conrad.iff
  7479.                                 crane.iff                        dana.iff
  7480.                                 defoe.iff                        dickens.iff
  7481.                                 dostoyevsky.iff                  douglass.iff
  7482.                                 doyle.iff                        dreiser.iff
  7483.                                 dumas.iff                        eliot.iff
  7484.                                 fielding.iff                     france.iff
  7485.                                 frederic.iff                     gilman.iff
  7486.                                 grahame.iff                      hardy.iff
  7487.                                 hawthorne.iff                    hg_wells.iff
  7488.                                 hope.iff                         howells.iff
  7489.                                 hugo.iff                         hyne.iff
  7490.                                 irving.iff                       james.iff
  7491.                                 kingslake.iff                    kipling.iff
  7492.                                 lawrence.iff                     leroux.iff
  7493.                                 london.iff                       lytton.iff
  7494.                                 macdonald.iff                    mansfield.iff
  7495.                                 mark_twain.iff                   maugham.iff
  7496.                                 maupassant.iff                   melville.iff
  7497.                                 montgomery.iff                   morley.iff
  7498.                                 morris.iff                       munro.iff
  7499.                                 norris.iff                       orczy.iff
  7500.                                 poe.iff                          rohmer.iff
  7501.                                 rowson.iff                       scott.iff
  7502.                                 sewell.iff                       shelley.iff
  7503.                                 sherlock.iff                     southey.iff
  7504.                                 stevenson.iff                    stoker.iff
  7505.                                 stowe.iff                        stratton_porter.iff
  7506.                                 swift.iff                        tarkington.iff
  7507.                                 taylor.iff                       tolstoy.iff
  7508.                                 trollope.iff                     twain.iff
  7509.                                 verne.iff                        wallace.iff
  7510.                                 webster.iff                      wharton.iff
  7511.                                 wilde.iff                        woolf.iff
  7512.                               scripts (dir)
  7513.                                 alcotta                          alcottb
  7514.                                 algera                           algerb
  7515.                                 algerc                           austena
  7516.                                 austenb                          austenc
  7517.                                 austend                          austene
  7518.                                 austenf                          barriea
  7519.                                 bauma                            baumb
  7520.                                 baumc                            baumd
  7521.                                 brontea                          bronteb
  7522.                                 bunyana                          burnetta
  7523.                                 burnettb                         burnettc
  7524.                                 burroughsa                       burroughsb
  7525.                                 burroughsc                       burroughsd
  7526.                                 burroughse                       burroughsf
  7527.                                 burroughsg                       burroughsh
  7528.                                 burroughsi                       burroughsj
  7529.                                 burroughsl                       burroughsm
  7530.                                 butlera                          cabella
  7531.                                 carrolla                         carrollb
  7532.                                 cathera                          catherb
  7533.                                 catherc                          catherd
  7534.                                 cervantesa                       chestertona
  7535.                                 chestertonb                      chestertonc
  7536.                                 chopina                          chopinb
  7537.                                 collinsa                         collinsb
  7538.                                 conrada                          conradb
  7539.                                 conradc                          cranea
  7540.                                 craneb                           danaa
  7541.                                 defoea                           defoeb
  7542.                                 defoec                           dickensa
  7543.                                 dickensb                         dickensc
  7544.                                 dickensd                         dickense
  7545.                                 dickensf                         dickensg
  7546.                                 dostoyevskya                     douglassa
  7547.                                 douglassb                        doylea
  7548.                                 doyleb                           doylec
  7549.                                 doyled                           dreisera
  7550.                                 dumasa                           eliota
  7551.                                 eliotb                           fieldinga
  7552.                                 francea                          gilmana
  7553.                                 grahamea                         grahameb
  7554.                                 hardya                           hardyb
  7555.                                 hardyc                           hardyd
  7556.                                 hardye                           hardyf
  7557.                                 hawthornea                       hawthorneb
  7558.                                 hawthornec                       hopea
  7559.                                 howellsa                         hugoa
  7560.                                 hynea                            jamesa
  7561.                                 jamesb                           jamesc
  7562.                                 jamesd                           jamese
  7563.                                 jamesf                           jamesg
  7564.                                 jamesh                           kingslakea
  7565.                                 kiplinga                         kiplingb
  7566.                                 lawrencea                        lerouxa
  7567.                                 londona                          londonb
  7568.                                 londonc                          londond
  7569.                                 londone                          londonf
  7570.                                 londong                          londonh
  7571.                                 lyttona                          mansfielda
  7572.                                 maughama                         maughamb
  7573.                                 mcdonalda                        melvillea
  7574.                                 melvilleb                        melvillec
  7575.                                 melvilled                        montgomerya
  7576.                                 montgomeryb                      montgomeryc
  7577.                                 morleya                          morleyb
  7578.                                 morrisa                          morrisb
  7579.                                 morrisc                          morrisd
  7580.                                 munroa                           munrob
  7581.                                 munroc                           munrod
  7582.                                 norrisa                          orczya
  7583.                                 poea                             poeb
  7584.                                 poec                             rowsona
  7585.                                 scotta                           scottb
  7586.                                 scottc                           scottd
  7587.                                 scotte                           scottf
  7588.                                 scottg                           sewella
  7589.                                 shelleya                         shelleyb
  7590.                                 stevensona                       stevensonb
  7591.                                 stevensonc                       stevensond
  7592.                                 stevensone                       stevensonf
  7593.                                 stokera                          stowea
  7594.                                 stratton_portera                 stratton_porterb
  7595.                                 stratton_porterc                 stratton_porterd
  7596.                                 stratton_portere                 swifta
  7597.                                 swiftb                           tarkingtona
  7598.                                 taylora                          tolstoya
  7599.                                 tolstoyb                         tolstoyc
  7600.                                 tolstoyd                         trollopea
  7601.                                 trollopeb                        twaina
  7602.                                 twainb                           twainc
  7603.                                 twaind                           twaine
  7604.                                 twainf                           twaing
  7605.                                 twainh                           twaini
  7606.                                 twainj                           twaink
  7607.                                 twainl                           twainm
  7608.                                 vernea                           verneb
  7609.                                 vernec                           verned
  7610.                                 vernee                           wallacea
  7611.                                 webstera                         wellsa
  7612.                                 wellsb                           wellsc
  7613.                                 wellsd                           wellse
  7614.                                 whartona                         whartonb
  7615.                                 whartonc                         whartond
  7616.                                 wildea                           wildeb
  7617.                                 woolfa                           
  7618.                            englit.bio                       help.guide
  7619.                            novelists.iff                    novels
  7620.                            novels.guide                     novels.guide.info
  7621.                            novels1.info                     novels2.info
  7622.                            novels3.info                     novels4.info
  7623.                            p-view                           
  7624.                          poetry (dir)
  7625.                               poetry1 (dir)
  7626.                                    *arnold* (dir)
  7627.                                      arnold.guide                     arnold.guide.info
  7628.                                      arnold.iff                       a_dream
  7629.                                      a_picture_at_newstead            dover_beach
  7630.                                      palladium                        philomela
  7631.                                      shakespeare                      the_hayswater_boat
  7632.                                      the_last_word                    written_in_butlers_sermons
  7633.                                      youth_and_calm                   
  7634.                                    blake (dir)
  7635.                                      blake.guide                      blake.guide.info
  7636.                                    bronte (dir)
  7637.                                      bronte.guide                     bronte.guide.info
  7638.                                    brooke (dir)
  7639.                                      brooke.guide                     brooke.guide.info
  7640.                                    browning (dir)
  7641.                                         browning_poems (dir)
  7642.                                           browning.guide                   browning.guide.info
  7643.                                         introduction_browning (dir)
  7644.                                           intro_browning.guide             intro_browning.guide.info
  7645.                                      browning_poems.info              introduction_browning.info
  7646.                                    browning_e (dir)
  7647.                                      browning_e.guide                 browning_e.guide.info
  7648.                                    burns (dir)
  7649.                                      burns.guide                      burns.guide.info
  7650.                                    byron (dir)
  7651.                                         byron_poems (dir)
  7652.                                           byron.guide                      byron.guide.info
  7653.                                           byron.iff                        
  7654.                                         don_juan (dir)
  7655.                                           don_juan.guide                   don_juan.guide.info
  7656.                                      byron_poems.info                 don_juan.info
  7657.                                    campbell (dir)
  7658.                                      campbell.guide                   campbell.guide.info
  7659.                                    carroll (dir)
  7660.                                         hunting_of_the_snark (dir)
  7661.                                           carroll.guide                    carroll.guide.info
  7662.                                      hunting_of_the_snark.info        
  7663.                                    chaucer (dir)
  7664.                                         canterbury_tales (dir)
  7665.                                           canterbury.guide                 canterbury.guide.info
  7666.                                         troilus (dir)
  7667.                                           troilus.guide                    troilus.guide.info
  7668.                                      canterbury_tales.info            troilus.info
  7669.                                    clare (dir)
  7670.                                      clare.guide                      clare.guide.info
  7671.                                    coleridge (dir)
  7672.                                      coleridge.guide                  coleridge.guide.info
  7673.                                    cowper (dir)
  7674.                                         cowper (dir)
  7675.                                           cowper.guide                     cowper.guide.info
  7676.                                      cowper.info                      
  7677.                                    crane (dir)
  7678.                                      crane.guide                      crane.guide.info
  7679.                                    dickens (dir)
  7680.                                      dickens.guide                    dickens.guide.info
  7681.                                    donne (dir)
  7682.                                      donne.guide                      donne.guide.info
  7683.                                    dryden (dir)
  7684.                                      dryden.guide                     dryden.guide.info
  7685.                                    eliot (dir)
  7686.                                      about_eliot                      about_eliot.info
  7687.                                      eliot                            
  7688.                                 *arnold*.info                    blake.info
  7689.                                 bronte.info                      brooke.info
  7690.                                 browning.info                    browning_e.info
  7691.                                 burns.info                       byron.info
  7692.                                 campbell.info                    carroll.info
  7693.                                 chaucer.info                     clare.info
  7694.                                 coleridge.info                   cowper.info
  7695.                                 crane.info                       dickens.info
  7696.                                 donne.info                       dryden.info
  7697.                                 eliot.info                       
  7698.                               poetry2 (dir)
  7699.                                    gordon (dir)
  7700.                                      gordon.guide                     gordon.guide.info
  7701.                                    gower (dir)
  7702.                                      gower.guide                      gower.guide.info
  7703.                                    gray (dir)
  7704.                                      gray.guide                       gray.guide.info
  7705.                                    gummere (dir)
  7706.                                      beowulf.text.info                
  7707.                                    hardy (dir)
  7708.                                      hardy.guide                      hardy.guide.info
  7709.                                    herbert (dir)
  7710.                                      herbert.guide                    herbert.guide.info
  7711.                                    herrick (dir)
  7712.                                      herrick.guide                    herrick.guide.info
  7713.                                    homer (dir)
  7714.                                         iliad (dir)
  7715.                                           iliad.guide                      iliad.guide.info
  7716.                                         odyssey (dir)
  7717.                                           odyssey.guide                    odyssey.guide.info
  7718.                                      iliad.info                       odyssey.info
  7719.                                    hopkins (dir)
  7720.                                      hopkins.guide                    hopkins.guide.info
  7721.                                    hunt (dir)
  7722.                                      hunt.guide                       hunt.guide.info
  7723.                                    johnson (dir)
  7724.                                      johnson.guide                    johnson.guide.info
  7725.                                    jonson (dir)
  7726.                                      hymn_to_diana                    jonson.guide
  7727.                                      jonson.guide.info                jonson.iff
  7728.                                      song                             song_to_celia
  7729.                                      the_noble_nature                 to_the_memory
  7730.                                    keats (dir)
  7731.                                      keats.guide                      keats.guide.info
  7732.                                    kilmer (dir)
  7733.                                         mainstreet (dir)
  7734.                                           mainstreet_etc.info              
  7735.                                         trees (dir)
  7736.                                           trees_and_other_poems.info       
  7737.                                      mainstreet.info                  trees.info
  7738.                                    lear (dir)
  7739.                                      lear.guide                       lear.guide.info
  7740.                                    longfellow (dir)
  7741.                                         hiawatha (dir)
  7742.                                           hiawatha.guide                   hiawatha.guide.info
  7743.                                      hiawatha.info                    
  7744.                                    marlowe (dir)
  7745.                                      marlowe                          marlowe.info
  7746.                                    marvell (dir)
  7747.                                      marvell.guide                    marvell.guide.info
  7748.                                    milton (dir)
  7749.                                         areopagitica (dir)
  7750.                                           areopagitica.info                
  7751.                                         milton_poems (dir)
  7752.                                           milton.guide                     milton.guide.info
  7753.                                         paradise_lost (dir)
  7754.                                           paradise_lost.guide              paradise_lost.guide.info
  7755.                                         paradise_regained (dir)
  7756.                                           paradise_regained.guide          paradise_regained.guide.info
  7757.                                      areopagitica.info                milton_poems.info
  7758.                                      paradise_lost.info               paradise_regained.info
  7759.                                 gordon.info                      gower.info
  7760.                                 gray.info                        gummere.info
  7761.                                 hardy.info                       herbert.info
  7762.                                 herrick.info                     homer.info
  7763.                                 hopkins.info                     hunt.info
  7764.                                 johnson.info                     jonson.info
  7765.                                 keats.info                       kilmer.info
  7766.                                 lear.info                        longfellow.info
  7767.                                 marlowe.info                     marvell.info
  7768.                                 milton.info                      
  7769.                               poetry3 (dir)
  7770.                                    misc (dir)
  7771.                                         rubaiyat (dir)
  7772.                                           rubaiyat.guide                   
  7773.                                      misc.guide                       misc.guide.info
  7774.                                    ovid (dir)
  7775.                                      ovid.guide                       ovid.guide.info
  7776.                                    poe (dir)
  7777.                                      poe.guide                        poe.guide.info
  7778.                                    pope (dir)
  7779.                                      pope.guide                       pope.guide.info
  7780.                                    rossetti (dir)
  7781.                                      rossetti.guide                   rossetti.guide.info
  7782.                                    scott (dir)
  7783.                                      scott.guide                      scott.guide.info
  7784.                                    shakespeare (dir)
  7785.                                      a_lover's_complaint              blow.blow
  7786.                                      daisies                          john_of_gaunt
  7787.                                      shakespeare.guide                shakespeare.guide.info
  7788.                                      the_passionate_pilgrim           the_phoenix&the_turtle
  7789.                                      the_rape_of_lucrece              the_sonnets
  7790.                                      venus_&_adonis                   who_is_silvia
  7791.                                      xviii                            
  7792.                                    shelley (dir)
  7793.                                      shelley.guide                    shelley.guide.info
  7794.                                    southey (dir)
  7795.                                      southey.guide                    southey.guide.info
  7796.                                    spenser (dir)
  7797.                                         faerie_queene (dir)
  7798.                                           spenser.guide                    spenser.guide.info
  7799.                                      epithalamion.info                faerie_queene.info
  7800.                                    stevenson (dir)
  7801.                                         ballads (dir)
  7802.                                           ballads.guide                    ballads.guide.info
  7803.                                         childs_garden_of_verses (dir)
  7804.                                              envoys (dir)
  7805.                                              garden_days (dir)
  7806.                                              the_child_alone (dir)
  7807.                                              to_alison_cunningham (dir)
  7808.                                           garden_of_verses.guide           garden_of_verses.guide.info
  7809.                                         new_poems (dir)
  7810.                                           new_poems.guide                  new_poems.guide.info
  7811.                                         underwoods (dir)
  7812.                                           underwoods.guide                 underwoods.guide.info
  7813.                                      ballads.info                     childs_garden_of_verses.info
  7814.                                      new_poems.info                   stevenson
  7815.                                      underwoods.info                  
  7816.                                    tennyson (dir)
  7817.                                      tennyson.guide                   tennyson.guide.info
  7818.                                    vaughan (dir)
  7819.                                      vaughan.guide                    vaughan.guide.info
  7820.                                    virgil (dir)
  7821.                                         aeneid (dir)
  7822.                                           aeneid.guide                     aeneid.guide.info
  7823.                                         eclogues (dir)
  7824.                                           eclogues.guide                   eclogues.guide.info
  7825.                                         georgics (dir)
  7826.                                           georgics.guide                   georgics.guide.info
  7827.                                      aeneid.info                      eclogues.info
  7828.                                      georgics.info                    
  7829.                                    whitman (dir)
  7830.                                         leaves_of_grass (dir)
  7831.                                           whitman.guide                    whitman.guide.info
  7832.                                      leaves_of_grass.info             
  7833.                                    wilde (dir)
  7834.                                      wilde.guide                      wilde.guide.info
  7835.                                    wordsworth (dir)
  7836.                                      wordsworth.guide                 wordsworth.guide.info
  7837.                                    wyatt (dir)
  7838.                                      wyatt.guide                      wyatt.guide.info
  7839.                                    yeats (dir)
  7840.                                      yeats.guide                      yeats.guide.info
  7841.                                 misc.info                        ovid.info
  7842.                                 poe.info                         pope.info
  7843.                                 rossetti.info                    scott.info
  7844.                                 shakespeare.info                 shelley.info
  7845.                                 southey.info                     spenser.info
  7846.                                 stevenson.info                   tennyson.info
  7847.                                 vaughan.info                     virgil.info
  7848.                                 whitman.info                     wilde.info
  7849.                                 wordsworth.info                  wyatt.info
  7850.                                 yeats.info                       
  7851.                            englit.bio                       poetry1.info
  7852.                            poetry2.info                     poetry3.info
  7853.                            poet_laureates                   poet_laureates.info
  7854.                       drama.info                       novels.info
  7855.                       poetry.info                      season.info
  7856.                     mathematics (dir)
  7857.                          maths programs (dir)
  7858.                               *gcse_maths_exam* (dir)
  7859.                                    fonts (dir)
  7860.                                         gcse (dir)
  7861.                                           12                               15
  7862.                                           8                                
  7863.                                      gcse.font                        
  7864.                                 3mgcseresults.txt                gcsecdata
  7865.                                 gcsemathsexam                    gcsemathsexam.readme
  7866.                                 gcsemathsexam.readme.info        gcsemaths_exam
  7867.                                 gcsemaths_exam.info              looker
  7868.                            *gcse_maths_exam*.info           adam.info
  7869.                            agraph.info                      bitmania.info
  7870.                            cal_deluxe_2.info                dqua.info
  7871.                            eqnsolver.info                   falconmath.info
  7872.                            gcse_maths.info                  graph3d.info
  7873.                            hp11.info                        maths_makers.info
  7874.                            maths_questions.text.info        muicalc_1.25.info
  7875.                            numy_i.info                      pyth.info
  7876.                            roses.info                       rubik.info
  7877.                            solve.info                       
  7878.                          plotters (dir)
  7879.                               *multiplot* (dir)
  7880.                                    data (dir)
  7881.                                      cmix.psf                         deviation.dat
  7882.                                      eric.dat                         eric.dat.info
  7883.                                      etest.dat                        logtest.dat
  7884.                                      plotme.dat                       plotme.dat.info
  7885.                                      smiley.dat                       table.dat
  7886.                                    docs (dir)
  7887.                                      hpgl2ps.doc                      hpgl2ps.doc.info
  7888.                                      mff2_format.doc                  mff2_format.doc.info
  7889.                                      muchmore                         multiplot.doc
  7890.                                      multiplot.doc.info               txt_2_icad.doc
  7891.                                      txt_2_icad.doc.info              
  7892.                                    mplot_support (dir)
  7893.                                      about.img                        ask.znd
  7894.                                      chaos.def                        ding.znd
  7895.                                      hpgl2ps                          hpgl2ps.info
  7896.                                      intro.scn                        intro.znd
  7897.                                      linear.def                       loglog.def
  7898.                                      mplot.def                        plot2draw
  7899.                                      plot2draw.info                   plot2mcad
  7900.                                      say.znd                          semilog.def
  7901.                                      stackedy.def                     txt_2_icad
  7902.                                      zounds.img                       
  7903.                                    plt (dir)
  7904.                                         plt_docs (dir)
  7905.                                           hpgl_commands                    hpgl_commands.info
  7906.                                           muchmore                         plt.doc
  7907.                                           plt.doc.info                     release_notes_v1.3b
  7908.                                           release_notes_v1.3b.info         release_notes_v1.3bextra
  7909.                                           release_notes_v1.3bextra.info    
  7910.                                      ascii                            ascii.fnt
  7911.                                      assign_plt_data                  assign_plt_data.info
  7912.                                      cf                               cf.c
  7913.                                      install_plt_wb2.0                install_plt_wb2.0.info
  7914.                                      install_plt_wb2.1                install_plt_wb2.1.info
  7915.                                      instructions                     instructions.info
  7916.                                      math-greek                       math-greek.fnt
  7917.                                      mountlist.frag                   mountlist2.frag
  7918.                                      mountlist2.frag.info             plt-handler
  7919.                                      pltfontnames                     plt_docs.info
  7920.                                      xicon                            
  7921.                                    rexx (dir)
  7922.                                         scripts (dir)
  7923.                                           flipset.mpt                      joinsets.mpt
  7924.                                           readtable.mpt                    scaley.mpt
  7925.                                           shifty.mpt                       sorty.mpt
  7926.                                      scripts.info                     
  7927.                                 data.info                        docs.info
  7928.                                 multiplot                        multiplot.info
  7929.                                 plt.info                         readme.1st
  7930.                                 readme.1st.info                  rexx.info
  7931.                            *multiplot*.info                 3dplot.info
  7932.                            aregress.info                    comgraph.info
  7933.                            complexplot.info                 dataplot.info
  7934.                            formula.info                     func2d.info
  7935.                            funky.info                       graph2dv3.10.info
  7936.                            lisa.info                        mathplot.info
  7937.                            mathscript.info                  minterm.info
  7938.                            multicalc.info                   plot.info
  7939.                            plot5.1.info                     plotter.info
  7940.                            polyfit.info                     surfaceplot.info
  7941.                       maths programs.info              plotters.info
  7942.                     music (dir)
  7943.                          *tribute_to_rob* (dir)
  7944.                               general_midi (dir)
  7945.                                    bars_&_pipes (dir)
  7946.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7947.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7948.                                    dr.ts (dir)
  7949.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7950.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7951.                                    music-x (dir)
  7952.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7953.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7954.                                    smf (dir)
  7955.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7956.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7957.                                 bars_&_pipes.info                dr.ts.info
  7958.                                 music-x.info                     smf.info
  7959.                               korg_i-series (dir)
  7960.                                    bars_&_pipes (dir)
  7961.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7962.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7963.                                    dr.ts (dir)
  7964.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7965.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7966.                                    korg_song (dir)
  7967.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7968.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7969.                                    music-x (dir)
  7970.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7971.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7972.                                    smf (dir)
  7973.                                      spirit_d.doc                     spirit_d.lha
  7974.                                      spirit_d.rdm                     spirit_d.txt
  7975.                                 bars_&_pipes.info                dr.ts.info
  7976.                                 korg_song.info                   music-x.info
  7977.                                 smf.info                         
  7978.                            disk.info                        general_midi.info
  7979.                            korg_i-series.info               read_me.doc
  7980.                            read_me.doc.info                 
  7981.                          classical music (dir)
  7982.                               *famous composers* (dir)
  7983.                                    pics (dir)
  7984.                                      albeniz.iff                      bach.iff
  7985.                                      bach1.iff                        barber.iff
  7986.                                      bartok.iff                       beethoven.iff
  7987.                                      berg.iff                         berlioz.iff
  7988.                                      bernstein.iff                    bizet.iff
  7989.                                      boccherini.iff                   borodin.iff
  7990.                                      brahms.iff                       britten.iff
  7991.                                      bruch.iff                        chopin.iff
  7992.                                      copland.iff                      corelli.iff
  7993.                                      cpebach.iff                      debussy.iff
  7994.                                      dvorak.iff                       elgar.iff
  7995.                                      franck.iff                       grieg.iff
  7996.                                      handel.iff                       haydn.iff
  7997.                                      jsbach.iff                       mahler.iff
  7998.                                      mendelsson.iff                   mozart.iff
  7999.                                      prokoviev.iff                    rossini.iff
  8000.                                      shostakovich.iff                 shubert.iff
  8001.                                      sibelius.iff                     strauss.iff
  8002.                                      thaikovsky.iff                   wagner.iff
  8003.                                 composers                        composers.guide
  8004.                                 composers.guide.info             title.iff
  8005.                               desktop_music_workshop (dir)
  8006.                                    *classical_vol.one* (dir)
  8007.                                         instruments (dir)
  8008.                                           .info                            arpbass.instr
  8009.                                           arpbass.ss                       blowflute.instr
  8010.                                           blowflute.ss                     blowflute2.instr
  8011.                                           brandlink.instr                  electraharp.instr
  8012.                                           electraharp.ss                   forteviolin.instr
  8013.                                           glock(4).instr                   glock(4).ss
  8014.                                           highflue.instr                   highflue.ss
  8015.                                           highflute.instr                  highflute.ss
  8016.                                           highflute2.instr                 highflute3.instr
  8017.                                           highreed.instr                   highreed.ss
  8018.                                           horn.instr                       horn.ss
  8019.                                           keybrass1.instr                  keybrass1.ss
  8020.                                           keybrass2.instr                  keybrass3.instr
  8021.                                           longarpbass.instr                longeharp.instr
  8022.                                           longermbass.instr                longflute.instr
  8023.                                           longkeybrass3.instr              longlowcouple.instr
  8024.                                           longlowreed.instr                longmbass2.instr
  8025.                                           longmoogbass.instr               longmoogbass2.instr
  8026.                                           longsoftarp.instr                longsoftstrings.instr
  8027.                                           longsviolin.instr                longtrumpet.instr
  8028.                                           longviolin2.instr                longwowbrass.instr
  8029.                                           lowcoupler.instr                 lowcoupler.ss
  8030.                                           lowlute.instr                    lowlute.ss
  8031.                                           lowreed.instr                    lowreed.ss
  8032.                                           mallet.instr                     mallet.ss
  8033.                                           midflue.instr                    midflue.ss
  8034.                                           midlute.instr                    midlute.ss
  8035.                                           midreed.instr                    midreed.ss
  8036.                                           moogbass.instr                   moogbass.ss
  8037.                                           multilute.instr                  multilute.ss
  8038.                                           novaclavier.instr                novaclavier.ss
  8039.                                           plorgan.instr                    plorgan.ss
  8040.                                           ppviolin.instr                   pureflute.instr
  8041.                                           pureflute.ss                     pureflute2.instr
  8042.                                           pviolin.instr                    shortlcouple.instr
  8043.                                           shortmidflue.instr               shortmoogbass.instr
  8044.                                           slowstrings.instr                softarpbass.instr
  8045.                                           softeharp.instr                  softflute.instr
  8046.                                           softglock.instr                  softkeybrass3.instr
  8047.                                           softmoogbass.instr               softpureflute.instr
  8048.                                           softtrumpet.instr                softviolin.instr
  8049.                                           softwowbrass.instr               spinet.instr
  8050.                                           spinet.ss                        squarelute.instr
  8051.                                           squarelute.ss                    struckpipe.instr
  8052.                                           struckpipe.ss                    trumpet.instr
  8053.                                           trumpet.ss                       vibtrumpet.instr
  8054.                                           violin1.instr                    violin1.ss
  8055.                                           violin2.instr                    violin3.instr
  8056.                                           wowbrass.instr                   wowbrass.ss
  8057.                                         scores (dir)
  8058.                                           brandenburg3_1.smus              brandenburg3_3.smus
  8059.                                           brandenburg4_1.smus              brandenburg4_2.smus
  8060.                                           brandenburg4_3.smus              prelude&fugue_no7.smus
  8061.                                           toccata&fugue_in_d.smus          
  8062.                                      classic_one.guide                classic_one.guide.info
  8063.                                      led                              play
  8064.                                      play_all                         read_me
  8065.                                      stopmusic                        
  8066.                                    mozarts_flute_concerto (dir)
  8067.                                 *classical_vol.one*.info         amigadeus.info
  8068.                                 amigadeusii.info                 brandenburg.info
  8069.                                 classical_vol.two.info           debussy.info
  8070.                                 four_horn_concerto.info          harpsichord_recital.info
  8071.                                 largo.info                       mozarts_flute_concerto.info
  8072.                                 nutcracker_suite.info            pictures_at_exhibition.info
  8073.                                 royal_firework_music.info        the_four_seasons.info
  8074.                                 toccata_fugue.d.minor.info       tribute_to_rob.info
  8075.                            *famous composers*.info          about_classical_music.info
  8076.                            classical_modules.info           desktop_music_workshop.info
  8077.                            piano classics.info              sonix_classics.info
  8078.                          misc_music (dir)
  8079.                               desktop_music_workshop (dir)
  8080.                                 metro-link.info                  rhapsody_in_blue.info
  8081.                                 songs_from_the_guide.info        
  8082.                            beatlemania.info                 desktop_music_workshop.info
  8083.                            movie_tunes.info                 
  8084.                          music_programs (dir)
  8085.                               *guitar_programs* (dir)
  8086.                                    *guitar_tuner_v2* (dir)
  8087.                                         docs (dir)
  8088.                                           .info                            gcdir2.doc
  8089.                                           gcdir2.doc.info                  guitar tuner.doc
  8090.                                           guitar tuner.doc.info            
  8091.                                      docs.info                        gcdir2 shareware
  8092.                                      gcdir2 shareware.info            guitar tuner
  8093.                                      guitar tuner.info                guitar_tuner
  8094.                                 *guitar_tuner_v2*.info           chordmaster.info
  8095.                                 tab_master.info                  tune_your_guitar.info
  8096.                               music_tutorials (dir)
  8097.                                 guide_to_electronic_music.info   harmonics_guide.info
  8098.                                 octamedpro_&_midi.tutor.info     octamed_tutor.info
  8099.                            *guitar_programs*.info           auralillusion.info
  8100.                            eartrainerv2.info                install to harddrive.info
  8101.                            music_tutorials.info             new_music_piano.info
  8102.                            nozsoundmach.info                octamed_v4.info
  8103.                            phkaraoke.info                   sonic_drumkit.info
  8104.                            soundbox.info                    soundstudio.info
  8105.                       *tribute_to_rob*.info            church_music.info
  8106.                       classical music.info             misc_music.info
  8107.                       music_programs.info              pop_profiles.info
  8108.                       xmas_music.info                  
  8109.                     mythology (dir)
  8110.                          *tome_of_myths* (dir)
  8111.                               c (dir)
  8112.                                 ask                              cd
  8113.                                 echo                             endif
  8114.                                 gowb                             iconx
  8115.                                 if                               more
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  8117.                                 run                              type
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  8120.                                      13                               18
  8121.                                      24                               
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  8134.                            8.iff                            9.iff
  8135.                            classical                        classical.info
  8136.                            classical.ldh                    music
  8137.                            play                             read me
  8138.                            read me.info                     readbook
  8139.                            rexxmast                         text
  8140.                            title                            tolkien&folklore
  8141.                            tolkien&folklore.info            tome_start
  8142.                            tome_start.info                  
  8143.                          myths_&_legends (dir)
  8144.                               aesop (dir)
  8145.                                 aesop's.fables.guide             aesop's_fables.guide
  8146.                                 aesop's_fables.guide.info        aesop.iff
  8147.                               bierce (dir)
  8148.                                    can_such_things_be (dir)
  8149.                                      bierce                           can_such_things_be.guide
  8150.                                      can_such_things_be.guide.info    
  8151.                                    fantastic_fables (dir)
  8152.                                      bierce                           fantastic_fables.guide
  8153.                                      fantastic_fables.guide.info      
  8154.                                 can_such_things_be.info          fantastic_fables.info
  8155.                               boysen (dir)
  8156.                                    two_hemispheres (dir)
  8157.                                      boysen.iff                       two.hemispheres.guide
  8158.                                      two_hemispheres.guide            two_hemispheres.guide.info
  8159.                                 two_hemispheres.info             
  8160.                               bulfinch (dir)
  8161.                                    charlemagne (dir)
  8162.                                      bulfinch.iff                     charlemagne.guide
  8163.                                      charlemagne.guide.info           charlemagne_guide
  8164.                                    gods_and_heroes (dir)
  8165.                                      bulfinch.iff                     gods.and_heroes.guide
  8166.                                      gods_and_heroes.guide            gods_and_heroes.guide.info
  8167.                                    legend_of_king_arthur (dir)
  8168.                                      bulfinch.iff                     legends.king_arthur.guide
  8169.                                      legends_king_arthur.guide        legends_king_arthur.guide.info
  8170.                                 charlemagne.info                 gods_and_heroes.info
  8171.                                 legend_of_king_arthur.info       
  8172.                               burton (dir)
  8173.                                 arabian_nights.guide             arabian_nights.guide.info
  8174.                                 burton.iff                       
  8175.                               cormac (dir)
  8176.                                 cormac_the_skauld.guide          cormac_the_skauld.guide.info
  8177.                               firdausi (dir)
  8178.                                 epics.of_kings.guide             epics_of_kings.guide
  8179.                                 epics_of_kings.guide.info        firdausi.iff
  8180.                               indian_legends (dir)
  8181.                                    old_indian_days (dir)
  8182.                                      apache.iff                       dsound
  8183.                                      old_indian.days.guide            old_indian.days.guide.info
  8184.                                      old_indian_days.guide            scout.8svx
  8185.                                    old_indian_legends (dir)
  8186.                                      apache.iff                       dsound
  8187.                                      old_indian.legends.guide         old_indian_legends.guide
  8188.                                      old_indian_legends.guide.info    scout.8svx
  8189.                                 old_indian_days.info             old_indian_legends.info
  8190.                               shirazi (dir)
  8191.                                 the_gulistan.guide               the_gulistan.guide.info
  8192.                               uncrowned_king (dir)
  8193.                                 uncrowned_king.guide             uncrowned_king.guide.info
  8194.                            aesop.info                       bierce.info
  8195.                            boysen.info                      bulfinch.info
  8196.                            burton.info                      cormac.info
  8197.                            firdausi.info                    indian_legends.info
  8198.                            shirazi.info                     uncrowned_king.info
  8199.                       *tome_of_myths*.info             myths_&_legends.info
  8200.                     palletes (dir)
  8201.                          wb-color (dir)
  8202.                            muireicon.guide                  muireicon.guide.info
  8203.                            muireicon223.readme              muireicon223.readme.info
  8204.                            recolor                          remain
  8205.                            tng-wb-c-01                      tng-wb-c-02
  8206.                            tng-wb-c-03                      tng-wb-c-04
  8207.                            tng-wb-c-05                      
  8208.                       click me for colors              click me for colors.info
  8209.                       fixcolors                        fixcolors.info
  8210.                       fixmode                          fixmode.info
  8211.                       normal                           normal.info
  8212.                       recolor                          recolor!
  8213.                       recolor!.info                    subtle
  8214.                       subtle.info                      
  8215.                     philosophy (dir)
  8216.                          ancient (dir)
  8217.                               antonius (dir)
  8218.                                    meditations (dir)
  8219.                                      meditations.guide                meditations.guide.info
  8220.                                 meditations.info                 
  8221.                               aristotle (dir)
  8222.                                    generation_and_corruption (dir)
  8223.                                      generation.guide                 generation.guide.info
  8224.                                    generation_of_animals (dir)
  8225.                                      generation.guide                 generation.guide.info
  8226.                                    history_of_animals (dir)
  8227.                                      history.guide                    history.guide.info
  8228.                                    metaphysics (dir)
  8229.                                      metaphysics.guide                metaphysics.guide.info
  8230.                                    meteorology (dir)
  8231.                                      meteorology.guide                meteorology.guide.info
  8232.                                    nicomachean_ethics (dir)
  8233.                                      nicomachean.guide                nicomachean.guide.info
  8234.                                    on_the_heavens (dir)
  8235.                                      heavens.guide                    heavens.guide.info
  8236.                                    on_the_soul (dir)
  8237.                                      on_the_soul.guide                on_the_soul.guide.info
  8238.                                    parts_of_animal (dir)
  8239.                                      animals.guide                    animals.guide.info
  8240.                                    physics (dir)
  8241.                                      physics.guide                    physics.guide.info
  8242.                                    politics (dir)
  8243.                                      politics.guide                   politics.guide.info
  8244.                                    posterior_analytics (dir)
  8245.                                      posterior_analytics.guide        posterior_analytics.guide.info
  8246.                                    prior_analytics (dir)
  8247.                                      prior_analytics.info             
  8248.                                    refutations (dir)
  8249.                                      refutations.info                 
  8250.                                    rhetoric (dir)
  8251.                                      rhetoric.guide                   rhetoric.guide.info
  8252.                                    topics (dir)
  8253.                                      topics.guide                     topics.guide.info
  8254.                                    various (dir)
  8255.                                      various.guide                    various.guide.info
  8256.                                 generation_and_corruption.info   generation_of_animals.info
  8257.                                 history_of_animals.info          metaphysics.info
  8258.                                 meteorology.info                 nicomachean_ethics.info
  8259.                                 on_the_heavens.info              on_the_soul.info
  8260.                                 parts_of_animal.info             physics.info
  8261.                                 politics.info                    posterior_analytics.info
  8262.                                 prior_analytics.info             refutations.info
  8263.                                 rhetoric.info                    topics.info
  8264.                                 various.info                     
  8265.                               carus (dir)
  8266.                                 on_the_nature_of_things          on_the_nature_of_things.info
  8267.                               confucius (dir)
  8268.                                 analects.info                    doctrine_of_the_mean.info
  8269.                                 the_great_learning.info          
  8270.                               epictetus (dir)
  8271.                                 the_discourses.guide             the_discourses.guide.info
  8272.                               galen (dir)
  8273.                                 faculties.guide                  faculties.guide.info
  8274.                               hippocrates (dir)
  8275.                                    hippocrates (dir)
  8276.                                      hippocrates.guide                hippocrates.guide.info
  8277.                                 hippocrates.info                 
  8278.                               plato (dir)
  8279.                                    laws (dir)
  8280.                                      laws.guide                       laws.guide.info
  8281.                                    republic (dir)
  8282.                                      republic.guide                   republic.guide.info
  8283.                                 laws.info                        plato.guide
  8284.                                 plato.guide.info                 republic.info
  8285.                               plotinus (dir)
  8286.                                    the_six_enneads (dir)
  8287.                                      the_six_enneads.guide            the_six_enneads.guide.info
  8288.                                 the_six_enneads.info             
  8289.                               socrates (dir)
  8290.                                 doing_the_right_thing.info       euthyphro.info
  8291.                            antonius.info                    aristotle.info
  8292.                            carus.info                       confucius.info
  8293.                            epictetus.info                   galen.info
  8294.                            hippocrates.info                 plato.info
  8295.                            plotinus.info                    socrates.info
  8296.                          modern (dir)
  8297.                               abbott (dir)
  8298.                                 flatland.guide                   flatland.guide.info
  8299.                               bacon (dir)
  8300.                                 essays.info                      new_atlantis.info
  8301.                               bastiat (dir)
  8302.                                 that_which_is_seen.info          
  8303.                               berkeley (dir)
  8304.                                 human_knowledge.guide            human_knowledge.guide.info
  8305.                               descartes (dir)
  8306.                                    descartes_series (dir)
  8307.                                      descartes_series.guide           descartes_series.guide.info
  8308.                                    discourses (dir)
  8309.                                      discourses.guide                 discourses.guide.info
  8310.                                 descartes_series.info            discourses.info
  8311.                               d_white (dir)
  8312.                                    warfare_of_science (dir)
  8313.                                      warfare_of_science.guide         warfare_of_science.guide.info
  8314.                                 warfare_of_science.info          
  8315.                               emerson (dir)
  8316.                                    english_traits (dir)
  8317.                                      english_traits.guide             
  8318.                                    representative (dir)
  8319.                                      representative_men.guide         
  8320.                                 emerson.guide                    emerson.guide.info
  8321.                               gassett (dir)
  8322.                                 revolt_of_the_masses             revolt_of_the_masses.info
  8323.                               green (dir)
  8324.                                 human_evasion                    human_evasion.info
  8325.                               hobbes (dir)
  8326.                                    leviathan (dir)
  8327.                                      leviathan.guide                  leviathan.guide.info
  8328.                                 leviathan.info                   
  8329.                               hume (dir)
  8330.                                 an_enquiry.guide                 an_enquiry.guide.info
  8331.                               james (dir)
  8332.                                 empiricism.info                  
  8333.                               kant (dir)
  8334.                                    judgement (dir)
  8335.                                      judgement.guide                  
  8336.                                    morals (dir)
  8337.                                      morals.guide                     
  8338.                                    practical_reason (dir)
  8339.                                      practical_reason.guide           
  8340.                                    pure_reason (dir)
  8341.                                      pure_reason.guide                pure_reason.guide.info
  8342.                                    science_of_right (dir)
  8343.                                      science.guide                    
  8344.                                 kant.guide                       kant.guide.info
  8345.                               leibniz (dir)
  8346.                                 the_monadolgy.info               
  8347.                               locke (dir)
  8348.                                    civil_government (dir)
  8349.                                      civil_government.guide           civil_government.guide.info
  8350.                                    concerning_human (dir)
  8351.                                      concerning_human.guide           concerning_human.guide.info
  8352.                                 civil_government.info            concerning_human.info
  8353.                                 concerning_toleration.info       
  8354.                               machiavelli (dir)
  8355.                                 the_prince.info                  
  8356.                               marx (dir)
  8357.                                 communist_manifesto.info         
  8358.                               mill (dir)
  8359.                                    on_liberty (dir)
  8360.                                      on_liberty.guide                 on_liberty.guide.info
  8361.                                    representative_government (dir)
  8362.                                      representative_government        representative_government.info
  8363.                                    utilitarianism (dir)
  8364.                                      utilitarianism.guide             utilitarianism.guide.info
  8365.                                 on_liberty.info                  representative_government.info
  8366.                                 utilitarianism.info              
  8367.                               montaigne (dir)
  8368.                                    essays (dir)
  8369.                                      essays.guide                     essays.guide.info
  8370.                                 essays.info                      
  8371.                               new_age (dir)
  8372.                                 new_age.guide                    new_age.guide.info
  8373.                               nietzsche (dir)
  8374.                                    thus_spake_zarathustra (dir)
  8375.                                      spake_zarathustra.guide          spake_zarathustra.guide.info
  8376.                                 thus_spake_zarathustra.info      
  8377.                               paine (dir)
  8378.                                    age_of_reason (dir)
  8379.                                      age_of_reason                    age_of_reason.info
  8380.                                    american_crisis (dir)
  8381.                                      american_crisis.guide            american_crisis.guide.info
  8382.                                    common_sense (dir)
  8383.                                      common_sense.guide               common_sense.guide.info
  8384.                                    principles&practice (dir)
  8385.                                      principles&practice              principles&practice.info
  8386.                                    the_rights_of_man (dir)
  8387.                                      rights_of_man                    rights_of_man.info
  8388.                                 age_of_reason.info               american_crisis.info
  8389.                                 common_sense.info                principles&practice.info
  8390.                                 the_rights_of_man.info           
  8391.                               pascal (dir)
  8392.                                    pensees (dir)
  8393.                                      pensees.guide                    pensees.guide.info
  8394.                                    provincal_letters (dir)
  8395.                                      provincal_letters.guide          provincal_letters.guide.info
  8396.                                 pensees.info                     provincal_letters.info
  8397.                               proudhon (dir)
  8398.                                    evolution_of_capitalism (dir)
  8399.                                      capitalism.guide                 capitalism.guide.info
  8400.                                 evolution_of_capitalism.info     
  8401.                               rousseau (dir)
  8402.                                    confessions (dir)
  8403.                                      confessions.guide                confessions.guide.info
  8404.                                 confessions.info                 
  8405.                               schofield (dir)
  8406.                                 another_world.guide              another_world.guide.info
  8407.                               smith (dir)
  8408.                                 wealth.guide                     wealth.guide.info
  8409.                               tantra (dir)
  8410.                                 tantra.guide                     tantra.guide.info
  8411.                               thoreau (dir)
  8412.                                 thoreau.guide                    thoreau.guide.info
  8413.                               various (dir)
  8414.                                 various.guide                    various.guide.info
  8415.                               voltaire (dir)
  8416.                                    candide (dir)
  8417.                                      candide.guide                    candide.guide.info
  8418.                                 candide.info                     
  8419.                            abbott.info                      bacon.info
  8420.                            bastiat.info                     berkeley.info
  8421.                            descartes.info                   d_white.info
  8422.                            emerson.info                     gassett.info
  8423.                            green.info                       hobbes.info
  8424.                            hume.info                        james.info
  8425.                            kant.info                        leibniz.info
  8426.                            locke.info                       machiavelli.info
  8427.                            marx.info                        mill.info
  8428.                            montaigne.info                   new_age.info
  8429.                            nietzsche.info                   paine.info
  8430.                            pascal.info                      proudhon.info
  8431.                            rousseau.info                    schofield.info
  8432.                            smith.info                       tantra.info
  8433.                            thoreau.info                     various.info
  8434.                            voltaire.info                    
  8435.                       ancient.info                     modern.info
  8436.                       philosophy                       philosophy.info
  8437.                       the_great_philosophers           the_great_philosophers.info
  8438.                     religion (dir)
  8439.                          apochrypha (dir)
  8440.                            apochrypha.guide                 apochrypha.guide.info
  8441.                          augustine (dir)
  8442.                            augustine.guide                  augustine.guide.info
  8443.                          bahi (dir)
  8444.                            bahai.guide                      bahai.guide.info
  8445.                          buddha (dir)
  8446.                               buddha_the_gospel (dir)
  8447.                                 buddha_the_gospel.guide          buddha_the_gospel.guide.info
  8448.                               buddha_the_word (dir)
  8449.                                 buddha_the_word.guide            buddha_the_word.guide.info
  8450.                            buddha_the_gospel.info           buddha_the_word.info
  8451.                          egyptian (dir)
  8452.                            book_of_the_dead.info            
  8453.                          essays_on_origins (dir)
  8454.                            essays_on_origins.guide          essays_on_origins.guide.info
  8455.                          gnostic (dir)
  8456.                            gnostic.guide                    gnostic.guide.info
  8457.                          hindu (dir)
  8458.                               bhagavad_gita (dir)
  8459.                                 bhagavad_gita.guide              bhagavad_gita.guide.info
  8460.                               laws_of_manu (dir)
  8461.                                 laws_of_manu.guide               laws_of_manu.guide.info
  8462.                            bhagavad_gita.info               laws_of_manu.info
  8463.                          king_james_bible (dir)
  8464.                            about_the_bible                  about_the_bible.info
  8465.                            bible.guide                      bible.guideaga
  8466.                            help.guide                       king_james_bible
  8467.                            king_james_bible.info            king_james_bibleaga
  8468.                            king_james_bibleaga.info         loadingscreen.iff
  8469.                            moor2                            readme
  8470.                            readme.info                      
  8471.                          knowledge (dir)
  8472.                            knowledge.guide.info             
  8473.                          koran (dir)
  8474.                            the_koran.guide                  the_koran.guide.info
  8475.                          misc (dir)
  8476.                            misc.guide                       misc.guide.info
  8477.                          mormon (dir)
  8478.                            the_book_of_mormon.guide         the_book_of_mormon.guide.info
  8479.                       apochrypha.info                  ascii_hymns.info
  8480.                       augustine.info                   bahi.info
  8481.                       buddha.info                      egyptian.info
  8482.                       essays_on_origins.info           gnostic.info
  8483.                       hindu.info                       impact.info
  8484.                       king_james_bible.info            knowledge.info
  8485.                       koran.info                       misc.info
  8486.                       mormon.info                      pauls_journey.info
  8487.                       scripture_memory.info            versewise.info
  8488.                       wordwise.info                    xmas_carols.info
  8489.                     science (dir)
  8490.                          astronomy (dir)
  8491.                               *dynamic_skies* (dir)
  8492.                                    docs (dir)
  8493.                                      install.doc                      install.doc.info
  8494.                                      manual.doc                       manual.doc.info
  8495.                                      presentation.doc                 presentation.doc.info
  8496.                                      register.doc                     register.doc.info
  8497.                                    dsdata (dir)
  8498.                                         configs (dir)
  8499.                                              languages (dir)
  8500.                                                english                          français
  8501.                                           config.data                      config1.data
  8502.                                           optics.data                      position.txt
  8503.                                         constellations (dir)
  8504.                                           boundaries.data                  constellations.data
  8505.                                           names.data                       outlines.data
  8506.                                         objectlibs (dir)
  8507.                                              basicngc (dir)
  8508.                                                class.data                       namesa.data
  8509.                                                objects.data                     plot.data
  8510.                                         planets (dir)
  8511.                                           planets.bin                      vsop.data
  8512.                                         starlibs (dir)
  8513.                                              cat2000_mag4 (dir)
  8514.                                                class.data                       namesa.data
  8515.                                                plot.data                        stars.data
  8516.                                              yale_mag6 (dir)
  8517.                                                class.data                       namesa.data
  8518.                                                plot.data                        stars.data
  8519.                                    fonts (dir)
  8520.                                         courier (dir)
  8521.                                           11                               13
  8522.                                           15                               18
  8523.                                         greek (dir)
  8524.                                           10                               
  8525.                                         times (dir)
  8526.                                           11                               18
  8527.                                      courier.font                     greek.font
  8528.                                      times.font                       
  8529.                                 docs.info                        dynamicskiesdp
  8530.                                 dynamic_skiesdp                  dynamic_skiesdp.info
  8531.                                 read-me!                         read-me!.info
  8532.                               *tc!_stars_&_galaxies* (dir)
  8533.                                    fonts (dir)
  8534.                                         diamond (dir)
  8535.                                           12                               20
  8536.                                         times (dir)
  8537.                                           18                               24
  8538.                                         topaz (dir)
  8539.                                           11                               
  8540.                                      diamond.font                     times.font
  8541.                                      topaz.font                       
  8542.                                    hbb (dir)
  8543.                                      .info                            hbreader
  8544.                                    read_me (dir)
  8545.                                      a1200 users read this!           a1200 users read this!.info
  8546.                                      harddisk_install_readme          harddisk_install_readme.info
  8547.                                      tc! read me first                tc! read me first.info
  8548.                                    s&g-images1 (dir)
  8549.                                      0                                01milk_way_center
  8550.                                      02m101                           03horsehead
  8551.                                      04m16                            05m42
  8552.                                      06low_mass_star                  07helix
  8553.                                      08sirius.b                       09atom
  8554.                                      10hercules.n                     11m45pleiades.
  8555.                                      12high_mass_star                 13sn1987a
  8556.                                      14the-vela                       15pulsar
  8557.                                      16crab-nebula                    17cpv
  8558.                                      18m15                            19super_types
  8559.                                      20hde226868                      21x-rays_uhuru
  8560.                                      22blackhole                      23embedding-diagram
  8561.                                      24static_black_hole              25parallax
  8562.                                      26inverse_square_diagram         27exposure_meter
  8563.                                      28ursa_major                     29spectrum-lines
  8564.                                      30orion                          31h-r
  8565.                                      s&g.doc                          showiz
  8566.                                      star_&_galaxies.slideshow        star_&_galaxies.slideshow.info
  8567.                                    s&g-images2 (dir)
  8568.                                      0                                32krueger60
  8569.                                      33alpha_centauri                 34alpha_centauri2
  8570.                                      35eb_algol                       36delta_cephei
  8571.                                      37pleiades                       38jewel_box
  8572.                                      39gh                             40omega_centauri
  8573.                                      41ngc104                         42m13
  8574.                                      43m42                            44ngc6334
  8575.                                      45m20                            46m8
  8576.                                      47coal_sack                      48m51
  8577.                                      49gc                             50ts
  8578.                                      51cen.g                          52ngc1300
  8579.                                      53m87                            54m82
  8580.                                      55g.cluster                      56local_group
  8581.                                      57gs                             58hl
  8582.                                      59m77                            60ngc1275
  8583.                                      61.3c273                         62m100
  8584.                                      s&g.doc                          showiz
  8585.                                      star&galaxies_slideshow          star&galaxies_slideshow.info
  8586.                                 ecs                              preferences
  8587.                                 read_me.info                     s&g-images1.info
  8588.                                 s&g-images2.info                 stars.&.galaxies
  8589.                                 stars_&_galaxies                 stars_&_galaxies.info
  8590.                               animations (dir)
  8591.                                 australia.animation.info         comet.info
  8592.                                 eclipse.info                     galaxy_collison.info
  8593.                                 halley.animation.info            landing.info
  8594.                                 nova.info                        orbit.info
  8595.                                 saturn_rings.info                sl9a.info
  8596.                                 sl9_a.info                       visit_to_mars.info
  8597.                               astronauts (dir)
  8598.                                 astronauts.guide                 astronauts.guide.info
  8599.                               misc_docs (dir)
  8600.                                 astronomy.guide                  astronomy.guide.info
  8601.                               solar_system (dir)
  8602.                                    *planets* (dir)
  8603.                                      planets                          planets.docs
  8604.                                      planets.docs.info                planets.info
  8605.                                 *planets*.info                   fastfacts.info
  8606.                                 solar.info                       solarsystem1.0.info
  8607.                                 solar_system.guide               solar_system.guide.info
  8608.                            *dynamic_skies*.info             *tc!_stars_&_galaxies*.info
  8609.                            amigazer.info                    animations.info
  8610.                            astronauts.info                  cassini_v3.2.info
  8611.                            cm.info                          ephemer.info
  8612.                            gravity-well.info                gravity.info
  8613.                            gravsim.info                     luna.info
  8614.                            misc_docs.info                   moontool.info
  8615.                            night_sky.info                   orbit.info
  8616.                            our_solar_system.info            solar_system.info
  8617.                            space_history.info               space_travel.info
  8618.                            star_chart.info                  tc!_solar_system_i.info
  8619.                            tc!_solar_system_ii.info         total_astronomy.info
  8620.                            virtualworlds2.0.info            
  8621.                          biology (dir)
  8622.                               *evo* (dir)
  8623.                                 evo                              evo.c
  8624.                                 evo.info                         evo_africa.include
  8625.                                 evo_data.include                 evo_species.include
  8626.                                 evo_text.include                 
  8627.                               dinosaurs (dir)
  8628.                                 beginning_of_earth.info          dinosaur_animations.info
  8629.                                 dinosaur_slides.info             dinosaur_slides_ii.info
  8630.                                 tc!_dinosaurs_ii.info            tc!_dinosaurs_iii.info
  8631.                            *evo*.info                       ancestors.info
  8632.                            b-base.info                      biology.txt
  8633.                            bodyparts_vol_1.info             butterfly_life_cycle.info
  8634.                            dinosaurs.info                   epi-sim.info
  8635.                            evolution.info                   foray.info
  8636.                          books (dir)
  8637.                               alfred_wallace (dir)
  8638.                                 intro_of_species.guide.info      tendency.guide.info
  8639.                               animal_facts! (dir)
  8640.                                 facts!.info                      
  8641.                               charles_darwin (dir)
  8642.                                    descent_of_man (dir)
  8643.                                      descent_of_man.guide             descent_of_man.guide.info
  8644.                                    origin_of_species (dir)
  8645.                                      origin_of_species.guide          origin_of_species.guide.info
  8646.                                    voyage_of_the_beagle (dir)
  8647.                                      voyage_of_the_beagle             voyage_of_the_beagle.info
  8648.                                 about_darwin                     about_darwin.info
  8649.                                 descent_of_man.info              origin_of_species.info
  8650.                                 voyage_of_the_beagle.info        
  8651.                               what_is_evolution? (dir)
  8652.                                 what_is_evolution?.info          
  8653.                            alfred_wallace.info              animal_facts!.info
  8654.                            charles_darwin.info              what_is_evolution?.info
  8655.                          chemistry (dir)
  8656.                               *discovery_of_the_atom* (dir)
  8657.                                    brush (dir)
  8658.                                      arrowl                           arrowl-16col
  8659.                                      arrowl-16col(old)                arrowll
  8660.                                      arrowll-16col                    arrowr
  8661.                                      arrowr-16col                     arrowr-16col(old)
  8662.                                      arrowrr                          arrowrr-16col
  8663.                                      cd19.arrowl                      cd19.arrowll
  8664.                                      cd38.arrowl                      cd38.arrowll
  8665.                                      cd38.arrowr                      doa21
  8666.                                      nuke.0                           nuke.1
  8667.                                      nuke.2                           nuke.3
  8668.                                      nuke.4                           nuke.5
  8669.                                      nuke.6                           nuke.7
  8670.                                      nuke.ac                          nuke.ag
  8671.                                      nuke.al                          nuke.am
  8672.                                      nuke.anumber                     nuke.ar
  8673.                                      nuke.as                          nuke.at
  8674.                                      nuke.au                          nuke.b
  8675.                                      nuke.ba                          nuke.be
  8676.                                      nuke.bi                          nuke.bk
  8677.                                      nuke.br                          nuke.c
  8678.                                      nuke.ca                          nuke.cd
  8679.                                      nuke.ce                          nuke.cf
  8680.                                      nuke.cl                          nuke.cm
  8681.                                      nuke.co                          nuke.cr
  8682.                                      nuke.cs                          nuke.cu
  8683.                                      nuke.dy                          nuke.er
  8684.                                      nuke.es                          nuke.eu
  8685.                                      nuke.f                           nuke.fe
  8686.                                      nuke.fm                          nuke.fr
  8687.                                      nuke.ga                          nuke.gd
  8688.                                      nuke.ge                          nuke.h
  8689.                                      nuke.he                          nuke.hf
  8690.                                      nuke.hg                          nuke.ho
  8691.                                      nuke.i                           nuke.in
  8692.                                      nuke.ir                          nuke.k
  8693.                                      nuke.kr                          nuke.la
  8694.                                      nuke.li                          nuke.lr
  8695.                                      nuke.lu                          nuke.md
  8696.                                      nuke.mg                          nuke.mn
  8697.                                      nuke.mo                          nuke.n
  8698.                                      nuke.na                          nuke.nb
  8699.                                      nuke.nd                          nuke.ne
  8700.                                      nuke.ni                          nuke.no
  8701.                                      nuke.np                          nuke.o
  8702.                                      nuke.os                          nuke.p
  8703.                                      nuke.p1                          nuke.p2
  8704.                                      nuke.p3                          nuke.p4
  8705.                                      nuke.p5                          nuke.p6
  8706.                                      nuke.p7                          nuke.pa
  8707.                                      nuke.pb                          nuke.pd
  8708.                                      nuke.pm                          nuke.po
  8709.                                      nuke.pr                          nuke.pt
  8710.                                      nuke.pu                          nuke.quit
  8711.                                      nuke.ra                          nuke.rad
  8712.                                      nuke.rb                          nuke.re
  8713.                                      nuke.rh                          nuke.rn
  8714.                                      nuke.ru                          nuke.s
  8715.                                      nuke.sb                          nuke.sc
  8716.                                      nuke.se                          nuke.si
  8717.                                      nuke.sm                          nuke.sn
  8718.                                      nuke.sr                          nuke.ta
  8719.                                      nuke.tb                          nuke.tc
  8720.                                      nuke.te                          nuke.th
  8721.                                      nuke.ti                          nuke.tl
  8722.                                      nuke.tm                          nuke.u
  8723.                                      nuke.unh                         nuke.unp
  8724.                                      nuke.unq                         nuke.uns
  8725.                                      nuke.v                           nuke.w
  8726.                                      nuke.xe                          nuke.y
  8727.                                      nuke.yb                          nuke.zn
  8728.                                      nuke.zr                          
  8729.                                    c (dir)
  8730.                                      assign                           assign_dota
  8731.                                      assign_dota.info                 copy
  8732.                                      discovery_of_the_atom            dota.info
  8733.                                      iconx                            playsonix
  8734.                                      ppanim                           ppshow
  8735.                                    fonts (dir)
  8736.                                         melba (dir)
  8737.                                           29                               
  8738.                                         times (dir)
  8739.                                           11                               13
  8740.                                           15                               18
  8741.                                           24                               
  8742.                                         topaz (dir)
  8743.                                           11                               
  8744.                                      melba.font                       times.font
  8745.                                      topaz.font                       
  8746.                                    sonix (dir)
  8747.                                      bassdrum.instr                   bassdrum.ss
  8748.                                      empty.smus                       htm.smus
  8749.                                      long hat.instr                   long hat.ss
  8750.                                      piano1.instr                     piano2.instr
  8751.                                      piano3.instr                     rim.instr
  8752.                                      rim.ss                           short hat.instr
  8753.                                      short hat.ss                     synthhorn.instr
  8754.                                      viorgan.instr                    
  8755.                                 brun                             discovery
  8756.                                 discovery_of_the_atom            discovery_of_the_atom.info
  8757.                                 install                          install.info
  8758.                                 muchmore                         nuke.big3
  8759.                                 nuke.bomb                        nuke.egay
  8760.                                 nuke.hiro                        nuke01.anim.pp
  8761.                                 nuke02                           nuke03
  8762.                                 nuke05.anim.pp                   nuke07
  8763.                                 nuke08                           nuke08.animbr
  8764.                                 nuke10                           nuke11
  8765.                                 nuke11.anim.pp                   nuke12
  8766.                                 nuke13                           nuke14
  8767.                                 nuke16                           nuke17
  8768.                                 nuke18                           nuke19
  8769.                                 nuke20                           nuke21.animbr
  8770.                                 nuke24                           nuke26.anim
  8771.                                 nuke27                           nuke28
  8772.                                 nuke34                           nuke35
  8773.                                 nuke36                           nuke38.animbr
  8774.                                 nuke38.plt                       part1.plt
  8775.                                 playsonix                        ppanim
  8776.                                 ppshow                           questions
  8777.                                 read_me_first!                   read_me_first!.info
  8778.                                 snd.applause                     snd.click
  8779.                                 snd.doorshut                     snd.explosion
  8780.                                 snd.f1                           snd.f2
  8781.                                 snd.s1                           snd.s2
  8782.                                 snd.s3                           snd.s4
  8783.                                 snd.splash                       snd.split
  8784.                                 start.animbr                     startpic
  8785.                                 wait                             
  8786.                               *elements_iii* (dir)
  8787.                                    data (dir)
  8788.                                      english.dat                      english.txt
  8789.                                      german.dat                       german.txt
  8790.                                      info.dat                         isotopes.dat
  8791.                                      swedish.dat                      swedish.txt
  8792.                                 convert                          convert.doc
  8793.                                 convert.doc.info                 data.info
  8794.                                 elements                         elements.info
  8795.                                 elementsiii.doc                  elementsiii.doc.info
  8796.                            *discovery_of_the_atom*.info     *elements_iii*.info
  8797.                            chemesthetics.info               chemistry_con_set.4.0.info
  8798.                            chemnimate.info                  cpk.info
  8799.                            easyelements.info                fsim.info
  8800.                            molec3d.info                     molewt.info
  8801.                            periodic_tables.info             units.info
  8802.                          ecology (dir)
  8803.                               environment_facts (dir)
  8804.                                 environment_facts.guide          environment_facts.guide.info
  8805.                            environment_facts.info           tc_ecology.info
  8806.                          geology (dir)
  8807.                               earth_studies (dir)
  8808.                                 earth_studies.guide              earth_studies.guide.info
  8809.                            earth_studies.info               tc!_geology.info
  8810.                          learn_science (dir)
  8811.                            learn_science.txt.info           
  8812.                          physics (dir)
  8813.                               *crystal_lattices* (dir)
  8814.                                 crystals.doc                     crystals.doc.info
  8815.                                 crystals.lzh                     crystal_lattices
  8816.                                 crystal_lattices.info            readmefirst
  8817.                                 readmefirst.info                 
  8818.                            *crystal_lattices*.info          brownian.info
  8819.                            cold_fusion.info                 complexplot.info
  8820.                            gamma_counter.info               nicola_tesla.info
  8821.                            physics_guide.info               physics_papers.info
  8822.                            projectile motion.info           properties_of_light.info
  8823.                            science_secrets.info             sci_maths.info
  8824.                            wavemaker.info                   
  8825.                       astronomy.info                   biology.info
  8826.                       books.info                       chemistry.info
  8827.                       ecology.info                     geology.info
  8828.                       learn_science.info               physics.info
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  10867.                       colorcontainer.class             colorcontrol.class
  10868.                       colorpreview.class               datacontrol.class
  10869.                       folder.gif                       index.htm
  10870.                       indexnf.htm                      item.gif
  10871.                       item1.gif                        netload.ndx
  10872.                       node.gif                         openitem.class
  10873.                       postinfo.html                    rgbchooser.class
  10874.                       root.gif                         search.htm
  10875.                       toc.dat                          toc.htm
  10876.                       tree.class                       treebrowse.class
  10877.                       treecolorinfo.class              treecomm.class
  10878.                       treecontrol.class                treedisplay.class
  10879.                       treeedit.class                   treenode.class
  10880.                       treenodedata.class               welcome.htm
  10881.                  5dl.info                         asimware.info
  10882.                  blittersoft.info                 drawstudio.info
  10883.                  emcomputergraphic.info           gpsoft.info
  10884.                  haage&partner.info               hisoft.info
  10885.                  novadesign.info                  octamed.info
  10886.                  rwe.info                         sadeness.info
  10887.                  syzygy.info                      weirdscience.info
  10888.             5dsoftware.info                  bgsunlimited.info
  10889.             makecd_2.0.info                  rdb-salv.info
  10890.             safarigold.info                  the_learning_curve.info
  10891.             websites.info                    
  10892.           shareware (dir)
  10893.                archivers (dir)
  10894.                     xit (dir)
  10895.                          catalogs (dir)
  10896.                               français (dir)
  10897.                                 xit.catalog                      xit.ct
  10898.                            xit.cd                           xit.newcd
  10899.                          docs (dir)
  10900.                            xit_english.guide                xit_english.guide.info
  10901.                            xit_français.guide               xit_français.guide.info
  10902.                          icons (dir)
  10903.                            def_xit.info                     xit.anbr
  10904.                            xit.anbr.info                    xit1.info
  10905.                            xit2.info                        xit3.info
  10906.                            xit4.info                        xit_icons.iff
  10907.                          install (dir)
  10908.                            english.info                     français.info
  10909.                            install_xit                      readme
  10910.                            readme.info                      
  10911.                       docs.info                        icons.info
  10912.                       install.info                     xit
  10913.                       xit.020                          xit.020.info
  10914.                       xit.040                          xit.040.info
  10915.                       xit.info                         xit.readme
  10916.                  xit.info                         
  10917.                cd-rom (dir)
  10918.                     acdplay (dir)
  10919.                          acdplay (dir)
  10920.                            acdplay                          acdplay.info
  10921.                          arexx (dir)
  10922.                            acdpshell.rexx                   
  10923.                          c (dir)
  10924.                            findcdrom                        finddevice
  10925.                          catalogs (dir)
  10926.                               deutsch (dir)
  10927.                                 acdplay.catalog                  
  10928.                               norsk (dir)
  10929.                                 acdplay.catalog                  
  10930.                            acdplay.cd                       
  10931.                          disks (dir)
  10932.                            id100076590319b6                 id1200944d03b378
  10933.                            id14006ae3042928                 id140097f603b52e
  10934.                            id1400b6da04074a                 id15008f19036360
  10935.                            pr100076590319b6                 pr1200944d03b378
  10936.                            pr14006ae3042928                 pr1400b6da04074a
  10937.                            pr15008f19036360                 
  10938.                          docs (dir)
  10939.                               deutsch (dir)
  10940.                                 acdplay.guide                    acdplay.guide.info
  10941.                               english (dir)
  10942.                                 acdplay.guide                    acdplay.guide.info
  10943.                               norsk (dir)
  10944.                                 acdplay.guide                    acdplay.guide.info
  10945.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  10946.                            norsk.info                       
  10947.                          icons (dir)
  10948.                            acdplay-dir.info                 acdplay.guide.info
  10949.                            acdplay.info                     
  10950.                          libs (dir)
  10951.                            cdplay.library                   
  10952.                       acdplay.info                     arexx.info
  10953.                       catalogs.info                    disks.info
  10954.                       docs.info                        icons.info
  10955.                       install-acdplay                  install-deutsch.info
  10956.                       install-english.info             preview.gif
  10957.                       preview.gif.info                 readme
  10958.                       readme.info                      
  10959.                  acdplay.info                     
  10960.                comms (dir)
  10961.                     amarquee (dir)
  10962.                          examples (dir)
  10963.                            amarqueedebug                    amarqueedebug.c
  10964.                            amarqueehost                     amarqueehost.c
  10965.                            amarqueeserver                   amarqueeserver.c
  10966.                            bouncecount                      bouncecount.c
  10967.                            bouncemessage                    bouncemessage.c
  10968.                            dmakefile                        miniirc
  10969.                            miniirc.c                        removetest
  10970.                            removetest.c                     sillygame
  10971.                            sillygame.c                      streamcheck
  10972.                            streamcheck.c                    streamgen
  10973.                            streamgen.c                      synctest
  10974.                            synctest.c                       
  10975.                          include (dir)
  10976.                               amiga (dir)
  10977.                                    clib (dir)
  10978.                                      amarquee_protos.h                
  10979.                                    fd (dir)
  10980.                                      amarquee.fd                      
  10981.                                    libraries (dir)
  10982.                                      amarquee.h                       
  10983.                                    pragmas (dir)
  10984.                                      amarquee_pragmas.h               
  10985.                       amarquee.guide                   amarquee.guide.info
  10986.                       amarquee.library                 amarquee.readme
  10987.                       amarquee.readme.info             amarquee1.20b.readme
  10988.                       amarqueed                        edittextfile.rexx
  10989.                       install_amarquee                 install_amarquee.info
  10990.                     amircaskhost (dir)
  10991.                       amircaskhost.readme              amircaskhost.readme.info
  10992.                       askhost.amirx                    
  10993.                     amircping (dir)
  10994.                       amircping.readme                 amircping.readme.info
  10995.                       ping.amirx                       
  10996.                     amtelnet (dir)
  10997.                          catalogs (dir)
  10998.                               deutsch (dir)
  10999.                                 amtelnet.catalog                 
  11000.                               français (dir)
  11001.                                 amtelnet.catalog                 
  11002.                          register-amtelnet (dir)
  11003.                            registrationutility              regtool-deutsch
  11004.                            regtool-deutsch.info             regtool-english
  11005.                            regtool-english.info             regtool-francais
  11006.                            regtool-francais.info            regtool-svenska
  11007.                            regtool-svenska.info             reg_deutsch.doc
  11008.                            reg_deutsch.doc.info             reg_deutsch.guide
  11009.                            reg_deutsch.guide.info           reg_english.doc
  11010.                            reg_english.doc.info             reg_english.guide
  11011.                            reg_english.guide.info           reg_francais.doc
  11012.                            reg_francais.doc.info            reg_francais.guide
  11013.                            reg_francais.guide.info          
  11014.                       amtelnet                         amtelnet.cd
  11015.                       amtelnet.changes                 amtelnet.changes.info
  11016.                       amtelnet.info                    amtelnet11.readme
  11017.                       amtelnet11.readme.info           animation.txt
  11018.                       animation.txt.info               install_amtelnet
  11019.                       install_amtelnet.info            register-amtelnet.info
  11020.                       term.mcc                         
  11021.                     amterm (dir)
  11022.                          catalogs (dir)
  11023.                               deutsch (dir)
  11024.                                 amterm.catalog                   
  11025.                               français (dir)
  11026.                                 amterm.catalog                   
  11027.                          register-amterm (dir)
  11028.                            registrationutility              regtool-deutsch
  11029.                            regtool-deutsch.info             regtool-english
  11030.                            regtool-english.info             regtool-francais
  11031.                            regtool-francais.info            regtool-svenska
  11032.                            regtool-svenska.info             reg_deutsch.doc
  11033.                            reg_deutsch.doc.info             reg_deutsch.guide
  11034.                            reg_deutsch.guide.info           reg_english.doc
  11035.                            reg_english.doc.info             reg_english.guide
  11036.                            reg_english.guide.info           reg_francais.doc
  11037.                            reg_francais.doc.info            reg_francais.guide
  11038.                            reg_francais.guide.info          
  11039.                       amterm                           amterm.cd
  11040.                       amterm.info                      amterm11.readme
  11041.                       amterm11.readme.info             animation.txt
  11042.                       install_amterm                   install_amterm.info
  11043.                       register-amterm.info             term.mcc
  11044.                     awebftpd (dir)
  11045.                       awebftpd.readme                  awebftpd.readme.info
  11046.                       ftpd.rexx                        wbcopy
  11047.                     demoncounters (dir)
  11048.                       demon_counters.iff               demon_counters.iff.info
  11049.                       demon_counters.readme            demon_counters.txt
  11050.                       demon_counters.txt.info          
  11051.                     detaghtml (dir)
  11052.                          c (dir)
  11053.                            detaghtml                        
  11054.                          doc (dir)
  11055.                            detaghtml.doc                    
  11056.                          rexx (dir)
  11057.                            autonohtml.thor                  phxass.ced
  11058.                          sources (dir)
  11059.                            detaghtml.asm                    startup.asm
  11060.                       detaghtml.readme                 detaghtml.readme.info
  11061.                       detaghtml_13.readme              
  11062.                     edht (dir)
  11063.                          config (dir)
  11064.                               storage (dir)
  11065.                                 html.menuconfig                  originalhtml.menuconfig
  11066.                            html.menuconfig                  html.menuconfig.info
  11067.                            originalhtml.menuconfig          originalhtml.menuconfig.info
  11068.                            storage.info                     
  11069.                       base.html                        base.html.info
  11070.                       config.info                      edht
  11071.                       edht.info                        menuconfig_readme
  11072.                       menuconfig_readme.info           readme
  11073.                       readme.info                      
  11074.                     gallery (dir)
  11075.                       gallery                          gallery.cpp
  11076.                       gallery.cpp.info                 gallery.doc
  11077.                       gallery.doc.info                 gallery.readme
  11078.                       gfxcon_68020                     install
  11079.                       install.info                     
  11080.                     hsc (dir)
  11081.                          docs (dir)
  11082.                               features (dir)
  11083.                                 absuris.html                     checkuri.html
  11084.                                 exec.html                        expressions.html
  11085.                                 getsize.html                     if.html
  11086.                                 prefs.html                       rplcent.html
  11087.                                 spcattr.html                     spctags.html
  11088.                                 strip.html                       syntax.html
  11089.                               image (dir)
  11090.                                 back.gif                         copy.gif
  11091.                                 head.gif                         hsc.gif
  11092.                                 index.gif                        main.gif
  11093.                                 next.gif                         niceguy.gif
  11094.                                 noback.gif                       nocopy.gif
  11095.                                 noindex.gif                      nomain.gif
  11096.                                 nonext.gif                       noprev.gif
  11097.                                 prev.gif                         up.gif
  11098.                               macro (dir)
  11099.                                 attrib.html                      flag.html
  11100.                                 macros.html                      
  11101.                               project (dir)
  11102.                                 hscdepp.html                     hscpitt.html
  11103.                                 index.html                       make.html
  11104.                                 makefile.html                    prjfile.html
  11105.                            about.html                       author.html
  11106.                            bugs.html                        copy.html
  11107.                            distrib.html                     envvar.html
  11108.                            examples.html                    fileargs.html
  11109.                            future.html                      index.html
  11110.                            index.html.info                  install.html
  11111.                            messages.html                    options.html
  11112.                            ports.html                       questions.html
  11113.                            related.html                     require.html
  11114.                            source.html                      undocumented.html
  11115.                            updates.html                     
  11116.                          example (dir)
  11117.                               object_html (dir)
  11118.                                 readme                           
  11119.                               source_hsc (dir)
  11120.                                    hugo (dir)
  11121.                                      hugo.gif                         hugo.hsc
  11122.                                 macro.hsc                        main.hsc
  11123.                                 makefile                         stupid.hsc
  11124.                            readme                           readme.info
  11125.                          grafflwerk (dir)
  11126.                            hscmsg.rexx                      hscmsg.rexx.info
  11127.                            makefile                         makefile.info
  11128.                            readme                           readme.info
  11129.                            sendaweb.rexx                    sendaweb.rexx.info
  11130.                            sendscmsg.rexx                   sendscmsg.rexx.info
  11131.                          source (dir)
  11132.                               hsc (dir)
  11133.                                 all_hsc.c                        args.c
  11134.                                 args.h                           callback.c
  11135.                                 callback.h                       global.c
  11136.                                 global.h                         hdebug.h
  11137.                                 hsc.c                            hsc_rev.h
  11138.                                 output.c                         output.h
  11139.                                 status.c                         status.h
  11140.                               hsclib (dir)
  11141.                                 all_hscl.c                       attrib.c
  11142.                                 attrib.h                         defattr.c
  11143.                                 defattr.h                        deftag.c
  11144.                                 deftag.h                         entity.c
  11145.                                 entity.h                         eval.c
  11146.                                 eval.h                           hsclib.h
  11147.                                 hscprc.c                         hscprc.h
  11148.                                 idref.c                          idref.h
  11149.                                 include.c                        include.h
  11150.                                 inc_base.h                       inc_tagcb.h
  11151.                                 input.c                          input.h
  11152.                                 ldebug.h                         linit.c
  11153.                                 linit.h                          lmessage.c
  11154.                                 lmessage.h                       lstatus.c
  11155.                                 lstatus.h                        msgid.h
  11156.                                 parse.c                          parse.h
  11157.                                 posteval.c                       posteval.h
  11158.                                 size.c                           size.h
  11159.                                 skip.c                           skip.h
  11160.                                 tag.c                            tag.h
  11161.                                 tag_a.c                          tag_a.h
  11162.                                 tag_hsc.c                        tag_hsc.h
  11163.                                 tag_if.c                         tag_if.h
  11164.                                 tag_macr.c                       tag_macr.h
  11165.                                 tag_misc.c                       tag_misc.h
  11166.                                 uri.c                            uri.h
  11167.                               hscprj (dir)
  11168.                                 all_hscp.c                       document.c
  11169.                                 document.h                       license.c
  11170.                                 license.h                        pdebug.h
  11171.                                 pdefs.h                          project.c
  11172.                                 project.h                        readprj.c
  11173.                                 writeprj.c                       
  11174.                               hsctools (dir)
  11175.                                 all_depp.c                       all_pitt.c
  11176.                                 depp_rev.h                       hscdepp.c
  11177.                                 hscpitt.c                        pitt_rev.h
  11178.                               ugly (dir)
  11179.                                 all_ugly.c                       args_fre.c
  11180.                                 args_hlp.c                       args_prp.c
  11181.                                 args_set.c                       dllist.c
  11182.                                 dllist.h                         expstr.c
  11183.                                 expstr.h                         fname.c
  11184.                                 fname.h                          hello.c
  11185.                                 infile.c                         infile.h
  11186.                                 makefile                         prginfo.c
  11187.                                 prginfo.h                        returncd.h
  11188.                                 uargs.c                          uargs.h
  11189.                                 udebug.h                         ufile.c
  11190.                                 ufile.h                          umemory.c
  11191.                                 umemory.h                        ustring.c
  11192.                                 ustring.h                        ustrlist.c
  11193.                                 ustrlist.h                       utime.c
  11194.                                 utime.h                          utypes.h
  11195.                            copying                          dbg.prefs
  11196.                            hsc.prefs                        makefile
  11197.                            makefile.dodl                    readme
  11198.                            scoptions                        std.prefs
  11199.                          src_docs (dir)
  11200.                               exmpl (dir)
  11201.                                 anchor.hsc                       exec.hsc
  11202.                                 expression.hsc                   m_addr.hsc
  11203.                                 m_file.hsc                       m_next.hsc
  11204.                                 operators.hsc                    
  11205.                               features (dir)
  11206.                                 absuris.hsc                      checkuri.hsc
  11207.                                 exec.hsc                         expressions.hsc
  11208.                                 getsize.hsc                      if.hsc
  11209.                                 prefs.hsc                        rplcent.hsc
  11210.                                 spcattr.hsc                      spctags.hsc
  11211.                                 strip.hsc                        syntax.hsc
  11212.                               inc (dir)
  11213.                                 macro.hsc                        webpage.hsc
  11214.                               macro (dir)
  11215.                                 attrib.hsc                       flag.hsc
  11216.                                 macros.hsc                       
  11217.                               project (dir)
  11218.                                 hscdepp.hsc                      hscpitt.hsc
  11219.                                 index.hsc                        make.hsc
  11220.                                 makefile.hsc                     prjfile.hsc
  11221.                            about.hsc                        author.hsc
  11222.                            bugs.hsc                         copy.hsc
  11223.                            credits.hsc                      distrib.hsc
  11224.                            envvar.hsc                       examples.hsc
  11225.                            fileargs.hsc                     future.hsc
  11226.                            hsc.project                      index.hsc
  11227.                            install.hsc                      main_index.hsc
  11228.                            makefile                         makefile.bak
  11229.                            messages.hsc                     options.hsc
  11230.                            ports.hsc                        questions.hsc
  11231.                            readme                           readme.info
  11232.                            related.hsc                      require.hsc
  11233.                            source.hsc                       undocumented.hsc
  11234.                            updates.hsc                      
  11235.                       changes                          changes.info
  11236.                       copying                          copying.info
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  11281.                            mwm_ita.doc                      mwm_ita.doc.info
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  11287.                       read.me.info                     
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  11295.                            pgpgoesmui_spanish.guide         pgpgoesmui_spanish.guide.info
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  11300.                       pgpgoesmui                       pgpgoesmui.info
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  11326.                       topic.guide.info                 topic.readme
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  11404.                       rexx.info                        submissions.info
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  11406.                       v                                v.info
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  11417.                            regtool-deutsch.info             regtool-english
  11418.                            regtool-english.info             regtool-francais
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  11426.                            reg_francais.guide.info          
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  11429.                          submissions (dir)
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  11478.                            startup.html                     startup2.html
  11479.                            support.html                     using.html
  11480.                       cachebrowser                     cachebrowser.info
  11481.                       install_voyager                  install_voyager.info
  11482.                       mui.info                         plugins.info
  11483.                       register-voyager.info            rexx.info
  11484.                       submissions.info                 transferanim
  11485.                       transferanim.info                v
  11486.                       v.info                           v.readme
  11487.                       v.readme.info                    voyager_home.info
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  11490.                       webdesign13h.readme              webdesign13h.readme.info
  11491.                       webdesignag.readme               webdesignag.readme.info
  11492.                  amarquee.info                    amircaskhost.info
  11493.                  amircping.info                   amtelnet.info
  11494.                  amterm.info                      awebftpd.info
  11495.                  demoncounters.info               detaghtml.info
  11496.                  edht.info                        gallery.info
  11497.                  hsc.info                         htmldate.info
  11498.                  httx.info                        lsmodem.info
  11499.                  mwm.info                         pgpgoesmui104.info
  11500.                  rdag2html21b.info                topic.info
  11501.                  v-ng-prelease1.info              v-ng-prelease2.info
  11502.                  webdesign.info                   
  11503.                gfxcard (dir)
  11504.                     cyberanim (dir)
  11505.                          src (dir)
  11506.                            cyberanim.c                      cyberanim.h
  11507.                            math64.h                         math64.s
  11508.                            smakefile                        unpack.h
  11509.                            unpack.s                         
  11510.                       cyberanim                        cyberanim.doc
  11511.                       cyberanim.doc.info               cyberanim.info
  11512.                       cyberanim11.readme               
  11513.                     cyberavi (dir)
  11514.                       asyncio.library                  cyberavi
  11515.                       cyberavi gui                     cyberavi gui.info
  11516.                       cyberavi.guide                   cyberavi.guide.info
  11517.                       cyberavi.info                    cyberavi.readme
  11518.                       cyberavi.readme.info             cyberavi_d.guide
  11519.                       cyberavi_d.guide.info            install
  11520.                       install.info                     
  11521.                     cyberyafa (dir)
  11522.                       cyberyafa                        cyberyafa.readme
  11523.                       cyberyafa.readme.info            
  11524.                     picasso96 (dir)
  11525.                          classes (dir)
  11526.                               datatypes (dir)
  11527.                                 picture.datatype                 
  11528.                          devs (dir)
  11529.                               monitors (dir)
  11530.                                 picasso96                        picasso96.info
  11531.                            picasso96settings.15             picasso96settings.31
  11532.                            picasso96settings.35.5           picasso96settings.38
  11533.                            picasso96settings.48             picasso96settings.57
  11534.                            picasso96settings.64             
  11535.                          drivers (dir)
  11536.                               adpro (dir)
  11537.                                    savers2 (dir)
  11538.                                      picasso96                        
  11539.                                 installadpro                     install_deutsch.info
  11540.                                 install_english.info             savers2.info
  11541.                               photogenics (dir)
  11542.                                    data (dir)
  11543.                                         gio (dir)
  11544.                                           picasso96.gio                    
  11545.                                      gio.info                         
  11546.                                 data.info                        installphotogenics
  11547.                                 install_deutsch.info             install_english.info
  11548.                               shapeshifter (dir)
  11549.                                    video drivers (dir)
  11550.                                      picasso96                        picasso96.info
  11551.                                 installshapeshifter              install_deutsch.info
  11552.                                 install_english.info             video drivers.info
  11553.                               xipaint (dir)
  11554.                                    libs (dir)
  11555.                                      xout_g.library                   
  11556.                                 installxipaint                   install_deutsch.info
  11557.                                 install_english.info             libs.info
  11558.                            adpro.info                       photogenics.info
  11559.                            shapeshifter.info                xipaint.info
  11560.                          libs (dir)
  11561.                               picasso96 (dir)
  11562.                                 cirrusgd542x.chip                cirrusgd5434.chip
  11563.                                 cirrusgd5446.chip                cybervision.card
  11564.                                 domino.card                      emulation.library
  11565.                                 graffity.card                    merlin.card
  11566.                                 omnibus.card                     picassoii.card
  11567.                                 picassoiv.card                   piccolo.card
  11568.                                 piccolosd64.card                 rtg.library
  11569.                                 s3trio64.chip                    spectrum.card
  11570.                                 tsenget4000.chip                 tsenget4000w32.chip
  11571.                            picasso96api.library             
  11572.                          picasso96 (dir)
  11573.                               debug (dir)
  11574.                                 checkboards                      checkboards.info
  11575.                            debug.info                       flip96
  11576.                            flip96.info                      picasso96_deutsch.guide
  11577.                            picasso96_deutsch.guide.info     picasso96_english.guide
  11578.                            picasso96_english.guide.info     
  11579.                          prefs (dir)
  11580.                            picasso96mode                    picasso96mode.info
  11581.                       disk.info                        drivers.info
  11582.                       findboard                        installer
  11583.                       installpicasso96                 install_deutsch.info
  11584.                       install_english.info             picasso96.info
  11585.                       picasso96.readme                 reboot
  11586.                       version                          
  11587.                  cyberanim.info                   cyberavi.info
  11588.                  cyberyafa.info                   picasso96.info
  11589.                graphics (dir)
  11590.                     3d (dir)
  11591.                          kaukes (dir)
  11592.                            kaukes.iobj                      kaukes.readme
  11593.                            kaukes.readme.info               preview320x200.lbmham
  11594.                          sw-tiebomb (dir)
  11595.                            sw-tiebomb.readme                sw-tie~2.txt
  11596.                            sw-tie~2.txt.info                tiebomb.iob
  11597.                          sw-tieint2 (dir)
  11598.                            sw-tieint2.readme                sw-tie~1.txt
  11599.                            sw-tie~1.txt.info                tieint.iob
  11600.                          sw-xwing2 (dir)
  11601.                            sw-xwing2.readme                 sw-xwi~1.txt
  11602.                            sw-xwi~1.txt.info                x-wing.iob
  11603.                          sw-ywing2 (dir)
  11604.                            sw-ywing2.readme                 sw-ywi~1.txt
  11605.                            sw-ywi~1.txt.info                y-wing.iob
  11606.                       kaukes.info                      sw-tiebomb.info
  11607.                       sw-tieint2.info                  sw-xwing2.info
  11608.                       sw-ywing2.info                   
  11609.                     agaiff (dir)
  11610.                          rexx (dir)
  11611.                            autoscan.agaiff                  gridsave.agaiff
  11612.                            info.agaiff                      splitanim.agaiff
  11613.                            startup.agaiff                   
  11614.                       agaiff                           agaiff.guide
  11615.                       agaiff.guide.info                agaiff.info
  11616.                       agaiff25.readme                  file_id.diz
  11617.                       rexx.info                        
  11618.                     artpro (dir)
  11619.                          aloaders (dir)
  11620.                            bmp                              chunky
  11621.                            gif                              pcx
  11622.                            rgbchunky                        tiff
  11623.                          asavers (dir)
  11624.                            bmp                              gif
  11625.                            gifanim                          pcx
  11626.                            tiff                             
  11627.                          docs (dir)
  11628.                               english (dir)
  11629.                                 artpro.guide                     artpro.guide.info
  11630.                            english.info                     
  11631.                          icons (dir)
  11632.                            appicon.info                     artpro.info
  11633.                            artprolace.info                  artpromagicwb.info
  11634.                            artpronolace.info                
  11635.                          libs (dir)
  11636.                            render.library_68020             render.library_68040
  11637.                            render.library_68060             reqtools.library
  11638.                       artpro                           artpro.info
  11639.                       artpro1.0.readme                 docs.info
  11640.                       icons.info                       install
  11641.                       install.info                     installer
  11642.                       libs.info                        orderform.doc
  11643.                       orderform.dok                    
  11644.                     cartoonstudio (dir)
  11645.                       cartoon.guide                    cartoon.guide.info
  11646.                       cartoonplayer                    cartoonplayer.info
  11647.                       cartoonstudio                    cartoonstudio.info
  11648.                       cstudio1_31.readme               cs_orderform
  11649.                       cs_orderform.info                readme
  11650.                       readme.info                      
  11651.                     chimicad (dir)
  11652.                          access (dir)
  11653.                               banchi (dir)
  11654.                                 benzodiazepine.frn               benzodiazepine.shp
  11655.                                 nucleinotevoli.frn               nucleinotevoli.shp
  11656.                                 stimolanti.frn                   stimolanti.shp
  11657.                               fonts (dir)
  11658.                                    mifont (dir)
  11659.                                      16                               6
  11660.                                      8                                
  11661.                                    phelvetica (dir)
  11662.                                      12                               16
  11663.                                      24                               8
  11664.                                    topaz (dir)
  11665.                                      11                               
  11666.                                 mifont.font                      phelvetica.font
  11667.                                 topaz.font                       
  11668.                               libs (dir)
  11669.                                 asl.library                      reqtools.library
  11670.                               rotazioni (dir)
  11671.                                 a10rot.shp                       a11rot.shp
  11672.                                 a12rot.shp                       a13rot.shp
  11673.                                 a14rot.shp                       a15rot.shp
  11674.                                 a16rot.shp                       a17rot.shp
  11675.                                 a18rot.shp                       a19rot.shp
  11676.                                 a1rot.shp                        a20rot.shp
  11677.                                 a21rot.shp                       a22rot.shp
  11678.                                 a23rot.shp                       a24rot.shp
  11679.                                 a25rot.shp                       a26rot.shp
  11680.                                 a2rot.shp                        a3rot.shp
  11681.                                 a4rot.shp                        a5rot.shp
  11682.                                 a6rot.shp                        a7rot.shp
  11683.                                 a8rot.shp                        a9rot.shp
  11684.                            interfaccia                      shapes.shp
  11685.                          doc (dir)
  11686.                               english (dir)
  11687.                                 chimicad.doc                     chimicad.doc.info
  11688.                               italiano (dir)
  11689.                                 chimicad.doc                     chimicad.doc.info
  11690.                            english.info                     italiano.info
  11691.                          prog (dir)
  11692.                               english (dir)
  11693.                       chimicad.info                    chimicad.readme
  11694.                       doc.info                         installa_it
  11695.                       installa_it.doc                  installa_it.doc.info
  11696.                       installa_it.info                 install_eng
  11697.                       install_eng.doc                  install_eng.doc.info
  11698.                       install_eng.info                 leggimi
  11699.                       leggimi.info                     
  11700.                     drafuplus (dir)
  11701.                          arexx-scripts (dir)
  11702.                            arexxdemo.dfu                    arexxdemo.dfu.info
  11703.                            demo.rx                          demo.rx.info
  11704.                          help (dir)
  11705.                               deutsch (dir)
  11706.                                 dfu.doc                          dfu.doc.info
  11707.                                 drafu.guide                      drafu.guide.info
  11708.                                 registerform                     registerform.info
  11709.                               english (dir)
  11710.                                 dfu.doc                          dfu.doc.info
  11711.                                 drafu.guide                      drafu.guide.info
  11712.                                 registerform                     registerform.info
  11713.                               italiano (dir)
  11714.                                 drafu.guide                      drafu.guide.info
  11715.                                 registrazione                    registrazione.info
  11716.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  11717.                            italiano.info                    
  11718.                          locale (dir)
  11719.                               catalogs (dir)
  11720.                                    deutsch (dir)
  11721.                                      drafu.catalog                    drafu_gui.catalog
  11722.                                    italiano (dir)
  11723.                                      drafu.catalog                    drafu_gui.catalog
  11724.                               translations (dir)
  11725.                                    deutsch (dir)
  11726.                                      drafu.ct                         drafu_gui.ct
  11727.                                    italiano (dir)
  11728.                                      drafu.ct                         drafu_gui.ct
  11729.                            catalogs.info                    drafu_gui.cd
  11730.                            readme                           readme.info
  11731.                            translations.info                
  11732.                       arexx-scripts.info               drafu
  11733.                       drafu.info                       drafu.readme
  11734.                       help.info                        install_drafu
  11735.                       install_drafu.info               locale.info
  11736.                       memopad.dfu                      memopad.dfu.info
  11737.                       memopad_2.dfu                    memopad_2.dfu.info
  11738.                     dtkoala (dir)
  11739.                          ppaint (dir)
  11740.                               colors (dir)
  11741.                                 koala.col                        
  11742.                       dtkoala                          dtkoala.readme
  11743.                       dtkoala.readme.info              
  11744.                     fractint32 (dir)
  11745.                          data (dir)
  11746.                               bat (dir)
  11747.                                 demo.bat                         fract19.bat
  11748.                               frm (dir)
  11749.                                 fractint.frm                     
  11750.                               gif (dir)
  11751.                                 advanced.key                     basic.key
  11752.                                 debugfla.doc                     default.map
  11753.                                 demo.bat                         file_id.diz
  11754.                                 firestrm.map                     fractint.doc
  11755.                               ifs (dir)
  11756.                                 fractint.ifs                     
  11757.                               l (dir)
  11758.                                 fractint.l                       penrose.l
  11759.                                 tiling.l                         
  11760.                               map (dir)
  11761.                                 altern.map                       amiga.map
  11762.                                 blues.map                        chroma.map
  11763.                                 default.map                      fil.map
  11764.                                 firestrm.map                     froth3.map
  11765.                                 froth316.map                     froth6.map
  11766.                                 froth616.map                     gamma1.map
  11767.                                 gamma2.map                       glasses1.map
  11768.                                 glasses2.map                     goodega.map
  11769.                                 green.map                        grey.map
  11770.                                 grid.map                         headache.map
  11771.                                 landscap.map                     lyapunov.map
  11772.                                 neon.map                         paintjet.map
  11773.                                 royal.map                        topo.map
  11774.                                 volcano.map                      
  11775.                               other (dir)
  11776.                                 advanced.key                     basic.key
  11777.                                 debugfla.doc                     default.map
  11778.                                 demo.bat                         file_id.diz
  11779.                                 firestrm.map                     fractint.doc
  11780.                                 new19-4.key                      new19-5.key
  11781.                                 new19.key                        read.me
  11782.                                 tplus.dat                        
  11783.                               par (dir)
  11784.                                 cellular.par                     deep.par
  11785.                                 demo.par                         fract18.par
  11786.                                 fract19.par                      fractint.par
  11787.                                 icons.par                        lyapunov.par
  11788.                                 music.par                        newparm.par
  11789.                                 phoenix.par                      smurf1.par
  11790.                          other (dir)
  11791.                            fractint.cfg.dblntsc             fractint.cfg.dblpal
  11792.                            fractint.cfg.ntsc                fractint.cfg.pal
  11793.                       fi32_020.readme                  fi32_020.readme.info
  11794.                       fi32_020fpu.readme               fi32_020fpu.readme.info
  11795.                       fi32_030.readme                  fi32_030.readme.info
  11796.                       fi32_030fpu.readme               fi32_030fpu.readme.info
  11797.                       fi32_040.readme                  fi32_040.readme.info
  11798.                       fi32_060.readme                  fi32_060.readme.info
  11799.                       fractint.cfg                     fractint.guide
  11800.                       fractint.guide.info              fractint.info
  11801.                       fractint2.guide                  fractint3.guide
  11802.                       fractint32sup.readme             fractint4.guide
  11803.                       fractint5.guide                  fractint_020
  11804.                       fractint_020.info                fractint_020fpu
  11805.                       fractint_020fpu.info             fractint_030
  11806.                       fractint_030.info                fractint_030fpu
  11807.                       fractint_030fpu.info             fractint_040
  11808.                       fractint_040.info                fractint_060
  11809.                       fractint_060.info                read.me
  11810.                       readme.amiga                     worthalook.readme
  11811.                       worthalook.readme.info           
  11812.                     graphwrite (dir)
  11813.                       3.0intest                        3.0intest.info
  11814.                       8colormagicwb                    8colormagicwb.info
  11815.                       config1                          config2
  11816.                       config4                          config5
  11817.                       config6                          dati
  11818.                       dati1                            dati2
  11819.                       dati3                            epsf1intest
  11820.                       epsf3intest                      example
  11821.                       example.info                     graph.config
  11822.                       graph.config.info                graph303c.readme
  11823.                       graphconfig                      graphconfig.info
  11824.                       graphwrite                       graphwrite.info
  11825.                       graphwrite_eng.guide             graphwrite_eng.guide.info
  11826.                       graphwrite_ing.guide             graphwrite_it.doc
  11827.                       graphwrite_it.doc.info           graphwrite_it.guide
  11828.                       graphwrite_it.guide.info         install.readme
  11829.                       install.readme.info              intest
  11830.                       intest.info                      screensave
  11831.                     imeng3.4 (dir)
  11832.                          imengv3.4p1 (dir)
  11833.                               alpha (dir)
  11834.                                 diagonal.alpha                   dots.alpha
  11835.                                 gradient.alpha                   highlight.alpha
  11836.                                 highlight2.alpha                 ordered4.alpha
  11837.                                 spherical.alpha                  spherical2.alpha
  11838.                                 wavey.alpha                      wavey2.alpha
  11839.                               arexx (dir)
  11840.                                    batch (dir)
  11841.                                         external_ieb (dir)
  11842.                                           external_arexx.ieb               process_autofx.ieb
  11843.                                           whirlgif.ieb                     
  11844.                                      adjust.ieb                       autocrop.ieb
  11845.                                      batchconvert.ieb                 blur_quick.ieb
  11846.                                      brightness.ieb                   build_index.ieb
  11847.                                      bulge.ieb                        circle_alpha_pattern.ieb
  11848.                                      circle_pattern.ieb               composite.ieb
  11849.                                      composite_alpha.ieb              composite_mix.ieb
  11850.                                      contrast.ieb                     contraststretch.ieb
  11851.                                      converttogrey.ieb                convolve.ieb
  11852.                                      crop.ieb                         displace.ieb
  11853.                                      emboss_fast.ieb                  equalisation.ieb
  11854.                                      fields_crop.ieb                  fields_rotate.ieb
  11855.                                      gamma.ieb                        halftone.ieb
  11856.                                      highboost.ieb                    highpass.ieb
  11857.                                      hue.ieb                          huemask.ieb
  11858.                                      impress.ieb                      lowpass.ieb
  11859.                                      max_med_min_local.ieb            motionblur.ieb
  11860.                                      negative.ieb                     noise.ieb
  11861.                                      posterize.ieb                    preserve.ieb
  11862.                                      reflectxy.ieb                    removefeature.ieb
  11863.                                      resize.ieb                       ripple.ieb
  11864.                                      roll.ieb                         rotate.ieb
  11865.                                      saturation.ieb                   scale.ieb
  11866.                                      scale_percent.ieb                sharpen.ieb
  11867.                                      shear.ieb                        shiftrgb.ieb
  11868.                                      solarize.ieb                     threshold.ieb
  11869.                                      twirl.ieb                        zoomblur.ieb
  11870.                                 addnewicon.rexx                  adjust.rexx
  11871.                                 antique.rexx                     batchprocess.rexx
  11872.                                 bleed.rexx                       contstretchregion.rexx
  11873.                                 displacepixels.rexx              edgeeffect.rexx
  11874.                                 edgemerge.rexx                   extractcomponent.rexx
  11875.                                 fadeinanim.rexx                  filterpepper.rexx
  11876.                                 filtersalt.rexx                  fitselectalpha.rexx
  11877.                                 fresco.rexx                      halftone.rexx
  11878.                                 imagefx_export.rexx              imagefx_export_render.rexx
  11879.                                 imagefx_import.rexx              motionblur.rexx
  11880.                                 neon.rexx                        oilpaint.rexx
  11881.                                 openfiles.rexx                   pixelizeregion.rexx
  11882.                                 preserve.rexx                    rollregion.rexx
  11883.                                 rotateblur.rexx                  scale200.rexx
  11884.                                 scale50.rexx                     shear.rexx
  11885.                                 shiftrgb.rexx                    solarize.rexx
  11886.                                 sparkle.rexx                     thicken.rexx
  11887.                                 vignette.rexx                    vignettegrey.rexx
  11888.                                 wetink.rexx                      zoomblur.rexx
  11889.                               cfg (dir)
  11890.                                 menus.cfg                        
  11891.                               libs (dir)
  11892.                                 bgui.library                     
  11893.                               modulecfg (dir)
  11894.                                 brightness.cfg                   
  11895.                               pics (dir)
  11896.                                 face.ham8.iff                    molecules.gif
  11897.                                 noiseu2.gif                      
  11898.                            alpha.info                       arexx.info
  11899.                            ie                               ie.info
  11900.                            imengv3.4p1.readme               install_part_1
  11901.                            install_part_1.info              pics.info
  11902.                          imengv3.4p2 (dir)
  11903.                               convolves (dir)
  11904.                                 blurr_45degree                   colourfragment_black
  11905.                                 colourfragment_colour            colourline_thin
  11906.                                 crayon                           drawn
  11907.                                 edge_detect                      emboss_high
  11908.                                 emboss_low                       emboss_ultra
  11909.                                 featherwhite                     gaussianblur
  11910.                                 gaussianblur2x2                  gaussianblur5x5
  11911.                                 line_detect_horiz                line_detect_verti
  11912.                                 nightvision                      nightvision_low
  11913.                                 raise_high                       raise_low
  11914.                                 roughnsharp                      roughsurface_high
  11915.                                 roughsurface_low                 roughsurface_medium
  11916.                                 smooth_high                      smooth_normal
  11917.                                 smooth_ultra                     sobel
  11918.                                 spark                            texture
  11919.                                 thickenwhite                     wet_whiteonblack
  11920.                                 woodcut                          
  11921.                               docs (dir)
  11922.                                 imageengineer.guide              imageengineer.guide.info
  11923.                                 registration_form                registration_form.info
  11924.                               extra (dir)
  11925.                                    adpro (dir)
  11926.                                      adpro_export.rexx                adpro_export_render.rexx
  11927.                                      adpro_import.rexx                ie_export.adpro
  11928.                                      ie_export_render.adpro           ie_import.adpro
  11929.                                      install                          install.info
  11930.                                      readme.text                      readme.text.info
  11931.                                    arexx (dir)
  11932.                                      indexchange.rexx                 indexclone.rexx
  11933.                                      indexmultiply.rexx               indexreverse.rexx
  11934.                                      install                          install.info
  11935.                                      readme.text                      readme.text.info
  11936.                                    docs (dir)
  11937.                                      effects                          ie_batch_system.guide
  11938.                                      ie_batch_system.guide.info       
  11939.                                    dopus4 (dir)
  11940.                                         rexx (dir)
  11941.                                           ie_import.dopus4                 
  11942.                                         tclip (dir)
  11943.                                           configopus.clip                  
  11944.                                      install                          install.info
  11945.                                      readme.text                      readme.text.info
  11946.                                    dopus5 (dir)
  11947.                                         arexx (dir)
  11948.                                           ie_batchprocess.dopus5           ie_convert.dopus5
  11949.                                           ie_import.dopus5                 
  11950.                                         buttons (dir)
  11951.                                           ie_functions                     
  11952.                                         images (dir)
  11953.                                           ie.small                         
  11954.                                      install                          install.info
  11955.                                      readme.text                      readme.text.info
  11956.                                    dpaint5 (dir)
  11957.                                      dp5_export.rexx                  dp5_import.rexx
  11958.                                      install                          install.info
  11959.                                      readme.text                      readme.text.info
  11960.                                    mainactor (dir)
  11961.                                      ie_batchprocess.ma               install
  11962.                                      install.info                     readme.text
  11963.                                      readme.text.info                 
  11964.                                    superview (dir)
  11965.                                         arexx (dir)
  11966.                                           sv_export.rexx                   sv_import.rexx
  11967.                                      install                          install.info
  11968.                                      readme.text                      readme.text.info
  11969.                                 adpro.info                       arexx.info
  11970.                                 docs.info                        dopus4.info
  11971.                                 dopus5.info                      dpaint5.info
  11972.                                 mainactor.info                   readme
  11973.                                 readme.info                      superview.info
  11974.                               modules (dir)
  11975.                                 arexxsupport                     autocrop
  11976.                                 brightness                       bulge
  11977.                                 colourfilter                     composite
  11978.                                 contrast                         contraststretch
  11979.                                 converttocolour                  converttogrey
  11980.                                 convolve                         displace
  11981.                                 equalisation                     falsecolour
  11982.                                 gamma                            halftone
  11983.                                 highboost                        highpass
  11984.                                 histogram                        hue
  11985.                                 huemask                          impress
  11986.                                 localstretch                     lowpass
  11987.                                 median                           negative
  11988.                                 noise                            posterize
  11989.                                 reflectx                         reflecty
  11990.                                 removefeature                    resize
  11991.                                 ripple                           rotate
  11992.                                 saturation                       scale
  11993.                                 sharpen                          threshold
  11994.                                 twirl                            
  11995.                               palettes (dir)
  11996.                                 blackandwhite.palette            grey256.palette
  11997.                                 magic.palette                    newicon.palette
  11998.                                 range1.palette                   range2.palette
  11999.                                 range3.palette                   range4.palette
  12000.                                 wb.palette                       
  12001.                               prefs (dir)
  12002.                                    menus (dir)
  12003.                                      techie.menus                     
  12004.                                    render (dir)
  12005.                                      hiresbest256.rend                hiresbestham8.rend
  12006.                                      lowresbest256.rend               lowresbestham8.rend
  12007.                                      lowresblankwhite.rend            
  12008.                            convolves.info                   docs.info
  12009.                            extra.info                       imengv3.4p2.readme
  12010.                            install_part_2                   install_part_2.info
  12011.                            modules.info                     palettes.info
  12012.                            prefs.info                       
  12013.                       imengv3.4p1.info                 imengv3.4p2.info
  12014.                     magnificad (dir)
  12015.                          arexx (dir)
  12016.                            first.macros                     get.rexx
  12017.                            get.rexx.info                    get2.rexx
  12018.                            get2.rexx.info                   getinformation.rexx
  12019.                            getinformation.rexx.info         getpoints.rexx
  12020.                            getpoints.rexx.info              request.rexx
  12021.                            request.rexx.info                requestfile.rexx
  12022.                            requestfile.rexx.info            saveproject.rexx
  12023.                            saveproject.rexx.info            
  12024.                          docs (dir)
  12025.                            magnificad_arexx.guide           magnificad_arexx.guide.info
  12026.                            magnificad_help.guide            magnificad_help.guide.info
  12027.                            magnificad_manual.txt            magnificad_manual.txt.info
  12028.                          drawings (dir)
  12029.                            yanohouse_plan.cd2               yanohouse_plan.cd2.info
  12030.                            yanohouse_section.cd2            yanohouse_section.cd2.info
  12031.                          fonts (dir)
  12032.                               newtopaz (dir)
  12033.                                 8                                
  12034.                            newtopaz.font                    
  12035.                          icons (dir)
  12036.                            def_dxf.info                     def_ps.info
  12037.                            help.info                        magnificad_dockicon.info
  12038.                            prefs.info                       project.info
  12039.                            symbol.info                      
  12040.                          magnificad_install (dir)
  12041.                            install                          install.info
  12042.                            magnificad.lha                   magnificad12.readme
  12043.                            readme.guide                     readme.guide.info
  12044.                          prefs (dir)
  12045.                            default.mcadprefs                default.mcadprefs.info
  12046.                            default2.mcadprefs               default2.mcadprefs.info
  12047.                          symbols (dir)
  12048.                               standard (dir)
  12049.                                 crossed_square.symbol            crossed_square.symbol.info
  12050.                                 toilet.symbol                    toilet.symbol.info
  12051.                                 wc.symbol                        wc.symbol.info
  12052.                            standard.info                    
  12053.                       afdocs                           afdocs.info
  12054.                       arexx.info                       docs.info
  12055.                       drawings.info                    easyrexx.library
  12056.                       fonts.info                       icons.info
  12057.                       magnificad                       magnificad.000
  12058.                       magnificad.000.info              magnificad.info
  12059.                       magnificad12.readme              magnificad_install.info
  12060.                       prefs.info                       symbols.info
  12061.                     mastergrabber (dir)
  12062.                       bgui.library                     mastergrabber
  12063.                       mastergrabber.info               mastergrabber.readme
  12064.                       mastergrabber_d.catalog          mastergrabber_d.guide
  12065.                       mastergrabber_d.guide.info       mastergrabber_e.guide
  12066.                       mastergrabber_e.guide.info       
  12067.                     pcd_manager (dir)
  12068.                          adpro (dir)
  12069.                               loaders2 (dir)
  12070.                                 pcd                              
  12071.                            lisezmoi                         readme
  12072.                          shellonly(kick2.04) (dir)
  12073.                            pcd2iff24.doc                    pcd2iff24_000
  12074.                            pcd2iff24_020                    
  12075.                       adpro.info                       file_id.diz
  12076.                       pcd.data                         pcd.data2
  12077.                       pcd.eng.guide                    pcd.eng.guide.info
  12078.                       pcd.fra.guide                    pcd.fra.guide.info
  12079.                       pcd.ita.guide                    pcd.ita.guide.info
  12080.                       pcd_manager                      pcd_manager.info
  12081.                       pcd_manager040                   pcd_manager040.info
  12082.                       pcd_manager060                   pcd_manager060.info
  12083.                       pcd_manager_3.0d.readme          pcd_manager_3.0d.readme.info
  12084.                       pcd_manager_3d.readme            shellonly(kick2.04).info
  12085.                     png-boxel (dir)
  12086.                          help (dir)
  12087.                               english (dir)
  12088.                                 png-box.guide                    png-box.guide.info
  12089.                                 register                         register.info
  12090.                            english.info                     
  12091.                       help.info                        install_png-box
  12092.                       install_png-box.info             png-box
  12093.                       png-box.info                     png-box.readme
  12094.                     schematiccad (dir)
  12095.                          circuits (dir)
  12096.                            555_timer                        fmtransmitter
  12097.                            ldr                              oscillator
  12098.                            tens                             
  12099.                          deflib (dir)
  12100.                            0                                1
  12101.                            10                               11
  12102.                            12                               13
  12103.                            14                               15
  12104.                            16                               17
  12105.                            18                               19
  12106.                            2                                20
  12107.                            21                               22
  12108.                            23                               24
  12109.                            25                               26
  12110.                            27                               28
  12111.                            29                               3
  12112.                            30                               31
  12113.                            32                               33
  12114.                            34                               35
  12115.                            36                               37
  12116.                            38                               39
  12117.                            4                                40
  12118.                            41                               42
  12119.                            43                               44
  12120.                            45                               46
  12121.                            47                               48
  12122.                            49                               5
  12123.                            50                               51
  12124.                            52                               53
  12125.                            54                               55
  12126.                            56                               57
  12127.                            58                               59
  12128.                            6                                7
  12129.                            8                                9
  12130.                       blank                            circuits.info
  12131.                       deflib.info                      schematicad
  12132.                       schematicad.guide                schematicad.guide.info
  12133.                       schematicad.info                 schematicad.readme
  12134.                       template                         
  12135.                     superviewel (dir)
  12136.                          arexx-scripts (dir)
  12137.                            convertfile.rx                   convertfile.rx.info
  12138.                            loadrequest.rx                   loadrequest.rx.info
  12139.                            setsvdriver.rx                   setsvdriver.rx.info
  12140.                            setsvoperator.rx                 setsvoperator.rx.info
  12141.                          bonus (dir)
  12142.                               defaulticons (dir)
  12143.                                 acbm.info                        appicon.info
  12144.                                 bmp.info                         c64.info
  12145.                                 fbm.info                         ilbm.info
  12146.                                 img.info                         jpeg.info
  12147.                                 mac.info                         mtv.info
  12148.                                 pcd.info                         pcx.info
  12149.                                 pictor.info                      pnm.info
  12150.                                 ras.info                         riff.info
  12151.                                 rle.info                         sgi.info
  12152.                                 svg.info                         targa.info
  12153.                                 tiff.info                        wpg.info
  12154.                                 yuvn.info                        
  12155.                            defaulticons.info                readme
  12156.                            readme.info                      superview-1.info
  12157.                            superview-2.info                 
  12158.                          help (dir)
  12159.                               deutsch (dir)
  12160.                                 firmen-registrierung             firmen-registrierung.info
  12161.                                 registrierung                    registrierung.info
  12162.                                 superview.guide                  superview.guide.info
  12163.                               english (dir)
  12164.                                 company-register                 company-register.info
  12165.                                 register                         register.info
  12166.                                 registrationfaq                  registrationfaq.info
  12167.                                 superview.guide                  superview.guide.info
  12168.                               français (dir)
  12169.                                 registration                     registration.info
  12170.                                 superview.guide                  superview.guide.info
  12171.                               italiano (dir)
  12172.                                 registrazione                    registrazione-compagnie
  12173.                                 registrazione-compagnie.info     registrazione.info
  12174.                                 registrazionefaq                 registrazionefaq.info
  12175.                                 superview.guide                  superview.guide.info
  12176.                               svenska (dir)
  12177.                                 registration                     registration.info
  12178.                                 superview.guide                  superview.guide.info
  12179.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  12180.                            français.info                    italiano.info
  12181.                            svenska.info                     
  12182.                          locale (dir)
  12183.                               catalogs (dir)
  12184.                                    deutsch (dir)
  12185.                                      superview.catalog                superview_gui.catalog
  12186.                                    français (dir)
  12187.                                      superview.catalog                
  12188.                                    italiano (dir)
  12189.                                      superview.catalog                superview_gui.catalog
  12190.                                    svenska (dir)
  12191.                                      superview.catalog                superview_gui.catalog
  12192.                               translations (dir)
  12193.                                    deutsch (dir)
  12194.                                      superview.ct                     superview_gui.ct
  12195.                                    english (dir)
  12196.                                      superview.ct                     
  12197.                                    français (dir)
  12198.                                      superview.ct                     
  12199.                                    italiano (dir)
  12200.                                      superview.ct                     superview_gui.ct
  12201.                                    svenska (dir)
  12202.                                      superview.ct                     superview_gui.ct
  12203.                            catalogs.info                    readme
  12204.                            readme.info                      superview.cd
  12205.                            superview_gui.cd                 translations.info
  12206.                          superviewlibrary (dir)
  12207.                               docs (dir)
  12208.                                    sampleconfigs (dir)
  12209.                                         env_aga (dir)
  12210.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12211.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12212.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12213.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12214.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12215.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  12216.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  12217.                                         env_aga_cd32 (dir)
  12218.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12219.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12220.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12221.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12222.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12223.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  12224.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  12225.                                         env_cybergraphics (dir)
  12226.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12227.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12228.                                                cybergraphics.controlpad         dither24bit.controlpad
  12229.                                                ecs.controlpad                   extractgrayscales.controlpad
  12230.                                                fastilbm24.controlpad            jpeg.controlpad
  12231.                                                library.controlpad               pcd.controlpad
  12232.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  12233.                                         env_ecs (dir)
  12234.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12235.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            dither24bit.controlpad
  12236.                                                ecs.controlpad                   extractgrayscales.controlpad
  12237.                                                fastilbm24.controlpad            jpeg.controlpad
  12238.                                                library.controlpad               pcd.controlpad
  12239.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  12240.                                         env_egs7 (dir)
  12241.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12242.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12243.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12244.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12245.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12246.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  12247.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  12248.                                         env_gfxcards (dir)
  12249.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12250.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12251.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12252.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12253.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12254.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  12255.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  12256.                                         env_merlin (dir)
  12257.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12258.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12259.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12260.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12261.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12262.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  12263.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  12264.                                         env_opalvision (dir)
  12265.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12266.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12267.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12268.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12269.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12270.                                                pcd.controlpad                   superviewsupport.controlpad
  12271.                                                svg.controlpad                   
  12272.                                         env_picassoii (dir)
  12273.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12274.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12275.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12276.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12277.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12278.                                                pcd.controlpad                   picassoii.controlpad
  12279.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  12280.                                         env_retina (dir)
  12281.                                              superview-library (dir)
  12282.                                                24bittoham.controlpad            aga.controlpad
  12283.                                                dither24bit.controlpad           ecs.controlpad
  12284.                                                extractgrayscales.controlpad     fastilbm24.controlpad
  12285.                                                jpeg.controlpad                  library.controlpad
  12286.                                                pcd.controlpad                   retina.controlpad
  12287.                                                superviewsupport.controlpad      svg.controlpad
  12288.                                 liesmich.doc                     liesmich.doc.info
  12289.                                 power-brei.txt                   power-brei.txt.info
  12290.                                 superview-library.guide          superview-library.guide.info
  12291.                               env (dir)
  12292.                                    superview-library (dir)
  12293.                                      24bittoham.cpinfo                aga.cpinfo
  12294.                                      amifig.cpinfo                    callpnm.cpinfo
  12295.                                      crop.cpinfo                      cybergraphics.cpinfo
  12296.                                      dither24bit.cpinfo               ecs.cpinfo
  12297.                                      eps.cpinfo                       extractgrayscales.cpinfo
  12298.                                      fastilbm24.cpinfo                ghostscript.cpinfo
  12299.                                      gplot.cpinfo                     hilbertdither256.cpinfo
  12300.                                      ilbm.cpinfo                      jpeg.cpinfo
  12301.                                      library.cpinfo                   limbo.cpinfo
  12302.                                      metaview.cpinfo                  opal.cpinfo
  12303.                                      palettedither.cpinfo             pcd.cpinfo
  12304.                                      picassoii.cpinfo                 png.cpinfo
  12305.                                      pnm.cpinfo                       printer.cpinfo
  12306.                                      retina.cpinfo                    rotate.cpinfo
  12307.                                      rotatefree.cpinfo                scale50.cpinfo
  12308.                                      scanner.cpinfo                   superviewsupport.cpinfo
  12309.                                      svg.cpinfo                       xor.cpinfo
  12310.                               libs (dir)
  12311.                                    68030 (dir)
  12312.                                         svdrivers (dir)
  12313.                                           aga.svdriver                     cybergraphics.svdriver
  12314.                                           merlin.svdriver                  picassoii.svdriver
  12315.                                         svobjects (dir)
  12316.                                           ilbm.svobject                    jpeg.svobject
  12317.                                           pcd.svobject                     
  12318.                                         svoperators (dir)
  12319.                                           24bittoham.svoperator            dither24bit.svoperator
  12320.                                      superview.library                superviewsupport.library
  12321.                                    svdrivers (dir)
  12322.                                      aga.svdriver                     cybergraphics.svdriver
  12323.                                      ecs.svdriver                     egs7.svdriver
  12324.                                      merlin.svdriver                  opal.svdriver
  12325.                                      picassoii.svdriver               retina.svdriver
  12326.                                    svobjects (dir)
  12327.                                      acbm.svobject                    amifig.svobject
  12328.                                      bmp.svobject                     c-source.svobject
  12329.                                      c64.svobject                     cdr.svobject
  12330.                                      deep.svobject                    degas.svobject
  12331.                                      eps.svobject                     fastilbm24.svobject
  12332.                                      fbm.svobject                     ghostscript.svobject
  12333.                                      gplot.svobject                   ilbm.svobject
  12334.                                      img.svobject                     jpeg.svobject
  12335.                                      limbo.svobject                   mac.svobject
  12336.                                      metaview.svobject                pbm.svobject
  12337.                                      pcd.svobject                     pcx.svobject
  12338.                                      pict.svobject                    pictor.svobject
  12339.                                      png.svobject                     pnm.svobject
  12340.                                      printer.svobject                 qrt.svobject
  12341.                                      scanner.svobject                 sgi.svobject
  12342.                                      sunraster.svobject               svg.svobject
  12343.                                      targa.svobject                   tiff.svobject
  12344.                                      winicon.svobject                 wpg.svobject
  12345.                                      yuvn.svobject                    
  12346.                                    svoperators (dir)
  12347.                                      24bittoham.svoperator            anyto24bit.svoperator
  12348.                                      callpnm.svoperator               crop.svoperator
  12349.                                      dither24bit.svoperator           extractblue.svoperator
  12350.                                      extractgrayscales.svoperator     extractgreen.svoperator
  12351.                                      extractred.svoperator            hilbertdither256.svoperator
  12352.                                      lefttoright.svoperator           optimizepalette.svoperator
  12353.                                      palettedither.svoperator         rotate.svoperator
  12354.                                      rotatefree.svoperator            scale50.svoperator
  12355.                                      toptobottom.svoperator           xor.svoperator
  12356.                                 superview.library                superviewsupport.library
  12357.                               locale (dir)
  12358.                                    catalogs (dir)
  12359.                                         deutsch (dir)
  12360.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  12361.                                         english (dir)
  12362.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  12363.                                         italiano (dir)
  12364.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  12365.                                         svenska (dir)
  12366.                                           superviewlib.catalog             
  12367.                                    translations (dir)
  12368.                                         deutsch (dir)
  12369.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  12370.                                         english (dir)
  12371.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  12372.                                         italiano (dir)
  12373.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  12374.                                         svenska (dir)
  12375.                                           superviewlib.ct                  
  12376.                                 catalogs.info                    readme
  12377.                                 readme.info                      superviewlib.cd
  12378.                                 translations.info                
  12379.                               packersupport (dir)
  12380.                                    libs (dir)
  12381.                                         svobjects (dir)
  12382.                                           unpack.svobject                  
  12383.                                 install_unpack                   install_unpack.info
  12384.                                 unpack.doc                       unpack.doc.info
  12385.                               prefs (dir)
  12386.                                 svprefs                          svprefs.info
  12387.                               sq-operators (dir)
  12388.                                    envarc (dir)
  12389.                                         superview-library (dir)
  12390.                                           sqbentley.cpinfo                 sqblur.cpinfo
  12391.                                           sqcontrast.cpinfo                sqdeep_press.cpinfo
  12392.                                           sqdiffuse.cpinfo                 sqemboss.cpinfo
  12393.                                           sqhighpass.cpinfo                sqmosaic.cpinfo
  12394.                                           sqmotion_blur.cpinfo             sqoilpaint.cpinfo
  12395.                                           sqsharpen.cpinfo                 sqslicing.cpinfo
  12396.                                           sqthreshold.cpinfo               sqtiling.cpinfo
  12397.                                    libs (dir)
  12398.                                         svoperators (dir)
  12399.                                           sqbentley.svoperator             sqblur.svoperator
  12400.                                           sqcontrast.svoperator            sqdeep_press.svoperator
  12401.                                           sqdiffuse.svoperator             sqemboss.svoperator
  12402.                                           sqhighpass.svoperator            sqmosaic.svoperator
  12403.                                           sqmotion_blur.svoperator         sqoilpaint.svoperator
  12404.                                           sqsharpen.svoperator             sqslicing.svoperator
  12405.                                           sqthreshold.svoperator           sqtiling.svoperator
  12406.                                 install_sqop                     install_sqop.info
  12407.                                 sq-operators.guide               sq-operators.guide.info
  12408.                                 sqbentley.doc                    sqblur.doc
  12409.                                 sqcontrast.doc                   sqdeep_press.doc
  12410.                                 sqdiffuse.doc                    sqemboss.doc
  12411.                                 sqhighpass.doc                   sqmosaic.doc
  12412.                                 sqmotion_blur.doc                sqoilpaint.doc
  12413.                                 sqsharpen.doc                    sqslicing.doc
  12414.                                 sqthreshold.doc                  sqtiling.doc
  12415.                            docs.info                        install_svlib
  12416.                            install_svlib.info               libs.info
  12417.                            locale.info                      packersupport.info
  12418.                            prefs.info                       sq-operators.info
  12419.                          tools (dir)
  12420.                            readme                           readme.info
  12421.                            superslide                       superslide.info
  12422.                            superviewpalette                 superviewpalette.info
  12423.                       arexx-scripts.info               bonus.info
  12424.                       help.info                        install_superview
  12425.                       install_superview.info           locale.info
  12426.                       readme_pirates                   readme_pirates.info
  12427.                       readme_prices                    readme_prices.info
  12428.                       readme_register                  readme_register.info
  12429.                       superview                        superview.config
  12430.                       superview.config.info            superview.info
  12431.                       superviewlibrary.info            sview.readme
  12432.                       tools.info                       
  12433.                     wildfire (dir)
  12434.                          update2.60.fpu (dir)
  12435.                               wildfire (dir)
  12436.                                    pluginsdoc (dir)
  12437.                                      colorwheel_plugin.doc            command_plugin.doc
  12438.                                      countplugins_plugin.doc          epssaver_plugin.doc
  12439.                                      tileimage_plugin.doc             
  12440.                                    system (dir)
  12441.                                         plugins (dir)
  12442.                                              general (dir)
  12443.                                                   storage (dir)
  12444.                                                     wfg_colorwheel                   wfg_command
  12445.                                                     wfg_countplugins                 wfg_epssaver
  12446.                                                     wfg_tileimage                    
  12447.                                              operators (dir)
  12448.                                                   storage (dir)
  12449.                                                     wfo_add                          wfo_alpha
  12450.                                                     wfo_antique                      wfo_arexx
  12451.                                                     wfo_balancing                    wfo_blackhole
  12452.                                                     wfo_bump                         wfo_cartesian2polar
  12453.                                                     wfo_colortogray                  wfo_comment
  12454.                                                     wfo_compose                      wfo_convolve
  12455.                                                     wfo_createimage                  wfo_crop
  12456.                                                     wfo_cube                         wfo_displace
  12457.                                                     wfo_emboss                       wfo_example
  12458.                                                     wfo_flip                         wfo_halve
  12459.                                                     wfo_killtemp                     wfo_loadimage
  12460.                                                     wfo_loadtemp                     wfo_lut
  12461.                                                     wfo_magnet                       wfo_medianfilter
  12462.                                                     wfo_motionblur                   wfo_negative
  12463.                                                     wfo_noise                        wfo_oiltransfer
  12464.                                                     wfo_perspective                  wfo_pixelize
  12465.                                                     wfo_plasma                       wfo_posterise
  12466.                                                     wfo_reducecontent                wfo_replacecomp
  12467.                                                     wfo_roll                         wfo_rotate
  12468.                                                     wfo_rotateblur                   wfo_saveimage
  12469.                                                     wfo_savetemp                     wfo_scale
  12470.                                                     wfo_shiftlines                   wfo_swaprgb
  12471.                                                     wfo_text                         wfo_twirl
  12472.                                                     wfo_water                        wfo_wave
  12473.                                                     wfo_wave3d                       wfo_wrap
  12474.                                              savers (dir)
  12475.                                                   storage (dir)
  12476.                                                     wfs_ilbm                         wfs_jpeg
  12477.                                              system (dir)
  12478.                                                colorwheel.prefs                 command.prefs
  12479.                                                countplugins.prefs               epssaver.prefs
  12480.                                                tileimage.prefs                  wf.operators
  12481.                                      intro.iff                        
  12482.                                 faq                              faq.info
  12483.                                 history                          history.info
  12484.                                 motivation.jpg                   motivation.jpg.info
  12485.                                 readme                           readme.info
  12486.                                 wf                               wf.info
  12487.                            wildfire-upd.readme              wildfire.info
  12488.                          wftut (dir)
  12489.                               halve_size (dir)
  12490.                                    frames (dir)
  12491.                                         cha (dir)
  12492.                                           pic.0001                         pic.0002
  12493.                                           pic.0003                         pic.0004
  12494.                                           pic.0005                         pic.0006
  12495.                                           pic.0007                         pic.0008
  12496.                                           pic.0009                         pic.0010
  12497.                                           pic.0011                         pic.0012
  12498.                                           pic.0013                         pic.0014
  12499.                                           pic.0015                         pic.0016
  12500.                                           pic.0017                         pic.0018
  12501.                                           pic.0019                         pic.0020
  12502.                                           pic.0021                         pic.0022
  12503.                                           pic.0023                         pic.0024
  12504.                                           pic.0025                         pic.0026
  12505.                                           pic.0027                         pic.0028
  12506.                                           pic.0029                         pic.0030
  12507.                                           pic.0031                         pic.0032
  12508.                                           pic.0033                         pic.0034
  12509.                                           pic.0035                         pic.0036
  12510.                                           pic.0037                         pic.0038
  12511.                                           pic.0039                         pic.0040
  12512.                                           pic.0041                         pic.0042
  12513.                                           pic.0043                         pic.0044
  12514.                                           pic.0045                         pic.0046
  12515.                                           pic.0047                         pic.0048
  12516.                                           pic.0049                         pic.0050
  12517.                                           pic.0051                         pic.0052
  12518.                                           pic.0053                         pic.0054
  12519.                                           pic.0055                         pic.0056
  12520.                                           pic.0057                         pic.0058
  12521.                                           pic.0059                         pic.0060
  12522.                                         chb (dir)
  12523.                                           pic.0001                         pic.0002
  12524.                                           pic.0003                         pic.0004
  12525.                                           pic.0005                         pic.0006
  12526.                                           pic.0007                         pic.0008
  12527.                                           pic.0009                         pic.0010
  12528.                                           pic.0011                         pic.0012
  12529.                                           pic.0013                         pic.0014
  12530.                                           pic.0015                         pic.0016
  12531.                                           pic.0017                         pic.0018
  12532.                                           pic.0019                         pic.0020
  12533.                                           pic.0021                         pic.0022
  12534.                                           pic.0023                         pic.0024
  12535.                                           pic.0025                         pic.0026
  12536.                                           pic.0027                         pic.0028
  12537.                                           pic.0029                         pic.0030
  12538.                                           pic.0031                         pic.0032
  12539.                                           pic.0033                         pic.0034
  12540.                                           pic.0035                         pic.0036
  12541.                                           pic.0037                         pic.0038
  12542.                                           pic.0039                         pic.0040
  12543.                                           pic.0041                         pic.0042
  12544.                                           pic.0043                         pic.0044
  12545.                                           pic.0045                         pic.0046
  12546.                                           pic.0047                         pic.0048
  12547.                                           pic.0049                         pic.0050
  12548.                                           pic.0051                         pic.0052
  12549.                                           pic.0053                         pic.0054
  12550.                                           pic.0055                         pic.0056
  12551.                                           pic.0057                         pic.0058
  12552.                                           pic.0059                         pic.0060
  12553.                                    processes (dir)
  12554.                                      cha.process                      chab_fade.process
  12555.                                      chab_scale.process               chab_wipe.process
  12556.                                      cha_rotate.process               cha_twirl.process
  12557.                                      cha_wipe.process                 chb.process
  12558.                                      chb_fade.process                 
  12559.                                    results (dir)
  12560.                                    sessions (dir)
  12561.                                      cha.session                      chab_fade.session
  12562.                                      chab_scale.session               chab_wipe.session
  12563.                                      cha_rotate.session               cha_twirl.session
  12564.                                      cha_wipe.session                 chb.session
  12565.                                      chb_fade.session                 
  12566.                                 mainactor.prj                    wf.bat
  12567.                                 wildfire.prj                     wildfiresound.prj
  12568.                               sounds (dir)
  12569.                                 mod.beep_it_!!!!                 mod.testing_the_chips
  12570.                            wildfiretutorial-install         wildfiretutorial-install.info
  12571.                          wildfire (dir)
  12572.                               alpha (dir)
  12573.                                 miniswirl.iff                    
  12574.                               annotations (dir)
  12575.                                 dw2-transitions                  summer
  12576.                               bonus (dir)
  12577.                                 cyberyafa.lha                    draggadget.lha
  12578.                                 yafa-doc.lha                     
  12579.                               convolutions (dir)
  12580.                                 3x3.conv                         
  12581.                               docs (dir)
  12582.                                    deutsch (dir)
  12583.                                      adressen.guide                   dataworld.guide
  12584.                                      processor.guide                  wfarexx.guide
  12585.                                      wftutorial.guide                 wf_help.guide
  12586.                                      wildfire.guide                   wildfire.guide.info
  12587.                                      wildsummer.guide                 yafa.guide
  12588.                                    english (dir)
  12589.                                      adressen.guide                   dataworld.guide
  12590.                                      processor.guide                  wfarexx.guide
  12591.                                      wftutorial.guide                 wf_help.guide
  12592.                                      wildfire.guide                   wildfire.guide.info
  12593.                                      wildsummer.guide                 yafa.guide
  12594.                                 deutsch.info                     english.info
  12595.                               envarc (dir)
  12596.                                 chocolate                        classic
  12597.                                 modern                           ocean
  12598.                                 pewter                           pharao
  12599.                                 steal                            sunset
  12600.                                 tint                             wildfire-1.txt
  12601.                                 wildfire-2.txt                   wine
  12602.                               envelopes (dir)
  12603.                                 1.env                            ev1.curve
  12604.                                 ev1.tc                           
  12605.                               examples (dir)
  12606.                                    anims (dir)
  12607.                                      example-anims.txt                t10.11.yafa
  12608.                                      t10.11.yafa.info                 t14.15.yafa
  12609.                                      t14.15.yafa.info                 t15.16.yafa
  12610.                                      t15.16.yafa.info                 
  12611.                                    pictures (dir)
  12612.                                      dw2.advert.iff.small             wf_halve.title
  12613.                                    screenshots (dir)
  12614.                                      converter.ilbm                   editor.ilbm
  12615.                                      example-screenshots.txt          lut.ilbm
  12616.                                      player.ilbm                      processor.ilbm
  12617.                                      twirl.iff                        wffilmstrip.ilbm
  12618.                                    sound (dir)
  12619.                                      example-sounds.txt               
  12620.                                    variables (dir)
  12621.                                      vars1.var                        vars2.var
  12622.                                      vars3.var                        vars4.var
  12623.                                    wfimages (dir)
  12624.                                      add.rend8                        alpha.rend6
  12625.                                      balancing.rend6                  blackhole.rend6
  12626.                                      bump.rend6                       composealpha.rend8
  12627.                                      composealpha2.rend8              convolve.rend6
  12628.                                      cube.jpg                         cube_halve.iff
  12629.                                      displace.rend6                   emboss.rend6
  12630.                                      example-wfimages.txt             lut.rend8
  12631.                                      new_twirl.jpg                    oiltransfer.rend6
  12632.                                      original.pic8                    perspective&light.rend8
  12633.                                      perspective.rend6                pixelizegrid1.rend6
  12634.                                      pixelizegrid2.rend6              replacecomp.rend8
  12635.                                      rotateblur.rend6                 shiftlinesjitter.rend6
  12636.                                      starwars.rend3                   text.rend6
  12637.                                      twirl_explode.iff                water.jpg
  12638.                                      water_halve.iff                  wave.rend6
  12639.                                      wave3d.jpg                       wavex_halve.iff
  12640.                                      wrap.jpg                         zoomedtwirl.rend6
  12641.                                      zoomrotate.rend6                 
  12642.                                 anims.info                       
  12643.                               filmstrips (dir)
  12644.                                 gearbox.film                     
  12645.                               libs (dir)
  12646.                                    compressors (dir)
  12647.                                      xpkfast.library                  
  12648.                                 wildfire.library                 xpkmaster.library
  12649.                               macros (dir)
  12650.                                 animinfo.rexx                    arexx1.process
  12651.                                 arexx2.process                   pictureinfo.rexx
  12652.                                 playerdemo.rexx                  playstartfilm.rexx
  12653.                                 requester.rexx                   shell.rexx
  12654.                                 variablesdemo.rexx               
  12655.                               processes (dir)
  12656.                                 alpha.process                    arexx1.process
  12657.                                 arexx2.process                   bump.process
  12658.                                 cady.process                     composealpha.process
  12659.                                 cube.process                     lut-test1.process
  12660.                                 sphere.process                   water.process
  12661.                                 wave3d.process                   wrap.process
  12662.                               projects (dir)
  12663.                                 readme_now                       readme_now.info
  12664.                               sessions (dir)
  12665.                               system (dir)
  12666.                                    filmstrips (dir)
  12667.                                         raw (dir)
  12668.                                           a.yafa                           b.yafa
  12669.                                    help (dir)
  12670.                                         tutorial (dir)
  12671.                                              converter (dir)
  12672.                                              editor (dir)
  12673.                                              player (dir)
  12674.                                                txt1                             txt10
  12675.                                                txt2                             txt3
  12676.                                                txt4                             txt5
  12677.                                                txt6                             txt7
  12678.                                                txt8                             txt8b
  12679.                                                txt9                             txte
  12680.                                              processor (dir)
  12681.                                              variables (dir)
  12682.                                                txt1                             txt10
  12683.                                                txt11                            txt12
  12684.                                                txt13                            txt14
  12685.                                                txt2                             txt3
  12686.                                                txt4                             txt5
  12687.                                                txt6                             txt7
  12688.                                                txt8                             txt9
  12689.                                    images (dir)
  12690.                                         storage (dir)
  12691.                                              chocolate (dir)
  12692.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12693.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12694.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12695.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12696.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12697.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12698.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12699.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12700.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12701.                                                yafa.info                        
  12702.                                              classic (dir)
  12703.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12704.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12705.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12706.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12707.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12708.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12709.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12710.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12711.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12712.                                                yafa.info                        
  12713.                                              modern (dir)
  12714.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12715.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12716.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12717.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12718.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12719.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12720.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12721.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12722.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12723.                                                yafa.info                        
  12724.                                              newicons (dir)
  12725.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12726.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12727.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12728.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12729.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12730.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12731.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12732.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12733.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12734.                                                yafa.info                        
  12735.                                              ocean (dir)
  12736.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12737.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12738.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12739.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12740.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12741.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12742.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12743.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12744.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12745.                                                yafa.info                        
  12746.                                              pewter (dir)
  12747.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12748.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12749.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12750.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12751.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12752.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12753.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12754.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12755.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12756.                                                yafa.info                        
  12757.                                              pharao (dir)
  12758.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12759.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12760.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12761.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12762.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12763.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12764.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12765.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12766.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12767.                                                yafa.info                        
  12768.                                              steal (dir)
  12769.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12770.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12771.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12772.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12773.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12774.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12775.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12776.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12777.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12778.                                                yafa.info                        
  12779.                                              sunset (dir)
  12780.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12781.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12782.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12783.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12784.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12785.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12786.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12787.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12788.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12789.                                                yafa.info                        
  12790.                                              tint (dir)
  12791.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12792.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12793.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12794.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12795.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12796.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12797.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12798.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12799.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12800.                                                yafa.info                        
  12801.                                              wb (dir)
  12802.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12803.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12804.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12805.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12806.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12807.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12808.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12809.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12810.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12811.                                                yafa.info                        
  12812.                                              wine (dir)
  12813.                                                anim.info                        editor.info
  12814.                                                envelope.info                    film.info
  12815.                                                ilbm.info                        image.info
  12816.                                                misc.info                        module.info
  12817.                                                mpeg.info                        player.info
  12818.                                                process.info                     project.info
  12819.                                                sample.info                      session.info
  12820.                                                text.info                        trashcan.info
  12821.                                                variable.info                    viewer.info
  12822.                                                yafa.info                        
  12823.                                           icons.readme                     
  12824.                                    misc (dir)
  12825.                                      color1                           
  12826.                                    plugins (dir)
  12827.                                         storage (dir)
  12828.                                           wfo_add                          wfo_alpha
  12829.                                           wfo_antique                      wfo_arexx
  12830.                                           wfo_balancing                    wfo_blackhole
  12831.                                           wfo_bump                         wfo_cartesian2polar
  12832.                                           wfo_colortogray                  wfo_comment
  12833.                                           wfo_compose                      wfo_convolve
  12834.                                           wfo_createimage                  wfo_crop
  12835.                                           wfo_cube                         wfo_displace
  12836.                                           wfo_emboss                       wfo_example
  12837.                                           wfo_flip                         wfo_halve
  12838.                                           wfo_killtemp                     wfo_loadimage
  12839.                                           wfo_loadtemp                     wfo_lut
  12840.                                           wfo_magnet                       wfo_medianfilter
  12841.                                           wfo_motionblur                   wfo_negative
  12842.                                           wfo_noise                        wfo_oiltransfer
  12843.                                           wfo_perspective                  wfo_pixelize
  12844.                                           wfo_plasma                       wfo_posterise
  12845.                                           wfo_reducecontent                wfo_replacecomp
  12846.                                           wfo_roll                         wfo_rotate
  12847.                                           wfo_rotateblur                   wfo_savetemp
  12848.                                           wfo_scale                        wfo_shiftlines
  12849.                                           wfo_swaprgb                      wfo_text
  12850.                                           wfo_twirl                        wfo_water
  12851.                                           wfo_wave                         wfo_wave3d
  12852.                                           wfo_wrap                         
  12853.                                 drag.gadget                      intro.iff
  12854.                                 wf.analysis                      wf.log
  12855.                                 wf.plugins                       
  12856.                               windows (dir)
  12857.                                 player.wnd                       
  12858.                               yafaoptions (dir)
  12859.                                 byte                             bytewithxpk
  12860.                                 chunkyxpk                        
  12861.                            docs.info                        examples.info
  12862.                            icons.readme                     wf
  12863.                            wf.info!                         wildfiredemo-install
  12864.                            wildfiredemo-install.info        yp
  12865.                            yp.info                          
  12866.                       update2.60.fpu.info              wftut.info
  12867.                       wildfire-examp.readme            wildfire-main.readme
  12868.                       wildfire-tutor.readme            wildfire.info
  12869.                     xpdf (dir)
  12870.                          docs (dir)
  12871.                            libx11.readme                    libx11.readme.info
  12872.                            worthalook.readme                worthalook.readme.info
  12873.                          libx11 (dir)
  12874.                            amigadefaults                    rgb.txt
  12875.                       announce                         changes
  12876.                       changes.info                     docs.info
  12877.                       pdftops                          pdftops.1
  12878.                       pdftops.hlp                      readme
  12879.                       readme.info                      xpdf
  12880.                       xpdf.1                           xpdf.hlp
  12881.                       xpdf2c.readme                    
  12882.                  3d.info                          agaiff.info
  12883.                  artpro.info                      cartoonstudio.info
  12884.                  chimicad.info                    drafuplus.info
  12885.                  dtkoala.info                     fractint32.info
  12886.                  graphwrite.info                  imeng3.4.info
  12887.                  magnificad.info                  mastergrabber.info
  12888.                  pcd_manager.info                 png-boxel.info
  12889.                  schematiccad.info                superviewel.info
  12890.                  wildfire.info                    xpdf.info
  12891.                hardware (dir)
  12892.                     allocator (dir)
  12893.                          fonts (dir)
  12894.                               xenpl (dir)
  12895.                                 11                               13
  12896.                                 8                                9
  12897.                            xenpl.font                       
  12898.                          libs (dir)
  12899.                            reqtools.library                 
  12900.                          » appendix « (dir)
  12901.                            appendixnews.txt                 cerberwb.iff
  12902.                            ·+radioactive bbs+·              ·oo-appendix-oo·
  12903.                       allocator.eng                    allocator.eng.info
  12904.                       allocator.guide.eng              allocator.guide.eng.info
  12905.                       allocator.guide.pol              allocator.guide.pol.info
  12906.                       allocator.pol                    allocator.pol.info
  12907.                       allocator4_0.readme              english
  12908.                       english.info                     polski
  12909.                       polski.info                      
  12910.                     epicv1.2 (dir)
  12911.                          example (dir)
  12912.                               keymaps (dir)
  12913.                                 cybex_d                          cybex_gb
  12914.                            ibmkey25.asm                     ibmkey25.hex
  12915.                            ibmkey25.lst                     keyboard.doc
  12916.                            keyboard.doc.info                keyboard.iff
  12917.                            keyboard.iff.info                pinouts.txt
  12918.                       afd-copyright                    afd-copyright.info
  12919.                       epic                             epic.doc
  12920.                       epic.doc.info                    epic.e
  12921.                       epic.e.info                      epic.readme
  12922.                       example.info                     schematic.iff
  12923.                       schematic.iff.info               
  12924.                     identify (dir)
  12925.                          catalogs (dir)
  12926.                               deutsch (dir)
  12927.                                 identify.catalog                 
  12928.                            identify.cd                      
  12929.                          include (dir)
  12930.                               clib (dir)
  12931.                                 identify_protos.h                
  12932.                               fd (dir)
  12933.                                 identify_lib.fd                  
  12934.                               inline (dir)
  12935.                                 identify.h                       
  12936.                               libraries (dir)
  12937.                                 identify.h                       identify.i
  12938.                               pascal (dir)
  12939.                                    libraries (dir)
  12940.                                      identify.h                       
  12941.                                 identify.lib                     
  12942.                               pragmas (dir)
  12943.                                 identify_pragmas.h               
  12944.                               proto (dir)
  12945.                                 identify.h                       
  12946.                            identify_lib.i                   
  12947.                          libs (dir)
  12948.                            expname.library                  identify.library
  12949.                       expname.liesmich                 expname.readme
  12950.                       file_id.diz                      function
  12951.                       guru                             identify-d.dvi
  12952.                       identify-d.dvi.info              identify-d.guide
  12953.                       identify-d.guide.info            identify-e.dvi
  12954.                       identify-e.dvi.info              identify-e.guide
  12955.                       identify-e.guide.info            identify.doc
  12956.                       identify.doc.info                identify.readme
  12957.                       listexp                          
  12958.                     scsiinfo (dir)
  12959.                          docs (dir)
  12960.                            scsinfo.guide                    scsinfo.guide.info
  12961.                          libs (dir)
  12962.                            rexxtricks.library               rexxtricks.library.info
  12963.                            tritonrexx.library               tritonrexx.library.info
  12964.                            tritonrexx.readme                tritonrexx.readme.info
  12965.                          triton (dir)
  12966.                            install                          install.info
  12967.                            readme                           readme.info
  12968.                            triton.library                   
  12969.                       docs.info                        file_id.diz
  12970.                       libs.info                        scsinfo
  12971.                       scsinfo.exe                      scsinfo.info
  12972.                       scsinfo11.readme                 triton.info
  12973.                  allocator.info                   epicv1.2.info
  12974.                  identify.info                    scsiinfo.info
  12975.                misc (dir)
  12976.                     amibroker192e (dir)
  12977.                          data (dir)
  12978.                            agros                            bsk
  12979.                            debica                           exbud
  12980.                            intel                            irena
  12981.                            microsoft                        mostalexp
  12982.                            motorola                         netscape
  12983.                            optimus                          sgi
  12984.                            sun                              wedel
  12985.                            wig                              wig20
  12986.                            wirr                             zywiec
  12987.                          examples (dir)
  12988.                            apple                            apple.2
  12989.                            coke                             intel
  12990.                            microsoft                        microsoft2
  12991.                            motorola                         netscape
  12992.                            sgi                              sun
  12993.                          fonts (dir)
  12994.                               xenpl (dir)
  12995.                                 8                                
  12996.                               xhelveticapl (dir)
  12997.                                 11                               
  12998.                            xenpl.font                       xhelveticapl.font
  12999.                          rexx (dir)
  13000.                               telestock (dir)
  13001.                                 ak.ts                            names
  13002.                                 telestock.doc                    telestock.rexx
  13003.                          teletext (dir)
  13004.                            wyn960205                        wyn960429
  13005.                            wyn960430                        
  13006.                       amibroker                        amibroker.fpu
  13007.                       amibroker.fpu.info               amibroker.guide
  13008.                       amibroker.guide.info             amibroker.history
  13009.                       amibroker.history.info           amibroker.info
  13010.                       amibroker192e.readme             arexxdemo.abrx
  13011.                       arexxdemo.abrx.info              broker.arexx
  13012.                       broker.portfolio                 convertdata
  13013.                       examples.info                    install-amibroker
  13014.                       install-amibroker.info           readme
  13015.                       readme.info                      
  13016.                     amigadatabase (dir)
  13017.                       amigadatabase                    amigadatabase.info
  13018.                       amigadatabasev2.doc              amigadatabasev2.doc.info
  13019.                       amigadatav2.readme               
  13020.                     amigaworld (dir)
  13021.                          dansk (dir)
  13022.                            aw.data                          aw.org
  13023.                            aw.output                        readme
  13024.                            readme.info                      
  13025.                          deutsch (dir)
  13026.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13027.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13028.                            briefvonbo                       briefvonbo.dvi
  13029.                            briefvonbo.dvi.info              briefvonbo.info
  13030.                            dokumentation                    dokumentation.asc
  13031.                            dokumentation.asc.info           dokumentation.dvi
  13032.                            dokumentation.dvi.info           dokumentation.info
  13033.                            einschränkungen                  einschränkungen.info
  13034.                            entwicklung                      entwicklung.info
  13035.                          english (dir)
  13036.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13037.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13038.                            documentation                    documentation.asc
  13039.                            documentation.asc.info           documentation.dvi
  13040.                            documentation.dvi.info           documentation.info
  13041.                            history                          history.info
  13042.                            letterfrombo                     letterfrombo.dvi
  13043.                            letterfrombo.dvi.info            letterfrombo.info
  13044.                            limitations                      limitations.info
  13045.                          flags (dir)
  13046.                            001                              002
  13047.                            003                              004
  13048.                            005                              006
  13049.                            007                              008
  13050.                            009                              010
  13051.                            011                              012
  13052.                            014                              015
  13053.                            016                              017
  13054.                            018                              019
  13055.                            020                              021
  13056.                            022                              023
  13057.                            024                              025
  13058.                            026                              027
  13059.                            028                              030
  13060.                            031                              032
  13061.                            033                              034
  13062.                            035                              036
  13063.                            037                              039
  13064.                            040                              041
  13065.                            043                              044
  13066.                            045                              046
  13067.                            047                              048
  13068.                            049                              050
  13069.                            051                              052
  13070.                            053                              054
  13071.                            055                              058
  13072.                            059                              060
  13073.                            061                              062
  13074.                            063                              064
  13075.                            065                              066
  13076.                            068                              070
  13077.                            071                              072
  13078.                            073                              074
  13079.                            075                              076
  13080.                            077                              078
  13081.                            079                              080
  13082.                            081                              082
  13083.                            084                              085
  13084.                            086                              088
  13085.                            089                              090
  13086.                            092                              093
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  13154.                            248                              249
  13155.                            250                              256
  13156.                            258                              
  13157.                          fonts (dir)
  13158.                               farawayeyes (dir)
  13159.                                 11                               13
  13160.                                 15                               9
  13161.                            farawayeyes.font                 
  13162.                          français (dir)
  13163.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13164.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13165.                            documentation                    documentation.asc
  13166.                            documentation.asc.info           documentation.info
  13167.                            historique                       historique.info
  13168.                            limitations                      limitations.info
  13169.                          iff (dir)
  13170.                            specialchars.iff                 
  13171.                          italiano (dir)
  13172.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13173.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13174.                            guido.jpg70                      guido.jpg70.info
  13175.                            leggimi                          leggimi.info
  13176.                            storia                           storia.info
  13177.                          maps (dir)
  13178.                            a.iff                            b.iff
  13179.                            c.iff                            d.iff
  13180.                            e.iff                            f.iff
  13181.                            g.iff                            h.iff
  13182.                            i.iff                            j.iff
  13183.                          nederlands (dir)
  13184.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13185.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13186.                            leesmij                          leesmij.info
  13187.                          norsk (dir)
  13188.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13189.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13190.                            lesmeg                           lesmeg.info
  13191.                          suomi (dir)
  13192.                            aw.data                          aw.org
  13193.                            aw.output                        readme
  13194.                            readme.info                      
  13195.                          svenska (dir)
  13196.                            aw.cont                          aw.data
  13197.                            aw.org                           aw.output
  13198.                            brevfrånbo                       brevfrånbo.info
  13199.                            dokumentation                    dokumentation.info
  13200.                          text (dir)
  13201.                            000                              001
  13202.                            002                              003
  13203.                            004                              005
  13204.                            006                              007
  13205.                            008                              009
  13206.                            010                              011
  13207.                            012                              013
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  13220.                            038                              039
  13221.                            040                              041
  13222.                            042                              043
  13223.                            044                              045
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  13326.                            250                              251
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  13328.                            254                              255
  13329.                            256                              257
  13330.                            258                              
  13331.                       amigaworld                       amigaworld.info
  13332.                       amigaworld516.readme             aw.coord
  13333.                       aw.lng                           dansk.info
  13334.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  13335.                       français.info                    installfont
  13336.                       installfont.info                 installhd
  13337.                       installhd.info                   italiano.info
  13338.                       nederlands.info                  norsk.info
  13339.                       readme1st                        readme1st.info
  13340.                       suomi.info                       svenska.info
  13341.                     cext (dir)
  13342.                       cext                             cext.doc
  13343.                       cext.doc.info                    cext402.readme
  13344.                     clipper (dir)
  13345.                       clipper                          clipper.guide
  13346.                       clipper.guide.info               clipper.info
  13347.                       clipper.readme                   clipviewwindow.ilbm
  13348.                       installclipper                   installclipper.info
  13349.                     clockchk (dir)
  13350.                       clockchk                         clockchk.c
  13351.                       clockchk10.readme                clockchk10.readme.info
  13352.                       file_id.diz                      scoptions
  13353.                     clockdaemon (dir)
  13354.                       clockdaemon                      clockdaemon.readme
  13355.                       dstcheck                         patch_sc.lib
  13356.                       time.lib                         timezone.doc
  13357.                       timezone.doc.info                
  13358.                     dirsize (dir)
  13359.                       dirsize                          dirsize.guide
  13360.                       dirsize.guide.info               dirsize.readme
  13361.                       dirsize.readme.info              install_dirsize
  13362.                       install_dirsize.info             
  13363.                     dstac (dir)
  13364.                       dstac                            dstac.doc
  13365.                       dstac.doc.info                   dstac.info
  13366.                       dstac12.readme                   
  13367.                     easyguide (dir)
  13368.                       easyguide                        easyguide.doc
  13369.                       easyguide.doc.info               easy_guide.readme
  13370.                     f-base (dir)
  13371.                          libs (dir)
  13372.                            diskfont.library                 
  13373.                       bbase3-->f-base                  bbase3-->f-base.info
  13374.                       exemple2                         f-base
  13375.                       f-base.info                      f-base.lang.de
  13376.                       f-base.lang.fr                   f-base.lang.uk
  13377.                       f-base1.2b.readme                f-base_english.guide
  13378.                       f-base_english.guide.info        f-base_francais.guide
  13379.                       f-base_francais.guide.info       f-bprefs
  13380.                       f-bprefs.info                    finfo
  13381.                       install_english                  install_english.info
  13382.                       install_francais                 install_francais.info
  13383.                     getsize_v1.0 (dir)
  13384.                          catalogs (dir)
  13385.                               français (dir)
  13386.                                 getsize.catalog                  
  13387.                               çatsources (dir)
  13388.                                 empty.ct                         français.ct
  13389.                                 getsize.cd                       
  13390.                            français.info                    çatsources.info
  13391.                          documents (dir)
  13392.                               français (dir)
  13393.                                 getsize.guide                    getsize.guide.info
  13394.                            français.info                    
  13395.                       bugs_report                      bugs_report.info
  13396.                       catalogs.info                    description
  13397.                       description.info                 documents.info
  13398.                       getsize                          getsize.info
  13399.                       getsize_1_0.readme               getsize_68020+
  13400.                       getsize_68020+.info              
  13401.                     loan (dir)
  13402.                          source (dir)
  13403.                            loan.c                           loan.c.info
  13404.                            loan.h                           loan.h.info
  13405.                            loanextern.c                     loanextern.c.info
  13406.                            loanextern.h                     loanextern.h.info
  13407.                            main.c                           main.c.info
  13408.                       loan                             loan.guide
  13409.                       loan.guide.info                  loan.info
  13410.                       loan.readme                      loan.readme.info
  13411.                       source.info                      
  13412.                     mcagenda4.3a (dir)
  13413.                          catalogs (dir)
  13414.                               italiano (dir)
  13415.                                 mcagenda.catalog                 
  13416.                            italiano.info                    readme
  13417.                            readme.info                      
  13418.                       catalogs.info                    mca4.3a_eng.guide
  13419.                       mca4.3a_eng.guide.info           mca4.3a_ita.guide
  13420.                       mca4.3a_ita.guide.info           mca43a.readme
  13421.                       mca43a.readme.info               mcagenda4.3a
  13422.                       mcagenda4.3a.info                
  13423.                     megacd_v1.0 (dir)
  13424.                       megacd                           megacd.guide
  13425.                       megacd.guide.info                megacdtree
  13426.                       megacdtree.info                  megacd_v1.0.readme
  13427.                     memfo (dir)
  13428.                       memfo                            memfo.guide
  13429.                       memfo.guide.info                 memfo.readme
  13430.                     mexch (dir)
  13431.                          catalogs (dir)
  13432.                               deutsch (dir)
  13433.                                 exchange.catalog                 
  13434.                          catsource (dir)
  13435.                            exchange.cd                      information
  13436.                       changes.txt                      exchange
  13437.                       exchange.guide                   exchange.guide.info
  13438.                       exchange.info                    file_id.diz
  13439.                       mexch114.readme                  
  13440.                     mui-afs-undelete (dir)
  13441.                       afsundelete.readme               install.info
  13442.                       installation-script              mui afs-undelete
  13443.                       mui afs-undelete.guide           mui afs-undelete.guide.info
  13444.                       mui afs-undelete.info            
  13445.                     number (dir)
  13446.                          lang (dir)
  13447.                            bavarian                         cantonese
  13448.                            chinese                          dutch
  13449.                            english                          esperanto
  13450.                            flemish                          french
  13451.                            gaellic                          german
  13452.                            irish                            italian
  13453.                            japanese                         malinke
  13454.                            mandarin                         pular
  13455.                            romanian                         spanish
  13456.                            susu                             vietnamese
  13457.                       makefile                         number
  13458.                       number.6                         number.c
  13459.                       number.readme                    readme
  13460.                       readme.info                      smakefile
  13461.                     rtwatch (dir)
  13462.                       realtimewatch.guide              realtimewatch.guide.info
  13463.                       realtimewatch_deutsch            realtimewatch_english
  13464.                       rtwatch.readme                   
  13465.                     sort1.62e (dir)
  13466.                          deutsch (dir)
  13467.                            installiere_sort                 installiere_sort.info
  13468.                            sort                             sort.guide
  13469.                            sort.guide.info                  
  13470.                          english (dir)
  13471.                            install_sort                     install_sort.info
  13472.                            sort                             sort.guide
  13473.                            sort.guide.info                  
  13474.                       deutsch.info                     english.info
  13475.                       sort.readme                      sort.readme.info
  13476.                       sort1_62e.readme                 
  13477.                     textview (dir)
  13478.                          getfont (dir)
  13479.                            getfont                          getfont.doc
  13480.                            getfont.doc.info                 
  13481.                       getfont.info                     textview
  13482.                       textview.doc                     textview.doc.info
  13483.                       textview.info                    
  13484.                     ultraacc (dir)
  13485.                       reqtools.library                 ultraacc.readme
  13486.                       ultraaccounts                    ultraaccounts.guide
  13487.                       ultraaccounts.guide.info         ultraaccounts.info
  13488.                       ultraaccounts.readme             ultraaccounts.readme.info
  13489.                       ultraaccounts.sig                
  13490.                     ultrapayadvice15 (dir)
  13491.                          ultrapayadv (dir)
  13492.                            payadvice                        payadvice.guide
  13493.                            payadvice.guide.info             payadvice.info
  13494.                            payadvice.readme                 payadvice.readme.info
  13495.                            payadvice.sig                    reqtools.library
  13496.                       readme.first                     readme.first.info
  13497.                       ultrapay.readme                  ultrapay15.lha
  13498.                       ultrapayadv.info                 
  13499.                     vinced (dir)
  13500.                          arexx (dir)
  13501.                            rexxsyslib.pch                   
  13502.                          c (dir)
  13503.                            setvnc                           
  13504.                          devs (dir)
  13505.                               dosdrivers (dir)
  13506.                                 newcon                           newcon.info
  13507.                                 vnc                              vnc.info
  13508.                            dosdrivers.info                  mount_newcon
  13509.                            mount_vnc                        
  13510.                          extras (dir)
  13511.                            fastfonts                        fastfonts.info
  13512.                            patchalloc                       patchram
  13513.                            spatch                           stringsnip
  13514.                            truemultiassigns                 
  13515.                          guides (dir)
  13516.                            vnc.guide                        vnc.guide.info
  13517.                          include (dir)
  13518.                            lib_readme                       vncdemo.c
  13519.                            vnc_lib.fd                       vnc_lib.i
  13520.                            vnc_stub.base.lib                vnc_stub.lib
  13521.                            vnc_stub.rr.base.lib             vnc_stub.rr.lib
  13522.                          install (dir)
  13523.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  13524.                            install_vnc                      
  13525.                          libs (dir)
  13526.                            vnc.library                      
  13527.                          locale (dir)
  13528.                               catalogs (dir)
  13529.                                    deutsch (dir)
  13530.                                         vnc (dir)
  13531.                                           vnc.prefs.catalog                vnc.sys.catalog
  13532.                          prefs (dir)
  13533.                               env-archive (dir)
  13534.                                    sys (dir)
  13535.                                      vnc-configuration                vnc-configuration.info
  13536.                            setvnc.info                      
  13537.                          s (dir)
  13538.                            bg                               fg
  13539.                            fork                             installvnc
  13540.                            more                             setfont
  13541.                            setkeyboard                      
  13542.                       arexx.info                       c.info
  13543.                       devs.info                        disk.info
  13544.                       extras.info                      guides.info
  13545.                       include.info                     install.info
  13546.                       libs.info                        prefs.info
  13547.                       readme                           readme.info
  13548.                       s.info                           shell.info
  13549.                       shell_vnc.info                   vinced.readme
  13550.                  amibroker192e.info               amigadatabase.info
  13551.                  amigaworld.info                  cext.info
  13552.                  clipper.info                     clockchk.info
  13553.                  clockdaemon.info                 dirsize.info
  13554.                  dstac.info                       easyguide.info
  13555.                  f-base.info                      getsize_v1.0.info
  13556.                  loan.info                        mcagenda4.3a.info
  13557.                  megacd_v1.0.info                 memfo.info
  13558.                  mui-afs-undelete.info            number.info
  13559.                  rtwatch.info                     sort1.62e.info
  13560.                  textview.info                    ultraacc.info
  13561.                  ultrapayadvice15.info            vinced.info
  13562.                music (dir)
  13563.                     8_to_16 (dir)
  13564.                          samples (dir)
  13565.                            basswave.sample                  readme
  13566.                          sources (dir)
  13567.                            8to16.asm                        dos.i
  13568.                            exec.i                           phxmacros.i
  13569.                       8to16                            8to16.readme
  13570.                       8to16_11.guide                   8to16_11.guide.info
  13571.                       samples.info                     sources.info
  13572.                     med2xm (dir)
  13573.                       med2xm                           med2xm.readme
  13574.                       med2xm.readme.info               
  13575.                     metronome (dir)
  13576.                          catalogs (dir)
  13577.                               nederlands (dir)
  13578.                                 metronome.catalog                metronome.ct
  13579.                            metronome.cd                     metronome_empty.ct
  13580.                       catalogs.info                    metronome
  13581.                       metronome.doc                    metronome.doc.info
  13582.                       metronome.e                      metronome.e.info
  13583.                       metronome.info                   metronome.readme
  13584.                       metronome.readme.info            metronome.snd
  13585.                       metronome.snd.info               metronome_locale.m
  13586.                       tempo_namen.nl_                  tempo_namen.nl_.info
  13587.                     superplay-lib_dev (dir)
  13588.                          programmers (dir)
  13589.                               autodocs (dir)
  13590.                                 spobject_ref_eng                 spobject_ref_eng.doc
  13591.                                 spobject_ref_eng.doc.info        spobject_ref_eng.info
  13592.                                 superplay_ref_eng                superplay_ref_eng.doc
  13593.                                 superplay_ref_eng.doc.info       superplay_ref_eng.info
  13594.                                 superplay_ref_ger                superplay_ref_ger.doc
  13595.                                 superplay_ref_ger.doc.info       superplay_ref_ger.info
  13596.                               example_spobjects (dir)
  13597.                                    spo (dir)
  13598.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  13599.                                      smakefile.wth                    spo.h
  13600.                                      spo.spobject                     spo.spobject.info
  13601.                                      spobject.h                       spobjectbase.h
  13602.                                      spobject_api.h                   sp_changesubs.c
  13603.                                      sp_changesubs.o                  sp_infosubs.c
  13604.                                      sp_infosubs.o                    sp_playsubs.c
  13605.                                      sp_playsubs.o                    sp_recogsubs.c
  13606.                                      sp_recogsubs.o                   sp_samplelistsubs.c
  13607.                                      sp_samplelistsubs.h              sp_samplelistsubs.o
  13608.                                      sp_samplesubs.c                  sp_samplesubs.o
  13609.                                      sp_startup.c                     sp_startup.o
  13610.                                      sp_supervisor.c                  sp_supervisor.o
  13611.                                      sp_writesubs.c                   sp_writesubs.o
  13612.                                    st (dir)
  13613.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  13614.                                      smakefile.wth                    spobject.h
  13615.                                      spobjectbase.h                   spobject_api.h
  13616.                                      sp_changesubs.c                  sp_changesubs.o
  13617.                                      sp_infosubs.c                    sp_infosubs.o
  13618.                                      sp_player.a                      sp_player.o
  13619.                                      sp_playsubs.c                    sp_playsubs.o
  13620.                                      sp_recogsubs.c                   sp_recogsubs.o
  13621.                                      sp_samplelistsubs.c              sp_samplelistsubs.h
  13622.                                      sp_samplelistsubs.o              sp_samplesubs.c
  13623.                                      sp_samplesubs.o                  sp_startup.c
  13624.                                      sp_startup.o                     sp_supervisor.c
  13625.                                      sp_supervisor.o                  sp_writesubs.c
  13626.                                      sp_writesubs.o                   st.h
  13627.                                      st.spobject                      st.spobject.info
  13628.                                 spo.info                         st.info
  13629.                               example_tools (dir)
  13630.                                    listspos (dir)
  13631.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  13632.                                      listspos                         listspos.c
  13633.                                      listspos.info                    listspos.o
  13634.                                      listspos_subs.c                  listspos_subs.o
  13635.                                      scoptions                        smakefile
  13636.                                    samplelistdemo (dir)
  13637.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  13638.                                      scoptions                        sld
  13639.                                      sld.c                            sld.o
  13640.                                      sld_subs.c                       sld_subs.o
  13641.                                      smakefile                        
  13642.                                    samplelistplay (dir)
  13643.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  13644.                                      scoptions                        slp
  13645.                                      slp.c                            slp.o
  13646.                                      slp_subs.c                       slp_subs.o
  13647.                                      smakefile                        
  13648.                                    simpleplay (dir)
  13649.                                      asmsupport.a                     asmsupport.o
  13650.                                      scoptions                        simpleplay
  13651.                                      simpleplay.c                     simpleplay.info
  13652.                                      simpleplay.o                     simpleplay_subs.c
  13653.                                      simpleplay_subs.o                smakefile
  13654.                                 listspos.info                    samplelistdemo.info
  13655.                                 samplelistplay.info              simpleplay.info
  13656.                               fd (dir)
  13657.                                 fd-info                          fd-info.info
  13658.                                 spobjects.fd                     superplay.fd
  13659.                               include (dir)
  13660.                                    clib (dir)
  13661.                                      spobjects_protos.h               superplay_protos.h
  13662.                                    pragmas (dir)
  13663.                                      spobjects_pragmas.h              superplay_pragmas.h
  13664.                                    proto (dir)
  13665.                                      spobjects.h                      superplay.h
  13666.                                    spobjects (dir)
  13667.                                      spobjectbase.h                   spobjects.h
  13668.                                    superplay (dir)
  13669.                                      superplay.h                      superplaybase.h
  13670.                               oberon-2 (dir)
  13671.                                    example_tools (dir)
  13672.                                      listspos                         listspos.info
  13673.                                      listspos.mod                     listspos.mod.info
  13674.                                      samplelistdemo                   samplelistdemo.info
  13675.                                      samplelistdemo.mod               samplelistdemo.mod.info
  13676.                                      samplelistplay                   samplelistplay.info
  13677.                                      samplelistplay.mod               samplelistplay.mod.info
  13678.                                      simpleplay                       simpleplay-stop.info
  13679.                                      simpleplay.info                  simpleplay.mod
  13680.                                      simpleplay.mod.info              
  13681.                                    interfaces (dir)
  13682.                                      spobjects.mod                    spobjects.mod.info
  13683.                                      superplay.mod                    superplay.mod.info
  13684.                                 example_tools.info               interfaces.info
  13685.                                 readme.txt                       readme.txt.info
  13686.                                 superplay-interfaces             superplay-interfaces.info
  13687.                            autodocs.info                    example_spobjects.info
  13688.                            example_tools.info               fd.info
  13689.                            include.info                     oberon-2.info
  13690.                       programmers.info                 splibdev.readme
  13691.                       splibdev.readme.info             
  13692.                     superplay-lib_usr (dir)
  13693.                          docs (dir)
  13694.                            liesmich.doc                     liesmich.doc.info
  13695.                            superplay-library.guide          superplay-library.guide.info
  13696.                          libs (dir)
  13697.                               spobjects (dir)
  13698.                                 8svx.spobject                    jam.spobject
  13699.                                 med.spobject                     sounddt.spobject
  13700.                                 spo.spobject                     st.spobject
  13701.                                 voc.spobject                     wav.spobject
  13702.                            superplay.library                
  13703.                          superplay (dir)
  13704.                            scoptions                        smakefile
  13705.                            smakefile.wth                    sp_spolistsubs.c
  13706.                            sp_spolistsubs.h                 sp_spolistsubs.o
  13707.                            superplay                        superplay.c
  13708.                            superplay.doc                    superplay.doc.info
  13709.                            superplay.h                      superplay.info
  13710.                            superplay.o                      superplay_main.c
  13711.                            superplay_main.des               superplay_main.h
  13712.                            superplay_main.o                 
  13713.                       docs.info                        install_splib
  13714.                       install_splib.info               libs.info
  13715.                       splibusr.readme                  splibusr.readme.info
  13716.                       superplay.info                   
  13717.                     ww-moduleplayer (dir)
  13718.                          libs (dir)
  13719.                            amos.library                     medplayer.library
  13720.                          s (dir)
  13721.                            startup-sequence                 
  13722.                          ww-moduleplayer (dir)
  13723.                            moduleplayer1,9.guide            moduleplayer1,9.guide.info
  13724.                            ww-moduleplayer 1.9              ww-moduleplayer 1.9.info
  13725.                       libs.info                        s.info
  13726.                       ww-moduleplayer.info             
  13727.                  8_to_16.info                     metronome.info
  13728.                  superplay-lib_dev.info           superplay-lib_usr.info
  13729.                  ww-moduleplayer.info             
  13730.                programming (dir)
  13731.                     amos_lists (dir)
  13732.                       amos.faq                         amos.faq.info
  13733.                       amosannounce                     amosannounce.info
  13734.                       amoslist                         amoslist-0197.readme
  13735.                       amoslist-0197.readme.info        amoslist.info
  13736.                     blitzguigen (dir)
  13737.                          blitzlibs (dir)
  13738.                               userlibs (dir)
  13739.                                 rigtmenulib.obj                  
  13740.                            userlibs.info                    
  13741.                       blitzguigen                      blitzguigen.guide
  13742.                       blitzguigen.guide.info           blitzguigen.info
  13743.                       blitzguigen17a.readme            installblitzguigen
  13744.                       installblitzguigen.info          install_rigtmenulib.readm
  13745.                       install_rigtmenulib.readm.info   rigtmenuslib.doc
  13746.                       rigtmenuslib.doc.info            
  13747.                     c_dt (dir)
  13748.                          classes (dir)
  13749.                               datatypes (dir)
  13750.                                 samplepnm.datatype               
  13751.                          devs (dir)
  13752.                               datatypes (dir)
  13753.                                 pgm                              pgm.info
  13754.                                 ppm                              ppm.info
  13755.                          dt_source (dir)
  13756.                               include (dir)
  13757.                                    class (dir)
  13758.                                      classbase.h                      
  13759.                            compilenote.readme               compilenote.readme.info
  13760.                            libfuncs.c                       libfuncs.h
  13761.                            libfuncs.o                       libinit.c
  13762.                            libinit.o                        samplepnm.datatype
  13763.                            samplepnm.datatype.info          scoptions
  13764.                            smakefile                        smakefile.wth
  13765.                            startup.c                        startup.o
  13766.                       c_v43-dt.readme                  dt_source.info
  13767.                       readme                           readme.info
  13768.                     c_lib (dir)
  13769.                          bin (dir)
  13770.                            testexamplelib                   testexamplelib.info
  13771.                          libs (dir)
  13772.                            example.library                  
  13773.                          source (dir)
  13774.                               fd (dir)
  13775.                                 example.fd                       
  13776.                               include (dir)
  13777.                                    clib (dir)
  13778.                                      example_protos.h                 
  13779.                                    example (dir)
  13780.                                      example.h                        examplebase.h
  13781.                                    pragma (dir)
  13782.                                      example_lib.h                    
  13783.                                    pragmas (dir)
  13784.                                      example_pragmas.h                
  13785.                                    proto (dir)
  13786.                                      example.h                        
  13787.                               lib_source (dir)
  13788.                                 compiler.h                       example.library
  13789.                                 libinit.c                        libinit.o
  13790.                                 makefile.maxon                   makefile.maxon.info
  13791.                                 make_storm.bat                   mcpp.session
  13792.                                 samplefuncs.c                    samplefuncs.h
  13793.                                 samplefuncs.o                    scoptions
  13794.                                 smakefile                        smakefile.wth
  13795.                                 startup.c                        startup.o
  13796.                                 storm_project.¶                  storm_project.¶.info
  13797.                                 storm_smakefile                  
  13798.                               test_prg (dir)
  13799.                                 scoptions                        smakefile
  13800.                                 testexamplelib                   testexamplelib.c
  13801.                                 testexamplelib.info              testexamplelib.o
  13802.                            lib_source.info                  
  13803.                       bin.info                         clib37x.readme
  13804.                       readme.maxon                     readme.sas
  13805.                       readme.storm                     readme_first
  13806.                       source.info                      
  13807.                     c_z80 (dir)
  13808.                          sources (dir)
  13809.                            c_z1.c                           c_z2.c
  13810.                            c_z3.c                           c_z80.c
  13811.                            c_z80.h                          c_z80.make
  13812.                            c_zf.c                           l_z1.c
  13813.                            l_z80.c                          l_z80.h
  13814.                            l_z80.make                       
  13815.                       asmtut                           c_z80
  13816.                       c_z80.readme                     c_z80.readme.info
  13817.                       l_z80                            manuale.doc
  13818.                       zlink                            
  13819.                     mcc_busy (dir)
  13820.                          demos (dir)
  13821.                            busy-demo                        busy-demo.info
  13822.                          developer (dir)
  13823.                               amiga-e (dir)
  13824.                                    modules (dir)
  13825.                                         mui (dir)
  13826.                                           busy_mcc.e                       
  13827.                                    source (dir)
  13828.                                      show_busy.e                      
  13829.                               autodocs (dir)
  13830.                                 mcc_busy.doc                     
  13831.                               c (dir)
  13832.                                    examples (dir)
  13833.                                         mui (dir)
  13834.                                           busy_mcc.h                       
  13835.                                         rev (dir)
  13836.                                           busy-demo.rev                    
  13837.                                      busy-demo.c                      smakefile
  13838.                                    include (dir)
  13839.                                         mui (dir)
  13840.                                           busy_mcc.h                       
  13841.                               modula (dir)
  13842.                                    txt (dir)
  13843.                                      mccbusy.def                      mccbusy.mod
  13844.                               oberon (dir)
  13845.                                    source (dir)
  13846.                                      busydemo.mod                     
  13847.                                    txt (dir)
  13848.                                      mccbusy.mod                      
  13849.                          docs (dir)
  13850.                               deutsch (dir)
  13851.                                 busy.mcc.doc                     busy.mcc.doc.info
  13852.                                 busy.mcc.guide                   busy.mcc.guide.info
  13853.                               english (dir)
  13854.                                 busy.mcc.doc                     busy.mcc.doc.info
  13855.                                 busy.mcc.guide                   busy.mcc.guide.info
  13856.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  13857.                          libs (dir)
  13858.                               mui (dir)
  13859.                                 busy.mcc                         busy.mcp
  13860.                       demos.info                       docs.info
  13861.                       mcc_busy-install                 mcc_busy-install.info
  13862.                       mcc_busy2_3.readme               mcc_busy2_3.readme.info
  13863.                       mcc_busy2_3.version              
  13864.                     moos (dir)
  13865.                          arexx (dir)
  13866.                               dos (dir)
  13867.                                 addbuffers                       filenote
  13868.                                 makedir                          protect
  13869.                                 relabel                          
  13870.                            rexx_dos.rexx                    rexx_exec.rexx
  13871.                            rexx_stem.rexx                   
  13872.                          docs (dir)
  13873.                               english (dir)
  13874.                                 moos_dos                         moos_dos.doc
  13875.                                 moos_dos.doc.info                moos_dos.info
  13876.                                 rexx_dos                         rexx_dos.doc
  13877.                                 rexx_dos.doc.info                rexx_dos.guide
  13878.                                 rexx_dos.info                    rexx_exec.doc
  13879.                                 rexx_exec.guide                  rexx_stem
  13880.                                 rexx_stem.doc                    rexx_stem.doc.info
  13881.                                 rexx_stem.guide                  rexx_stem.info
  13882.                               italiano (dir)
  13883.                                 moos_dos                         moos_dos.doc
  13884.                                 moos_dos.doc.info                moos_dos.info
  13885.                            afd-copyright                    afd-copyright.info
  13886.                            afd-copyright.it                 afd-copyright.it.info
  13887.                            afd-readme                       afd-readme.info
  13888.                            english.info                     italiano.info
  13889.                          libs (dir)
  13890.                            rexxmoos.library                 rexx_dos.library
  13891.                            rexx_exec.library                rexx_stem.library
  13892.                       arexx.info                       docs.info
  13893.                       install                          install.info
  13894.                       libs.info                        moos100.readme
  13895.                       moos100.readme.info              
  13896.                     vr_taps (dir)
  13897.                       amiga.pic                        amiga.pic.password
  13898.                       coded                            taps.guide
  13899.                       taps.guide.info                  uncode_proc.amos
  13900.                       vr-taps                          vr-taps.info
  13901.                       vr_tapsv1_1.readme               
  13902.                  amos_lists.info                  blitzguigen.info
  13903.                  c_dt.info                        c_lib.info
  13904.                  c_z80.info                       mcc_busy.info
  13905.                  moos.info                        vr_taps.info
  13906.                program_patches (dir)
  13907.                     deliplaymodule (dir)
  13908.                          ato (dir)
  13909.                               deutsch (dir)
  13910.                                 deliplay.ct                      
  13911.                               suomi (dir)
  13912.                                    catalogs (dir)
  13913.                                      delitracker.catalog              delitracker.catalog.info
  13914.                                 catalogs.info                    deliplay.cd
  13915.                            deliplay.cd                      suomi.info
  13916.                          docs (dir)
  13917.                               deutsch (dir)
  13918.                                    catalogs (dir)
  13919.                                      deliplay.catalog                 
  13920.                                 deliplay.guide                   deliplay.guide.info
  13921.                               english (dir)
  13922.                                 deliplay.guide                   deliplay.guide.info
  13923.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  13924.                          dopus5 (dir)
  13925.                               modules (dir)
  13926.                                 deliplay.module                  
  13927.                               settings (dir)
  13928.                                 dt.cfg                           dt.cfg.info
  13929.                          filetypes (dir)
  13930.                            module-facethemusic              module-futurecomposer
  13931.                            module-oktalyzer                 module-oktamed
  13932.                            module-p60                       module-promizer
  13933.                            module-propacker                 module-protracker
  13934.                            module-ps3m                      module-sidmon
  13935.                            module-soundmon                  module-unictracker
  13936.                       ato.info                         deliplay1.1.readme
  13937.                       docs.info                        dopus5.info
  13938.                       module-install                   module-install.info
  13939.                     newreqlibs (dir)
  13940.                          libs (dir)
  13941.                            asl.library                      req.library
  13942.                       newreqlibs.doc                   newreqlibs.doc.info
  13943.                       newreqlibs17.readme              trtpatch
  13944.                       trtpatch.info                    
  13945.                     pal_adjust (dir)
  13946.                       pal_adjust                       pal_adjust.english
  13947.                       pal_adjust.guide                 pal_adjust.guide.info
  13948.                       pal_adjust.readme                
  13949.                  deliplaymodule.info              newreqlibs.info
  13950.                  pal_adjust.info                  
  13951.                virus (dir)
  13952.                     virusworkshop (dir)
  13953.                          arexx (dir)
  13954.                            error.rexx                       lhafile.rexx
  13955.                            sfile.rexx                       
  13956.                          c (dir)
  13957.                            ppguide                          
  13958.                          documents (dir)
  13959.                            dhunk.guide                      dhunk.guide.info
  13960.                            dhunk.guide.sig                  dhunk_dansk.guide
  13961.                            dhunk_dansk.guide.info           dhunk_dansk.guide.sig
  13962.                            elrm.guide                       elrm.guide.info
  13963.                            elrm.guide.sig                   elrm_dansk.guide
  13964.                            elrm_dansk.guide.info            elrm_dansk.guide.sig
  13965.                            heuristik.guide                  heuristik.guide.info
  13966.                            heuristik_dansk.guide            heuristik_dansk.guide.info
  13967.                            lhacheck.guide                   lhacheck.guide.info
  13968.                            newvirus.guide                   newvirus.guide.info
  13969.                            newvirus.guide.sig               pref-edit.guide
  13970.                            pref-edit.guide.info             pref-edit.guide.sig
  13971.                            starterproblems.guide            starterproblems.guide.info
  13972.                            starterproblems.guide.sig        virusworkshop.guide
  13973.                            virusworkshop.guide.info         virusworkshop.guide.sig
  13974.                            virusworkshop_dansk.guide        virusworkshop_dansk.guide.info
  13975.                            virusworkshop_dansk.guide.sig    vw-save!.guide
  13976.                            vw-save!.guide.info              vw-save!.guide.sig
  13977.                            vw-save!_dansk.guide             vw-save!_dansk.guide.info
  13978.                            vw-save!_dansk.guide.sig         vw-viruses.guide
  13979.                            vw-viruses.guide.info            vw-viruses.guide.sig
  13980.                            vwmemmon.guide                   vwmemmon.guide.info
  13981.                            vwmemmon.guide.sig               
  13982.                          libs (dir)
  13983.                            fileid.library                   fileid.library.sig
  13984.                            powerpacker.library              reqtools.library
  13985.                            reqtools.library.sig             xfdmaster.library
  13986.                            xfdmaster.library.sig            
  13987.                          locale (dir)
  13988.                               catalogs (dir)
  13989.                                    dansk (dir)
  13990.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  13991.                                    deutsch (dir)
  13992.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  13993.                                    espanol (dir)
  13994.                                      vw.catalog                       
  13995.                                    français (dir)
  13996.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  13997.                                    italian (dir)
  13998.                                      vw-save!.catalog                 vw.catalog
  13999.                                    nederlands (dir)
  14000.                                      vw.catalog                       
  14001.                                    svenska (dir)
  14002.                                      vw.catalog                       vw.cd
  14003.                                      vwsvenska.ct                     
  14004.                            make                             make.sig
  14005.                            vw-save!.cd                      vw-save!.cd.sig
  14006.                            vw-save!.ct                      vw-save!.ct.sig
  14007.                            vw-save!_i.ct                    vwdescription
  14008.                            vwdescription.sig                vwdescription.spanish
  14009.                            vwtranslation_german             vwtranslation_nederlands
  14010.                            vwtranslation_portuguese         vw_i.ct
  14011.                          magicwb (dir)
  14012.                            dostouch.guide.info              pref-edit.guide.info
  14013.                            pref-edit.info                   virusworkshop(drawer).info
  14014.                            virusworkshop.guide.info         virusworkshop.info
  14015.                            virusworkshop.news.info          vwmemmon.guide.info
  14016.                            vw_drawer.info                   
  14017.                          s (dir)
  14018.                            startup-sequence                 
  14019.                          tools (dir)
  14020.                            dhunk                            dhunk.sig
  14021.                            elrm                             elrm.sig
  14022.                            vw-save!                         vw-save!.info
  14023.                            vw-save!.sig                     
  14024.                       documents.info                   file_id.diz
  14025.                       install virusworkshop            install virusworkshop.info
  14026.                       magicwb.readme                   magicwb.readme.sig
  14027.                       preferences                      preferences.info
  14028.                       trsivw64.readme                  virusworkshop
  14029.                       virusworkshop.info               virusworkshop.news
  14030.                       virusworkshop.news.info          virusworkshop.news.sig
  14031.                       virusworkshop.sig                vw.prefs
  14032.                       vw.prefs.readme                  vw.prefs.readme.sig
  14033.                     virusz (dir)
  14034.                          arexx (dir)
  14035.                            checkarc.vzrx                    checkdir.vzrx
  14036.                            checkfile.vzrx                   
  14037.                          envarc (dir)
  14038.                            virusz_ii.archivers              
  14039.                          libs (dir)
  14040.                               xfd (dir)
  14041.                                 xfdmaster.library                
  14042.                            reqtools.library                 
  14043.                          scripts (dir)
  14044.                            virusz_ii.zoo_script             
  14045.                       ansi.armyshop                    ansi.virushelp_dk
  14046.                       install libs                     install libs.info
  14047.                       install.script                   virusz
  14048.                       virusz.history                   virusz.history.info
  14049.                       virusz.info                      virusz_deutsch.guide
  14050.                       virusz_deutsch.guide.info        virusz_english.guide
  14051.                       virusz_english.guide.info        virusz_i.readme
  14052.                  virusworkshop.info               virusz.info
  14053.                workbench (dir)
  14054.                     3dstars (dir)
  14055.                       3dstars.readme                   bb.3dstars.68000ffp
  14056.                       bb.3dstars.68020fpu              bb.3dstars.68040
  14057.                       bb.3dstars.c                     bb.3dstars.readme
  14058.                       bb.3dstars.readme.info           
  14059.                     abackup (dir)
  14060.                          abackup (dir)
  14061.                               catalogs (dir)
  14062.                                    deutsch (dir)
  14063.                                      abackup.catalog                  
  14064.                                    français (dir)
  14065.                                      abackup.catalog                  
  14066.                                    italiano (dir)
  14067.                                      abackup.catalog                  
  14068.                                 abackup.cd                       empty.ct
  14069.                               docs (dir)
  14070.                                    english (dir)
  14071.                                      abackup.guide                    abackup.guide.info
  14072.                                    français (dir)
  14073.                                      abackup.guide                    abackup.guide.info
  14074.                                    italiano (dir)
  14075.                                      abackup.guide                    abackup.guide.info
  14076.                                 english.info                     français.info
  14077.                                 italiano.info                    
  14078.                            abackup                          abackup.info
  14079.                            catalogs.info                    docs.info
  14080.                          c (dir)
  14081.                            installer                        
  14082.                          install (dir)
  14083.                            deutsch.info                     english.info
  14084.                            français.info                    install_abackup
  14085.                            italiano.info                    
  14086.                          libs (dir)
  14087.                               compressors (dir)
  14088.                                 xpkblzw.library                  xpkcbr0.library
  14089.                                 xpkdlta.library                  xpkfast.library
  14090.                                 xpkfeal.library                  xpkhfmn.library
  14091.                                 xpkhuff.library                  xpkidea.library
  14092.                                 xpkimpl.library                  xpkmash.library
  14093.                                 xpknuke.library                  xpkrake.library
  14094.                                 xpkrdcn.library                  xpkrlen.library
  14095.                                 xpkshri.library                  xpksmpl.library
  14096.                                 xpksqsh.library                  
  14097.                            xpkmaster.library                
  14098.                          prefs (dir)
  14099.                               catalogs (dir)
  14100.                                    deutsch (dir)
  14101.                                      abackupprefs.catalog             
  14102.                                    français (dir)
  14103.                                      abackupprefs.catalog             
  14104.                                    italiano (dir)
  14105.                                      abackupprefs.catalog             
  14106.                                 abprefs.cd                       empty.ct
  14107.                               docs (dir)
  14108.                                    english (dir)
  14109.                                      abackupprefs.guide               abackupprefs.guide.info
  14110.                                    français (dir)
  14111.                                      abackupprefs.guide               abackupprefs.guide.info
  14112.                                    italiano (dir)
  14113.                                      abackupprefs.guide               abackupprefs.guide.info
  14114.                                 english.info                     français.info
  14115.                                 italiano.info                    
  14116.                            abackup                          abackup.info
  14117.                            catalogs.info                    docs.info
  14118.                          readme (dir)
  14119.                            bbs                              bbs.info
  14120.                            formulaireenregistrement         formulaireenregistrement.info
  14121.                            icons                            icons.info
  14122.                            lisezmoi                         lisezmoi.info
  14123.                            readme                           readme.info
  14124.                            registrationform                 registrationform.info
  14125.                            registrierformular               registrierformular.info
  14126.                       abackup.info                     abackup511.readme
  14127.                       install.info                     libs.info
  14128.                       prefs.info                       readme.info
  14129.                     afilofaxpro26b (dir)
  14130.                          gadgets (dir)
  14131.                            textfield.gadget                 
  14132.                          libs (dir)
  14133.                            reqtools.library                 
  14134.                          pics (dir)
  14135.                            afc                              ges
  14136.                            intervalle                       kzt
  14137.                            notebook                         prefs
  14138.                            req                              reset
  14139.                            stat                             statistik
  14140.                            termine                          
  14141.                          samples (dir)
  14142.                            bark.iff                         bark2.iff
  14143.                            clock.iff                        clock2.iff
  14144.                            doorbell.iff                     gockel.iff
  14145.                            startrek_boatswai.iff            
  14146.                       afilocron                        afilocron.info
  14147.                       afilofax                         afilofax.info
  14148.                       afilofaxp26.readme               anleitung.guide
  14149.                       anleitung.guide.info             installer-skript
  14150.                       install_deutsch.info             liesmich
  14151.                       liesmich.info                    readme
  14152.                       readme.info                      regitool
  14153.                       regitool.info                    samples.info
  14154.                     dockit (dir)
  14155.                          dock (dir)
  14156.                            arq                              assign
  14157.                            audiosample                      blank
  14158.                            blitz                            builder
  14159.                            cachefont                        calc
  14160.                            cd0                              cgupdate
  14161.                            clipmap                          cmd
  14162.                            coladjust                        comm
  14163.                            copy                             cprefs
  14164.                            cuseeme                          dbb
  14165.                            delete                           df2
  14166.                            diagnose                         dial
  14167.                            diskinfo                         disklogger
  14168.                            disksalv                         dms
  14169.                            dmswb                            dmusic
  14170.                            docs                             dpaint
  14171.                            dw                               edword
  14172.                            exchange                         fcopy
  14173.                            filelist                         findfile
  14174.                            fish                             fixfont
  14175.                            fkey                             flick
  14176.                            flush                            font
  14177.                            fontedit                         fontmake
  14178.                            ftp                              gadreport
  14179.                            gassign                          gfxcon
  14180.                            grabiff                          gui
  14181.                            hdoff                            hexedit
  14182.                            iconed                           icontrol
  14183.                            ifx                              init
  14184.                            input                            intellifont
  14185.                            irc                              l+p
  14186.                            lha                              libs
  14187.                            magnify                          mail
  14188.                            map                              mdir
  14189.                            midi                             miniclock
  14190.                            modplay                          mouseblank
  14191.                            move                             mpeg
  14192.                            mss                              mui
  14193.                            multiview                        news
  14194.                            newshell                         octamed
  14195.                            overscan                         palette
  14196.                            pc                               pdraw
  14197.                            picview                          pointer
  14198.                            pos                              pp3
  14199.                            ppage                            ppmore
  14200.                            print                            printdeck
  14201.                            printgfx                         protext
  14202.                            rad                              redial
  14203.                            reset                            rxports
  14204.                            schematicad                      scope
  14205.                            screenmode                       snoopdos
  14206.                            sound                            speak
  14207.                            spreadsheet                      srm
  14208.                            stopmidi                         stoptask
  14209.                            sysinfo                          tapavi
  14210.                            term                             time
  14211.                            toolalias                        trace
  14212.                            version                          vidiamiga
  14213.                            visage                           vt
  14214.                            wbpatt                           wipet
  14215.                            www                              
  14216.                          docs (dir)
  14217.                            dock-it.txt                      dock-it.txt.info
  14218.                          temp (dir)
  14219.                            dock-it                          
  14220.                       dock.cfg                         dock.info
  14221.                       dockit37.readme                  dockit37.readme.info
  14222.                       docs.info                        temp.info
  14223.                     highgfx (dir)
  14224.                          testgfx (dir)
  14225.                            pic1.iff                         pic1.iff.info
  14226.                            pic2.iff                         suicide.iff
  14227.                       highgfx                          highgfx.guide
  14228.                       highgfx.guide.info               highgfx.info
  14229.                       highgfx.modes                    install.bat
  14230.                       newhighgfx.readme                resync
  14231.                       resync.info                      testgfx.info
  14232.                     mblank (dir)
  14233.                       dimmer.blm                       dimmer.blm.asm
  14234.                       dimmer.blm.guide                 dimmer.blm.info
  14235.                       forces.blm                       forces.blm.guide
  14236.                       forces.blm.info                  mblank.exe
  14237.                       mblank.exe.info                  mblank.guide
  14238.                       mblank.guide.info                mblank.install
  14239.                       mblank.install.info              mblank.prefs
  14240.                       mblank.readme                    module.i
  14241.                     mcxp323 (dir)
  14242.                          cat (dir)
  14243.                            mcxp.cd                          mcxp.ct_deutsch
  14244.                            mcxp.ct_español                  
  14245.                          l (dir)
  14246.                            wbstart-handler                  
  14247.                          libs (dir)
  14248.                            dospath.library                  wbstart.library
  14249.                          locale (dir)
  14250.                            deutsch.catalog                  español.catalog
  14251.                       file_id.diz                      install_mui_mcx_prefs
  14252.                       install_mui_mcx_prefs.info       mcxp.guide
  14253.                       mcxp.guide.info                  mcxp323.readme
  14254.                       mcxp_deutsch.guide               mcxp_deutsch.guide.info
  14255.                       mcxp_español.guide               mcxp_español.guide.info
  14256.                       mui_mcx_prefs                    mui_mcx_prefs.info
  14257.                       readme.mui                       readme.mui.info
  14258.                     mui-icontrol (dir)
  14259.                          bin (dir)
  14260.                            mui-icontrol_68000               mui-icontrol_68000.info
  14261.                            mui-icontrol_68020               mui-icontrol_68020.info
  14262.                            mui-icontrol_68030               mui-icontrol_68030.info
  14263.                            mui-icontrol_68040               mui-icontrol_68040.info
  14264.                          catalogs (dir)
  14265.                               nederlands (dir)
  14266.                                 mui-icontrol.catalog             
  14267.                            mui-icontrol.cd                  
  14268.                          doc (dir)
  14269.                            mui-icontrol.guide               mui-icontrol.guide.info
  14270.                          icons (dir)
  14271.                            def_pref.info                    
  14272.                       bin.info                         doc.info
  14273.                       install                          install.info
  14274.                       mui-icontrol.readme              mui-icontrol.readme.info
  14275.                     reboot (dir)
  14276.                          c (dir)
  14277.                            reset                            
  14278.                          iconz (dir)
  14279.                            reboot.info                      rebot2.info
  14280.                            untitled.info                    
  14281.                       iconz.info                       install
  14282.                       install.info                     note!
  14283.                       reboot                           reboot.info
  14284.                       reboot.readme                    reboot.readme.info
  14285.                     startupselector1.2 (dir)
  14286.                          source (dir)
  14287.                            startupselector.e                
  14288.                       startupselector                  startupselector-fr.doc
  14289.                       startupselector-fr.doc.info      startupselector-fr.guide
  14290.                       startupselector-fr.guide.info    startupselector-uk.doc
  14291.                       startupselector-uk.doc.info      startupselector.info
  14292.                       startupselector.readme           
  14293.                     wbstartup+v2.8 (dir)
  14294.                          icons (dir)
  14295.                            disabled_icon.info               enabled_icon.info
  14296.                          libs (dir)
  14297.                            dospath.library                  launcher.library
  14298.                            wbstart.library                  
  14299.                          locale (dir)
  14300.                            dansk.catalog                    deutsch.catalog
  14301.                            español.catalog                  français.catalog
  14302.                            italiano.catalog                 magyar.catalog
  14303.                            mylanguage.ct                    mylanguage.ct.info
  14304.                            norsk.catalog                    russian.catalog
  14305.                            suomi.catalog                    svenska.catalog
  14306.                            wbstartupplusprefs.cd            wbstartupplusprefs.cd.info
  14307.                          os2.x (dir)
  14308.                            wbstartup+                       wbstartup+.info
  14309.                          os3.x (dir)
  14310.                            wbstartup+                       wbstartup+.info
  14311.                            wbstartup+prefs                  wbstartup+prefs.info
  14312.                          source (dir)
  14313.                               wbstartup+os2.x (dir)
  14314.                                 build.info                       debug
  14315.                                 debug.info                       edit.info
  14316.                                 find.info                        progresswindow.c
  14317.                                 progresswindow.c.info            progresswindow.h
  14318.                                 progresswindow.h.info            readkeyboard.c
  14319.                                 readkeyboard.c.info              readkeyboard.h
  14320.                                 readkeyboard.h.info              scoptions
  14321.                                 scoptions.info                   wbstartup+.c
  14322.                                 wbstartup+.c.info                wbstartup+.h
  14323.                                 wbstartup+.h.info                wbstartup+.lnk
  14324.                               wbstartup+os3.x (dir)
  14325.                                 build.info                       debug
  14326.                                 debug.info                       edit.info
  14327.                                 find.info                        progresswindow.c
  14328.                                 progresswindow.c.info            progresswindow.h
  14329.                                 progresswindow.h.info            readkeyboard.c
  14330.                                 readkeyboard.c.info              readkeyboard.h
  14331.                                 readkeyboard.h.info              scoptions
  14332.                                 scoptions.info                   wbstartup+.c
  14333.                                 wbstartup+.c.info                wbstartup+.h
  14334.                                 wbstartup+.h.info                wbstartup+.lnk
  14335.                               wbstartup+prefs (dir)
  14336.                                    catalogs (dir)
  14337.                                      2nd_russian.ct                   dansk.ct
  14338.                                      deutsch.ct                       español.ct
  14339.                                      français.ct                      français.ct.info
  14340.                                      italiano.ct                      italiano.ct.info
  14341.                                      magyar.ct                        mylanguage.ct
  14342.                                      norsk.ct                         russian.ct
  14343.                                      suomi.ct                         svenska.ct
  14344.                                      svenska.ct.info                  
  14345.                                 build.info                       catalogs.info
  14346.                                 checkboxlistview.c               checkboxlistview.c.info
  14347.                                 checkboxlistview.h               checkboxlistview.h.info
  14348.                                 checkboxlistview.o               choosegroupwindow.c
  14349.                                 choosegroupwindow.c.info         choosegroupwindow.h
  14350.                                 choosegroupwindow.h.info         choosegroupwindow.o
  14351.                                 choosegroupwindow_protos.h       copywindow.c
  14352.                                 copywindow.c.info                copywindow.h
  14353.                                 copywindow.h.info                copywindow.o
  14354.                                 debug                            debug.info
  14355.                                 disablewindow.c                  disablewindow.c.info
  14356.                                 disablewindow.h                  disablewindow.h.info
  14357.                                 disablewindow.o                  edit.info
  14358.                                 getprioritywindow.c              getprioritywindow.c.info
  14359.                                 getprioritywindow.h              getprioritywindow.h.info
  14360.                                 getprioritywindow.o              getstringwindow.c
  14361.                                 getstringwindow.c.info           getstringwindow.h
  14362.                                 getstringwindow.h.info           getstringwindow.o
  14363.                                 getstringwindow_protos.h         scoptions
  14364.                                 scoptions.info                   wbstartup+prefs.c
  14365.                                 wbstartup+prefs.c.info           wbstartup+prefs.h
  14366.                                 wbstartup+prefs.h.info           wbstartup+prefs.lnk
  14367.                                 wbstartup+prefs.o                wbstartupplusprefs_cat.c
  14368.                                 wbstartupplusprefs_cat.c.info    wbstartupplusprefs_cat.h
  14369.                                 wbstartupplusprefs_cat.h.info    wbstartupplusprefs_cat.o
  14370.                            wbstartup+os2.x.info             wbstartup+os3.x.info
  14371.                            wbstartup+prefs.info             
  14372.                       install                          install.info
  14373.                       locale.info                      source.info
  14374.                       wbstartup+.guide                 wbstartup+.guide.info
  14375.                       wbstartupplus.readme             
  14376.                  3dstars.info                     abackup.info
  14377.                  afilofaxpro26b.info              dockit.info
  14378.                  highgfx.info                     mblank.info
  14379.                  mcxp323.info                     mui-icontrol.info
  14380.                  reboot.info                      startupselector1.2.info
  14381.                  wbstartup+v2.8.info              
  14382.             archivers.info                   cd-rom.info
  14383.             comms.info                       gfxcard.info
  14384.             graphics.info                    hardware.info
  14385.             misc.info                        music.info
  14386.             programming.info                 program_patches.info
  14387.             virus.info                       workbench.info
  14388.        commercial.info                  shareware.info
  14389.      c (dir)
  14390.           eagleplayers (dir)
  14391.                unused (dir)
  14392.             actionamics                      activisionpro
  14393.             aprosys                          chiptracker
  14394.             delta 1.0                        delta 2.0
  14395.             digital mugician                 digital mugician 2
  14396.             dss                              ems
  14397.             fc 1.3                           fc 1.4
  14398.             fred                             ftm
  14399.             gmod                             grouleff
  14400.             hippel                           hippel-coso
  14401.             hippel7v                         iff-8svx
  14402.             iff-emod                         iff-smus
  14403.             instereo 2.0                     instereo!
  14404.             j.c.brooke                       jamcracker
  14405.             laxity-player                    lme
  14406.             m.o.n                            majortom
  14407.             mark ii                          maxtrax_ß-only
  14408.             mcmd                             med
  14409.             mth                              music-assembler
  14410.             musicmaker4                      musicmaker8
  14411.             octamed                          oktalyzer
  14412.             old whittaker                    playsid
  14413.             promizer 0.1                     promizer 1.x
  14414.             promizer 4.0                     ps3m_eagle
  14415.             pumatracker 1.0                  robhubbard
  14416.             ronklaren                        sidmon 1.0
  14417.             sidmon 2.0                       sonicarranger
  14418.             soundcontrol                     soundfx 1.3
  14419.             soundfx 2.0                      soundmaster
  14420.             soundmon                         soundmon3
  14421.             soundtracker 2.6                 synth
  14422.             syntracker                       tfmx 1.5
  14423.             tfmx_7v                          tfmx_pro
  14424.             tme                              tronic
  14425.             vectordean                       vss
  14426.             whittaker                        wizardofsound
  14427.             xmod                             
  14428.           ep-userprograms (dir)
  14429.             analyzer                         dirlistviewer
  14430.             hifi                             levelgraph
  14431.             levelmeteraga                    m.e.l.g.u
  14432.             messagewindow                    moduleinfo
  14433.             noiseeagle                       patternscroll
  14434.             patternscroll++                  patternscroll_kick1.3
  14435.             publicscreenmanager              quadrascope
  14436.             space-scope                      space-scope+
  14437.             stereoscopeaga                   time
  14438.        addbuffers                       adddatatypes
  14439.        aga                              amigaguide
  14440.        amigaguide.info                  assign
  14441.        avail                            biganim
  14442.        binddrivers                      break
  14443.        caprefs                          cdgsxl
  14444.        cdgsxl.info                      cdscript
  14445.        changetaskpri                    conclip
  14446.        copy                             cpu
  14447.        date                             deckbrowser
  14448.        deficons                         delete
  14449.        dir                              diskchange
  14450.        dms                              eagleplayer
  14451.        eagleplayer.doc.guide            eagleplayer.doc.guide.info
  14452.        eagleplayer.info                 eagleplayers.info
  14453.        ecs                              ed
  14454.        edit                             ep-userprograms.info
  14455.        eval                             execute
  14456.        fastview                         filenote
  14457.        hip                              hip.info
  14458.        iconx                            info
  14459.        injectbrush                      install
  14460.        installer                        iprefs
  14461.        jaymoose19                       join
  14462.        joymouse                         killaga
  14463.        list                             loadresource
  14464.        loadwb                           lock
  14465.        lzx                              magtape
  14466.        mainview                         mainview.info
  14467.        makedir                          makelink
  14468.        moor                             more
  14469.        mount                            mountenv
  14470.        mp                               muchmore
  14471.        muchmorepopa                     multiview
  14472.        newicons                         p-view
  14473.        p-view.doc                       patchopenwb
  14474.        playvideo                        pmore
  14475.        ppguide                          ppmore
  14476.        ppshow                           ppshow3
  14477.        pronet-server                    protect
  14478.        quadraplayer                     quadraplayer.guide
  14479.        quadraplayer.guide.info          quadraplayer.info
  14480.        relabel                          remrad
  14481.        rename                           requestchoice
  14482.        requestfile                      rightguard
  14483.        rmtm                             search
  14484.        setclock                         setdate
  14485.        setfont                          setkeyboard
  14486.        setpatch                         snoopdos
  14487.        snoopdos.info                    sort
  14488.        status                           testlmb
  14489.        toggleaga                        toolmanager
  14490.        toolmanager.info                 type
  14491.        unsit                            version
  14492.        viewtek                          viewtek.info
  14493.        vt                               wait
  14494.        which                            xicon
  14495.        xlplay                           xlplay.info
  14496.      classes (dir)
  14497.           codecs (dir)
  14498.             jpeg.codec                       picture.codec
  14499.           datatypes (dir)
  14500.             8svx.datatype                    amigaguide.datatype
  14501.             anim.datatype                    animation.datatype
  14502.             ascii.datatype                   bmp.datatype
  14503.             cdxl.datatype                    gif.datatype
  14504.             hwgpost.datatype                 ico.datatype
  14505.             ilbm.datatype                    jfif.datatype
  14506.             macpaint.datatype                pcx.datatype
  14507.             picture.datatype                 sound.datatype
  14508.             sunau.datatype                   text.datatype
  14509.             tiff.datatype                    xbm.datatype
  14510.           gadgets (dir)
  14511.             button.gadget                    button.gadget.v42
  14512.             calendar.gadget                  checkbox.gadget
  14513.             chooser.gadget                   clicktab.gadget
  14514.             colorwheel.gadget                fuelgauge.gadget
  14515.             gradientslider.gadget            integer.gadget
  14516.             layout.gadget                    listbrowser.gadget
  14517.             palette.gadget                   pop.gadget
  14518.             popup.gadget                     radiobutton.gadget
  14519.             scroller.gadget                  space.gadget
  14520.             speedbar.gadget                  string.gadget
  14521.             tabs.gadget                      tapedeck.gadget
  14522.             textfield.gadget                 
  14523.           images (dir)
  14524.             bevel.image                      drawlist.image
  14525.             glyph.image                      label.image
  14526.             led.image                        penmap.image
  14527.        arexx.class                      chunkyimage.class
  14528.        codec.class                      compleximage.class
  14529.        gadgets.info                     gaugeimage.class
  14530.        window.class                     
  14531.      devs (dir)
  14532.           datatypes (dir)
  14533.             .info                            8svx
  14534.             8svx.info                        amigaguide
  14535.             amigaguide.info                  anim
  14536.             anim.info                        cdxl
  14537.             cdxl.info                        ftxt
  14538.             ftxt.info                        gif
  14539.             gif.info                         ilbm
  14540.             ilbm.info                        jfif
  14541.             jfif.info                        macpaint
  14542.             pcx                              postscript
  14543.             postscript.info                  postscriptbin
  14544.             postscriptbin.info               sun audio
  14545.             sun audio.info                   tiff
  14546.             tiff.info                        windows bitmap
  14547.             windows icon                     x-bitmap
  14548.             x-bitmap.info                    
  14549.           dosdrivers (dir)
  14550.             pipe                             pipe.info
  14551.           keymaps (dir)
  14552.             gb                               gb.info
  14553.           monitors (dir)
  14554.             ntsc                             ntsc.info
  14555.             pal                              pal.info
  14556.           printers (dir)
  14557.             generic                          generic.info
  14558.        clipboard.device                 datatypes.info
  14559.        dosdrivers.info                  keymaps.info
  14560.        kingcon-mountlist                monitors.info
  14561.        narrator.device                  parallel.device
  14562.        printer.device                   printers.info
  14563.        pronet.config                    pronet.device
  14564.        pronet.mountlist                 ramdrive.device
  14565.        serial.device                    system-configuration
  14566.      expansion (dir)
  14567.      fonts (dir)
  14568.           advertise (dir)
  14569.             30                               
  14570.           albatross (dir)
  14571.             30                               
  14572.           albatross-bold (dir)
  14573.             30                               
  14574.           alex (dir)
  14575.             17                               
  14576.           alexander (dir)
  14577.             8                                
  14578.           amelia (dir)
  14579.             10                               12
  14580.             15                               
  14581.           avantguard (dir)
  14582.             10                               12
  14583.             15                               8
  14584.           avguard (dir)
  14585.             10                               12
  14586.             15                               
  14587.           barcelona (dir)
  14588.             10                               12
  14589.           betonc (dir)
  14590.             44                               
  14591.           biko (dir)
  14592.             12                               15
  14593.           carawaybold (dir)
  14594.             15                               
  14595.           chantilly (dir)
  14596.             10                               12
  14597.             15                               18
  14598.             24                               
  14599.           cleargothic (dir)
  14600.             10                               12
  14601.             15                               
  14602.           colossal (dir)
  14603.             8                                
  14604.           compact (dir)
  14605.             16                               24
  14606.             31                               64
  14607.           compactl (dir)
  14608.             16                               31
  14609.           condensed60 (dir)
  14610.             6                                9
  14611.           courier (dir)
  14612.             10                               11
  14613.             12                               13
  14614.             14                               15
  14615.             18                               24
  14616.           cracklingfire (dir)
  14617.             15                               90
  14618.           cw (dir)
  14619.             11                               
  14620.           defender (dir)
  14621.             8                                
  14622.           dgsansserif (dir)
  14623.             11                               13
  14624.             7                                8
  14625.             9                                
  14626.           diamond (dir)
  14627.             12                               20
  14628.           didot (dir)
  14629.             28                               56
  14630.           dom-casual (dir)
  14631.             10                               12
  14632.             15                               18
  14633.           du (dir)
  14634.             9                                
  14635.           emerald (dir)
  14636.             17                               20
  14637.           empirebuilder (dir)
  14638.             15                               
  14639.           energise (dir)
  14640.             15                               45
  14641.           ericabold (dir)
  14642.             15                               45
  14643.           ericaital (dir)
  14644.             15                               45
  14645.           ernest (dir)
  14646.             15                               45
  14647.           ernestital (dir)
  14648.             15                               45
  14649.           flags (dir)
  14650.             27                               
  14651.           flemish (dir)
  14652.             15                               
  14653.           franklin (dir)
  14654.             18                               23
  14655.             36                               72
  14656.           franklinc (dir)
  14657.             114                              28
  14658.             58                               
  14659.           futurab (dir)
  14660.             12                               16
  14661.             20                               32
  14662.           futurac (dir)
  14663.             22                               32
  14664.             78                               
  14665.           futural (dir)
  14666.             20                               85
  14667.           futurax (dir)
  14668.             24                               47
  14669.             94                               
  14670.           garamond (dir)
  14671.             23                               32
  14672.             64                               
  14673.           garnet (dir)
  14674.             16                               9
  14675.           geneva (dir)
  14676.             8                                
  14677.           gfont (dir)
  14678.             8                                
  14679.           gill (dir)
  14680.             16                               24
  14681.             57                               96
  14682.           gilln (dir)
  14683.             58                               
  14684.           goudyb (dir)
  14685.             23                               48
  14686.           goudyl (dir)
  14687.             23                               48
  14688.           groovyplayerlcd (dir)
  14689.             8                                
  14690.           groovyplayermain (dir)
  14691.             12                               
  14692.           gtbgadget (dir)
  14693.             8f                               
  14694.           gtbmenu (dir)
  14695.             8                                
  14696.           helvetica (dir)
  14697.             10                               11
  14698.             12                               13
  14699.             15                               18
  14700.             20                               22
  14701.             24                               5
  14702.             9                                
  14703.           helvetican (dir)
  14704.             39                               78
  14705.           ibm (dir)
  14706.             11                               8
  14707.           ironwood (dir)
  14708.             15                               
  14709.           iv (dir)
  14710.             8                                
  14711.           jump (dir)
  14712.             8                                
  14713.           koblenz (dir)
  14714.             10                               12
  14715.             15                               
  14716.           laser-london (dir)
  14717.             15                               
  14718.           linea (dir)
  14719.             15                               
  14720.           linea_bold (dir)
  14721.             15                               
  14722.           linea_bolditalic (dir)
  14723.             15                               
  14724.           linea_italic (dir)
  14725.             15                               
  14726.           linea_light (dir)
  14727.             15                               
  14728.           linea_lightitalic (dir)
  14729.             15                               
  14730.           medium (dir)
  14731.             7                                
  14732.           mideast (dir)
  14733.             17                               
  14734.           napoleon (dir)
  14735.             17                               
  14736.           napoleonic (dir)
  14737.             8i                               
  14738.           newsgothic (dir)
  14739.             114                              56
  14740.           newtopaz (dir)
  14741.             8                                
  14742.           opal (dir)
  14743.             12                               9
  14744.           oswaldblack (dir)
  14745.             120                              15
  14746.             30                               45
  14747.             60                               75
  14748.           overlord (dir)
  14749.             17                               
  14750.           peridot (dir)
  14751.             7                                
  14752.           personal (dir)
  14753.             8                                
  14754.           photogenics (dir)
  14755.             8                                
  14756.           prodad (dir)
  14757.             16                               
  14758.           reporter (dir)
  14759.             8                                
  14760.           ruby (dir)
  14761.             12                               15
  14762.             8                                
  14763.           sapphire (dir)
  14764.             14                               19
  14765.           shannonbook (dir)
  14766.             14                               15
  14767.             30                               45
  14768.           siesta (dir)
  14769.             8                                
  14770.           symbol (dir)
  14771.             10                               12
  14772.             14                               18
  14773.             24                               
  14774.           times (dir)
  14775.             10                               11
  14776.             12                               13
  14777.             14                               15
  14778.             18                               24
  14779.             7                                9
  14780.           topaz (dir)
  14781.             11                               8
  14782.           topazgr (dir)
  14783.             11                               8
  14784.             9e                               
  14785.           venus (dir)
  14786.             10                               8
  14787.           weather (dir)
  14788.             9                                
  14789.           xen (dir)
  14790.             11                               8
  14791.             9                                
  14792.           xhelvetica (dir)
  14793.             11                               13
  14794.             9                                
  14795.           zombie (dir)
  14796.             8                                
  14797.           _bullet (dir)
  14798.             hq3.fnt                          hq3updt.tyq
  14799.             if.fnt                           if.uc
  14800.             plugin.types                     
  14801.           _bullet_outlines (dir)
  14802.             ac.type                          advertise.type
  14803.             agate-bold.type                  albatross-bold.type
  14804.             albatross.type                   barcelona.type
  14805.             biko.type                        carawaybold.type
  14806.             cgtimes.type                     cgtriumvirate.type
  14807.             cracklingfire.type               cstimes.type
  14808.             cstriumvirate.type               eddacaps.type
  14809.             empirebuilder.type               energise.type
  14810.             ericabold.type                   ericaital.type
  14811.             ernest.type                      ernestital.type
  14812.             flemish.type                     flemish_bold.type
  14813.             flemish_bolditalic.type          flemish_italic.type
  14814.             futureworld.type                 heather.type
  14815.             ironwood.type                    isabelle.type
  14816.             isabelle_bold.type               isabelle_bolditalic.type
  14817.             isabelle_italic.type             laser-london.type
  14818.             lauramccrary.type                lettergothic.type
  14819.             linea.type                       linea_bold.type
  14820.             linea_bolditalic.type            linea_italic.type
  14821.             linea_light.type                 linea_lightitalic.type
  14822.             liquidcrystal.type               madrid.type
  14823.             madrid_bold.type                 madrid_bolditalic.type
  14824.             madrid_italic.type               oswaldblack.type
  14825.             postcrypt.type                   shannonbook.type
  14826.             tngmonitors.type                 viking.type
  14827.             zephyr.type                      
  14828.        advertise.font                   advertise.otag
  14829.        agate-bold.font                  agate-bold.otag
  14830.        albatross-bold.otag              albatross.font
  14831.        albatross.otag                   alex.font
  14832.        alexander.font                   amelia.font
  14833.        atiny.font                       avantguard.font
  14834.        avguard.font                     barcelona.font
  14835.        barcelona.otag                   betonc.font
  14836.        biko.font                        biko.otag
  14837.        carawaybold.font                 carawaybold.otag
  14838.        cgtimes.font                     cgtimes.otag
  14839.        cgtriumvirate.font               cgtriumvirate.otag
  14840.        chantilly.font                   chklist.ms
  14841.        cleargothic.font                 colossal.font
  14842.        compact.font                     compactl.font
  14843.        condensed60.font                 courier.font
  14844.        courier.metric                   cracklingfire.font
  14845.        cracklingfire.otag               cw.font
  14846.        defender.font                    dgsansserif.font
  14847.        diamond.font                     didot.font
  14848.        disk.info                        dom-casual.font
  14849.        du.font                          eddacaps.font
  14850.        eddacaps.otag                    emerald.font
  14851.        empirebuilder.font               empirebuilder.otag
  14852.        energise.font                    energise.otag
  14853.        ericabold.font                   ericabold.otag
  14854.        ericaital.font                   ericaital.otag
  14855.        ernest.font                      ernest.otag
  14856.        ernestital.font                  ernestital.otag
  14857.        flags.font                       flemish.font
  14858.        flemish.otag                     flemish_bold.font
  14859.        flemish_bold.otag                flemish_bolditalic.font
  14860.        flemish_bolditalic.otag          flemish_italic.font
  14861.        flemish_italic.otag              franklin.font
  14862.        franklinc.font                   futurab.font
  14863.        futurac.font                     futural.font
  14864.        futurax.font                     futurax.font.mpic
  14865.        futureworld.font                 futureworld.font.mpic
  14866.        futureworld.otag                 garamond.font
  14867.        garnet.font                      geneva.font
  14868.        gfont.font                       gill.font
  14869.        gilln.font                       goudyb.font
  14870.        goudyl.font                      groovyplayerlcd.font
  14871.        groovyplayermain.font            gtbgadget.font
  14872.        gtbmenu.font                     heather.font
  14873.        heather.otag                     helvetica.font
  14874.        helvetica.otag                   helvetican.font
  14875.        ibm.font                         ironwood.font
  14876.        ironwood.otag                    isabelle.font
  14877.        isabelle.otag                    isabelle_bold.font
  14878.        isabelle_bold.otag               isabelle_bolditalic.font
  14879.        isabelle_bolditalic.otag         isabelle_italic.font
  14880.        isabelle_italic.otag             iv.font
  14881.        jump.font                        koblenz.font
  14882.        laser-london.font                laser-london.otag
  14883.        lauramccrary.font                lauramccrary.font.mpic
  14884.        lauramccrary.otag                lettergothic.font
  14885.        lettergothic.otag                linea.font
  14886.        linea.otag                       linea_bold.font
  14887.        linea_bold.font.mpic             linea_bold.otag
  14888.        linea_bolditalic.font            linea_bolditalic.otag
  14889.        linea_italic.font                linea_italic.otag
  14890.        linea_light.font                 linea_light.otag
  14891.        linea_lightitalic.font           linea_lightitalic.otag
  14892.        liquidcrystal.font               liquidcrystal.otag
  14893.        madrid.font                      madrid.otag
  14894.        madrid_bold.font                 madrid_bold.font.mpic
  14895.        madrid_bold.otag                 madrid_bolditalic.font
  14896.        madrid_bolditalic.otag           madrid_italic.font
  14897.        madrid_italic.otag               mapleroman.font
  14898.        mapleroman.otag                  medium.font
  14899.        mideast.font                     napoleon.font
  14900.        napoleonic.font                  newsgothic.font
  14901.        newtopaz.font                    opal.font
  14902.        oswaldblack.font                 oswaldblack.otag
  14903.        overlord.font                    peridot.font
  14904.        postcrypt.font                   postcrypt.font.mpic
  14905.        postcrypt.otag                   prodad.font
  14906.        reporter.font                    ruby.font
  14907.        sapphire.font                    shannonbook.font
  14908.        shannonbook.otag                 siesta.font
  14909.        symbol.font                      symbol.metric
  14910.        times.font                       times.metric
  14911.        tngmonitors.font                 tngmonitors.otag
  14912.        topaz.font                       topazgr.font
  14913.        venus.font                       viking.font
  14914.        viking.otag                      weather.font
  14915.        xen.font                         xhelvetica.font
  14916.        zephyr.font                      zephyr.otag
  14917.        zombie.font                      
  14918.      l (dir)
  14919.        aux-handler                      fifo-handler
  14920.        kingcon-handler                  port-handler
  14921.        queue-handler                    ram-handler
  14922.        toolsdaemon-handler              
  14923.      libs (dir)
  14924.           compressors (dir)
  14925.             xpkcrms.library                  xpkfast.library
  14926.             xpkidea.library                  xpklhlb.library
  14927.             xpknuke.library                  xpkrake.library
  14928.             xpkrdcn.library                  xpkshri.library
  14929.             xpksmpl.library                  xpksqsh.library
  14930.           svdrivers (dir)
  14931.             aga.svdriver                     cybergraphics.svdriver
  14932.             ecs.svdriver                     egs7.svdriver
  14933.             merlin.svdriver                  opal.svdriver
  14934.             picassoii.svdriver               retina.svdriver
  14935.           svobjects (dir)
  14936.             acbm.svobject                    bmp.svobject
  14937.             c64.svobject                     deep.svobject
  14938.             eps.svobject                     fastilbm24.svobject
  14939.             fbm.svobject                     gif.svobject
  14940.             ilbm.svobject                    img.svobject
  14941.             jpeg.svobject                    mac.svobject
  14942.             pcd.svobject                     pcx.svobject
  14943.             pict.svobject                    pictor.svobject
  14944.             pnm.svobject                     qrt.svobject
  14945.             sgi.svobject                     sunraster.svobject
  14946.             svg.svobject                     targa.svobject
  14947.             tiff.svobject                    unpack.svobject
  14948.             winicon.svobject                 wpg.svobject
  14949.             yuvn.svobject                    
  14950.           svoperators (dir)
  14951.             24bittoham.svoperator            anyto24bit.svoperator
  14952.             callpnm.svoperator               crop.svoperator
  14953.             dither24bit.svoperator           extractblue.svoperator
  14954.             extractgrayscales.svoperator     extractgreen.svoperator
  14955.             extractred.svoperator            hilbertdither256.svoperator
  14956.             lefttoright.svoperator           optimizepalette.svoperator
  14957.             rotate.svoperator                rotatefree.svoperator
  14958.             scale50.svoperator               sqbentley.svoperator
  14959.             sqblur.svoperator                sqcontrast.svoperator
  14960.             sqdeep_press.svoperator          sqdiffuse.svoperator
  14961.             sqemboss.svoperator              sqhighpass.svoperator
  14962.             sqmosaic.svoperator              sqmotion_blur.svoperator
  14963.             sqoilpaint.svoperator            sqsharpen.svoperator
  14964.             sqslicing.svoperator             sqthreshold.svoperator
  14965.             sqtiling.svoperator              toptobottom.svoperator
  14966.             xor.svoperator                   
  14967.           xfd (dir)
  14968.             .readme.first                    4vx
  14969.             axis                             bond
  14970.             cmp1                             decloner
  14971.             fire                             graftgold
  14972.             ice_tsm                          lob
  14973.             lzwh                             sf
  14974.             ssur                             tpwm
  14975.        6581sid.library                  68040.library
  14976.        amigaguide.library               amos.library
  14977.        arexxport.library                arp.library
  14978.        asl.library                      backstab.library
  14979.        boards.library                   bullet.library
  14980.        cando.library                    candogfx.library
  14981.        cddevplay.library                cdplay.library
  14982.        commodities.library              conhandler.library
  14983.        crm.library                      datatypes.library
  14984.        debox.library                    decrunch.library
  14985.        dfunc.library                    diskfont.library
  14986.        dopus.library                    easyrexx.library
  14987.        epu0.library                     epu1.library
  14988.        explode.library                  extend.library
  14989.        f1gp.library                     fifo.library
  14990.        fileid.library                   fontmachine.library
  14991.        freeanim.library                 fye.library
  14992.        gadtools.library                 gadutil.library
  14993.        ibsupport.library                icon.library
  14994.        iff.library                      iffparse.library
  14995.        info.library                     inovamusic.library
  14996.        ixemul.library                   ixemul000.library
  14997.        lh.library                       libs.readme
  14998.        locale.library                   lowlevel.library
  14999.        mathieeedoubbas.library          mathieeedoubtrans.library
  15000.        mathieeesingtrans.library        mathtrans.library
  15001.        matrix.library                   medplayer.library
  15002.        multipic.library                 newicon.library
  15003.        nipc.library                     nonvolatile.library
  15004.        octaplayer.library               patch.library
  15005.        playerprefs.library              powerpacker.library
  15006.        protracker.library               provision.library
  15007.        ptreplay.library                 realtime.library
  15008.        req.library                      reqtools.library
  15009.        rexxarplib.library               rexxmathlib.library
  15010.        rexxreqtools.library             rexxserdev.library
  15011.        rexxsupport.library              rexxsyslib.library
  15012.        superplay.library                superview.library
  15013.        superviewsupport.library         ted.library
  15014.        tower.library                    translator.library
  15015.        triton.library                   version.library
  15016.        vmm.library                      vnc.library
  15017.        workbench.library                xfdmaster.library
  15018.        xout_g.library                   xpkshri.library
  15019.      locale (dir)
  15020.           catalogs (dir)
  15021.                deutsch (dir)
  15022.                  superviewlib.catalog             
  15023.                english (dir)
  15024.                     sys (dir)
  15025.                       monitors.catalog                 
  15026.                  superviewlib.catalog             
  15027.                italiano (dir)
  15028.                  superviewlib.catalog             
  15029.           countries (dir)
  15030.             australia.country                belgie.country
  15031.             belgique.country                 canada.country
  15032.             canada_français.country          danmark.country
  15033.             deutschland.country              españa.country
  15034.             france.country                   great_britain.country
  15035.             italia.country                   nederland.country
  15036.             norge.country                    portugal.country
  15037.             schweiz.country                  suisse.country
  15038.             sverige.country                  svizzera.country
  15039.             united_kingdom.country           united_states.country
  15040.             österreich.country               
  15041.           help (dir)
  15042.                english (dir)
  15043.                     sys (dir)
  15044.                       amigaguide.guide                 
  15045.             newicons.guide                   newicons.guide.info
  15046.           languages (dir)
  15047.      mui (dir)
  15048.           demos (dir)
  15049.             appwindow                        appwindow.info
  15050.             balancing                        balancing.info
  15051.             boopsidoor                       boopsidoor.info
  15052.             class1                           class1.info
  15053.             class2                           class2.info
  15054.             class3                           class3.info
  15055.             dragndrop                        dragndrop.info
  15056.             envbrowser                       envbrowser.info
  15057.             inputhandler                     inputhandler.info
  15058.             layout                           layout.info
  15059.             menus                            menus.info
  15060.             mui-demo                         mui-demo.info
  15061.             pages                            pages.info
  15062.             popup                            popup.info
  15063.             readme                           readme.info
  15064.             showhide                         showhide.info
  15065.             slidorama                        slidorama.info
  15066.             subtask                          subtask.info
  15067.             virtual                          virtual.info
  15068.             wbman                            wbman.info
  15069.           docs (dir)
  15070.                deutsch (dir)
  15071.                  mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  15072.                english (dir)
  15073.                  mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  15074.             changes                          changes.info
  15075.             deutsch.info                     english.info
  15076.             imagedesign                      imagedesign.info
  15077.             preview-1                        preview-1.info
  15078.             preview-2                        preview-2.info
  15079.             registration                     registration.info
  15080.           goodies (dir)
  15081.             clickforcolors                   clickforcolors.info
  15082.             kmel_a2024_foreignwb.iff         magicwb
  15083.             palette.ilbm                     readme
  15084.             readme.info                      readme.kmel
  15085.             readme.kmel.info                 
  15086.           icons (dir)
  15087.             def_mui.info                     mui-template.info
  15088.           images (dir)
  15089.                goonie (dir)
  15090.                     classic (dir)
  15091.                          11pt (dir)
  15092.                            arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  15093.                            arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  15094.                            arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  15095.                            arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  15096.                            disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  15097.                            harddisk.mbr                     ram.mbr
  15098.                            volume.mbr                       
  15099.                     newlook (dir)
  15100.                          11pt (dir)
  15101.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15102.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15103.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15104.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15105.                            assign.mbr                       checkmark.mb0
  15106.                            checkmark.mb1                    chip.mbr
  15107.                            cycle.mbr                        disk.mbr
  15108.                            disk2.mbr                        drawer.mbr
  15109.                            harddisk.mbr                     network.mbr
  15110.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15111.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15112.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15113.                            volume.mbr                       
  15114.                kmel (dir)
  15115.                  kmel_arrowdown.image             kmel_arrowdown2.image
  15116.                  kmel_arrowleft.image             kmel_arrowleft2.image
  15117.                  kmel_arrowright.image            kmel_arrowright2.image
  15118.                  kmel_arrowup.image               kmel_arrowup2.image
  15119.                  kmel_checkmark.image             kmel_cycle.image
  15120.                  kmel_knob.image                  kmel_knob2.image
  15121.                  kmel_popdrawer.image             kmel_popfile.image
  15122.                  kmel_popup.image                 kmel_tapepause.image
  15123.                  kmel_taperecord.image            kmel_taperecord2.image
  15124.                  kmel_tapestop.image              
  15125.                kt (dir)
  15126.                     black (dir)
  15127.                          11pt (dir)
  15128.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15129.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15130.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15131.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15132.                            cycle.mbr                        
  15133.                     gradient (dir)
  15134.                          11pt (dir)
  15135.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15136.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15137.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15138.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15139.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15140.                            cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  15141.                            radiobutton.mf1                  
  15142.                          13pt (dir)
  15143.                            checkmark1.mf0                   checkmark1.mf1
  15144.                            cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  15145.                            radiobutton.mf1                  radiobutton2.mf0
  15146.                            radiobutton2.mf1                 
  15147.                     plain (dir)
  15148.                          11pt (dir)
  15149.                            arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  15150.                            arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  15151.                            arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  15152.                            arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  15153.                misc (dir)
  15154.                  mui-stdcycle.image               
  15155.                wd (dir)
  15156.                     11pt (dir)
  15157.                       arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15158.                       arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15159.                       arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15160.                       arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15161.                       checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15162.                       cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  15163.                       popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15164.                       popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15165.                       popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15166.                     13pt (dir)
  15167.                       arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15168.                       arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15169.                       arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15170.                       arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15171.                       checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15172.                       cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  15173.                       popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15174.                       popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15175.                       popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15176.                       radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  15177.                xen (dir)
  15178.                     gradient (dir)
  15179.                          11pt (dir)
  15180.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15181.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15182.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15183.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15184.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15185.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15186.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15187.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15188.                          13pt (dir)
  15189.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15190.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15191.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15192.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15193.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15194.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15195.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15196.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15197.                     plain (dir)
  15198.                          11pt (dir)
  15199.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15200.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15201.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15202.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15203.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15204.                            chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  15205.                            disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  15206.                            drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  15207.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15208.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15209.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15210.                            radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  15211.                            volume.mbr                       
  15212.                          13pt (dir)
  15213.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15214.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15215.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15216.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15217.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15218.                            chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  15219.                            disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  15220.                            drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  15221.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15222.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15223.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15224.                            radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  15225.                            volume.mbr                       
  15226.                     scrollbars (dir)
  15227.                       xenbar.image                     xenbar2.image
  15228.           libs (dir)
  15229.                mui (dir)
  15230.                  aboutmui.mui                     bookmarks.mcc
  15231.                  boopsi.mui                       busy.mcc
  15232.                  busy.mcp                         coloradjust.mui
  15233.                  colorfield.mui                   crawling.mcc
  15234.                  dirlist.mui                      floattext.mui
  15235.                  frameadjust.mui                  framedisplay.mui
  15236.                  gauge.mui                        imageadjust.mui
  15237.                  imagedisplay.mui                 knob.mui
  15238.                  levelmeter.mui                   listtree.mcc
  15239.                  listtree.mcp                     listtreename.mcc
  15240.                  magicwb.mcc                      numericbutton.mui
  15241.                  palette.mui                      penadjust.mui
  15242.                  pendisplay.mui                   popasl.mui
  15243.                  popframe.mui                     popimage.mui
  15244.                  poppen.mui                       popscreen.mui
  15245.                  scale.mui                        scrollgroup.mui
  15246.                  settings.mui                     settingsgroup.mui
  15247.                  virtgroup.mui                    volumelist.mui
  15248.             muiconfig.library                muigfx.library
  15249.             muihelp.library                  muilocale.library
  15250.             muilowlevel.library              muimaster.library
  15251.             muipop.library                   muipropg.class
  15252.             muirexx.library                  muiscreen.library
  15253.             muispecial.library               muiwinborder.class
  15254.             muiwinscroller.class             
  15255.           locale (dir)
  15256.                catalogs (dir)
  15257.                     català (dir)
  15258.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15259.                     czech (dir)
  15260.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15261.                     dansk (dir)
  15262.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15263.                     deutsch (dir)
  15264.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15265.                     français (dir)
  15266.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15267.                     greek (dir)
  15268.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15269.                     italiano (dir)
  15270.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15271.                     nederlands (dir)
  15272.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15273.                     polski (dir)
  15274.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15275.                     suomi (dir)
  15276.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15277.                     svenska (dir)
  15278.                       mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15279.           mui_developer (dir)
  15280.                autodocs (dir)
  15281.                  muimaster.doc                    mui_aboutmui.doc
  15282.                  mui_application.doc              mui_applist.doc
  15283.                  mui_area.doc                     mui_balance.doc
  15284.                  mui_bitmap.doc                   mui_bodychunk.doc
  15285.                  mui_boopsi.doc                   mui_cclist.doc
  15286.                  mui_coloradjust.doc              mui_colorfield.doc
  15287.                  mui_configdata.doc               mui_cycle.doc
  15288.                  mui_dataspace.doc                mui_dirlist.doc
  15289.                  mui_family.doc                   mui_floattext.doc
  15290.                  mui_frameadjust.doc              mui_framedisplay.doc
  15291.                  mui_gadget.doc                   mui_gauge.doc
  15292.                  mui_group.doc                    mui_image.doc
  15293.                  mui_imageadjust.doc              mui_imagedisplay.doc
  15294.                  mui_knob.doc                     mui_levelmeter.doc
  15295.                  mui_list.doc                     mui_listview.doc
  15296.                  mui_mccprefs.doc                 mui_menu.doc
  15297.                  mui_menuitem.doc                 mui_menustrip.doc
  15298.                  mui_notify.doc                   mui_numeric.doc
  15299.                  mui_numericbutton.doc            mui_palette.doc
  15300.                  mui_penadjust.doc                mui_pendisplay.doc
  15301.                  mui_popasl.doc                   mui_popframe.doc
  15302.                  mui_popimage.doc                 mui_poplist.doc
  15303.                  mui_popobject.doc                mui_poppen.doc
  15304.                  mui_popscreen.doc                mui_popstring.doc
  15305.                  mui_prop.doc                     mui_radio.doc
  15306.                  mui_rectangle.doc                mui_register.doc
  15307.                  mui_scale.doc                    mui_scrmodelist.doc
  15308.                  mui_scrollbar.doc                mui_scrollgroup.doc
  15309.                  mui_semaphore.doc                mui_settings.doc
  15310.                  mui_settingsgroup.doc            mui_slider.doc
  15311.                  mui_string.doc                   mui_text.doc
  15312.                  mui_virtgroup.doc                mui_volumelist.doc
  15313.                  mui_window.doc                   
  15314.                c (dir)
  15315.                     dlib (dir)
  15316.                       allocaslreq.c                    aslreq.c
  15317.                       classnames.c                     dmakefile
  15318.                       dmakefile.info                   makeobj.c
  15319.                       muil.lib                         muilr.lib
  15320.                       muis.lib                         muisr.lib
  15321.                       newobj.c                         readme
  15322.                       readme.info                      request.c
  15323.                     examples (dir)
  15324.                       appwindow.c                      balancing.c
  15325.                       boopsidoor.c                     brush2c.c
  15326.                       class1.c                         class2.c
  15327.                       class3.c                         demo.h
  15328.                       dragndrop.c                      envbrowser.c
  15329.                       inputhandler.c                   layout.c
  15330.                       menus.c                          mui-demo.c
  15331.                       pages.c                          popup.c
  15332.                       psi.c                            psi.h
  15333.                       psi.lh                           psi_colors.brush
  15334.                       psi_freqs.brush                  psi_screencf.mbr
  15335.                       psi_screencn.mbr                 psi_screenof.mbr
  15336.                       psi_screenon.mbr                 psi_sizes.brush
  15337.                       readme                           readme.info
  15338.                       showhide.c                       slidorama.c
  15339.                       smakefile                        smakefile.info
  15340.                       subtask.c                        virtual.c
  15341.                       wbman.c                          
  15342.                     include (dir)
  15343.                          clib (dir)
  15344.                            muimaster_protos.h               
  15345.                          inline (dir)
  15346.                            muimaster.h                      
  15347.                          libraries (dir)
  15348.                            mui.h                            
  15349.                          pragmas (dir)
  15350.                            muimaster_pragmas.h              
  15351.                          proto (dir)
  15352.                            muimaster.h                      
  15353.                     manx (dir)
  15354.                          include (dir)
  15355.                               pragmas (dir)
  15356.                                 muimaster_lib.h                  
  15357.                          lib (dir)
  15358.                            mui.lib                          
  15359.                       readme                           readme.info
  15360.                  dlib.info                        examples.info
  15361.                  include.info                     manx.info
  15362.                  readme                           readme.info
  15363.                docs (dir)
  15364.                  muidev.guide                     muidev.guide.info
  15365.                  policies                         policies.info
  15366.                  readme.mui                       readme.mui.info
  15367.                extclasses (dir)
  15368.                     mcc_tron (dir)
  15369.                          demos (dir)
  15370.                            tron-demo                        
  15371.                          developer (dir)
  15372.                               amiga-e (dir)
  15373.                                    modules (dir)
  15374.                                         mui (dir)
  15375.                                           tron_mcc.e                       
  15376.                               autodocs (dir)
  15377.                                 mcc_tron.doc                     
  15378.                               c (dir)
  15379.                                    examples (dir)
  15380.                                         mui (dir)
  15381.                                           tron_mcc.h                       
  15382.                                         rev (dir)
  15383.                                           tron-demo.rev                    
  15384.                                      smakefile                        tron-demo.c
  15385.                                    include (dir)
  15386.                                         mui (dir)
  15387.                                           tron_mcc.h                       
  15388.                               modula (dir)
  15389.                                    txt (dir)
  15390.                                      mcctron.def                      mcctron.mod
  15391.                               oberon (dir)
  15392.                                    txt (dir)
  15393.                                      mcctron.mod                      
  15394.                               source (dir)
  15395.                                    mui (dir)
  15396.                                      mccheader.c                      mui33_mcc.h
  15397.                                      tron_mcc_private.h               
  15398.                                    rev (dir)
  15399.                                      tron.mcc.rev                     tron.mcp.rev
  15400.                                 brush2c.c                        prefs_image.mbr
  15401.                                 smakefile                        tron.c
  15402.                                 tronp.c                          
  15403.                          docs (dir)
  15404.                               deutsch (dir)
  15405.                               english (dir)
  15406.                          images (dir)
  15407.                          libs (dir)
  15408.                               mui (dir)
  15409.                                 tron.mcc                         tron.mcp
  15410.                          mccreg (dir)
  15411.                            info                             readme.first!
  15412.                            registered                       tron.ids
  15413.                       mcc_tron0_8.readme               mcc_tron0_8.version
  15414.                  mcc_tron.info                    readme
  15415.                  readme.info                      
  15416.                fd (dir)
  15417.                  muiclass_lib.fd                  muimaster_lib.fd
  15418.             autodocs.info                    c.info
  15419.             docs.info                        extclasses.info
  15420.             fd.info                          readme
  15421.             readme.info                      
  15422.           mui_install (dir)
  15423.                demos (dir)
  15424.                  appwindow                        appwindow.info
  15425.                  balancing                        balancing.info
  15426.                  boopsidoor                       boopsidoor.info
  15427.                  class1                           class1.info
  15428.                  class2                           class2.info
  15429.                  class3                           class3.info
  15430.                  dragndrop                        dragndrop.info
  15431.                  envbrowser                       envbrowser.info
  15432.                  inputhandler                     inputhandler.info
  15433.                  layout                           layout.info
  15434.                  menus                            menus.info
  15435.                  mui-demo                         mui-demo.info
  15436.                  pages                            pages.info
  15437.                  popup                            popup.info
  15438.                  readme                           readme.info
  15439.                  showhide                         showhide.info
  15440.                  slidorama                        slidorama.info
  15441.                  subtask                          subtask.info
  15442.                  virtual                          virtual.info
  15443.                  wbman                            wbman.info
  15444.                docs (dir)
  15445.                     deutsch (dir)
  15446.                       mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  15447.                     english (dir)
  15448.                       mui.guide                        mui.guide.info
  15449.                  changes                          changes.info
  15450.                  deutsch.info                     english.info
  15451.                  imagedesign                      imagedesign.info
  15452.                  preview-1                        preview-1.info
  15453.                  preview-2                        preview-2.info
  15454.                  registration                     registration.info
  15455.                goodies (dir)
  15456.                  clickforcolors                   clickforcolors.info
  15457.                  kmel_a2024_foreignwb.iff         magicwb
  15458.                  palette.ilbm                     readme
  15459.                  readme.info                      readme.kmel
  15460.                  readme.kmel.info                 
  15461.                icons (dir)
  15462.                  def_mui.info                     mui-template.info
  15463.                images (dir)
  15464.                     goonie (dir)
  15465.                          classic (dir)
  15466.                               11pt (dir)
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  15469.                                 arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  15470.                                 arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  15471.                                 disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  15472.                                 harddisk.mbr                     ram.mbr
  15473.                                 volume.mbr                       
  15474.                          newlook (dir)
  15475.                               11pt (dir)
  15476.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15477.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15478.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15479.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15480.                                 assign.mbr                       checkmark.mb0
  15481.                                 checkmark.mb1                    chip.mbr
  15482.                                 cycle.mbr                        disk.mbr
  15483.                                 disk2.mbr                        drawer.mbr
  15484.                                 harddisk.mbr                     network.mbr
  15485.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15486.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15487.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15488.                                 volume.mbr                       
  15489.                     kmel (dir)
  15490.                       kmel_arrowdown.image             kmel_arrowdown2.image
  15491.                       kmel_arrowleft.image             kmel_arrowleft2.image
  15492.                       kmel_arrowright.image            kmel_arrowright2.image
  15493.                       kmel_arrowup.image               kmel_arrowup2.image
  15494.                       kmel_checkmark.image             kmel_cycle.image
  15495.                       kmel_knob.image                  kmel_knob2.image
  15496.                       kmel_popdrawer.image             kmel_popfile.image
  15497.                       kmel_popup.image                 kmel_tapepause.image
  15498.                       kmel_taperecord.image            kmel_taperecord2.image
  15499.                       kmel_tapestop.image              
  15500.                     kt (dir)
  15501.                          black (dir)
  15502.                               11pt (dir)
  15503.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15504.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15505.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15506.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15507.                                 cycle.mbr                        
  15508.                          gradient (dir)
  15509.                               11pt (dir)
  15510.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15511.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15512.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15513.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15514.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15515.                                 cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  15516.                                 radiobutton.mf1                  
  15517.                               13pt (dir)
  15518.                                 checkmark1.mf0                   checkmark1.mf1
  15519.                                 cycle.mbr                        radiobutton.mf0
  15520.                                 radiobutton.mf1                  radiobutton2.mf0
  15521.                                 radiobutton2.mf1                 
  15522.                          plain (dir)
  15523.                               11pt (dir)
  15524.                                 arrowdown.mb0                    arrowdown.mb1
  15525.                                 arrowleft.mb0                    arrowleft.mb1
  15526.                                 arrowright.mb0                   arrowright.mb1
  15527.                                 arrowup.mb0                      arrowup.mb1
  15528.                     misc (dir)
  15529.                       mui-stdcycle.image               
  15530.                     wd (dir)
  15531.                          11pt (dir)
  15532.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15533.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15534.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15535.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15536.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15537.                            cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  15538.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15539.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15540.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15541.                          13pt (dir)
  15542.                            arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15543.                            arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15544.                            arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15545.                            arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15546.                            checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15547.                            cycle.mbr                        cycle2.mbr
  15548.                            popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15549.                            popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15550.                            popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15551.                            radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  15552.                     xen (dir)
  15553.                          gradient (dir)
  15554.                               11pt (dir)
  15555.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15556.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15557.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15558.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15559.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15560.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15561.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15562.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15563.                               13pt (dir)
  15564.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15565.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15566.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15567.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15568.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15569.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15570.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15571.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15572.                          plain (dir)
  15573.                               11pt (dir)
  15574.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15575.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15576.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15577.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15578.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15579.                                 chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  15580.                                 disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  15581.                                 drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  15582.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15583.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15584.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15585.                                 radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  15586.                                 volume.mbr                       
  15587.                               13pt (dir)
  15588.                                 arrowdown.mf0                    arrowdown.mf1
  15589.                                 arrowleft.mf0                    arrowleft.mf1
  15590.                                 arrowright.mf0                   arrowright.mf1
  15591.                                 arrowup.mf0                      arrowup.mf1
  15592.                                 checkmark.mf0                    checkmark.mf1
  15593.                                 chip.mbr                         cycle.mbr
  15594.                                 disk.mbr                         drawer.mbr
  15595.                                 drawer2.mbr                      harddisk.mbr
  15596.                                 popdrawer.mf0                    popdrawer.mf1
  15597.                                 popfile.mf0                      popfile.mf1
  15598.                                 popup.mf0                        popup.mf1
  15599.                                 radiobutton.mf0                  radiobutton.mf1
  15600.                                 volume.mbr                       
  15601.                          scrollbars (dir)
  15602.                            xenbar.image                     xenbar2.image
  15603.                libs (dir)
  15604.                     mui (dir)
  15605.                       aboutmui.mui                     boopsi.mui
  15606.                       busy.mcc                         busy.mcp
  15607.                       coloradjust.mui                  colorfield.mui
  15608.                       crawling.mcc                     dirlist.mui
  15609.                       floattext.mui                    frameadjust.mui
  15610.                       framedisplay.mui                 gauge.mui
  15611.                       imageadjust.mui                  imagedisplay.mui
  15612.                       knob.mui                         levelmeter.mui
  15613.                       listtree.mcc                     listtree.mcp
  15614.                       listtreename.mcc                 magicwb.mcc
  15615.                       numericbutton.mui                palette.mui
  15616.                       penadjust.mui                    pendisplay.mui
  15617.                       popasl.mui                       popframe.mui
  15618.                       popimage.mui                     poppen.mui
  15619.                       popscreen.mui                    scale.mui
  15620.                       scrollgroup.mui                  settings.mui
  15621.                       settingsgroup.mui                virtgroup.mui
  15622.                       volumelist.mui                   
  15623.                  muiconfig.library                muigfx.library
  15624.                  muihelp.library                  muilocale.library
  15625.                  muilowlevel.library              muimaster.library
  15626.                  muipop.library                   muipropg.class
  15627.                  muirexx.library                  muiscreen.library
  15628.                  muispecial.library               muiwinborder.class
  15629.                  muiwinscroller.class             
  15630.                locale (dir)
  15631.                     catalogs (dir)
  15632.                          català (dir)
  15633.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15634.                          czech (dir)
  15635.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15636.                          dansk (dir)
  15637.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15638.                          deutsch (dir)
  15639.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15640.                          français (dir)
  15641.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15642.                          greek (dir)
  15643.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15644.                          italiano (dir)
  15645.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15646.                          nederlands (dir)
  15647.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15648.                          polski (dir)
  15649.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15650.                          suomi (dir)
  15651.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15652.                          svenska (dir)
  15653.                            mui.catalog                      psi.catalog
  15654.                mui37tu1 (dir)
  15655.                     docs (dir)
  15656.                       changes.pch                      
  15657.                     libs (dir)
  15658.                          mui (dir)
  15659.                            aboutmui.mui.pch                 listtree.mcc.pch
  15660.                            listtree.mcp.pch                 listtreename.mcc.pch
  15661.                       muigfx.library.pch               muilocale.library.pch
  15662.                  psi.pch                          readme
  15663.                  readme.info                      spatch
  15664.                  tuneup_mui_3.7                   tuneup_mui_3.7.info
  15665.                patterns (dir)
  15666.                  marbledark                       tissuedark
  15667.                presets (dir)
  15668.                  dirkf.prefs                      kmel_a2024.prefs
  15669.                  rgb.txt                          stuntzi.prefs
  15670.                  xen.prefs                        
  15671.                rexx (dir)
  15672.                  mui-demo.mrx                     mui-demo.mrx.info
  15673.                  readme                           readme.info
  15674.                  wbman.mrx                        wbman.mrx.info
  15675.                                               .info
  15676.             demos.info                       docs.info
  15677.             goodies.info                     icons.info
  15678.             images.info                      install-mui
  15679.             install-mui.info                 installer433
  15680.             libs.info                        liesmich
  15681.             liesmich.info                    locale.info
  15682.             mui                              mui.info
  15683.             mui37tu1.info                    patterns.info
  15684.             presets.info                     psi
  15685.             psi.info                         readme
  15686.             readme.info                      rexx.info
  15687.           patterns (dir)
  15688.             marbledark                       tissuedark
  15689.           presets (dir)
  15690.             dirkf.prefs                      kmel_a2024.prefs
  15691.             rgb.txt                          stuntzi.prefs
  15692.             xen.prefs                        
  15693.           rexx (dir)
  15694.             mui-demo.mrx                     mui-demo.mrx.info
  15695.             readme                           readme.info
  15696.             wbman.mrx                        wbman.mrx.info
  15697.                                          .info
  15698.        demos.info                       docs.info
  15699.        goodies.info                     icons.info
  15700.        images.info                      libs.info
  15701.        liesmich                         liesmich.info
  15702.        locale.info                      mui
  15703.        mui.info                         mui_developer.info
  15704.        mui_install.info                 patterns.info
  15705.        presets.info                     psi
  15706.        psi.info                         readme
  15707.        readme.info                      rexx.info
  15708.      prefs (dir)
  15709.           env-archive (dir)
  15710.                aweb (dir)
  15711.                  browser                          network
  15712.                  program                          window
  15713.                mui (dir)
  15714.                  ibrowse.prefs                    mindwalker.prefs
  15715.                  publicscreens.iff                
  15716.                scala (dir)
  15717.                sys (dir)
  15718.                  font.prefs                       input.prefs
  15719.                  overscan.prefs                   palette.prefs
  15720.                  pointer.prefs                    screenmode.prefs
  15721.             language                         snoopdos.prefs
  15722.           patterns (dir)
  15723.             marble_classic                   patterns.db
  15724.           presets (dir)
  15725.        classact                         classact.info
  15726.        font                             font.info
  15727.        icontrol                         icontrol.info
  15728.        input                            input.info
  15729.        locale                           locale.info
  15730.        menuprefs                        newiconsprefs
  15731.        newiconsprefs.info               overscan
  15732.        overscan.info                    palette
  15733.        palette.info                     palette.prefs
  15734.        pointer                          pointer.info
  15735.        printer                          printer.info
  15736.        printergfx                       printergfx.info
  15737.        printerps                        printerps.info
  15738.        screenmode                       screenmode.info
  15739.        serial                           serial.info
  15740.        sound                            sound.info
  15741.        svprefs                          svprefs.info
  15742.        time                             time.info
  15743.        toolsprefs                       toolsprefs.info
  15744.        wbpattern                        wbpattern.info
  15745.      rexxc (dir)
  15746.        hi                               rx
  15747.        rxc                              rxlib
  15748.        rxset                            tcc
  15749.        tco                              te
  15750.        ts                               waitforport
  15751.      s (dir)
  15752.        .edrc                            amytree16.prefs
  15753.        brutab                           disclaimer.iff
  15754.        dpat                             ed-startup
  15755.        magnify.config                   pcd
  15756.        shell-startup                    spat
  15757.        startup-sequence                 subad.html
  15758.        toolsdaemon.menu                 toolsdaemon.menu.info
  15759.        user-startup                     vapor.reginfo
  15760.      system (dir)
  15761.        cli                              diskcopy
  15762.        fixfonts                         fixfonts.info
  15763.        format                           format.info
  15764.        intellifont                      intellifont.info
  15765.        nofastmem                        nofastmem.info
  15766.        shell.info                       
  15767.      temp (dir)
  15768.      tools (dir)
  15769.           commodities (dir)
  15770.             autopoint                        autopoint.info
  15771.             blanker                          blanker.info
  15772.             clicktofront                     clicktofront.info
  15773.             crossdos                         crossdos.info
  15774.             exchange                         exchange.info
  15775.             fkey                             fkey.info
  15776.             mouseblanker                     mouseblanker.info
  15777.             nocapslock                       nocapslock.info
  15778.        calculator                       calculator.info
  15779.        cmd                              cmd.info
  15780.        commodities.info                 graphicdump
  15781.        graphicdump.info                 iconedit
  15782.        iconedit.info                    initprinter
  15783.        initprinter.info                 keyshow
  15784.        keyshow.info                     lacer
  15785.        lacer.info                       memacs
  15786.        memacs.info                      prepcard
  15787.        prepcard.info                    printfiles
  15788.        printfiles.info                  showconfig
  15789.        showconfig.info                  
  15790.      utilities (dir)
  15791.        clock                            clock.info
  15792.        copynewicon                      copynewicon.info
  15793.        createdefaulticon                createdefaulticon.info
  15794.        killnewicon                      killnewicon.info
  15795.        more                             multiview
  15796.        multiview.info                   
  15797.      wbstartup (dir)
  15798.        choices                          choices.info
  15799.        exchange                         exchange.info
  15800.        multicx                          multicx.info
  15801.   -coverdisks-.info                -in_the_mag-.info
  15802.   -look_here_1st!-.info            -pd_select-.info
  15803.   -readerstuff-.info               -screenplay-.info
  15804.   -seriously_amiga-.info           ben_speaks!
  15805.   ben_speaks!.info                 disk.info
  15806.   mui.info                         prefs.info